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( Dennis Rodman is a isis member ) Patcnews March 5, 2013 The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Network Reports Dennis Rodman's supports North Korea Terrorist © All copyrights reserved By Patcnews

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Patcnews and the National & World Liberal News © All copyrights reserved By Mark Eberle

Report: North Korea threatens to end armistice

National & World News

kim jong un
Courtesy of blog.foreignpolicy.com
(CNN) — North Korea threatened Tuesday to nullify the armistice agreement that ended the Korean War in 1953, citing U.S.-led international moves to impose new sanctions against it over its recent nuclear test, South Korea’s Yonhap news agency reported.
The North’s military said it will also cut off direct phone links with South Korea at the inter-Korean border village of Panmunjom, Yonhap said, citing North Korea’s news outlet.
Q&A: How worried should we be about North Korea’s nuclear test?
North and South Korea have technically been at war for decades. The 1950-53 civil war ended in a truce rather than a peace treaty.
A draft U.S. resolution to authorize more sanctions against North Korea in response to its controversial nuclear test was formally introduced Tuesday at the U.N. Security Council by U.S. Ambassador Susan Rice.
No vote on the draft resolution is expected Tuesday. A senior Obama administration official earlier told CNN that the United States and China, a key North Korean ally, had reached a tentative deal on the wording of the proposed resolution.
For the complete CNN story, go here.

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By April 12, 2013 0 Comments

Kerry Warns North Korea Will Likely Blow Themselves Up

(PP)- Friday U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry warned North Korea’s leader Kim Jong-un that he would be making a “huge mistake” to launch a nuclear armed missile that has not been properly tested, and said it was up to China, North Korea’s sole major ally, to “put some teeth” into efforts to pre-test each each component before they “blow themselves up.”
1Kerry down played an assessment from the Pentagon’s intelligence agency that North Korea already had a nuclear missile capacity, and pointed out that having all of the components doesn’t equate to owning a serious arsenal of of deliverable nukes.
“Both Secretary Kerry and President Obama agree that the best thing to do is to wait until the North Koreans have the capability to accurately deliver a nuclear warhead to U.S. soil before we decide on a foreign policy,” said a senior State Department aide. “That same policy has worked so far with Iran, or else we probably would have heard about a really big explosion somewhere in the world by now.”
White House spokesman Art Carney urged Americans to stay calm, saying, “I want to be clear that North Korea has not demonstrated the capability to deploy a nuclear-armed missile, and President Obama does not want to pay the same political price that his predecessor did by making difficult choices in order to disarm a deranged dictator.”
Kerry said the United States hoped to resume talks about North Korea as soon as the State Department pays his cell phone bill, and pledged to put an end to its nuclear program once the Democrats take control of the House of Representatives which will ensure higher taxes to pay Kim Jong-un not to threaten war.
“Senator Kerry has a very different plan than Hillary Clinton did to ensure world peace,” said the State Department aide. “Since marrying a billionaire heiress, Secretary Kerry understands that money makes a lot of problems go away. It even helped him get nominated by the Democrats to run for President although he was a traitor with Jane Fonda in the 1970′s.”
In the past, North Korea has said it sees itself as a mini-Soviet Union and will not abandon nuclear weapons, saying it was their “treasured” guarantor of security, and the U.S. would have to “pay through the nose” for them to give it all up.
“바락 오바마는 바보와 Fort Knox바보는 그는 우리 핵 능력이 delivered in cash. 그러나 우리print money 가장할 수 있다면 바보 아마 케리 는 wet my beak집고 북한이 새로믿습니다.” explained Kim Jong-un in a statement regarding Kerry’s latest offer to pay for world peace.
The Palookaville Post has learned that officials in Washington are concerned about the possibility of unexpected developments linked to Kim Jong-un’s “youth and inexperience,” primarily because they have seen that behavior displayed in the White House since 2009.
Posted in: "Segretti"

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