Wednesday, March 6, 2013

( The wildlife Jungle Report ) Patcnews March 6, 2013 The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Network The Wildlife Jungle Report © All Copyrights Reserved By Patcnews

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Woman killed by lion during sex

Beast ... lion struck while couple made love

A FRISKY woman was mauled to death by a lion as she had sex with her boyfriend in the African bush.

Sharai Mawera was enjoying a passionate moment with her lover when the Big Cat struck.
Sharai’s partner, who has not been identified, ran off naked in a bid to raise the alarm.
But local reports say tragic market worker Sharai was killed at the scene in Kariba, northern Zimbabwe.
A friend told My Zimbabwe: “Unfortunately the woman was mauled to death by the lion, but her boyfriend managed to escape naked.”
The pal said Sharai and her fisherman boyfriend would meet at their favourite beauty spot in the wild.
He said: “The two were romping when the incident occurred. The lion came from behind and roared.
“The guy managed to escape before stopping at a distance where he witnessed his companion being attacked.
Police officers and armed rangers rushed to the scene where they discovered Sharai’s mauled remains.
The source said: “Cops and officers attended the scene and fired a single shot before getting to the spot.
“The woman had already been killed. She had bloody bruises all over her body. Her neck and tummy had been mauled.”
Rangers launched a hunt for the lion following the tragedy, amid concern the same animal may have killed a local man who disappeared at the weekend.
The remains of the victim were found on the outskirts of the town, which lies near the Zambezi river.
Police believe the man, who has not been named, was eaten by a lion as he walked home from a nightclub.
Experts believe the fact Sharai was mauled rather than eaten suggests the same beast was responsible for both attacks – but was not overly hungry.

Fox News Reports  Zimbabwe resort town on alert after rogue lions kill 2

 Wildlife rangers in Zimbabwe say they have put the northern resort town of Kariba on full alert after rogue lions mauled to death two people near a suburb there.

The National Parks and Wildlife Authority said fliers are being handed out in the town Wednesday and volunteers are using a loudspeaker to caution townspeople on the dangers of lion attacks on the shores of Lake Kariba, a man-made hydroelectric dam popular for fishing and tourism.
It said one man escaped from a lion attack on Tuesday, but the woman with him was savaged to death. An arm and remains of a second corpse were found by rangers hunting for the lions.
The authority warned people against walking at night and using footpaths through the bush as shortcuts.

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Dead whale on Burien beach likely hit by ship

by KING 5 News

Posted on April 13, 2013 at 1:21 PM

Updated Saturday, Apr 13 at 6:00 PM

A dead fin whale washed up on the beach at Seahurst Park in Burien on Saturday morning.
The 70-foot whale washed up at about 10:30 a.m.

Biologists were working to determine how the whale died.
"This point we are fairly convinced this was a ship strike mortality ... the whale was hit by a ship when it was still alive we see areas of bruising and blood infused into the blubber, which means the whale was alive when struck we see signs paint from a ship," said John Calambokidis, research biologist with Cascadia Research.
Biologists say fin whales are among the most susceptible to being hit by a ship because they don't dive very deeply and spend a lot of time close to the surface while they're feeding.
"We found almost a third of the whales we've examined in the last ten years show signs of being struck by ships," said Calambokidis. "So this is an increasing problem with more ships, faster, larger ships, this has become a concern for recovering some of these whale poplations."
Biologists want to examine the whale more closely so they are going to tow it away via water.


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