Thursday, April 18, 2013

( John Carlson topic What percentage of tuition ) Patcnews April 18, 2013 The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Network Reports John Carlson topic What percentage of tuition ??? © All copyrights reserved By Patcnews

CNN Reports Barack Obama Has Resigned

Apr. 18, 2013


CNN reported that President Barack Obama resigned today.
Correspondent John King took to the airwaves this morning to explain an email from White House press secretary Jay Carney saying Barack Obama had quit over "budget issues."
The network was forced to retract its claim  five minutes later, however, when it realized that King had taken the email out of context. The embarrassing gaffe comes just one day after CNN falsely reported that an arrest had been made in the Boston Marathon bombing case
"We're following a major news story here at CNN," King told his live audience. "According to an email from a very high level source within the White House, President Barack Obama has resigned effective immediately over some sort of budget problem.
"Again we don't have all the details, and nothing has been confirmed. But we're going to repeat this anyway - it appears that U.S. President Barack Obama has resigned this morning due to a nonspecific issue surrounding the budget."

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After leading a brief discussion panel speculating as to exactly why Obama chose to be the first president since Richard Nixon to quit, CNN producers forced King to apologize on-air for the report.
"I am just getting word that our producers have reviewed the email in question," a chastised King declared, "and they have found no evidence of Obama's resignation. It appears that the email only concerns budget negotiations, and the word 'resigned' was taken out of context.
"We'd like to sincerely apologize to our viewers for this bit of misinformation. Again for those just joining us, President Barack Obama had not resigned today as previously reported on this network."
Indeed examination of the email shows it was nothing more than a routine press release sent to thousands of journalists. The sentence causing the confusion read:
"'Barack Obama is resigned to a smaller budget bill which does not include any new stimulus spending."
In a statement CNN explained that King's misreporting is simply par for the course in the news business.
"In today's 24-hour news cycle fast moving events can often throw even the best networks off guard. CNN deeply regrets this latest error, but we in no way feel it jeopardizes our hard-earned reputation for credibility."

Letter from KVI Talk Radio 570 Seattle WA 

Dear Mark Eberle,

Yesterday, 45 senators chose to ignore their constituents and stand with the gun lobby.

And because of Senate rules, this minority was able to stand in the way of a bipartisan measure to expand background checks for gun sales.

A lot of people are reading the headlines today and wondering how these senators had the nerve to get up there -- right in front of victims' families from Newtown -- and cast that vote against something that more than 90 percent of Americans support. I'm one of them.

Those senators made a cynical calculation that, at the end of the day, the gun lobby would be louder and stronger than we are.

Yesterday was just round one. We will keep fighting.

If you're one of the millions of Americans who care deeply about preventing gun violence, you need to show it today.

Add your name -- tell Congress you're not going to back down now until they pass a common-sense gun violence prevention bill.

Here's where we go from here:

The senators on both sides of the aisle who stood up to the pressure and cast tough votes to do the right thing -- they're going to know that OFA supporters are going to get their backs.

And those senators who decided that not crossing the gun lobby was more important than making our kids and communities safer -- OFA supporters will call them out and hold them accountable to their constituents.

The special interests have been at this longer, and they can do a real good job at scaring people by distorting the facts -- they think we'll go away quietly.

But there are so many more of us than there are of them. And as long as you don't give up, we're going to keep fighting, and someday soon, we will win.

Add your name right now to say you're going to keep fighting -- for the families of Newtown, Aurora, Tucson, Chicago, and the thousands of other communities that have been torn apart by gun violence:

Thank you for what you're doing.

Jon Carson


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