Sunday, February 10, 2013

( Charlton Heston: From My Cold Dead Hands ) Patcnews: February 10, 2013 The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Network Reports Charlton Heston: From My Cold Dead Hands 1993 © All copyrights reserved By Patcnews

New York Times Reports Gun parts store registers, uses it to promote gun rights

By Michael Bastasch
California Democratic Sen. Dianne Feinstein — a staunch supporter of Gun Control — may soon regret not registering her own domain name, since will now be run by a firearm parts and accessories store that will use the site to promote gun rights.
“COMING SOON! Senator Feinstein’s Biggest Fan Page,” reads the title of the new pro-gun site, “Someone didnt [sic] register their own name… This should be fun. Thats right Dianne your biggest fan site is going to be run by…”
The domain name was created by California resident Dimitrios Karras on Jan. 4, 2013, according to Karros is the CEO of the gun parts and accessories store Ares Armor, which will now run the site.
“It’s funny,” Karras told the Daily Caller News Foundation, adding that his company was not very good at political correctness. “This is going to be an entertaining thing.”
Karras said that he was frustrated when he saw how Feinstein and other members of Congress managed the commenters that criticize them on their Facebook pages, and that he wanted to have platform where people could say whatever they wanted.
“[Feinstein's] got a big mouth on her, she thinks she’s pretty much the queen of the state. She almost thinks she’s the queen of the country,” he said.
“What we’re most likely going to do with this is, literally leave it open-ended,” Karras told TheDC News Foundation. “We’re going to put up a few posts and everything like that, but we’re not going to be moderating any of the comments. So it’s one of those things where people are going to be able say whatever the heck they want.”
“My thing is I may not agree with what people have to say, but I’m going to defend to the death their right to say it,” he said.
However, is not the only domain name Karras registered, telling TheDC that the next domain name to be released will be for California Sen. Barbara Boxer.
“She’s not the only one that we registered,” Karras said. “She’s just the first one that we’ve released.”
Feinstein — the author of the Assault Weapons Ban bill that expired in 2004 — has promised to introduce updated gun control legislation early this year, according to a statement.
“On the first day of the new Congress, I intend to introduce a bill stopping the sale, transfer, importation and manufacturing of assault weapons as well as large ammunition magazines, strips and drums that hold more than 10 rounds,” said Feinstein. “I am in the process of gathering support for the bill in the Senate and House.

If you're not reading Public Discourse every day, you should rectify that. Each day, a different professor  or intellectual takes on a pressing topic about issues in the public square. Sometimes the site hosts an ongoing debate (on the ethics of enhanced interrogation or undercover journalism).
Today, professor Anthony Esolen argues that our government has failed to admit that its own selfishness is the root of many societal problems it has attempted to address.
In Philadelphia, about half of all students in ninth grade will graduate from high school. The dropout rate is especially high among black and Hispanic boys. President Obama's answer to this problem is typical of the left: compulsion. Make dropping out illegal. In other words, force boys who are learning nothing to remain where they are learning nothing, to help make sure that nobody else learns anything, either. If they drop out anyway, turn them into criminals to be rounded up.
All this would cost a great deal of money, which Philadelphia does not have. And even if you could compel the boy, seething with resentment and contempt, to occupy a desk in a dreary schoolroom, you cannot compel him to learn. To try is a distant, "technological" response to a human problem. It is a way to pretend to generosity, while keeping those who suffer from your heedlessness far from your sight and smell.
He goes on to talk about how Philadelphia is on some kind of jihad against the Boy Scouts -- and the back story to that is unique and sad. But no matter. The Boy Scouts are of the mind that it's possibly unwise to put adolescent boys in close contact with men who are sexually attracted to men. And you know what that means:
But the Philadelphia city council does not care about such things, because, when called upon to choose between their sexual antinomianism and the welfare of boys--many of whom only a group like the Boy Scouts can save from gangs--they will choose their preferred form of lawlessness every time, without regard for the common good.
This shouldn't surprise anyone, because for the last fifty years, even before Lyndon Johnson's disastrous War on Poverty, technocratic managers, mainly but not exclusively on the left, have been building a system of mutual parasitism, funded by taxes.
One group profits, in power, from the profligacy of the other, which it "rewards" with money confiscated from the general public. They thus gain millions of publicly funded jobs to manage the people whom their policies have corrupted, and they move far away from those people, assuaging their consciences by voting correctly and holding correct opinions. Their hands do not get dirty.
We can imagine that the end game might not be ideal here. Esolen asks what, on the dreadful day of eventual doom, that Philadelphia boy will say to the elites who ignored him and profited from his confusion. It's long, but here are some excerpts:
"I needed a good school, and you trapped me in a bad one, while you sent your own children elsewhere. When some people suggested a way for me to go to a Catholic school where I'd have a chance of learning something, you cried up the separation of church and state. You didn't actually believe that you would be setting up any church as a state institution. It is just that you hated the Church a lot more than you loved me.
"I once lived in a real city neighborhood. The houses needed repair, so you called it a slum, and you tore it down. Then you built housing projects with all the beauty and safety of a parking garage. When these became hotbeds of crime, you tore them down too.
"You declared a War on Poverty, aimed at me, when you should have declared a War on Vice, aimed first of all at yourselves.
"You loved your vice more than you loved me. You could afford your vices, but I could not. Your vices made your lives, as you thought, more exciting. I did not have your cushion of wealth, so the same vices destroyed me.
"I was lonely, and you bought me a whore. My sisters were lonely, and you made them into whores...
"I needed to learn to calculate, and you handed me a machine that would do it for me, and prevent me from understanding what I was doing. I needed to learn to read, and would have liked adventure tales for boys, but you gave me feminist propaganda, or comic books.
"I needed a father, but you preferred your fun. You passed laws that would reward my mother for not marrying my father. You hated marriage, because marriage brings a man into a family, and marriage restrains. You winked and smiled while my mother brought a series of irresponsible men into my life, none of whom was my father. They were dangerous. When they grew violent, you herded them into your corral, which you called 'Domestic Violence.' You refused to distinguish between husbands and these others. Thus did you continue to tear marriage down, and subject me and mine to more of the violence you pretended to decry...
"I needed a coach, to keep me in line during the difficult years, but you cut my teams and rosters. You called it 'fairness' to my sisters, and hugged yourselves for your enlightenment.
"I needed a father to show me how to love women, and you gave me porn...
"I needed a married mother and father, what every child needs, what every child has a right to, and you told me to go to hell.
"I went to hell, and have brought it back with me."
What is striking about this is how this elite destruction is looked at -- within the echo chamber -- as good, tolerant, kind and generally worthy of praise.
We've seen many advancements in society and it would be wrong to deny that. But when you look at the condition of boys in the inner city, what's happened is a scandal. It's almost overwhelming how much work is needed to reverse what we've wrought -- all in the name of "charity" -- but can we really turn a blind eye to this?

KCPQ/Q13 FOX is the Fox-affiliated television station serving the Seattle-Tacoma, Wash., market. Licensed to Tacoma, it broadcasts a high-definition digital signal on VHF channel 13 from a transmitter on Gold Mountain in Bremerton. Owned by the Tribune Company, KCPQ is sister to MyNetworkTV affiliate KZJO and the two stations share studios on the west shore of Lake Union in Seattle’s Westlake neighborhood.
KCPQ adopted its now-familiar Q13 branding in 1980. In 1986, KCPQ became one of the first affiliates of the Fox Broadcasting Company. As the Fox network’s viewership and ratings grew in the 1990s, KCPQ gained prominence as a major broadcaster in the local Seattle market.
The current news operation began January 19, 1998, when it launched a new 35-minute 10 p.m. program, which initially ran on Sunday-Thursday. KCPQ also launched a morning newscast on January 17, 2000, which eventually expanded to its current 5-1/2 hour telecast. On March 31, 2008, the station launched a 9 p.m. newscast on KZJO (formerly KMYQ). In June 2011, KCPQ added a 5 p.m. newscast. Washington’s Most Wanted, hosted by anchor David Rose, also airs on KCPQ and KZJO.
The Tribune Company acquired KCPQ in August 1998. Following the purchase of channel 13, Tribune merged KCPQ’s operations with those of KTWB-TV (channel 22, now KZJO). The two stations became co-owned in 1999, after the FCC approved same-market duopolies.
Since the Seattle Seahawks move to the NFC from the AFC in 2002, KCPQ airs the majority of Seahawks regular season games.

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