Thursday, February 21, 2013

( Stop Press One For English ) Patcnews Feb 21, 2013 The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Network Reports Stop Press One For English © All copyrights reserved By Patcnews

  Top Ten List "10 ways to keep Freedom alive in America!"
1. keep Our Guns and do not press one for English.
2. Oil in America Drill Baby Drill.
3. Keep Jobs in America.
4. All Retail Stores Are Required to Say Merry Christmas in America.
5. Stop sending our wood to china and bring back Marlboro into racing along with Nascar Winston Cup Series.
6. Keep The United States Constitution in the Classroom.
7. Bill of Rights.
8. The Declaration of Independence.
9. Keep One Nation Under God, In God We Trust.
10. Fire the obama regime for not having a birth certificate.


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