Saturday, March 2, 2013

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New Monica Lewinsky ‘Sex Tape’ Reportedly Leaks

A new Monica Lewinsky “sex tape” is reportedly set to drop, featuring a recording of Lewinsky planning an amorous encounter with President Bill Clinton in 1997.
New Monica Lewinsky Sex Tape Reportedly Leaks

Radar Online published written excerpts of the alleged three-minute recording, which is said to be in Thursday’s new issue of the National Enquirer, but is not online yet.

According to Radar, the former White House intern told Clinton she was “too cute and adorable” to be ignored. Clinton’s voice is not heard.

“I could take my clothes off and start…well…I know you wouldn’t enjoy that? I hope to see you later and I hope you will follow my script and do what I want,” Lewinsky reportedly said in the recording.

Lewinsky reportedly suggested Clinton use his secretary to help orchestrate a covert meetup.

“Now the first thing that has to happen is that you need to pre-plan with Betty that you will leave the office at, I don’t know, at 7, 7:30 so that everyone else who hates me that causes me lots of trouble goes home,” she said. “Then you quickly sneak back and then in the meantime I quickly sneak over and then we can have a nice little visit for, you know, 15 minutes or half an hour. Whatever you want.”

According to Radar, the tape was believed to have been destroyed, but a secret copy was made and is now surfacing.

In it, Lewinsky also reportedly suggested watching a movie with Clinton and having “I don’t know, boxed dinners or something like that.”

“And then that way we don’t have to deal with the problem of me…of there being a record of me going upstairs and we can spend some time together and see a good movie,” she said. “So I don’t know, those are two proposals and you can’t refuse me because I’m too cute and adorable and soon I won’t be here anymore to pop over. … I’m very persistent, but um… I really want to see you.”


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