Monday, February 25, 2013

( The Heart Attack Grill at Las Vegas NV ) Patcnews Feb 25, 2013 The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Network Reports Heart Attack Grill Las Vegas NV © All Copyrights Reserved By Patcnews


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Patcnews The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Network Reports
The Heart Attack Grill strikes again with a double bypass burger at almost 10,000 calories  © All copyrights reserved By Patcnews

Heart Attack Grill spokesman John Alleman dies of heart attack

 Unofficial spokeman of Heart Attack Grill dies of heart attack: Owner Jon poses with a quadruple bypass cheese burger in Chandler, Arizona. IMAGE

The unofficial mascot of the Heart Attack Grill, which serves massive, calorie-heavy burgers, died of an apparent heart attack.
The unofficial spokesman of the Heart Attack Grill has died of an apparent heart attack.
The Las Vegas Sun reported that 52-year-old John Alleman suffered a heart attack last week in front of the Las Vegas restaurant known for its menu of massive burgers, including the Double Bypass. At the time, Alleman was waiting for a bus. The newspaper reported he was taken off life support shortly after 1 p.m. Monday.
The owner of the Heart Attack Grill, Jon Basso, said Alleman appeared at the restaurant every day, coaxing in customers and establishing himself as its unofficial mascot.
The restaurant opened in 2011 and features waitresses in nurse garb and a famously fatty menu, including the three-pound Quadruple Bypass Burger, which comes in at almost 10,000 calories.
Unofficial spokeman of Heart Attack Grill dies of heart attack: Waitress Elisha Greenleaf takes Julian Moreno to his vehicle in a wheelchair after he ate a Quadruple Bypass Burger at the Heart Attack Grill in Chandler. IMAGE
The Sun reported that Alleman, a native of Pennsylvania, may have been genetically predisposed for cardiac problems: Both his parents died in their 50s from heart attacks.
Alleman worked security at an abandoned high-rise construction site on the Strip. He was never officially on the Heart Attack Grill's payroll, though a caricature of him, "Patient John," appears on the restaurant's menu, in a clothing line and on other merchandise.
The Sun reported Alleman is the second unofficial spokesman for the restaurant to die. In March 2011, Blair River, called the "Gentle Giant," died at age 29 from flu-related pneumonia.
Also, in February 2012, the Sun reported, a customer at the restaurant had what he believed was a heart problem while eating a Triple Bypass Burger. A woman suffered a similar medical problem two months later while eating a Double Bypass Burger, the Sun reported.
On the Grill's website, it offers a "diet program" that promises that "diets which include these types of food are much more likely to become a life-long habit."
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Home » Featured, Food, Health » Heart Attack Grill will be Closed in Honor of John Alleman’s Death

Heart Attack Grill will be Closed in Honor of John Alleman’s Death

Heart Attack Grill Death
John Alleman, the unofficial spokesperson for Heart Attack Grill died of a heart attack on Monday.
John Alleman, 52, suffered the heart attack last week while waiting at a bus stop in front of the restaurant, located on Fremont St inside the Neonopolis entertainment complex and shopping mall, the Sun reported. He was taken off life support Monday, restaurant owner Jon Basso told the newspaper.
“Doctor Jon” of Heath Attack Grill Tweeted on February 7, “It is with my deepest regret that our number one customer, John Alleman, is in critical condition at Las Vegas Sunrise Hospital.”  He then tweeted February 12, “I’ve never had a day in which I feel less energetic. Watching John die this morning took it all out of me.”
Alleman was not an employee of the restaurant, but was a frequent customer who was so popular that he was placed on the restaurant’s menu and given his own “Patient John” clothing line. While he had a job as working security at an abandoned high-rise construction site on the Strip, when he wasn’t there, he was at the Heart Attack Grill coaxing people to come in and eat.
Heart Attack Grill Las Vegas
“He never missed a day, even on Christmas,” said restaurant owner Jon Basso. “People just loved him. He connected with people in a real way.” From time to time, “Doctor Jon” Basso said he would offer a free meal and drink for Alleman’s troubles. “He always declined,” Basso said. “He never wanted a handout from anyone. He always insisted on paying. He lived, ate and breathed the Heart Attack Grill.”
This isn’t the first Heart Attack Grill death. In March 2011, an earlier unofficial spokesman, 575-pound Blair “Gentle Giant” River, died of flu-related pneumonia. Then in February 2012, two customers suffered heart-related deaths within two weeks of each other while eating at the restaurant.
The medically themed restaurant is famous for the high-calorie menu that includes a record-breaking 9,982-calorie, 3-pound Quadruple Bypass Burger.
The Heart Attack Grill will be closed on the day of John Alleman’s funeral in his honor. No burial or funeral arrangements have been made yet. Basso said he will match dollar-for-dollar any contributions made to offset medical and funeral expenses incurred by Alleman’s brother. Anyone interested in donating money can reach Basso at his email:

Man Dies at Heart Attack Grill

For the last year and a half, Alleman served as the unofficial spokesman for the Heart Attack Grill — the infamous hospital-themed Las Vegas eatery that holds the world record for “most calorific burger.”*
John Alleman, the unofficial mascot of Las Vegas’ Heart Attack grill, died after suffering a massive heart attack. The restaurant is known for having the record for the “most caloric burger” and Alleman was known for eating there every day.

Heart Attack Grill


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