Saturday, February 2, 2013

( Rush Limbaugh ) Patcnews Feb 2, 2013 The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Network Reports Rush Limbaugh - Mon, January 7th, 2013 Morning Update © All copyrights reserved By Patcnews

Obama: I'd Get More Done w/o FOX and Limbaugh                                                                                    Throw out this liberal Progressiveness fascists communist dictator that sitting in the white house.

FRANKLIN FOER, EDITOR NEW REPUBLIC: Are there any forces for reform within the Republican Party, people you’ve been able to establish some sort of working relationship with?
PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA: Well, look, I’ve always believed that there are a bunch of Republicans of goodwill who would rather get something done than suffer through the sort of nasty atmosphere that prevails in Washington right now. It’s not a fun time to be a member of Congress.
And I think if you talk privately to Democrats and Republicans, particularly those who have been around for a while, they long for the days when they could socialize and introduce bipartisan legislation and feel productive. So I don’t think the issue is whether or not there are people of goodwill in either party that want to get something done. I think what we really have to do is change some of the incentive structures so that people feel liberated to pursue some common ground.
One of the biggest factors is going to be how the media shapes debates. If a Republican member of Congress is not punished on Fox News or by Rush Limbaugh for working with a Democrat on a bill of common interest, then you’ll see more of them doing it.
It’s not a fun time to be a member of Congress.

Paul Guaschino was driving Friday when a fellow motorist spotted an “Impeach Obama” bumper sticker on the 62-year-old Connecticut resident’s vehicle.
According to cops, the other driver apparently did not appreciate the bumper sticker and “displayed his dislike by showing his middle finger.”
In response, Guaschino allegedly followed the other driver to a traffic light, where he exited his car--baseball bat in hand--and struck the trunk of the middle finger-waving driver. The second motorist “fled in fear of his safety,” police reported.
The road rage incident resulted in three criminal charges being filed against Guaschino (threatening, criminal mischief, and breach of peace).
Guaschino, who did not return a message left at his Manchester home, is scheduled for a February 20 Superior Court appearance. While state records show that Guaschino is registered to vote, he has not declared a party affiliation.


Should President Obama Start Federal Gun Control?
Vote in This Urgent Poll
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After the Newtown, Connecticut school shooting, President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden have indicated the Obama administration will push for more federal gun control.
Newsmax is conducting an urgent online poll about President Obama’s gun control plans. 
Newsmax will provide the results of this poll to major media outlets. Newsmax's results also will be shared with popular radio talk-show hosts across America.
Newsmax reports have been cited by major outlets, including CNN, ABC News, Fox News, CBS, MSNBC, and other major networks.
Hundreds of media outlets have reported on Newsmax's online polls.


Ann Coulter Delivers Dire Gun Warning: Universal Background Checks Could Lead to ‘Universal Confiscation, Universal Extermination’ of Firearms

Ann Coulter Warns Against Universal Background Checks, Universal Gun Registration | Hannity
Ann Coulter on “Hannity” (Photo Credit: Fox News)
Commentator Ann Coulter appeared on “Hannity” last night, issuing a dire warning to the American people about universal background checks, a provision currently being touted by gun control advocates. Rather than embracing the proposal, Coulter warned that it could lead to “universal confiscation” and, ultimately, “universal extermination” of firearms.
After speaking briefly with host Sean Hannity about the much-discussed photograph of President Barack Obama skeet shooting, the columnist noted that the president misses the point on the Second Amendment (i.e. the purpose of the constitutional right isn’t so citizens can go skeet shooting; it allows Americans to protect themselves).
“I’m waiting for photos of him taking birth control pills to show him fighting the war on women,” Coulter quipped.
On the gun control front, she gave a passionate speech about how the real problem is mental illness, accusing the left of skirting that issue and embracing firearms control measures that may do little to actually solve the problem. Of particular note, she focused upon universal background checks, launching into claims that implementing them would be potentially-dangerous for Second Amendment rights. Here’s what she said: 
“The problem with universal background checks is, we basically have universal background checks now. Any licensed gun dealer is performing a background check. The buyer may not know, someone at a gun show may not know, but if you’re walking through a gun show, everybody’s doing background checks. The only people who are not subjected to a background checks are collectors giving guns to their sons or they’re selling one to their brother-in-law or something. The only way to enforce universal — the last .1 percent of guns that are transferred by collectors and so on — is to have universal gun registration.”

The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Network

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