Monday, May 6, 2013

( Bill O'Reilly Bashes Michele Bachmann For Criticizing Obama's White House )Patcnews: May 6, 2013 The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Network Reports Bill O'Reilly Bashes Michele Bachmann For Criticizing Obama's White House © All copyrights reserved By Patcnews

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Letter For 
Mark Eberle

What if our brave soldiers were told they couldn't practice their religion? That they were able to fight for OUR religious freedoms but they couldn't practice their own?

Michele Bachmann This may seem far-fetched, but unfortunately if some get their wish, it could soon become a reality.

You see, just last week Pentagon officials met with left-wing, anti-Christian activists to discuss military issues. And one of their biggest concerns? Not military readiness... Not sexual assault... Not the safety of our brave men and women... But religion and religious proselytizing in the military.

How radical are these anti-Christian activists consulting with the Pentagon? One of the activists in the meeting compared sharing the gospel to "spiritual rape" and "treason" that should be "punished."

After the meeting, the Air Force published a document declaring that leaders of all levels, including chaplains, may not "promote their personal religious beliefs to their subordinates or to extend preferential treatment for any religion." And the penalty these activists are seeking for those who don't comply? A court-martial.

Mark, this policy must be stopped now before it moves forward. How can we take away religious freedom from our troops when they are fighting to protect ours?

I have created the Protect Religious Freedom in the Military Pledge, and I hope you will join me by adding your name.

If you agree that we cannot and should not prevent our military from practicing their own faith, then I hope you will sign the pledge and afterwards forward to your friends and family.

You can count on me to always fight for our troops. I will not rest until this is addressed and made right.

Please show your support by signing the Protect Religious Freedom in the Military Pledge now.


Michele Bachmann
Michele Bachmann

P.S. We owe our freedom to our troops. The very fact that we are able to live in this great country is thanks to the troops both current and present. Today we must stand up and support our troops and show them we will not stand for this injustice. I hope after you sign the Protect Religious Freedom in the Military Pledge you will support my campaign so I can have the funds necessary to continue fighting for religious liberty and our troops. Thanks.
GUEST EXPERT INTERVIEW REQUEST- 2013-05-13 14:10:00-04

Solo Pro Radio is looking for Experts in Facets of Solo-Based Self Employment

Our guests are forward-thinking experts on all things self-employment for the solo-based professional: income streams (NO MLM Please!); business models; internet business practices; marketing and client acquisition... You're welcome to promote yourself, services and events at the end of the show, but please have some useful nuggets for out...

GUEST EXPERT INTERVIEW REQUEST- 2013-05-13 16:45:00-04

Linda N. Baron-Katz, Featured Guest Expert, Peer Mental Health Advisor and Author

Linda N. Baron-Katz, Peer Mental Health Advisor and Author, would like to share that there is hope and recovery from a disability like mental illness. In her new book, SURVIVING MENTAL ILLNESS, MY STORY, Linda describes the heartbreaks and challenges that she had to cope with in dealing with a mental illness, like bipolar disorder, and how she...

GUEST EXPERT INTERVIEW REQUEST- 2013-05-14 08:20:00-04

The Authors Show is looking to Interview Expert Authors

At this time we accept requests in the fiction genre as well as nonfiction, children and Christian. We invite authors to submit the interview request form at the bottom of our show page at for fiction books. Other book genre, please navigate to the correct show category once you get to the main show page. Interviews are...

GUEST EXPERT INTERVIEW REQUEST- 2013-05-14 09:05:00-04

School for Startups Radio, Entrepreneur Radio Show, seeks Expert Guests

Entrepreneurs who have succeeded in their given fields or professionals with careers that are dedicated to helping entrepreneurs and the SMB market. We want to talk about your business and make you look good. Name of Your Show * School for Startups Radio Show Description * The show is unscripted -- dedicated to learning about you and your work,...

GUEST EXPERT INTERVIEW REQUEST- 2013-05-14 10:17:00-04

The Triumph Challenge, We Challenge Over-comers, Survivors and Experts to Speak Out

We would to speak with those affected personally, specifically those affected by domestic violence surviving near death, an abuser was charged, or an abused served time in prison after self-defense. We would like to speak with sexual abuse survivors who questioned sexuality, attempted suicide, endured alcohol or drug abuse. We would also love to...


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Significant Developments in Terror Threats Since 9/11, Officials Say

VIDEO: Al Qaeda seen using new methods to recruit members within the United States.

The nation's top counterterrorism officials were blunt. The threat from within---of Americans willing to commit terrorist acts--- is growing. FBI Director Robert S. Mueller III told a congressional hearing today that a spike in recent terrorism cases is direct evidence of the evolving threat.
"Groups affiliated with al Qaeda are now actively targeting the United States and looking to use Americans or Westerners who are able to remain undetected by heightened security measures," Mueller said. "It appears domestic extremism and radicalization appears to have become more pronounced based on the number of disruptions and incidents."
Mueller appeared before the Senate Homeland Security and Government Affairs committee along with Department of Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano and National Counterterrorism Chief Michael Leiter.
"Homegrown terrorists represent a new and changing facet of the terrorist threat." Napolitano said, "To be clear, by homegrown, I mean terrorist operatives who are U.S. persons, and who were radicalized in the United States."
The officials all pointed to a series of recent incidents that show that al Qaeda, its affiliates and associates were more active than ever.
"During the past year our nation has dealt with the most significant developments in the terrorist threat to the Homeland since 9/11," Leiter told the committee. "The attack threats are now more complex, and the diverse array of threats tests our ability to respond, and makes it difficult to predict where the next attack may come.
Richard Clarke on U.S. Security Watch Video
9/11 Nine Years Later Watch Video
Homegrown Terror: American Teen Turned Radical Watch Video
The attacks cited included:
The disruption of a plot to bomb the New York City subway by Najibullah Zazi, a naturalized U.S. citizen, last September.
The attack at Ft Hood Texas by gunman Army Maj. Nidal Hassan which resulted in 13 people killed and over 30 wounded.
The attempted Christmas Day bombing of Northwest Airlines flight 253 by alleged al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula operative Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab.
The averted May 1 bombing in Times Square by Faisal Shahzad.

Officials: Internet Is Powerful Recruiting Tool

Hassan, Abdulmutallab and Shahzad are all believed to have links or have been influenced by radical Muslim cleric Anwar Awlaki, a Yemeni-American who has moved from a propagandist for al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula to an operational role, active in attack planning. Those three were far from alone. In the past two years over 60 Americans have been arrested or convicted on terrorism charges.
Shortly after the Zazi case was disrupted, the FBI conducted a series of sting operations that showed the increase in the number of individuals in the U.S. willing to take action on behalf of terrorist groups.
In Dallas, Hosam Maher Husain Smadi, an illegal immigrant from Jordan, placed what he thought was a powerful car bomb in the parking garage of a Dallas office building.
The FBI also conducted a sting and arrested Michael Finton, who authorities say converted to Islam in prison. Finton allegedly drove a van he believed was carrying a ton of explosives and parked it in front of the federal courthouse in Springfield, Ill.
Sen. Joseph Lieberman (I-CT), the chairman of the committee said, "These attacks and others show the full range of threats we now face from lone wolves."
Leiter, the head of the National Counterterrorism Center, said that the vast array of terrorist propaganda on the Internet was having an influence in driving individuals in the United States to turn to potential acts of terrorism.
Describing the power of the Internet and its use as a recruiting tool, Leiter said, "A blend of al Qaeda inspiration, perceived victimization, and glorification of past plotting, has become increasingly accessible through the Internet, and English-language websites are tailored to address the unique concerns of US-based extremists."

Retired Army Officer: DHS Must Surrender Their War Weapons to Dept. of Defense

Posted by Jim Hoft on Sunday, March 24, 2013, 10:51 AM

capt dhs
Captain Terry M. Hestilow, United States Army, Retired (Examiner)
On Saturday March 23, Terry M. Hestilow, a retired Army officer with nearly 30 years of service under his belt, posted this letter he sent to Sen. John Cornyn (R-TX) this week. Hestilow wants DHS to hand over their war weapons to the Department of Defense.
The Honorable Senator John Cornyn, State of Texas
United States Senate
517 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20510

Re: Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and that agencies preparation for war against citizens of the United States of America
Dear Senator Cornyn,
It is with gravest concern that I write to you today concerning the recent appropriation of weapons by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) that can only be understood as a bold threat of war by that agency, and the Obama administration, against the citizens of the United States of America. To date, DHS has been unwilling to provide to you, the elected representatives of the People, justification for recent purchases of almost 3,000 mine-resistant ambush-protected (MRAP) armored personnel carriers, 1.6 billion rounds of ammunition (with associated weapons), and other weapons systems, when, in fact, the DHS has no war mission or war making authority within the limits of the United States of America.
Significant is the fact that at the same time the Obama administration is arming his DHS for war within the limits of the United States against the People of the United States in accordance with his 2008 campaign speech claiming,
“We cannot continue to rely only on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives that we’ve set. We’ve gotta (sic) have a civilian national security force that’s just as powerful, just as strong, just as well funded [as the United States military]”–Candidate Barack Obama, 2008.
The Obama administration is deliberately defunding, overextending, and hollowing the Department of Defense; the only legitimate agency of the U.S. government with a war mission.
This act of the Obama administration stands as a glaring threat of war against our nation’s citizens!
This act of the Obama administration can only be understood as a tyrannical threat against the Constitution of the United States of America! If left unresolved, the peace loving citizens who have sworn to defend the United States Constitution “against all enemies, both foreign and domestic” are left no option except to prepare to defend themselves, and the U.S. Constitution, against this Administration’s “coup” against the People and the foundations of liberty fought for and defended for the past 238 years. We have no choice if we honor our oaths.

The only proper response to this threat against the American people is for the representatives of the People, the members of the U.S. House and Senate, to demand in clear terms that the Administration cannot ignore, that the Department of Homeland Security immediately surrender their newly appropriated weapons of war to the Department of Defense (DoD). Further, since the DHS has assumed a position in the Administration to enforce the tyrannical acts of this president against the People of the United States against the limits of the United States Constitution, it remains for the United States Congress to exercise its limiting power in the balancing of powers established by our founding fathers, to disestablish and dissolve the DHS as soon as possible. One needs only to look to the rise of Adolf Hitler, and his associated DHS organizations, the SA and the SS, of 1932-1934, to see the outcome of allowing an agency of government this kind of control over the free citizens of a nation. The people of Germany could not have imagined, until it was too late, the danger of allowing a tyrant this kind of power. We must not be so naïve as to think it will not happen to us as well if we remain passive toward this power grab by the Marxist Obama administration!
Finally, for more than two centuries the nation has lived in peace at home because of the protections of our legitimate military and the many appropriate state and federal law enforcement agencies, supported by Constitutional courts. We stand today at a cross-road. Will we allow this present Administration to overthrow our United States Constitution and its legal processes to amend injustices, or, will we honor our obligations to defend the Constitution against a “domestic” enemy? Our Constitution lays out the proper methods of resolving our differences; and it does not include its overthrow by a rogue agency of a Marxist leadership at home. You, sir, are our constitutionally elected agent to defend our Constitution at home. We are counting upon you. We remain aware, however, of this present threat and will not expose ourselves as an easy prey to the authors of the destruction of our nation.
I know that this letter demands much of you. We elected you because we, the citizens of the State of Texas, believe that you are up to the task at hand and will, against all threats, honor your oath and office. We are also writing to your fellow members of the House and Senate to stand in integrity with the Constitution and against this present threat by the Obama administration and his DHS.
We refuse to surrender our Constitution or our nation!
Captain Terry M. Hestilow
United States Army, Retired
Fort Worth, Texas
March 23, 2013


Why are we importing jihad invaders?

Exclusive: Pamela Geller calls for immediate halt of immigration by Muslims

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The Washington Times reported Sunday that “the Homeland Security Department has granted legal status to 99.2 percent of all illegal immigrants who have applied under President Obama’s new non-deportation policy for young adults, according to the latest numbers released Friday.”
It’s another giant middle finger to the American people by the Obama administration, endangering national security and guaranteeing higher unemployment. Supporters of this policy, according to the Times, “say the high rate makes sense given the motivated pool of youngsters, known as ‘Dreamers’ because of the Dream Act legislation that would give them full citizenship rights.”
Yes, the motivated pool of youngsters like Al Harbi, the Saudi “person of interest” whose role in the Boston Marathon jihad bombing has never been adequately explained, and Tamerlan Tsarnaev, the Boston jihad bomber himself, or Khalid Ali-M Aldawsari (building bombs to use on the home of George W. Bush, hydroelectric dams, nuclear power plants, nightclubs and the homes of soldiers) or Ahmed Ferhani and Mohamed Mamdouh (who plotted to bomb a New York synagogue and the Empire State Building) or Amine El Khalifi (who plotted a suicide bombing plot of U.S. Capitol) or Mohammad Rezwanul Ahsan Nafis (who plotted to bomb the Manhattan office of the Federal Reserve Bank) and so many other highly motivated youngsters.
We have been importing jihadists for years now with Muslim immigration programs under the Refugee Resettlement program, diversity visas and religious visas. The Refugee Council USA says: “The U.S. has historically maintained a policy of admitting refugees of special humanitarian concern into the country.” Yet what that means in practice is very different from what most Americans would expect. It’s always a shock to people when they first find out how Refugee Resettlement works. Instead of giving refuge to the religious minorities that are persecuted, oppressed and subjugated under the Shariah, we are opening the floodgates to Islamic supremacists and jihadists.
And what most folks don’t know is that it’s the OIC-driven U.N. that decides who gets refugee status. The U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) determines which of the world’s “huddled masses” comes to the U.S. as humanitarian refugees. According to a 2008 report (and little has changed since then), “major refugee ‘hot spots’ include the Horn of Africa with Somalia, Darfur in the Sudan and Ethiopia, Iraq, Pakistan and Myanmar. The U.S. is the third-highest ranked country in terms of hosting refugees. The annual budget for the UNHCR is over $1.7 billion derived from government contributions, foundation grants and donations.”
Here’s the thing. Anthony Kimery reported in Homeland Security Today last week that “the threat of ‘homegrown’ and foreign jihadist groups and individuals plotting mass casualty attacks on U.S. soil has not weakened, despite degradation of al-Qaida Central (AQC). … Authorities said there is an exceptionally ‘heightened concern’ regarding intelligence that the successful radicalization of Muslims and new converts to jihad in the U.S. and throughout the West who’ve been involved in mass casualty plots and plotting has resulted in inspiring of a legion of ‘inspired’ new jihadists, many of whom are ‘quite willing’ to carry out mass casualty attacks, including suicide martyr attacks.”
This is a direct result of the huge influx of whole Muslim communities from jihad areas and nations into the U.S. since 9/11. The Obama administration is importing whole Muslim communities from Islamic countries like Somalia. The “diversity” immigration numbers are doubling, tripling in some months. This immigration must stop. Many of these devout Muslims do not assimilate. They agitate for jihad, and many return to Somalia (or Pakistan, Afghanistan) for training. Why are we importing hostile invaders?
We should be importing whole Christian communities or Hindu communities, etc., that are living (and dying) under the boot of the Shariah. I know several people (Jews among them) who are trying to get out of Europe and Canada, and they are prohibited from emigrating. These include the best of people, businessmen (who would bring jobs), doctors, etc. They have met years of red tape and denial. Further, I must field three or four emails a day from former Muslims in Egypt, Mauritania, Gaza, etc., begging me to help them escape their dangerous circumstances. Again, brick wall.
But jihadists with “insurgent histories”? Welcome. Why? “Refugee resettlement.”
My organization, the American Freedom Defense Initiative (AFDI), has called for an immediate halt of immigration by Muslims into nations that do not currently have a Muslim majority population, and with good reason. There is no chance of that being implemented anytime soon. But it may one day soon become a matter of our National Survival.

Vandals deface cross at veteran memorial

Petition to SAVE the Coos Bay Oregon Vietnam Veteran Memorial

We are nearing 20,000 petition signers.

Please sign our Facebook petition and share it around to YOUR family and friends

 Just a week
before Memorial Day 2013...

Vandals deface cross at veteran memorial

 COOS BAY -- A cross in a public park in Coos Bay that has been at the center of a controversy over religious symbols in public places has been vandalized. Police say someone wrote the word "Remove" in the middle of the cross and a dotted line at its base with word "cut" above and an arrow pointing to the line.
The cross is atop a war memorial installed in Mingus Park since 1972.
Police told The World newspaper that the vandalism was discovered Monday morning, and there were no immediate suspects.
The city received a letter in February from the Wisconsin-based Freedom from Religion Foundation demanding the cross be removed because it violates constitutional prohibitions against religious symbols on public property.
The city is looking into the legal issues.


Should we be upset by Obama’s latest remarks on Las Vegas?


Reader poll

Are you upset over Obama's latest remark about Las Vegas?

Obama's remark about Las Vegas

Mayor Reacts to Obama

Mayor Goodman reacts to President Obama's comments about Las Vegas.

Here we go again — time to crank up the outrage machine.
For the second time in less than a year, President Barack Obama made an offhand swipe at Las Vegas.
Last time, he said there should be no Vegas junkets for banks that had received government bailout money.
That was bad enough. But Tuesday, at a New Hampshire town hall, he added insult to injury, implying that Las Vegas is a place of profligacy.
“When times are tough, you tighten your belts,” he said.
“You don’t go buying a boat when you can barely pay your mortgage,” a lesson lost on untold Las Vegans last decade. “You don’t blow a bunch of cash on Vegas when you’re trying to save for college. You prioritize. You make tough choices. And it’s time your government did the same.”
Nevermind that Obama made his remarks defending a budget that will saddle future Americans with $1.5 trillion of debt. The real outrage? Suggesting that blowing money in Vegas instead of saving for college is a bad idea.
Here is where Las Vegas and the rest of the country part ways: We’ve built an entire industry, indeed, an entire city, around out-of-towners blowing their discretionary income, and lately they have less of it, and are less eager to part with it.
Nevada’s elected representatives responded quickly and forcefully to Obama’s remarks, pumping out news releases and sound bites like Model T’s from a 1920s Ford plant.
“The president needs to lay off Las Vegas and stop making it the poster child for where people shouldn’t be spending their money,” said Sen. Harry Reid, the Democratic majority leader who has been tasked with shepherding Obama’s agenda on Capitol Hill.
“How dare he insult any American city,” scolded Gov. Jim Gibbons before meeting with Nevada school superintendents in Carson City to tell them to expect 10 percent budget cuts. “I’m writing a letter to him today telling him to tone down or temper his remarks about Las Vegas. This is another slap in the face of the hardworking families in Nevada.”
When the story broke on the Web, the press secretary for one Nevada member of Congress double-checked to make sure the Sun had received his release expressing shocked outrage.
Not to worry. Reps. Shelley Berkley, Dina Titus and Dean Heller: All satisfactorily outraged.
Las Vegas Mayor Oscar Goodman, who once extolled the joys of gin to some fourth-graders and defended the likes of mobster thug Tony Spilotro in court, said Obama is no friend of Las Vegas and has “psychological hangups” about our city.
The mayor said he would “give him the boot back to Washington to visit his failures back there” and called Obama “a real slow learner.”
If Obama didn’t have hang-ups about Las Vegas before, he will now.
After cleaning up his mess last spring by saying “(T)here’s nothing like a quick trip to Vegas in the middle of the week,” Obama had to grovel again Tuesday, no doubt after an angry call from Reid.
The president has a subtle sense of humor and has always chafed at some of the more absurd rituals of politics, like, say, having to apologize for suggesting that people saving for college shouldn’t be blowing money on Vegas.
His letter to Reid on Tuesday had the tone of a schoolchild caught eating paste or making fun of a portly cousin:
“I hope you know that during my Town Hall today, I wasn’t saying anything negative about Las Vegas. I was making the simple point that families use vacation dollars, not college tuition money, to have fun. There is no better place to have fun than Vegas, one of our country’s great destinations. I have always enjoyed my visits, look forward to visiting in a few weeks, and hope folks will visit in record numbers this year.”
Not an apology, exactly, but a pretty nice endorsement.
At this rate, by the time he’s finished with his presidency, Obama could be a full-time pitchman for the Las Vegas Convention and Visitors Authority.
(Before the non-apology endorsement, the LVCVA put out its own statement of gentle protest.)
What’s missing here is a fundamental truth of human experience: We never appear to others as we appear to ourselves.
“When people ask where you’re from and you say, ‘Las Vegas,’ people’s eyes light up,” says Bo Bernhard, a lifelong Nevadan who studies and teaches the sociology of gambling and Las Vegas at UNLV. “It conjures up the same imagery: A passion for consumption, fun and entertainment and using your money to achieve all that.”
Southern Nevadans, most of whom live normal, suburban lives, may sometimes forget how the rest of the country views us — there’s the prostitution, which they mistakenly think is legal, the gambling, the 24-hour partying.
Seen in this light, Obama’s remark is barely controversial, a typical throwaway line that will evince yawns among most Americans.
Bernhard said he always asks his students the reaction they get when they tell friends and family in other places that they go to UNLV; the students react passionately, he said, sharing their experiences of friends and relatives mocking the notion of serious intellectual inquiry in Las Vegas.
“I’ve lectured on six continents, and it’s remarkable the degree to which that reputation is pervasive, in part because we sold it,” he said.
Jennifer Duffy, an analyst for the Cook Political Report, pondered the political fallout. The remark was bad for Reid because his re-election message is that his influence and proximity to the White House will help Nevada, but then Obama goes and steps on his feet.
As for Obama, it won’t amount to much, Duffy said.
In the politics business, there’s a saying, she quipped, “Stereotypes exist because they’re true.”
“Like it or not, the image of Las Vegas is that of a place you go to have a very self-indulgent vacation. He played a stereotype. It’s not unusual.”
New Yorkers and their banking industry, also struggling to see that the rest of the country views them differently than they view themselves, aren’t happy with their portrayal either, but that won’t stop elected officials from banging away at Wall Street.
Rob Lang, a UNLV sociologist, said Obama is wrongheaded, both on the merits, and the politics.
He notes that in a tough re-election campaign, Obama could need Nevada if a few big states such as Ohio and Florida leave his coalition, as now seems possible. These remarks surely aren’t helping him with voters here, Lang said.
Moreover, Lang said, Obama is incorrect in thinking that Las Vegas is a place of mere indulgence and fun.
Obama should know as much — he was here 20 times during the campaign, almost always off the Strip.
“It’s not a true junket city. It’s not the Caribbean or Santa Barbara,” Lang said of Vegas. “If you’ve been at a giant convention here for electronics or homebuilders or shopping centers, you know this is business, and people are making deals and working hard.”
The beauty of Las Vegas, Lang said, is that conventioneers can leave work and have fun in the evening, rather than being “stuck at the Indianapolis airport Ramada.”

Read more:

Harry Reid and the Democrats' New McCarthyism -
Voting on the DISCLOSE Act in ONE HOUR!

The Democrats are running scared, fearful of the impact grassroots activists will have in November. With the DISCLOSE Act, which will go into effect almost immediately, in time for the November elections, they will be able to effectively and legally shut down our efforts to kick them out of office. The effort to silence us before the elections is tantamount to a witch hunt as they are exempting the huge special interests and unions! Read this email carefully for more information about this bill and then please make some phone calls NOW and tell them to VOTE NO!!


From our friends at Freedom Action about this speech violating bill:

Even if somehow the speech restrictions in this bill were constitutional, their uneven application would be a violation of the Fourteenth Amendment’s equal protection under the law. Even the left-leaning Sierra Club has labeled the DISCLOSE Act a two-tiered system that is “unfair and undemocratic" and that smaller grass-roots organizations would be disadvantaged because they lack the resources to cope with "the additional disclosure burdens." The unions and the big non-profit groups get to keep their free speech given to them in the January Supreme Court decision, but the corporations and small non-profits lose theirs under DISCLOSE.

Also, President Obama and some Democrats are dishonestly stating that the Court’s decision would “open the floodgates for special interest, including foreign corporations, to spend without limit in our elections.” However, current federal law and Federal Election Commission regulations already ban foreign corporations from participating directly or indirectly in American elections. (see 2 U.S.C. § 441e and 2 U.S.C. 437g).

Here’s an example of how this bill could affect your tea party group:

Exampleville, Ohio has two people running for U.S. Congress—Mr. A and Mr. B—in what promises to be a close race. Exampleville’s local Tea Party believes in Mr. B. The Tea Party wants to run ads highlighting Mr. B’s stance on cap and trade, federal spending, increased taxation, etc, but they don’t have enough money to fulfill the new highly complex reporting requirements from DISCLOSE. And DISCLOSE would force them to list their top donors, even if they are not necessarily the specific donors to the ads, in their ads. Besides, the disclaimers required could take up to 14 of a 30 second ad. The Tea Party gives up trying to run ads to support Mr. Republican.

In contrast, Mr. A has some well-funded unions who want to see Exampleville’s factories unionized, so the unions run ads against Mr. B and ads for Mr. A. Also, the Sierra Club and the ACLU (groups actually opposed to DISCLOSE) want Mr. A to support their issues, so they also run ads for Mr. A. None of these ads are subject to DISCLOSE’s requirements.

Guess who wins?

(For those interested, here’s a good link with information on the actual language and problems with the DISCLOSE bill, click here:

The DISCLOSE Act exempts unions and very large special interest groups!! And the little guy is left without a voice.

Senators to call: Scott Brown (R-MA)
DC: (T) (202) 224-4543, (F) (202) 228-2646 

Olympia Snowe (R-ME)
DC: (T) (202) 224-5344, Toll free (800) 432-1599, (F) (202) 224-1946

Susan Collins (R-ME)

Washington DC: (T) (202) 224-2523, (F) (202) 224-2693

Ben Nelson (D-NE)
Washington DC: (T) (202) 224-6551, (F) (202) 228-0012

Evan Bayh (D-IN)
Washington DC: (T) (202) 224-5623, (F) (202) 228-1377

Kent Conrad (D-ND)
Washintong DC: (T) (202) 224-2043, (F) (202) 224-7776

In Liberty,
Liberty Belle

Photo Credit: John Shinkle/POLITICO
Rep. Michele Bachmann urged the viewers of Glenn Beck’s show to “melt the phone lines” on immigration because currently, conservatives are “losing badly.”
The Minnesota Republican appeared on Beck’s show on TheBlaze TV on Thursday with Reps. Steve King (R-Iowa) and Louie Gohmert (R-Texas) to talk about how Republicans “don’t even know” they’re in a fight over the bill yet.

Read more:


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