Friday, May 17, 2013

( Mike Kelly Receives Standing Ovation ) Patcnews May 17, 2013 The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Network Reports Rep. Mike Kelly Receives Standing Ovation at Ways & Means Hearing on IRS Scandal © All copyrights reserved By Patcnews

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Below please find a special message from 
one of our sponsors, Capitol Hill Daily
They have important information to share
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Obamacare Just Killed its Millionth Person...

Dear Concerned Citizen,

The eleventh hour is upon us.

In the coming weeks, the full impact of 
Obamacare will take effect.

I've seen what's coming and it's scary. It's 
a lethal dose of socialism being injected 
directly into the heart of the American 
health insurance market.

Heck, it's already wreaking havoc. By our 
estimates, Obamacare has already killed a 
million people by further straining an 
already weak healthcare system.

It's NOT too late to fight back, though!

In a moment, I'm going to ask you to help 
me repeal Obamacare before it's too late. 

You see, I'm petitioning Senate Democrats
 along with the President to kill 
Obamacare for good.

So if you're on the side of personal 

Small government...

And free markets...

I urge you to join me in the fight.

By government mandate, once we hit 
100,000 signatures in 30 days, the 
prevailing administration MUST
  consider our demands.

Even Obamacare's most staunch 
supporters are beginning to crack, 
signaling that now is the perfect time to

But I need your help to pull off this
historic victory.

Just click the link below.

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Daily where we'll rush to you (via email)
 simple instructions on how to participate
 in this landmark repeal effort.

Capitol Hill Daily already reaches over
125,000 readers. And it's through this 
flagship publication that I'll communicate 
our progress toward repealing 

Time is a luxury we no longer have...


Martin Biancuzzo

Senior Correspon
dent, Capitol Hill Daily is forwarding this

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Obama scandals killing his minion media

MSNBC, Fox News head in opposite directions for ratings

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 Rachel Maddow of MSNBC

Barack Obama is not the only one feeling 

the heat from a series of recent scandals.

Apparently, news media generally 

sympathetic to the president’s agenda are 

plunging as well.

According to, “after 

double-digit gains during last year’s 

presidential election, May 13-17 saw the 

progressive-aligned [MSNBC] hit new 


as the IRS scandal erupted and 

revelations that the Justice Department 

secretly obtained AP records became 


MSNBC recorded its least-watched and 

lowest-rated total-day results of the year 

last week, with 350,000 viewers on 

average and 94,000 in the adults 25-54 


According to ratings data from Nielsen, 

that was also the lowest total-day 

demographic result the network 

experienced since the week of June 

26-July 2, 2006, when MSNBC attracted 

only 83,000 viewers among adults 25-54.

MSNBC’s total day results last week 

plummeted 17 percent in viewers and 22 

percent among the demographic from the 

comparable May 14 to May 18 week of 



And during primetime viewing in the 

evening, the picture was even worse, as 

MSNBC’s steady decline from the start of 

2013 continued.

“The network had 570,000 total viewers 

and 159,000 in the demo from 8-11 PM 

from May 13 to May 17, 2013. That’s the 

lowest-rated week of the year so far for 

MSNBC in terms of viewers and the third-

lowest of 2013 in the demo,” reported 


“The week of May 6-12 was worst in the 

demo with 148,000 viewers when the 

network had 604,000 viewers on average. 

These latest results come as the news 

network’s recently launched and 


‘All In With Chris Hayes’ hit a new 

viewership low of 396,000 and its second-

lowest demo audience of just 88,000 on 

May 14. It also comes on the heels of 

MSNBC falling in April ratings from its 

second place ranking of the year before.”

Meanwhile, the news is much brighter for 

the top-rated Fox News Channel, which 

brought in 1.491 million total day viewers 

and 283,000 in the demo last week.

“That’s Fox News’ second-most-watched 

week of the year after the week of the 

Boston Marathon bombings,” said 


Patten of Deadline.

“FNC had 2.396 million total viewers and 

356,000 among adults 25-54 in primetime 

from May 13-17. That’s a 1 percent demo 

drop in total day and a 10 percent drop in 

primetime compared to the same frame 

last year. However it is a 31 percent total 

day viewership rise and a 17 percent 

primetime audience lift over the 

comparable week of May 14-18, 2012.”

Phil Griffin, president at MSNBC, said 

earlier this year his goal was to beat Fox 

News in the 

ratings  by 2014, after having surpassed 

CNN in 2012, as well as in February of 



But last week, MSNBC finished in fourth 

place after Fox News Channel, CNN and 

Headline News 

in viewers and among adults 25-54 last week.

Deadline noted that during primetime last 

week, MSNBC beat CNN’s 544,000 total 

viewers to snag third place but came 

fourth in the demographic after FNC, HLN 

and CNN And Hash Tag #FakeNews  


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