Wednesday, January 16, 2013

( Olivia Sprauer Middle school teacher who is a porn star ) Patcnews: January 16, 2013 The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Network Reports Olivia Sprauer Middle school teacher who was also a porn star loses appeal to return to classroom: © All copyrights reserved By Patcnews Follow us on Twitter like us on Facebook


Patcnews: The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Network Reports from KFYI 550  Fox News Radio Middle school teacher who was also a porn star loses appeal to return to classroom:

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Middle school teacher who was also a porn star loses appeal to return to classroom

In April, the local school board voted in unison to sack Stacie Halas because of the disruption the discovery about her past had caused among students

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A Southern California middle school teacher who was fired after administrators learned about her porn star past has lost her appeal to retain her job.
A three-female administrative law panel ruled unanimously that Stacie Halas, 32, is unfit to teach science at Richard B. Haydock Intermediate School in Oxnard, CA, the Ventura County Star reports.
Officials with the Oxnard School District removed Halas from the classroom in March 2012, three days after intrepid students managed to identify her in hardcore pornography videos, according to The Smoking Gun.
In April, the local school board voted in unison to sack Halas, not least because of the disruption the discovery about her past had caused among students.
In a hearing prior to the administrative court decision, an emotional Halas told the panel that she had participated in the adult film industry from December 2005 to August 2006, notes the County Star. It was an unhappy time, she said, because her husband-to-be had left her. She was also deeply in debt.
However, Judge Julie Cabos-Owen and the other members of the panel were not moved. In a 46-page explanation, Cabos-Owen repeatedly cited Halas’s lack of honesty when school officials conducted their initial investigation.
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College Teacher Charged With Killing Partner Of Her Transgender Brother

7:24 PM, Dec 21, 2010   |  

Julie A. Hopwood, murder suspect. Courtesy: WBTV

Charlotte, NC-- A Charlotte woman who is an instructor at Central Piedmont Community College and a one-time professional violinist has been charged with murdering a woman hundreds of miles away.
Police told WBTV that Julie Ann Hopwood, 56, drove to Livonia, Michigan, and gunned down 35-year-old Amy Chesbro outside a business on December 16.
According to a statement provided to the station from the Livonia Police Department, Chesbro was taken to Botsford Hospital where she died.
Investigators say the two women had known each other for years, but police have not released a motive for the shooting.
Chesbro was reportedly the fiancee of Hopwood's brother, who is transgender and used to be her sister.
On Sunday, officials in Michigan charged Hopwood with first-degree murder and felony firearm. She is being held there at the Wayne County Jail without bond and is scheduled to appear in court on December 28.
On Tuesday, WBTV obtained a written statement from the victim's mother, Patricia Chesbro, which said, "Amy's fiancee and her family loved her deeply and appreciate your consideration in this time of profound grief."
Julie Hopwood's family also released a statement which read:
The Hopwood family is devastated by the loss of Amy "Rion" Chesbro. She was a beautiful and spirited woman, and a much-loved member of our family. We do not have any explanation for the actions of our sister, Julie Hopwood. The family asks you to respect our privacy during this difficult time and to allow us peace while we mourn this double tragedy.
When we went by Hopwood's northeast Charlotte home, a woman who said she is Hopwood's partner said she is very sorry for the Hopwood family. A man with her added that they are very sorry for Chesbro family as well.
According to a spokesperson for Central Piedmont Community College, Hopwood has been teaching Respiratory Therapy at the college since 2003.
A spokesperson with the Charlotte Symphony says Hopwood once played violin for them around 20 years ago. Per her CPCC biography, which has now been taken down, she also worked some with the Youth Orchestra at the time.
The CPCC website said Hopwood has a B.M. in Violin Performance from Bowling Green State University, A.A.S. in Respiratory Care from Central Piedmont Community College, and a M.S. in Psychology from Walden University.
Click on WBTV to see more on this story.

Olivia Sprauer modeling photos: Martin County High School teacher says she was asked to resign.  Olivia Sprauer, a Martin County High School teacher who had planned to resign at the end of the school year, said she was asked to leave a month early. 

Photographer: Photo courtesy Olivia Sprauer
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These modeling photos led to a teacher losing her job

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Olivia Sprauer who models under the name Victoria Valentine James had to leave her job after confirming she has posed for sizzling bikini photoshoots. The 26-year-old English teacher had been planning to resign from Martin County High School in Stuart, Florida, to pursue a modeling career. But the decision was taken out of her hands after school bosses saw one of her modeling photos and she was called into the principal's office. In her online modeling profile, Olivia describes herself as "very open-minded" and says: "I love being in front of the camera!" Picture by: DEmO Photography/Splash News

Posted: 05/05/2013
Last Updated: 4 hours and 46 minutes ago

MARTIN COUNTY, FL - A Martin County High School teacher who had planned to resign at the end of the school year said she was asked to leave a month early.
Olivia Sprauer taught English at Martin County High School.

Sprauer said she was called into the principal's office on April 29 and was shown a photo that had been sent to the principal.

Sprauer confirmed it was one of her modeling photos.

Sprauer said the principal asked for her resignation and was escorted off campus.

A statement released from the Martin County School District confirmed Sprauer no longer works for the district.

Sprauer said she is not upset, but does miss her students.

She plans to do more modeling and go to graduate school.

Copyright 2013 Scripps Media, Inc. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.

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Olivia Sprauer modeling photos: Martin County High School teacher says she was asked to resign

Martin County teacher says she was asked to leave

 Sprauer said the principal asked for her resignation and was escorted off campus.

A statement released from the Martin County School District confirmed Sprauer no longer works for the district.

Sprauer said she is not upset, but does miss her students.

She plans to do more modeling and go to graduate school.


Copyright 2013 Scripps Media, Inc. All rights reserved.

Some students were shocked Wednesday evening by a YouTube video showing students at Hunter College pretending to stab a human life.'
Holli Haerr reported, the YouTube video shows a game called “Abortion Battles,” with people in what is identified as a cafeteria at the public college on the Upper East Side. Male students have balloons under their shirts and take turns trying to pop each other with plastic forks and the world has gone nuts. 
 Townhall Columnists Michelle Malkin

Rotten to the Core, Part III: Lessons from Texas and the Growing Grassroots Revolt

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Texas is a right-minded red state, where patriotism is still a virtue and political correctness is out of vogue. So how on earth have left-wing educators in public classrooms been allowed to instruct Lone Star students to dress in Islamic garb, call the 9/11 jihadists "freedom fighters" and treat the Boston Tea Party participants as "terrorists"?
Here's the dirty little secret: Despite the best efforts of vigilant parents, teachers and administrators committed to academic excellence, progressive activists reign supreme in government schools.
That's because curriculum is king. The liberal monopoly on the modern textbook/curricular market remains unchallenged after a half-century. He who controls the textbooks, teaching guides and tests controls the academic agenda.
That is how the propagandistic outfitting of students in Islamic garb came to pass in the unlikely setting of the conservative Lumberton, Texas, school district. As Fox News reporter Todd Starnes noted this week, a 32-year veteran of the high school led a world geography lesson on Islam in which hijab-wrapped students were banned from using the words "suicide bomber" and "terrorist" to describe Muslim mass murderers in favor of the term "freedom fighter."
Madelyn LeBlanc, one of the students in the class, "told Fox News that it was clear her teacher was very uncomfortable lecturing the students. 'I do have a lot of sympathy for her. ... At the very beginning, she said she didn't want to teach it, but it was in the curriculum.'"
But the headline-grabbing injection of moral equivalence into social studies and American history is just the tip of the education iceberg.
Top-down federalized "Common Core" standards are now sweeping the country. It's important to remember that while teachers-union control freaks are on board with the Common Core regime, untold numbers of rank-and-file educators are just as angered and frustrated as parents about the Big Ed power grab. The program was concocted not at the grassroots level, but by a bipartisan cabal of nonprofits (led by lobbyists for the liberal Bill Gates Foundation), statist business groups and hoodwinked Republican governors. As I've reported previously, this scheme, enabled by the Obama administration's "Race to the Top" funding mechanism, usurps local autonomy in favor of lesson content and pedagogical methods.
One teacher described a thought-control training seminar in her school district titled "Making the Common Core Come Alive." A worksheet labeled "COMMON CORE MIND SHIFTS" included the following rhetorical muck:

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Obama Was A D Student at Columbia, Failed Economics
It’s possible that while President Barack Obama was a student at Columbia, he wasn’t the library monk he claimed to be and was actually still hanging out with the “Marxist professors and structural feminists and punk-rock performance poets.”Which would explain the D average in his classes and the F in Economics.Do I have any evidence Obama received these marks at Columbia?Well, do you have any proof he didn’t?That’s the logic Obama’s main man David Axelrod used on “Face the Nation” this weekend.
“This part about foreign money, that appears to be peanuts,” said CBS chief Washington correspondent Bob Schieffer. “Mr. Axelrod, do you have any evidence that it’s anything other than peanuts?”
“Well, do you have any evidence that it’s not, Bob?” the White House adviser replied. “The fact is that the Chamber has asserted that, but they won’t release any information about where their campaign money is coming from.”
If it’s good for the goose, it’s good for the gander.
Two years into his presidency, Barack Obama has yet to release anything from his college years. No transcripts, no college thesis.
So, if the Obama camp wants to come clean about his grades, they can. To paraphrase, the fact is that the Obama camp has asserted that he was a good student at Columbia, but they won’t release any information about his grades during that time.

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Olivia Sprauer modeling photos: Martin County High School teacher says she was asked to resign

Olivia Sprauer, a Martin County High School teacher who had planned to resign at the end of the school year, said she was asked to leave a month early.
Photographer: Photo courtesy Olivia Sprauer
Copyright 2013 Scripps Media, Inc. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.

Zabrina Reyes. wins $100,000 Dr. Pepper scholarship

Scholarship winner Zabrina Reyes. FACEBOOK
SAN FRANCISCO — Zabrina Reyes of San Diego threw 11 passes into an oversized Dr. Pepper can Saturday, December 6 during halftime of the Southeastern Conference (SEC) Championship Game at the Georgia Dome in Atlanta.
As a result of her throwing accuracy, the University of California -San Diego freshman was awarded $100,000 towards her college tuition.
Reyes revealed that she entered the competition prepared. It was reported that she had built a replica target and practiced three times a week for an entire month. She was even deft enough to grab two footballs at a time from the rack with one in each hand, cutting down her motion time.
“I felt like I could have practiced more, but I guess it was enough,” said a modest Reyes, one of 16 finalists picked out of over 1,700 participants.
Reyes, who is studying arts and sciences, was emotional after the victory, bursting in tears in front of the nationally televised audience. She said the prize money would take some weight off of her and her parents’ shoulders, and that it would “lessen the financial burden,” allowing her to concentrate on her studies.
“I just started crying, that’s all I could do,” Reyes said in a telephone interview via a video story on CBN News 8 with Matt Johnson.
She thanked the soft drink company for the opportunity to participate in the event then thanked her family and friends in both San Diego and Philippines for their support. Many on social media were so impressed with her passing skills that they called for Reyes to play quarterback for their favorite college football team.
“Out of my three sisters I’m like the least athletic, so it’s pretty funny,” said Reyes, who saw the tweets directed her way and admitted the most quarterbacking she would be doing in the future is maybe playing a little toss out in the yard.
In Reyes’ profile page for the contest, she said she would like to “cure ignorance,” “redefine abnormal” and has “always had an itch to understand the people around me.” Part of the scholarship money will also go towards funding school for her younger sister.

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