Sunday, March 17, 2013

( The Girl Scouts News Report ) Patcnews March 17, 2013 The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Network Welcomes the Girl Scouts Song © All copyrights reserved By Patcnews

Girl Scouts Charging U.S. Service Members Extra for Cookie Shipments

No strangers to controversy, the Girl Scouts have stepped into another muddle with the news they are charging American servicemen a whopping $20 extra to receive a shipment of cookies, even if the shipment is going to a domestic base.

This year the Girl Scouts launched something called Digital Cookie, which allows the Girl Scout sales force–that is, the little girls–to have customers order online rather than buy from door-to-door sales only.
The Girl Scouts won’t reveal the name of the shipping company they are using and that is charging such high fees but, according to Fox News, the fine print at Digital Cookie says: “the shipper charges a $20 premium for shipment of online orders to residents of Hawaii and Alaska, as well as ‘orders delivered to military addresses.’”
Army 1st Sgt. Christopher Lenker, who first told Fox News about the issue, said, “It’s totally outrageous. I’m not sure how charging our military so much more is really necessary.” With the premium charge, a service member could pay up to $31.25 in shipping fees on a $4 box of cookies.
An Army spokesman said that standard US Postal Service shipping is available at all military installations in the U.S. It is also doubtful that UPS or FedEx charges extra fees for shipping to US bases either.
The Girl Scouts have come under heavy fire in recent years, particularly as they seem to have drifted to the left politically. A “Cookicott”–covered extensively last year at Breitbart News–was launched by pro-lifers who are concerned with the cozy connection between Girl Scout management and some Councils with the country’s biggest abortion provider, Planned Parenthood.
Breitbart News ran an ongoing exposé of then-Girl Scout spokesman Josh Ackley who heads a “homopunk” rock band that produces songs and videos with content showing violence against women. Ackley was eventually demoted.
All the scandals put together have harmed the Girl Scouts. In recent years, cookie sales are way down, membership has sharply declined, and there is an ongoing scandal about the Girl Scouts pension fund.

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Big Government, military, Girl Scouts, Girl Scout Cookies



Girl Scouts Threaten Legal Action Against Critical Pro-Life Groups

The Girl Scouts of the USA has sent threatening letters to at least two small pro-life groups that have been critical of Girl Scout collaborations with Planned Parenthood and other abortion advocacy groups.

Since the beginning of the Girl Scout cookie boycott, exclusively announced at Breitbart News late last month, LifeNews has extensively reported on the connection between Planned Parenthood and the Girl Scouts.
LifeNews editor Steve Ertelt announced Monday that he had received a letter threatening legal action. In it, Girl Scout executive Brian Crawford complained about “articles that outline alleged ties to Planned Parenthood” and that “GSUSA has an obligation to protect the Girl Scout name.” Crawford insisted, “Girl Scouts of the USA does not have a partnership or any relationship with Planned Parenthood and does not intend to initiate one.” He demanded that LifeNews cease using the Girl Scout logo.
Ertelt’s is not the only group threatened by the Girl Scouts in this important cookie-selling season.
Ann Saladin, a St. Louis house-wife, mother, and former Girl Scout leader, runs a tiny website called, which is ranked 194,756th out of all U.S. websites by She also received such a letter, telling her that she cannot use the Girl Scout logo. The letter from Brian Crawford said:
We demand that your organization immediately cease using the Girl Scouts® logo on your flyers. We would appreciate receiving your assurances by return mail, email, or fax on or before February 7, 2014 that you will comply with our demand.
Some have criticized the various small groups calling for a boycott of Girl Scout cookies by characterizing them as bullying little girls. The groups' answer is that the Girl Scouts have an annual revenue of close to $1 billion dollars and an annual budget of more than $100 million. The groups protesting the Girl Scouts' alleged connection to Planned Parenthood have minuscule budgets or no budgets at all.
Steve Ertelt told Breitbart News:
The Girl Scouts are clearly threatened by LifeNews’ reporting on their multiple links to Planned Parenthood, their hiring of abortion activists to key positions, and their promotion of abortion advocates like Wendy Davis. Their letter is a not-so-veiled intimidation tactic designed to get LifeNews to stop our reporting and to get pro-life groups to stop boycotting them.
Under advice of counsel, Ann Saladin agreed to the Girl Scouts’ demand and has taken down the logo. Steve Ertelt is expected to give the Girl Scouts an answer to the threatening letter on Tuesday.

Girl Scouts Celebrate 100th Anniversary With Cookie Apps And Savannah Smiles

Cape Cod Brownies selling Girl Scout cookies

In my position as Membership Manager, I supervise Membership Specialists and handle various types of questions. Each workday is different from the next. I feel fortunate to still have the opportunity to interact with girls as well.
Every day comes filled with rewards and challenges – some days are longer than others, but I’m happy to say I look forward to going to work each and every morning!
As working mothers know, the balance of work and home life can be frustrating, demanding and sometimes impossible. Because Girl Scouts is a family-oriented organization, the work environment is pleasant and allows flexibility for staff to be available to their families. Fortunately, I’m still able to volunteer with Christa’s Girl Scout troop and participate in many of the troop’s activities.
Christa is an active member of Cadette Troop 81142 with many of the same girls who were in her Brownie troop. As a direct result of Girl Scout, I’ve seen her grow and mature tremendously throughout her scouting experiences.
She’s a confident young woman who goes to Girl Scout summer camp each year as a camper and also as a program aide, assisting younger scouts at day camp. Recently, Christa spoke at our Annual Leading Women’s Breakfast and introduced one of the honorees.
She has many sister Girl Scouts across eastern Massachusetts and keeps in touch with them regularly. The life experience she’s gained from scouting has had a positive effect on her values and social behavior.
She’s an honor student in the eighth grade, an avid figure skater and bowler, and a member of several extracurricular activities. Through Girl Scouts, she’s participated in many activities that would otherwise not be available to her or to us as a family.
Girl Scouts changed my life as a young girl. As an adult, it continues to impact me every day. I encourage everyone to look at Girl Scouts in a new light. It’s an organization that truly cares about girls and the women they will become. GSEM aims to meet girls’ needs today to prepare them to become the leaders of tomorrow.
To learn more, please visit our website at Check out the links to “About Us”, “Volunteer” and “Programs and Camps” which provide a good overview of the many facets of Girl Scouts here in eastern Massachusetts.
Girl Scout cookies  
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The Sisterhood of Scouting: Spanning Generations

by Katri Mullaly

How many women can say that their stepdaughter is the reason they got the job of their dreams?
I’m grateful to say I can. My stepdaughter, Christa, joined Girl Scouts as a Brownie. At the same time, I registered as a volunteer. Being a Girl Scout was a great experience for me as a child, and I wanted to give back to the organization that helped me become the confident and positive woman I am today.
Thus our journey in Girl Scouts began. The first year was certainly a learning year for me, but the overall experience of being a volunteer was second to none. It’s been satisfying to see the girls grow and mature through the years.
About five years into my volunteer experience, I was approached by our local Girl Scout Council and asked if I’d like a job in Membership. To this day, Christa tells everyone she’s the reason I now have a job with Girl Scouts of Eastern Massachusetts (GSEM).
Cookies are still an integral component of being a Girl Scout. Right now, from December through February, Girl Scout troops in every Cape Cod town are selling and taking orders for cookies. The cookie sale is more than a money earning activity. Girls learn teamwork, planning skills, marketing techniques, goal setting, financial literacy and responsibility.
Just as the cookie sale is about more than just cookies, I’ve found scouting is about much more than cookies, crafts, and camping.
The mission of Girl Scouts is to build girls of courage, confidence and character who make the world better place. The Girl Scout Law provides the fundamentals of basically being a good, well-rounded person (see sidebar box).
When a girl becomes a Girl Scout, she can participate in the way that’s most fun and comfortable for her. When I was a Girl Scout, I belonged to a troop and earned patches and badges to symbolize the components of the Girl Scout Law as well as expand my knowledge and build new skills.
Today, the troop is still the most traditional way to participate, but the world of Girl Scouting has transformed to include a wide array of innovative programs and greater opportunities that are relevant for this generation of girls.
There are currently six pathways by which a girl can experience the Girl Scout journey: Troop, Camp, Special Events, Series Programs, Travel, and Virtual. Being a part of this transformation has been exciting and refreshing for me. Families are pleasantly surprised when I tell them about the different pathways by which their daughter can be a Girl Scout.
To keep girls engaged, it’s critical that the Girl Scout organization remain flexible and attentive to the changing needs of girls. GSEM is in the forefront of implementing these pathways. For example, we’re excited to begin a Virtual Online Book Club this winter.
Adults can also participate in various ways as a volunteer. GSEM welcomes all adults to become engaged with their daughter’s troop in the manner that fits their schedule, sharing their strengths and talents with the girls.
The responsibilities are shared among volunteers, thus making for a more rewarding and less stressful experience for the adults. It in turn provides a diverse experience for the girls as they interact with many different adults.
We also have adults who no longer have children in Girl Scouts, but who remain active as volunteers. The opportunities to volunteer within our Council range from administrative support and training, to fund development, cookie sale support, and community networking. (Per Girl Scouts of the USA safety standards, adults who wish to volunteer must register as a member of Girl Scouts and undergo a CORI check per Massachusetts State Law.)


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