Tuesday, January 1, 2013

( The obama regime is A Communist gestapo Dictator ) Patcnews January 1, 2013 The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Network Reports The obama regime is A Communist gestapo Dictator © All copyrights reserved By Patcnews

The Fiscal Cliff
Newt Gingrich attends TIME's Person of the Year panel on November 13, 2012 in New York City. (Photo by Jemal Countess/Getty Images for TIME)

The Fiscal Cliff Sparks Anger Among Conservatives (SLIDESHOW)

The Huffington Post  |  Posted: 01/01/2013 9:17 pm EST
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The Fiscal Cliff

You’ve got to hand it to the Republicans.  To err is human but to really screw up, you need the modern GOP.   The Republicans have held opposition to taxes and larger government as an article of faith since Ronald Reagan. 

Now under the brilliant leadership of Mitch McConnell and John Boehner, the Republicans have not only totally surrendered but have gone from the Party of Tax Cuts to the party of screwing America with a massive tax increase.

What does all of this mean?

It means that Obama won.  He didn’t just win, he scored a huge victory.

These tax increases were never about fiscal policy.  They were never about closing the deficit.   Obama wanted tax hikes to screw the productive in America and Mitch McConnell gave it to him.  

This McConnell-Boehner tax bill raises taxes on 80% of Americans who make between $50,000 and $200,000.   This was not necessary but the Republican Party has been bound and determined to commit political suicide and Obama was all too happy to help them.

Now that McConnell and Boehner have already walked the plank for Obama, the Narcissist in Chief is now already demanding even more taxes in 2013 and much more in spending. 

The next two items up for debate in Washington are spending and the Debt Ceiling. 

Given the history of the McConnell-Boehner surrender partnership, does anyone think anything good will come out of this?

If John Boehner remains Speaker of the House, we can count on a massive increase in our debt ceiling, even more spending that we cannot afford and even more surrender.

Tomorrow, the new Congress is sworn in and one of their first items of business is to elect a new Speaker.

Call your Republican Congressman today.   Tell them to vote against John Boehner for Speaker.

While a majority of Republicans currently support John Boehner for reelection, according to American Majority, there are enough Republicans willing to vote no to deny Boehner reelection. 

If we are to stop Obama, we cannot do it with the team that is currently in place.  Washington Republicans are singularly incompetent and are honestly more interested in their careers than serving the American public.

If the Republicans do not make leadership changes, then we will see no change.  We will see them surrender again on spending and we will see them surrender again on the debt ceiling. 

That is totally unacceptable.

Either the Republican Party changes leadership and starts to fight or we dump the GOP and find a party that will fight.

It is that simple.

We need a Party that stands for freedom, liberty, smaller government and less taxes.   We do not need a Republican Party that is nothing more than the official tax collector for the Obama Regime.

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As the House prepared to vote Tuesday evening on a Senate-passed bill to avert the fiscal cliff, prominent conservatives -- both on and off Capitol Hill -- lashed out. They considered the bill to be lousy and called each other sellouts and bad negotiators. Here are 12 prominent conservatives reacting to the fiscal cliff deal:

    Krauthammer: Cliff Deal A ‘Complete Surrender’

Sarah Palin Tells Everyone, "Obama's Socialist Policies... Will Destroy America's Working Class"

Four years after goin' rogue and being another crazy voice on Fox News, 2008 vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin is trying to reassure Obama-haters that everything will be all right—even if the newly re-elected President is a Muslim from Kenya. In a Facebook message today, she writes, "America, don’t lose heart. This election is not an “Obama mandate,” nor is it a rejection of conservatism. Unanswered ads like this one running in blue collar swing states defined Romney early on, and the Obama media also piled on with the narrative that Romney would harm the middle class. (As I personally have witnessed, once a bell is rung by a biased media, it’s impossible to un-ring it.) Ironically, it’s Obama’s socialist policies that will destroy America’s working class as he outsources opportunities."
She continues, "Hang in there, America. Fight for what is right. Don’t look to government or any politician to solve your problems. Government can’t make you happy, healthy, wealthy or wise." (Hmm, talk to Governor Christie about that.) Then Palin ends with:

The 16th Amendment gave the Federal Government the authority and power to tax every citizen. Here’s the wording of the Amendment:
“The Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes on incomes, from whatever source derived, without apportionment among the several States, and without regard to any census or enumeration.”
Please note that there is no provision in this amendment that Congress is given the right to unequally apply this power. In looking over all the Constitution’s amendments, I don’t see an unequal distribution of either a freedom or limitation.
Equality under the law requires that as each of us stands before the courts or the Constitution, no one should be treated in an unequal way. The law applies to every citizen equally, except, it seems, when it comes to apply the 16th Amendment.
Does the First Amendment parcel out its freedoms in percentages? Doesn’t every person have the same right to speak, write, and assemble? Rich people and poor people have the same percentage of these rights — 100 percent. The same is true of religion. In constitutional terms, all religions are to be treated equally.
The same is true of the Second Amendment. Everybody has a right to “keep and bear arms” at the same rate. Rich people and poor people have a right to purchase as many guns as they want. Because the rich can afford more guns does not mean that they have to pay more for those guns.
The quartering of troops is similarly equal in the distribution that “No Soldier shall, in time of peace be quartered in any house, without the consent of the Owner, nor in time of war, but in a manner to be prescribed by law.” No one could argue that because rich people have larger houses that they should be required to open their house to soldiers.
The same is true about the Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, Seventh, and Eighth Amendments. Read them over and try to apply the percentage differences to them like Congress and the President do with the 16th Amendment.
The 8th Amendment might apply in the case of increased percentages in taxation because the practice could be considered to be “cruel and unusual punishment.” Liberals regard taxation at ever higher rates as punitive. High taxes are designed to punish the rich. Sen. Rand Paul notes the law of diminishing returns on raising taxes. Taxation is not about increased revenue:
“You may not get any more revenue. You may not get any more economic growth. But you can say, ‘I stuck it to the rich people.’”
A progressive income tax is “cruel and unusual punishment.”
The 14th Amendment could also apply. No State “shall . . . deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.” “Equal protection.” Our government is not permitted to treat people in an unequal manner. In Plessy v. Ferguson (1896), Justice John Marshall Harlan argued the following in his “Great Dissent”:
“[I]n view of the Constitution, in the eye of the law, there is in this country no superior, dominant, ruling class of citizens. There is no caste here. Our Constitution is color-blind, and neither knows nor tolerates classes among citizens. In respect of civil rights, all citizens are equal before the law. The humblest is the peer of the most powerful.”
The rich are considered a “class” in American politics. We speak of “class warfare” on a regular basis. Why are the rich classes treated unequally when it comes to legislative law? The taxation of income at unequal levels deprives people of liberty and property.
All we need now is some lawyer or group of lawyers to make this point in the courts. We need to have the same fortitude as those who have worked for decades to overturn capital punishment.

Read more: http://politicaloutcast.com/2013/01/does-congress-have-the-authority-to-tax-americans-at-different-rates/#ixzz2Gq3IV8uD


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