Saturday, June 15, 2013

( Former Congressman Allen West responds to Bill Cosby's positive article ) Patcnews: June 15, 2013 The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Network Former Congressman Allen West responds to Bill Cosby's positive article © All copyrights reserved By Patcnews

When I watch this video I was surprised with how much knowledge both Fox News Sean Hannity and former U.S. Congressman from Florida Allen West have about the history of Islam, Sharia Law, Islamic doctrine and the biography of Muhammad, the false prophet of Islam. Comedian Bill Cosby came out and wrote a glowing piece about Islam and Muslims in the New York Post, and said that American and people in the west should emulate Moslems. That Muslim men treat their women great and that people in America should emulate Moslem people. Allen West tweeted his response on twitter; "Bill Cosby said we should [be] more like Muslims," West wrote. "[You] mean honor killings, beheadings, suicide bombings? Hope [you're] kidding sir." Allen West appeared on Hannity's show and in a short period explained why Islam is not perfect at all, but extremely terrible towards women and females. He mentioned honor killing in the usa, Muslim female genitalia mutilation, the death of girls in Saudi Arabia during a fire, beheadings, killing of apostates, the woolwich muder of Lee Rigby, the attacks on Christians by Boko Haram, beating of your wife, Taliban throwing acid in the face of women who show their face, not wanting girls to be educated. Hannity responds that a Muslim woman or girl needs four witnesses in a rape case in an Islamic country under shariah, no driving for women in Saudi Arabia and suicide bombings.  

 Allen West And Mai Love From U.S. Congress

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