Saturday, February 16, 2013

( The imagination News Report ) Patcnews: February 16, 2013 The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Network reports The imagination on Facebook © All copyrights reserved By Patcnews

By Pamela Geller on October 7, 2015

Muslim “refugees” lay on the ground, blocking transportation in protest
Muslim “refugees” lay on the ground, blocking transportation in protest....

 The enemedia refuses to cover the invasion – instead it shills for the enemy invader. And Obama has pledged to bring this war to our shores.
“Muslim refugee riots ignored in U.S. media blackout,” WND, October 7, 2015
Europe’s model of multiculturalism goes up in flames
Bookstore in Stockholm suburb had its windows smashed by rock-throwing refugees. Cars were torched and buildings burned but a media blackout is in place in the U.S., which plans to step up its own importation of Muslim refugees under President Barack Obama’s recently announced plan
Sweden, seen by many American progressives as the model of multiculturalism and tolerance, has erupted into an orgy of violence as gangs of rioting immigrants took to the streets for a fifth consecutive night Tuesday in Stockholm.
The latest reports indicate the riots are now spreading to the country’s two other major cities – Gothenburg and Malmo.
Sweden, along with Germany, make up Europe’s two most generous welfare states. They are also the most welcoming of Islamic immigrants, more than a million of which have flooded into the continent this year from Syria, Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan and North Africa.
The unrest and destabilization in Sweden, which has received zero coverage in the U.S. media even as President Obama plans to ramp up his own refugee welcoming program, is exactly the type of upheaval that the global elite have planned for all of Western Europe and America, as predicted by analyst Paul McGuire in a Oct. 6 article by WND.
Hundreds of cars were torched, shops had their windows smashed, a police station was set ablaze and fire departments kept from a major blaze by rock-throwing mobs.
The globalists in charge of Europe and the United States are using Islam and Muslim refugees to “break down social cohesion all over the world,” McGuire, co-author of “The Babylon Code: Solving the Bible’s Greatest End Times Mystery,” told WND, setting the stage for mass unrest. When the violence becomes unbearable, the solution will be police-state crackdowns.
Germany has also seen increasingly violent protests and demonstrations on both sides of the refugee issue, scenes that, again, are never shown on the nightly news in America.
“They’re using refugees in Germany to take over towns and cities. And here in U.S., they’re using refugees to wage war on the social cohesion of our society. So they’re going to slam-dunk the global government, and it will be a terrorist attack or financial crisis that triggers it,” McGuire said.
According to a report in the Daily Mail, left-wing activists came forward to accuse Swedish police of racism – the exact same scenario that played out in Ferguson in 2014 and Baltimore in 2015.
Protests turned violent Sunday in a northwestern Stockholm suburb of Husby – where more than 80 percent of the residents are from overseas, mostly Turkey, Somalia and the Middle East, the British daily reported, adding that “Trouble then spread to some of the city’s most deprived areas, shattering the country’s proud claim that it is a template for a successful and ethnically diverse society.”
But it’s not the first time riots have erupted in Swedish cities. Similar violence has broken out in 2013, 2014 and last month.
Watch video of Muslims rioting in Stockholm in September:
Lars Bystrom, a Stockholm police spokesman, told the Mail that “fires are mainly lit to lure the police to the scene, who are then attacked.”
He admitted officers have been forced to change their tactics, saying: “Now if there is a small fire that is not likely to spread, and there is no risk to life, we will send out a patrol and keep an eye on it from a distance.
“But we are not going to bring in the fire brigade unless it’s really dangerous.”
The attacks on emergency service workers have led to private security companies telling employees to stay at home, as mobs have started attacking anyone wearing a uniform.
Several public transport routes have also been canceled after rioters started hurling petrol bombs at buses.
The Foreign Office and the U.S. Embassy have warned visitors to stay away from certain suburbs.
Government leaders have been “stunned” by the ferocity of the violence in a country which has long been touted as a paragon of social justice.
For decades, supporters of multiculturalism have pointed to Sweden as a classic example of a society which allows immigrants to continue practicing their own culture while living peacefully alongside their host communities.
Around 15 percent of Sweden’s 9.5 million inhabitants were born outside the country.
The second largest group of immigrants, after the Finns, are Iraqis – numbering more than 125,000. Former Yugoslavs total over 160,000 and Iranians almost 65,000.
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Despite the violence, rapes, costs and the opposition of the majority of the people, Merkel is storming ahead with the destruction of Germany.

Unlike other immigrant groups, millions of Muslims come to Western countries with a ready-made model of society and government, and establish parallel societies based on Islamic law.


History will not be kind to Chancellor Merkel.


“Merkel stands ground on refugees as 1.5 million seen coming,” By Patrick Donahue, Bloomberg via Chicago Tribune, October 5, 2015

BERLIN – Chancellor Angela Merkel said Germany has to live with the mass influx of refugees, confronting critics within her party bloc amid a media report that as many as 1.5 million people may arrive this year.

As Merkel faces pressure inside her governing coalition for capping migration to Europe’s biggest economy, Bild newspaper, citing official estimates of the number of daily arrivals, said Monday that more than 900,000 people could make their way to Germany in the final three months. So far, the government has estimated 800,000 would arrive in all of 2015.

“It doesn’t make much sense to get angry because we have this problem now — or to say, ‘Where is this coming from? I want the problem to go away,'” Merkel said in an interview with Deutschlandfunk radio on Sunday. “We have to accept it, to control it and at the same time make sure we address weak spots.”

As Europe faces its biggest refugee crisis since the end of World War II, Germany has become the destination of choice, including for war refugees from Syria. Regional and municipal governments could face a collapse of infrastructure needed to shelter the newcomers, Bild quotes the document as saying.

Germany’s Interior Ministry declined to comment on the document’s content. Estimates shouldn’t be based on daily or weekly arrivals and the flow of migrants is expect to slow during the winter months, ministry spokesman Harald Neymanns told reporters in Berlin.

Bavaria’s Christian Social Union, the sister party of Merkel’s Christian Democrats, is publicly criticizing the chancellor after tens of thousands of refugees entered the state from Austria.

Bavarian Finance Minister Markus Soeder called for a limit on migration, including a cap on the number of people receiving asylum, according to the newspaper Passauer Neue Presse.

“The limits of our capacity have already been reached,” Gerda Hasselfeldt, the leader of the CSU group in Germany’s lower house of parliament, told Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung.

Merkel said Germany’s asylum law, which sets no upper limit, won’t change. She rejected calls to stop the flow of migrants.

“I don’t think fences help, that’s useless. We saw that in Hungary,” Merkel said, referring to the Hungarian government’s decision to build a razor-wire fence along its border with Serbia to repel migrants. “The refugees come anyway and look for other ways.”

As the 28-nation European Union squabbles over its response, Merkel has singled out Turkey as a possible partner, saying the country needs to help secure its border with Greece. Merkel and French President Francois Hollande plan to address the refugee crisis when they both speak to the European Parliament on Wednesday.

“Given the circumstances of globalization, I’m calling on us to open up to a certain extent and to become acquainted with different cultural characteristics,” Merkel said in the radio interview.

Merkel REFUSES TO BUDGE on refugees as 1.5 million seen coming

ByPamela Geller on October 7, 2015
migrants violent
- See more at:

As the 28-nation European Union squabbles over its response, Merkel has singled out Turkey as a possible partner, saying the country needs to help secure its border with Greece. Merkel and French President Francois Hollande plan to address the refugee crisis when they both speak to the European Parliament on Wednesday.
“Given the circumstances of globalization, I’m calling on us to open up to a certain extent and to become acquainted with different cultural characteristics,” Merkel said in the radio interview.
- See more at:
“It doesn’t make much sense to get angry because we have this problem now — or to say, ‘Where is this coming from? I want the problem to go away,'” Merkel said in an interview with Deutschlandfunk radio on Sunday. “We have to accept it, to control it and at the same time make sure we address weak spots.”
As Europe faces its biggest refugee crisis since the end of World War II, Germany has become the destination of choice, including for war refugees from Syria. Regional and municipal governments could face a collapse of infrastructure needed to shelter the newcomers, Bild quotes the document as saying.
Germany’s Interior Ministry declined to comment on the document’s content. Estimates shouldn’t be based on daily or weekly arrivals and the flow of migrants is expect to slow during the winter months, ministry spokesman Harald Neymanns told reporters in Berlin.
Bavaria’s Christian Social Union, the sister party of Merkel’s Christian Democrats, is publicly criticizing the chancellor after tens of thousands of refugees entered the state from Austria.
Bavarian Finance Minister Markus Soeder called for a limit on migration, including a cap on the number of people receiving asylum, according to the newspaper Passauer Neue Presse.
“The limits of our capacity have already been reached,” Gerda Hasselfeldt, the leader of the CSU group in Germany’s lower house of parliament, told Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung.
Merkel said Germany’s asylum law, which sets no upper limit, won’t change. She rejected calls to stop the flow of migrants.
“I don’t think fences help, that’s useless. We saw that in Hungary,” Merkel said, referring to the Hungarian government’s decision to build a razor-wire fence along its border with Serbia to repel migrants. “The refugees come anyway and look for other ways.”
As the 28-nation European Union squabbles over its response, Merkel has singled out Turkey as a possible partner, saying the country needs to help secure its border with Greece. Merkel and French President Francois Hollande plan to address the refugee crisis when they both speak to the European Parliament on Wednesday.
“Given the circumstances of globalization, I’m calling on us to open up to a certain extent and to become acquainted with different cultural characteristics,” Merkel said in the radio interview.
- See more at:
Exposed: The Fastest-Growing Language In The US Is NOT What You Think It Is Image Credit: Flickr/United Nations PhotoImage Credit: Flickr/United Nations Photo "The nation is headed into uncharted territory.” Randy DeSoto October 6, 2015 at 12:36pm Share on Facebook Tweet Email Print According to newly released data from the Census Bureau’s 2014 American Community Survey (ACS), Arabic and Urdu (Pakistan’s national language) are now the fastest growing languages spoken in U.S. households. The Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) released a report based on the new census numbers, finding overall now 1 in 5 residents (63.2 million people) in the United States speak a language other than English at home. Advertisement Related Stories The Director Of ‘Steve Jobs’ Just Issued A ‘Terrifying’ Warning About Steve Jobs And People Like Him Watch: His Life Was Changed Forever In 1 Week. Then He Stepped On Stage And Changed The Crowd’s Lives A University Made Its Bathrooms Gender-Neutral, And Look What Immediately Happened According to the report: The largest numerical increases from 2010 to 2014 were among speakers of Spanish (up 2.3 million), Chinese (up 331,000), Arabic (up 252,000), Tagalog (up 115,000), Hindi (up 114,000), and Urdu (up 89,000). Tagalog is spoken in the Philippines… The largest percentage increases from 2010 to 2014 were among speakers of Arabic (up 29 percent), Urdu (up 23 percent), Hindi (up 19 percent), Chinese and Hmong (both up 12 percent), and Gujarati and Persian (both up 9 percent). Urdu is spoken in Pakistan; Hindi and Guajarati are languages of India; Hmong is spoken in Laos; Persian is spoken in Iran… States with the largest share of their populations speaking a foreign language in 2014 were California (44 percent), New Mexico (37 percent), Texas (36 percent), Nevada and New Jersey (both 31 percent), New York (30 percent), Florida (28 percent), Arizona (27 percent), Hawaii (25 percent), Illinois and Massachusetts (both 23 percent), Connecticut (22 percent), and Rhode Island (21 percent). Advertisement Trending Stories Watch: Ben Carson Just Went On ‘The View’ And Set Whoopi Straight- ‘It’s A Bunch Of Crap!’ As Carson Gets Blasted For Oregon Shooting Remarks, Trump Just Issued A Surprising Response Trump Just Blasted Hillary With A 2-Sentence Uppercut So Hard Bill Probably Felt It The percentage of Americans speaking a language other than English in the home has nearly doubled since 1980. Image Credit: Center for Immigration Studies Image Credit: Center for Immigration Studies The findings of the CIS’s report “reinforce other studies, which show that Muslim immigration is the fastest growing bloc of new immigrants. Every year the United States voluntarily imports more than a quarter of a million– or 280,000– Muslim migrants (this figure includes permanently resettled immigrants, guest workers, refugees and foreign students),” according to Breitbart. Additionally, Breitbart previously reported that the United States is now the second largest Spanish speaking nation in the world with 52.6 million people, surpassing Spain with 46 million, but still well behind Mexico with 121 million. Steve Camarota, the author of the CIS report, told Breitbart: “Immigration is not just an economic issue. English as our common language is part of the glue that holds our country together. These numbers suggest that the levels of immigration are so high that it may strain that. After the last great wave of immigration more than a century ago, the level of immigration was reduced and remained low for half a century, which helped with assimilation. With no pause in immigration levels in sight, the nation is headed into uncharted territory.”

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  © All copyrights reserved By Patcnews 


FACEBOOK HAS CHANGED THEIR PRIVACY SETTINGS ONCE MORE!!! DUE TO THE NEW “GRAPH APP” ANYONE ON FACEBOOK (INCLUDING OTHER COUNTRIES) CAN SEE YOUR PICTURES, LIKES, AND COMMENTS. The next 2 weeks I will be posting this, and please once you have done it please post DONE! Those of you who do not keep my information from going out to the public, I will have to DELETE YOU! I want to stay PRIVAT...ELY conn...ected with you. I post shots of my family that I don't want strangers to have access to!!! This happens when our friends click "like" or "comment"... automatically, their friends would see our posts too. Unfortunately, we cannot change this setting by ourselves because Facebook has configured it that way. PLEASE place your mouse over my name above (DO NOT CLICK), a window will appear, now move the mouse on “FRIENDS" (also without clicking), then down to "Settings", click here and a list will appear. REMOVE the CHECK on "LIFE EVENTS" and "COMMENTS & LIKES". By doing this, my activity among my friends and family will no longer become public. Now, copy and paste this on your wall. 



Facebook's director of product announces departure

Blake Ross, the famed co-creator of the Mozilla Firefox browser, is saying goodbye to the social network after six years.

Blake Ross, pictured second from the left, with Facebook executives Mark Zuckerberg and Chris Cox in August 2010.
(Credit: Blake Ross/Facebook)
Facebook's director of product, Blake Ross, said today that he's leaving the social network to "try new things."
The product guru, a prominent figure at the company's major press events over the years, allegedly announced his departure in a private note posted to Facebook, which was obtained by TechCrunch. CNET has confirmed with a source close to the company that Ross is indeed departing Facebook.
Ross arrived at the company after it acquired his startup Parakey in 2007. Parakey was Facebook's first acquisition. Prior to Parakey, Ross made a name for himself as the co-founder of the Mozilla Firefox project and played a pivotal role in developing the Firefox browser.
Ross wrote in his note:
Hey everyone, I've decided to leave Facebook. I'm so grateful that I've had the opportunity to learn from and grow with you. I'm leaving because a Forbes writer asked his son's best friend Todd if Facebook was still cool and the friend said no, and plus none of HIS friends think so either, even Leila who used to love it, and this journalism made me reconsider the long-term viability of the company.
Also because, after scaling a website in a dorm room to a platform connecting a billion people in 196 countries through revolutionary high-efficiency auto-cooling datacenters, you guys will probably never figure out how to sell a Quiznos turkey club on a phone.
In all seriousness, even after switching to part-time at Facebook, it's just time for me to try new things. I was 14 when I came to the Bay Area to work at Netscape (socially stunted badge pic below). That's half my life building software in a 10-mile area of Northern California -- a rather long stretch considering I spent the first half of my life learning disciplines as varied as standing up, eating, and getting Bar Mitzvahed.
My parting advice: Cherish the launch days. To be surrounded by such bright people, brimming with optimism, forgetting to eat, is a blessing. It's the kind of manic hopefulness that adulthood is supposed to drain out of you, and I will miss it most.
Launch day is also a great day for Legal to find out what you're launching.
Guys, thanks for everything. You've all brought a lot of joy to this stone cold heart.
Update 1:36 p.m. PT: A Facebook spokesperson confirmed that Ross is leaving the company.

Jennifer Van Grove reports on social media for CNET. She previously worked for VentureBeat, Mashable, and NBC San Diego.

104-Year-Old Woman Forced to Lie about Her Age on Facebook

AFP / Getty Images
(GROSSE POINTE SHORES, Mich.) — Facebook is apologizing for a problem that makes a 104-year-old Michigan woman lie about her age on the social media website.Marguerite Joseph’s granddaughter says Facebook won’t let Joseph list her real age.(MORE: Actual Facebook Graph Searches Are Creepily Specific)
Gail Marlow says when she tries inputting her grandmother’s birth year as 1908, Facebook changes it to 1928. So for the past two years, the Grosse Pointe Shores centenarian has remained 99 — online, anyway.
Joseph is legally blind and can’t hear well, but Marlow reads and responds to all her Facebook messages.
Marlow tells WDIV-TV she’d “love to see” Joseph’s real age posted and chalks it up to “a glitch in the system.”
Facebook spokesman Andrew Noyes told The Associated Press on Wednesday that it’s working to fix a problem limiting used of pre-1910 birthdates.
Information from: WDIV-TV,



Suckface (FB) has block my broadcast links on my wall over 1000 times since 2010  Facebook blocks access to after reports site is infecte

BOSTON | Thu Feb 21, 2013 5:26pm EST

Related Topics

In this photo illustration, a Facebook logo on a computer screen is seen through a magnifying glass held by a woman in Bern May 19, 2012. REUTERS/Thomas Hodel

BOSTON | Thu Feb 21, 2013 5:26pm EST
(Reuters) - Facebook Inc has blocked users from accessing the website following reports that the site is infected with a computer virus.
Facebook users were told "This link has been reported as abusive" on Thursday when they attempted to access the website.
Several security bloggers warned on Thursday that the site was infected with malicious software, advising computer users to avoid the site.
Officials with NBC could not immediately be reached for comment.
(This story is corrected with changes in paragraph 3 to Thursday from Tuesday)
(Reporting By Jim Finkle and Jennifer Saba; Editing by Gary Hill)

Suckface (Facebook) Murder Trial: Closing Arguments Set for This Week

Feb 16, 2013 5:56pm
ht manuel edmundo guzman jr jt 130216 wblog Facebook Murder Trial: Closing Arguments Set for This Week
(Image Credit: Riverside County Sheriff''s Department)
Closing arguments are set to begin this week in the trial of a California teenager who allegedly lured his victim, an up and coming boxer, using a bogus Facebook profile and then fatally shot him.
Prosecutors say Manuel Edmundo Guzman Jr., 19, was the man hiding behind a phony Facebook profile of a fictional woman he named Rebecca Santhiago.
Guzman, who was 17 at the time Eddie Leal was gunned down, used photos of an East Coast Internet model in the profile in attempts to lure young men, according to the Riverside County District Attorney’s Office.
His motive, prosecutors say, was simply to kill for a thrill.
On May 30, 2011, Leal, 23, a professional bantamweight boxer, went to meet Rebecca Santhiago, the sultry single he had been Facebook messaging with, at a San Jacinto park, according to prosecutors.
But first, Santhiago had asked Leal to pick her up a Four Loko drink, according to the Press-Enterprise in Riverside. She advised Leal to pick up her brother, who would guide him to a liquor store, the newspaper reported.
Instead, prosecutors say Leal met Guzman, who shot him multiple times.
Authorities found Leal shot to death in the driver’s seat of  his Toyota Corolla, which they said hit a parked car during the ambush.
The Facebook profile was traced to a computer at Guzman’s mother’s house, where he lived, prosecutors said.
Guzman’s defense attorney, however, has argued that the case is circumstantial and said there is no evidence the teenager fired a gun.
If convicted, Guzman faces life in prison.

The Facebook mistakes people make after a date

Some people become so enamored after a date -- especially a good first date -- that they lose all sense of Facebook proportion. Now that Valentine's is past, here are some guidelines for Facebook self-control.

(Credit: Chris Matyszczyk/CNET)
February can make people excitable.
A new year is barely old. Hope springs eternal. And then there's Valentine's Day to add a little piquancy to their emotional state.
Sometimes, though, lovers suffer from a certain lack of self-control. This can manifest itself on society's everyday manifest: Facebook.
I was moved, therefore, that someone had taken the time to list the major faux pas that occur when social contact accelerates beyond decent norms.
I am lovingly grateful to Ranker, which has taken it upon itself to reduce the rancor that might be caused by Facebooked overenthusiasm -- the site has listed behavior to avoid.
Apparently the worst thing you can do after meeting someone in whose charm and personality you might be interested is to immediately send them a Facebook friend request.
This might seem obvious to some.
You don't necessarily have any idea what the other person might really think of you. You know, inside their heads.
And, as Ranker wisely offers: "Now you've just given yourself something else to obsess over: 'Why hasn't my friend request been accepted? Why is it taking so long? Did they even see it?!'
And from one small click, a whole new series of sessions with your shrink is created.
It seems, though, that the human imagination has found many more ways of ruining the course of true love on Facebook.
People apparently pore over their new date's Facebook page, seeking secrets to their true friends, thoughts, and, who knows, other objects of affection.
Some devolve into what seems utterly psychotic behavior, such as liking old photos of their new potential paramour. Who does that? Twisted humans, that's who.
But Facebook offers so many more opportunities for self-destruction.
There's revealing too much in your status update. Sample: "I just went on the best date ever with Marie Dupree and her sexy knees."
Some people, though, go even further and attempt to insert themselves into comments on their love-object's Facebook page, should they already be Facebook friends. Sample: "You look so WONDERFUL when you're saluting the sun, Shoshanna. Can't wait until we do some saluting together!!"
No, it doesn't end there.
The Facebook gauche end up stalking every second of their new friend's Timeline. ("She dated a clown in 2008? Why would she DO that?")
Worse, there are apparently instances of enthusiasts who get so carried away that they start friending the families of their new objects of affection. ("Hi, Mrs. Aziel, you don't know me, but your daughter and I...." Oh, you finish the sentence.)
Facebook offers so many avenues of potential despair that there is only one way that you can use it to avoid complication, pain, sorrow, heartbreak, sleepless nights, and that bottomless feeling of lost opportunity: Don't go anywhere near it.

Half of Facebook parents joined to spy on kids?

You think half those adults on Facebook are there because they love Facebook? No, no. These are merely parents engaged in covert operations.

(Credit: Sjbiased/YouTube Screenshot by Chris Matyszczyk/CNET)
I had always imagined that adults entered the world of Facebook because they wanted to re-enact their teenage years, find a new lover, or "connect" with long-lost relatives whom they never really liked.
Yet a new piece of research has proved mind-altering.
My failure to regularly read the Education Database Online has been mitigated by Mashable and has led me to a new appreciation of the adult world.
For these vital statistics reveal that American parents aren't trying to imitate children so much as spy on them.
It's perfectly well-known that children can be trusted about as much as news stories in Pravda during the Brezhnev era.
So parents feel forced to take the radical step of joining them so that they can beat them. In a psychological sense, you understand.
Indeed, this study suggests that half of all parents sign up with Facebook at least partly in order to see what drugs their kids are taking, who they are consorting with and what they really think about, well, their parents.
An excitable 43 percent of parents admit that they check their kids' Facebook pages every day.
Some 92 percent of them make it so easy for themselves by openly becoming Facebook friends with their kids.
Some might reach the inevitable conclusion that American parents aren't very bright.
If they are making it so obvious they are snooping on their kids by friending them, might they not imagine that the kids, in turn, will not express themselves fully on Facebook, instead choosing to go to Tumblr, Instagram, or some other relatively recondite place?
Might that be one reason why several recent studies suggested that kids think Facebook is old?
The Education Database Online figures offer that a third of kids would defriend their parents "if they could."
I, though, am left fascinated as to how much adults are exposing themselves.
Surely the kids -- just, you know, for fits and giggles -- trawl around their parents' Facebook pages and speculate as to which of their Facebook friends are former (or even current) lovers.
Surely the kids take a look at these people's profile pictures and pray that they never, ever end up as wizened and alcohol-sodden as some of them appear.
Given that the kids are far, far more tech savvy than their parents will ever be, might they be far better spies than their parents?
While the adults think they're being clever in following the kids, I suspect it's the kids who get more information out of this social-networking exchange -- information that they'll choose to use just when they need it.
Blackmail never goes out of style.

Chris Matyszczyk is an award-winning creative director who advises major corporations on content creation and marketing. He brings an irreverent, sarcastic, and sometimes ironic voice to the tech world.


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