Saturday, March 30, 2013

( Happy Easter ) Patcnews March 30, 2013 The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Network Welcomews Easter Song-By Keith Green © All copyrights reserved By Patcnews

In the spring of each year we celebrate Easter. Easter is a time to think about the “new life” that we have in Jesus. Surprisingly, the word “Easter” only appears in the KJV Bible one time in the verse Acts 12:4. A better translation of the Greek word “Pascha” used in Acts 12:4 is Passover. Although Passover was celebrated by the early Christian Church, today it remains a holy day celebrated by the Jewish people. Christians, of course, celebrate Easter and many call it Resurrection Sunday.

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Obama Regime said, "In the Spirit of Easter you can't say Happy Easter you can only say Happy Bunnies Day Make no mistake about this. Thank you."   

  Patcnews The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Network Says Happy Easter With Bugs Bunny  
 Look into the the eyes of the obama regime  you can since The Evilness from The Pharaoh of Chicago Anointed One himself.

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