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Sorry Randy Parraz. I guess you will have to find your next fairly elected official to target and harass since the people of Arizona have spoken yet again via your failure to gather enough signatures to over turn the their will.

Recall effort against Arizona's Sheriff Joe Arpaio fails

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Arpaio recall fails
Simon Lopez, left, and Hiliaro Islas try to collect signatures this week in Phoenix in an effort to recall Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio. The recall effort failed Thursday. (Matt York / Associated Press / May 29, 2013)

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TUCSON -- Despite a recent court ruling that the department run by Maricopa County’s top cop used racial profiling in his quest to crack down on illegal immigration, a recall effort against Sheriff Joe Arpaio has failed.
On Thursday, members of Respect Arizona and Citizens for a Better Arizona -- who launched the recall effort against Arpaio -- failed to gather the necessary 335,000 valid voter signatures by the 5 p.m. deadline. The aim was to force a recall election.
Activists behind the recall effort would not say how many signatures they were short. Randy Parraz, president of Citizens for Better Arizona, only said the two groups had collected close to 300,000 signatures.
Arpaio, reelected in November, blasted the group in a prepared statement.
“After months of name calling, after the disparaging effigies and theatrics … this latest recall effort has failed,” Arpaio said. "This effort failed because the good people of Maricopa County, whom I'm honored to serve, rejected the wrongheaded idea of overturning an election."
The groups had struggled to raise funds necessary to hire paid signature gatherers — key to these sort of efforts. Instead, the groups relied heavily on volunteers to gather signatures against the six-term  sheriff who is something of an institution in Arizona’s largest county.
Parraz, who led a successful recall against state Senate President Russell Pearce two years ago, said Thursday’s setback wouldn’t stop Arpaio's critics.
“This fight is not over,” Parraz said.
The groups gained momentum after a federal judge ruled Friday that the immigration enforcement policies employed by Arpaio  violated the Constitution.
Judge Judge G. Murray Snow found that Arpaio's deputies used racial profiling when they detained people they suspected of residing in the country illegally.
The 142-page ruling came as part of a lawsuit brought on behalf of Latino plaintiffs who accused the Maricopa County Sheriff's Office of using race as a major factor in initiating immigration enforcement stops.
Arpaio has promised to appeal the ruling.
Parraz said the movement was “vindicated” by Snow’s ruling and plans to put pressure on the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors not to fund Arpaio’s appeal.

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The individual responsible for one of the most significant leaks in US political history is Edward Snowden, a 29-year-old former technical assistant for the CIA and current employee of the defence contractor Booz Allen Hamilton. Snowden has been working at the National Security Agency for the last four years as an employee of various outside contractors, including Booz Allen and Dell.

The Guardian, after several days of interviews, is revealing his identity at his request. From the moment he decided to disclose numerous top-secret documents to the public, he was determined not to opt for the protection of anonymity. "I have no intention of hiding who I am because I know I have done nothing wrong," he said.

Snowden will go down in history as one of America's most consequential whistleblowers, alongside Daniel Ellsberg and Bradley Manning. He is responsible for handing over material from one of the world's most secretive organisations – the NSA.

In a note accompanying the first set of documents he provided, he wrote: "I understand that I will be made to suffer for my actions," but "I will be satisfied if the federation of secret law, unequal pardon and irresistible executive powers that rule the world that I love are revealed even for an instant."

Schumer: 'Illegal Immigration Will Be a Thing of the Past'


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After the U.S. Senate voted to pass the motion to proceed to floor debate on the “Gang of Eight” immigration bill, Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) claimed that this bill would solve illegal immigration and secure the border.

“Illegal immigration will be a thing of the past,” Schumer said on the Senate floor, celebrating the passage of the motion to proceed. 
Schumer complained in an impassioned and lengthy speech on the Senate floor that opponents saying the bill does not have border security “is not fair.” Schumer said giving billions of dollars to the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) will lead to increased border security, even if illegal immigrants are given amnesty first. He promised that assurances of future border security measures would be maintained.
Nonetheless, Schumer admitted the bill “is not perfect.” He pleaded with other senators, “If you have a better idea" on how to secure the border "tell us." Though Sens. John Cornyn (R-TX) and Rand Paul (R-KY) have offered outlines of amendments that would improve the border security provisions in the bill, Schumer did not say he would support them.
Schumer said the Gang of Eight would not compromise by conditioning the path to citizenship on “factors that may not ever happen” like border security. He complained that border security should not be used as a “bargaining chip.”
And while Schumer claims the bill fixes enforcement issues, he also dismissed border security as not a pressing concern.
“We don't have a problem whereby these people [illegal immigrants] are besieging us with terrorist acts,” Schumer said.
Schumer also said he has been to the border with other Gang of Eight senators and said, “it’s huge.”

Ann Coulter: Marco Rubio 'Amnesty Plan' Shows He's 'Determined To Create More Democratic Voters'

The Huffington Post  |  By Posted:   |  Updated: 01/31/2013 9:17 pm EST
The conservative knives are coming out against Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) over his support for a bipartisan comprehensive immigration blueprint.
On Wednesday, commentator Ann Coulter penned a column for Human Events accusing Rubio of pushing a plan that would "create more Democratic voters" by providing a pathway to citizenship for millions of undocumented immigrants.
"Rubio’s bill is nothing but amnesty. It isn't even 'amnesty thinly disguised as border enforcement,'" Coulter wrote. "This is a wolf in wolf's clothing."
According to Coulter, the "phony" plan could turn the entire nation Democratic-leaning, like California, by adding millions of Latino voters who would be inclined to vote Democratic.
"The vast majority of illegal aliens are Hispanic, and Hispanics have a higher teen birthrate than any other ethnic group," Coulter writes. "In California, a majority of all Hispanic births are illegitimate. That’s a lot of Democratic voters coming."
While Coulter acknowledges the "enforcement first" claims in the "gang of eight" plan, she said she believes it will ultimately invite more people to cross the border illegally, in turn making it harder to secure.
As HuffPost's Elise Foley reports, the Senate proposal would give undocumented immigrants already living in the country a pathway to citizenship, but it would be difficult:
They could immediately gain provisional status, but certain border enforcement provisions would need to be implemented before any could receive green cards and eventual citizenship. Though they referred to it as a pathway to citizenship, the senators behind the plan argue it is not amnesty given the arduous requirements and the fact that it would be tied to border enforcement.
A number of conservatives have met the Senate's framework with caution this week, but Coulter's dismissive tone echoes one taken by other GOP lawmakers.
On Monday, Rep. Lou Barletta (R-Pa.) suggested that any GOP effort to give citizenship to undocumented Latino immigrants was misguided, claiming that they were mostly unskilled, uneducated and inherently drawn to the Democratic party due to their supposed government dependence.
And Sen. David Vitter (R-La.) called Rubio "amazingly naive" and "nuts" for cooperating on an effort that he said could be boiled down to "amnesty." Sens. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) and Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.) have also criticized the plan.
While a certain wing of the GOP has expressed their doubts, sometimes colorfully, Rubio managed to win the approval of radio host Rush Limbaugh, who after an interview with the Florida Republican, heaped praise on the immigration reform push.

Ann Coulter Turns On Marco Rubio

Jan 30, 2013 6:45pm
cc coulter guns 130115 wblog Ann Coulter Turns On Marco Rubio
Gage Skidmore/Flickr
Marco Rubio has been selling a bipartisan plan on immigration, but Ann Coulter isn’t buying it.
One day after Rubio entered the conservative lion’s den to talk immigration reform on Rush Limbaugh’s radio show, Coulter blasted the GOP senator in a Human Events column.
“Some Republicans seem determined to create more Democratic voters, too. That will be the primary result of Sen. Marco Rubio’s amnesty plan,” Coulter wrote. She was voicing a campaign-politics concern that Limbaugh also alluded to, that allowing unauthorized immigrants to apply for citizenship would legalize 11.2 million new Democratic voters. Democrats only want immigration reform, the theory goes, in order to expand their voter base.
Coulter writes:
Rubio’s bill is nothing but amnesty. It isn’t even “amnesty thinly disguised as border enforcement.” This is a wolf in wolf’s clothing.
Despite all the blather about how Rubio demands “Enforcement First!” the very first thing his proposal does is make illegal aliens legal. (Don’t call them “illegal aliens”!)
… and blames California’s budget problems on Hispanic voters, warning that the nation will go bankrupt if Rubio has his way:
With Hispanics on track to become the largest ethnic group in California this year, the state that gave us Richard Nixon and Ronald Reagan is incapable of electing any Republican statewide anymore. Taxes keep going up, and there’s no one left to pay the bill.
That will be our entire country if Republicans fall for Rubio’s phony “Enforcement First!” plan. Perplexingly, some Republicans seem determined to turn the whole nation into California, in the foolish hope of winning one last election.
The “amnesty” label is a tough one to shed, and if that gets attached to the bipartisan Gang of Eight bill that Rubio is pushing, the Florida senator could have a much tougher time selling it to his fellow conservatives.

Ann Coulter Calls Immigration Reform ‘End Of America' In Anti-Rubio Column

The Huffington Post  |  Posted:
Right-wing pundit Ann Coulter re-affirmed her opposition to immigration reform Wednesday in a column saying the passage of the recently proposed bill would be “the end of America.”
Though the immigration reform proposal was written by a bipartisan group of eight senators, Coulters seems to have it in for Cuban-American Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fl.) in particular.
She accuses Rubio of lying about whether the reform will secure the border or whether the government will generate more tax revenue, and accuses Rubio of leading a cynical Republican drive to score political points with Latinos.
“If you think Republicans are Hispandering now, wait until the children of 20 million illegal aliens start to vote,” Coulter writes. “Rubio's amnesty isn't just bad for America, it's the end of America.”
Coulter grossly overestimates the size of the undocumented population, as she’s been known to do in the past.
An estimated 11.1 million undocumented immigrants live in the United States as of 2011, according to the Pew Hispanic Center. The rate of immigration from Mexico currently stands at net zero or less.
Most economists agree that immigration reform will have a positive economic impact on the country, though mass immigration also increases job competition in some sectors with the native born.
"There are many ways to debate immigration, but when it comes to economics, there isn't much of a debate at all," Adam Davidson, the co-founder of Planet Money, wrote in the New York Times Magazine in February. "Nearly all economists, of all political persuasions, agree that immigrants -- those here legally or not -- benefit the overall economy."
In contrast to the Associated Press’ recent decision to abandon the term “illegal immigrant,” Coulter refers to the undocumented with the disparaging term “illegals” five times in the 800-word piece.
Coulter has inaccurately portrayed Latinos as dumb, lazy, and welfare-dependent in a series of articles since the reelection of President Barack Obama in November.

Reid: Boehner's Openness to Immigration Bill 'Music to my Ears'


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During an interview that aired on June 11, Speaker of the House John Boehner (R-OH) said when it comes to immigration reform, he is going to "ensure that all members on both sides have a fair shot at their ideas." According to Politico, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) said this was "music" to his "ears."

Boehner said giving everyone a chance has been his method of running the House as Speaker to date, and that he was not going to change now. "[I've done this] more than any Speaker in modern history, to the point that there are some bills that have passed--with a majority of Democrats--in favor, and a minority of Republicans."
The Speaker has received considerable criticism for breaking the Hastert Rule, under which a bill is not to pass without a "majority of the majority." Boehner's aides dismiss this criticism, saying Speaker Denny Hastert broke the rule even though it was named after him.
Boehner believes there will be new immigration laws in place by the end of 2013.
Follow AWR Hawkins on Twitter @AWRHawkins.


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