Thursday, April 11, 2013

( Congress If I Only Had a Brain - By The Wizard of Oz ) Patcnews April 11, 2013 The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Network Reports Congress If I Only Had a Brain - By The Wizard of Oz MGM Movie CLIP (1939) HD © All copyrights reserved By Patcnews

Obama Blames U.S. For Gun Violence In Mexico

"Most of the guns used to commit violence here in Mexico come from the United States," President Obama said during a speech at Mexico's Anthropology Museum. "I think many of you know that in America, our Constitution guarantees our individual right to bear arms. And as president, I swore an oath to uphold that right, and I always will."

"But at the same time, as I’ve said in the United States, I will continue to do everything in my power to pass common-sense reforms that keep guns out of the hands of criminals and dangerous people. That can save lives here in Mexico and back home in the United States. It’s the right thing to do," Obama added.

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Marco Rubio Stars as The Wiz of Is in the Current Political Drama, “Blowing in the Florida Wind with Senator Marco “Boobio”

Posted by Scott Rohteron Thursday, April 11, 2013

Wizarad of Oz 4

Marco Rubio – The Wiz of Is

 Blowing in the Florida Wind with Senator Marco “Boobio”

By Scott Rohter, April 2013

How many Republican members of Congress are so naive and imprudent that they think they can work together with Democrats to create sensible immigration laws that are good for our country? There are quite a few Republicans who believe this actually.

There is John “Bonehead” Boehner, the Republican Speaker of the House. He is justly called the Tan Man because he went to Washington in search of fame and fortune and he found plenty of both in abundance, plus his favorite tanning salon.

There are the two distinguished Senators from the great State of Maine, Susan Collins and Olympia Snow. They are two “Dorothyesque like” characters that give me pause for thought, and make me wonder what the heck they are even doing in the Republican tent. What kind of wind blew them both into our tent from Kansas via Maine, and then right into the United States Senate?  That must have been one heck of a twister to do all of that, Todo!

There are many Republican politicians who could aptly fill the political straw shoes of the Scarecrow. They are without a spine and they can easily be made to blow in the wind just like the Bob Dylan song says, except for one thing. They have no answers! Do you remember the words of the song…“The answer my friends is blowing in the wind, the answer is blowing in the wind.” Well they never have any good answers. There are so many political straw men in Washington D.C. They are members of Congress who don’t possess spine, or a backbone, or even the courage of their own convictions. But I am getting a little ahead of myself I think. Courage is a different trait that another member of the cast of characters from the Wizard of Oz was in search of. But the Scarecrow was just looking for a spine I think, wasn’t he, or was that a brain? I forgot. Anyway, there are so many politicians that go to Washington in search of the wrong thing. They are overstuffed political straw men just like the scarecrow in the Wizard of Oz, and they are almost as brainless.  Instead of straw men in Washington, we need some strong men in our Nation’s Capital. We need strong men of faith and character, and principles, and  strong women too! 

There is an ongoing contest in Washington to see who is the dumbest Republican member of Congress out of all of them,. Who is the one Republican member of Congress with the very least mental acuity… the one who needs the biggest jumpstart in the intelligence department. I don’t remember who won the contest last year the same way I can’t remember whether it was the Lion or the Tin Man who was in search of a heart. I know that one needed a heart and the other needed courage, but I know there is plenty of both missing in Washington D.C.  (There is plenty of nerve but not nearly enough courage.) I remember that Dorothy needed to find her way home though. Poor Dorothy!

The winner of the dumbest member of Congress award this year gets an all-expenses paid trip to visit the Wizard of Is. By that I don’t mean they get to drive over to Bill and Hillary’s New York estate and meet Bill (it depends on what the definition of Is - is) Clinton. The winner of the dumbest member of Congress award proves that there is always someone in search of  serious brains or in need of some serious brains, and there is none to be found at the Clinton’s suburban home. My choice for this year’s  dumbest Republican award is the junior Senator from Florida, “Marco Boobio” who was formerly known as Marco Rubio.

Marco Rubio thinks he can partner up with President Obama, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi and their gang of Democrats to fashion a Comprehensive Immigration Reform Bill that would be good for the Nation. But while it might be good for people from South American countries, it won’t be very good for most people in our own country. Our language, our culture, and our treasury are all under assault or being ransacked by the relentless onslaught of illegal aliens entering our country across our southern border with Mexico. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure that out. Just visit any one of our biggest cities… Los Angeles or San Diego California, Dallas or Houston Texas, Miami or Tampa Florida, Chicago Illinois, or New York City.

Yet Senator Boobio, ( the Senator formerly called Rubio) still thinks that we need to find a way to accommodate and “normalize” this invading army of job takers in our country.  And jobs isn’t all that they take by the way.. They are also taking food stamps, welfare payments, aid to dependent children and other forms of government assistance. I think we need to put our heads together quick, and figure out a way to incentivize their return trip home. Good fences make good neighbors, and so do strong borders.  And the Democrats have no intentions of strengthening the fence on our border, only fudging the numbers and playing with the statistics in order to make it look like they are.

The Obama Administration has screwed around with the reporting methods and changed the Dept. of Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s algorithms, and now they consider that if I.C.E. stops someone on the border and releases them, it still counts as an actual deportation. That’s why it appears like the Obama Administration is getting tough on illegal immigration.. In reality they are getting less tough on the math. Perhaps that is the result of President Obama’s new education policy called “Race to the Top” which puts less emphasis on doing math and science, and more emphasis on creative arithmetic… or it could be the result of President Obama’s inherent propensity for turning a phrase.

President Obama could probably sell ice to an Eskimo in the middle of the Antarctic, but he doesn’t fool me. I never thought for one minute that he was getting tough on illegal immigration. If he was, then his Justice Department would never have sued the State of Arizona over SB 1070, which was their attempt to deal with their out of control illegal alien problem.  But apparently Marco Rubio, among others believes in the President’s creative reporting methods. Apparently he thinks he can work with a guy who learned political strategy from Saul Alinsky and Prince Machiavelli. Marco Rubio is either stupid, or he is just playing dumb because he is really in on the Establishment fix.

I am sure that the Mainstream Media will be featuring Senator Rubio more than a few times on their Sunday morning news programs between now and the Republican Primary of 2016. I just hope that we don’t have so many suckers in the Republican Party that we fall for his political manuevers. In the end Dorothy found her way back home to Kansas. I just hope that the Republicans can find their way back home too.

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