Thursday, April 4, 2013

( The ACORN Report ) Patcnews April 4, 2013 The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Network Welcomes The ACORN Report © All copyrights reserved By Patcnews

HHS Resurrects 'ACORN' Through ObamaCare


 The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Network 

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ObamaCare provides millions of dollars in grants to hire community activists and others as "navigators" to assist individuals enroll in health insurance provided by state or federal exchanges and, according to recent reports, register people to vote. In a new rule proposed Wednesday, HHS lays out numerous guidelines for these "navigators", including paying them up to $48/hour for their work. The rule, guidelines and voter registration effort are a potential vehicle to resurrect ACORN or an ACORN-like entity. 

One organization expected to take a lead role in distributing the funds and overseeing hiring is Enroll America, a new non-profit headed by Anne Filipic, a former Obama White House official under Valerie Jarrett.  Filipic was also a senior staff member at OFA director and a former Obama campaign director. The organization was founded, in part, by Families USA, a far-left advocacy organization that lobbied aggressively for ObamaCare, a source at HHS told Breitbart News. Filipic has said she expects Enroll America to spend $100 million on the enrollment effort. A large percentage of this is likely to come from federal funds.  
Ron Pollack, head of Families USA, has said their effort will be run like a "political campaign." Which has made many observers uneasy about the inclusion of voter registrations in the health care applications. LA Rep. Charles Boustany recently sent a letter to HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius, asking why voter registration information was included. Boustany worried:
The position of the question could lead some to think voter registration is somehow tied to subsidy eligibility. 
Requirements for "navigators" is that they have no existing insurance licenses or certifications, conflicting with several recently enacted state laws. They also must be attuned to racial, ethnic and cultural sensitivities, understand "underserved communities" and provide translation services for virtually every language. AARP, NAACP and SEIU are prominent members of Enroll America's advisory board.
One health expert with close ties to HHS told Breitbart News, "The navigator program, as evidenced by the leadership of Enroll America and yesterday's rule from CMS, will be a jobs program for unemployable Obama For America campaign volunteers and ACORN remnants."
If a state has its own exchange, the feds will give them grants to hire "navigators," if a state doesn't, the feds will provide direct employment. The effort is expected to hire 10s of thousands of activists in the coming months. 
October 1st is the first day individuals can enroll for a program through the exchanges. The government, as a result, will have to hire and train tens of thousands of workers on the complex subject of health insurance over the next few months. Think of it as an enormous census program with less training for a more complex subject. 
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    War_Machine2 21 hours ago

    Enroll America should be called Control America. That's what Obamacare is, another means of govenment control over the American people.

    • IMPEACH_BOBO_THE_FLEEBAGGER War_Machine2 18 hours ago

      I was just watching this on Fox news with Eric Bolling & the woman who carries around the over 2,000 page BOBOcare DEBACLE of a law to all the shows she goes to, she says you have to see the quotas for the hiring of minorities as these navigators, YES SIR this is starting to sound way too much like Acorn again !!!!!!!
      Republicans need to defund this RACIST law before it goes any further then it has already !!!! This RACIST law is up to 3 times the cost from the time it passed in 2010, BOBO will have to hire 16,500 new IRS agents to make sure al the whites are paying into this RACIST law, now you have these navigators at a cost of BILLIONS of our tax dollars, this is INSANE !!!!!!!! Remember this people, we are paying for this thru our taxes that this CORRUPT ADMINISTRATION is spending like drunk sailors, CHANGE IS COMING !!!! Then this same lady said that this RACIST law does cover ILLEGAL IMMIGRANT INVADERS, WHAT THE FCK BOBO !!!!!!!!!

      • Whisper Atnight IMPEACH_BOBO_THE_FLEEBAGGER 16 hours ago


        • cheryl Whisper Atnight 15 hours ago

          please read the rules of impeachment. The house can bring inpeachment charges but it is the senate who conducts the trial and decides whether is inpeached or not. With Reid and the Democrats the senate it will never happen. What we have to do is see that the Republicans keep the house and take the Senate. I almost guarantee if this happens they will try to impeach him.They certainly have more than enough offences to do this. . All Republicans should work as hard as they can and donate as much as they can to make this happen.

          • Joe Severa cheryl 12 hours ago

            I think you're overlooking an important glitch here Cheryl. By serving articles of impeachment BEFORE the 2014 elections, those liberal Senators in States that Romney won or were too close to call will have to decide how they vote for Obama's impeachment. At the rate of decline in the President's popularity, a few liberal democrats on the spot will NOT automatically give Obama a pass. Just look at how many liberal Senators are not voting for gun control. Their cushy jobs come first, believe it!

          • bitemeDC cheryl 9 hours ago

            No...what "we" have to do is get off our arses and march on DC....this is way beyond...

          • Truman North (D) cheryl 9 hours ago

            Republicans will not in great numbers support impeachment for any number of self-serving reasons. It's a non-starter.
            Replacing Boehner with someone who will fight against leftism, rather than fight against conservatism, is our best shot of reining in Leviathan-on-Anacostia.

          • Kathryn Kimbrough cheryl 7 hours ago

            Well said! I hope to heck we take the Senate and hold onto the House in 2014!! It's the only hope of saving the country, in my opinion.

            • dogman1313 Kathryn Kimbrough an hour ago

              That's not going to happen, if Republicans don't get their $hit together. We got our @sses handed to us last election because Romney wouldn't be as aggressive as Obama. He didn't have the guts to throw the knockout punch when he had Obama on the ropes . Then the rest of the Republican Base stayed home. So we deserve what we got. Republicans are beginning to disgust me, they are fighting amongst themselves like school yard children. These treasonous A=holes like McCain, Boehner & such should retire. They are democrats in different clothes. They don't have a pair of balls between the 2 of them.

        • Not4TheGimmeParty Whisper Atnight 15 hours ago

          And exactly who in Congress is going to take it on? We are ruled by Dems and RINOs.

        • dogman1313 Whisper Atnight 
           2 hours ago

          Why do you think HHS is stockpiling ammo ?

      • Anita G Flippo Hitchcock IMPEACH_BOBO_THE_FLEEBAGGER 14 hours ago

        And all of this while we are under a sequester. Ever wonder where all this money will come from?

    • haiku blossom War_Machine2 18 hours ago

      Those people need their own state to run their corruption scam on their own nit wits.Succession!

    • patch War_Machine2 17 hours ago

      What a scary thought, this makes me feel sick! You have hit the nail on the head War Machine, this is how they will CONTROL AMERICA!!!!! All leading to more years of politicians being voted in by low info voters. Working in the health care, I see all types of people. Many do not have a clue how to even take care of themselves, no way should they be deciding who is best to lead our country out of our current financial downward spiral. How can we stop this bs?

    • dk1951 War_Machine2 19 hours ago

      LOL.....just take off the En--Roll America.

    • Esau's Message War_Machine2 3 hours ago

      A slush fund, plain and simple. Nixon had nothing on this guy.

    • Indiana Conservative War_Machine2 14 hours ago

      You are so right War machine.

  • Big Brotha 21 hours ago

    Of course, the Obamacare registration process includes voter registration...
    the special "expertise" of Obama's ACORN.
    The Comrades are trying to lay a foundation for permanent power...a coup d'état.

    • t2thej Big Brotha 20 hours ago

      Well when the teet runs dry these clowns are gonna die. I cant wait till the system collapses, no welfare, ebt, ss, no cops, I will be drinking my homemade beer sitting on my front stoop, taking shots at team parasite. It is gonna be great!

    • incredulousone Big Brotha 18 hours ago

      Exactly what Rush just said. We will never be able to match that kind of ground game now. It will be like locusts descending on crops. This is deadly serious.

      • Whisper Atnight incredulousone 16 hours ago


        • Anita Moore Fussell Whisper Atnight 15 hours ago

          Impeaching him doesn't in and of itself get rid of him. He must be tried for Crimes and High Treason and found guilty to get rid of him. There is currently no one in the entire Congress or Senate with the balls to do it, unless they can get the corroboration of the Benghazi survivors that they were hung out to dry by Obama and Clinton. Everyone surrounding Clinton with any knowledge of anything seems to end up dead going all the way back to White Water, and the head count for Obama is still being compiled. The Benghazi survivors have already been warned and threatened, so there you have it.

          • Oldmonkey Anita Moore Fussell  10 hours ago

            He was a Kenyan dual national until he was an adult according to the Stare Department. According to other articles I've read when he was adopted by his stepfather, he became an Indonesian citizen, loosening both US & Kenyan citizenship since at that time Indonesia didn't recognize dual citizenship.

    • bigscar Big Brotha 16 hours ago

      I agree he is laying ground work for a coup... WAKE UP AMERICA !!

    • numbatdog Big Brotha 16 hours ago

      Oh what a shock that a discredited leftist organization is back!
      As if it ever went away.

      When will the conservatives learn that the left never gives up on its causes and its tactics?
      What we think is a death blow is simply the need for them to go underground for a few years.
      Which is no hardship considering their funding.

      If we don't wake up,these people will win the war before we even realize we're in a fight for America.

  • giatny 20 hours ago

    The silence of the GOP is deafening. This country is being stolen without a shot
    being fired. Unless proof of citizenship is required to enroll in Obamacare (which
    I know it is not), the restrictions in the bill will not be honored. Illegals will be
    welcomed Why can't the GOP form community organizations to get these jobs?

    • Truman North (D) giatny 9 hours ago

      The GOP knows as well as the democrats that there is little time left. You will see the leaders of both parties boarding planes overseas with suitcases of bullion soon.

  • Crosscut 20 hours ago

    The FBI needs to keep these front organizations for the Democrat Party deeply infiltrated, no matter what they call themselves. These gangsters are nothing but trouble.

  • Tlady 19 hours ago

    Acorn never left the scene, but once again gets legitimized by oballah and company for healthcare, yeah riiiiiight, for more voter fraud

  • Dirk Voorhees 19 hours ago

    Corruption is never ending with these criminals.

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