Thursday, January 24, 2013

( Suckface as facebook ) Patcnews January 24, 2013 The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Neworks topic SuckFace (FB) © All copyrights reserved By Patcnews

Fox News Addicted to Facebook? Study shows users are lonelier

 Patcnews The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Network © All copyrights reserved By Mark Eberle

 It turns out that as many as one in every three people who use social media like Facebook experience feelings of jealousy and envy after spending time on these sites, according to a new study.
Related: Addicted to the Internet?
With the growing use of social media as the norm for how we communicate, there is increasing evidence and suggestion that there may be a correlation between how often one uses social media and a linkage to mental health issues.  The fact that a significant percentage of people check Facebook even before they get out of bed is an indication of the social anxieties and pressures that have been created by this new medium.
The study revealed that significant emotional damage was experienced by users who were looking at positive posts and posts of Facebook friends who were smiling and looking happy.  In some respects, Facebook has become the place for people to flaunt their successes.  When was the last time you saw anyone post something bad or embarrassing that happened to them?
In fact, researchers have found vacation photos caused the highest level of resentment among Facebook users who reported to experience a high amount of envy.  In a world already flooded with social pressures where teenagers and young adults are attempting to find their true identity and not be judged, Facebook has created a new standard of social acceptance.  Social interaction has been rated as the second most common cause of envy especially when users compare how many likes or comments were made on their photos and postings.
For individuals in their mid-30s and 40s Facebook envy was most often experienced by women looking at postings or photographs related to family happiness or physical attractiveness.  If anybody watched the "The Social Network," it is clear the underlying contention by which Facebook was created – a means for rating girls at Harvard – still remains a strong current for social mediums.  If we step back for a moment, one has to ask themselves when the norm for social acceptance was based on quantity versus quality.
The recent German study is not the first to study the social effects of Facebook.  In fact, a study published in December 2012 found the more time college students spent on Facebook, the worse they felt about their own lives  Some may argue that Facebook is efficient in disbursing virtual empathy since people feel good when a lot of people wish them on their birthday.  The reality of course, is that the numbers game of “likes” is creating a compulsion or addiction.
Facebook is an addiction when one finds constant pleasure from the experience.  Facebook is a compulsion if it creates an anxiety when one is not online.  It would be interesting to evaluate through a functional MRI if there are new parts of the brain that light up as we get more likes and acceptance on Facebook and whether they are the same areas that light up when we satisfy our craving for food, sex or drugs.
The reality is that Facebook is not going anywhere anytime soon, and we as a race expect instant gratification in everything that we do including Facebook.  The impact of anxiety and mental health issues in the American population and even worldwide are mounting, and one cannot underestimate the impact of social media in exacerbating circumstances that lead to anxiety and depression.
A few good questions for people to ask themselves about whether they are addictive to Facebook or not include:
1. Have you tried to shut off your Facebook account and went right back to it?
2. Do you find yourself less productive in your work or studies?
3. Do you use Facebook as an escape for relaxation and pleasure?
4. Do you find yourself constantly checking how many people like your posts?
If the answer to any of these questions is might have a Facebook compulsion or addiction.
Dr. Sreedhar Potarazu is an acclaimed ophthalmologist and  entrepreneur who has been recognized as an international visionary in the business of medicine and health information technology. He is the founder of VitalSpring Technologies Inc., a privately held enterprise software company focused   on   providing employers with applications to empower them to become more sophisticated purchasers of health care. Dr Potarazu recently founded GoodChime! a social platform for driving consumer engagement in health for which he is the chairman.

Read more:

Court Keeps Sex Offenders on Facebook, Citing Free Speech

Alexander Abad-Santos 900 Views Jan 23, 2013
The 7th U.S. Circuit of Appeals in Chicago has deemed unconstitutional an Indiana law designed to protect children from sexual predators by limiting registered offenders' access to social media. Meaning, yes, there's nothing illegal about a registered Indiana sex offender friending you on Facebook — even if a judge found their pasts to be "evil." The Indiana state legislature last summer called social networks like Facebook a "virtual playground for sexual predators to lurk," and banned registered offenders by law. But U.S. District Judge Tanya Walton Pratt ruled Wednesday that the Indiana law was too broad and infringed on First Amendment rights, then reversed a decision from a lower judge:

The decision represents a legal split between sex offenders' virtual and private lives — state legislatures can freely impose restrictions like controlling where sex offenders live and making them register with police, even if they have completed their sentences. Before you get too upset over the "virtual playground" argument, Judge Pratt expanded in her decision on the concept that the Indiana law was too broad:

As the court points out, protecting minors froms sex offenders online is an important issue — and figuring out where to draw the line is important as well. This just wasn't the case for it, apparently.
The full decision can be found here:


9 Steps To Get Facebook To Pay You $10

The Huffington Post  |  By Posted:
If you're lucky (or unlucky, depending on your perspective), you recently received an email notifying you that your photo had been used in a "Sponsored Story" on Facebook, asking you if you want to take part in a class action lawsuit. If you choose to do so, and all goes as planned, you could receive up to $10.
According to the email, Facebook used some users' names and faces to advertise for products without asking for permission. As part of a preliminary settlement to the lawsuit (that has Facebook admitting no wrongdoing), anyone who was used without consent can join a a class action lawsuit to get that big, two-figure sum.
Money? And all I have to do is fill out a form? Why not?
Here's why not: the email is completely in legalese and makes the entire process daunting and confusing. But fear not the weird language of lawyers! We'll walk you through the process of filing your claim in nine simple steps. You'll be getting that $10 (or less) in no time.
  1. See if you got the email. Odds are, you either deleted it or disregarded it because it has a super weird subject, if you've received it. The letter was titled "Re: LEGAL NOTICE OF SETTLEMENT OF CLASS ACTION," so search your inbox and trash and see if you can find the email in there. Here's what the email looks like: 
Facebook Might Ban Your Account If You see AD like this Time Magazine 
Earlier on HuffPost:
  1. facebook lawsuit
  2. Scroll down to the bottom of the email. See where it says "More information"? Click on the website that is listed there.
  3. This website will basically give you the same information as the original email did. Click on the Claim Form tab at the top of the page.
  4. Click on the link that says "Click here to file a Claim Form online."
  5. You will then be asked to fill out your contact information, which will be used "to contact you, if necessary, about your claim."
  6. The next page asks you to fill out your Facebook information, like your email address, the name on your account, and your user ID. You will also be asked to provide your Class Member Number, which is buried toward the bottom of that original email. (Sorry.)
  7. You will then get to a page that asks for your banking information so that the money will go directly to your account. You can opt to get your payment electronically via ACH (Automated Clearing House) or in the form of a paper check.
  8. The next page explains exactly what the suit is claiming and asks you to check off that you understand and agree with the lawsuit, so read it! Make sure you agree with the assertions, and then click forward.
  9. Finally, you can review your information and submit your claim. The end! Now all you have to do is wait patiently, which may be the hardest part. 
    Earlier on HuffPost:


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    Content and Programming Copyright 2014 By Patcnews The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Network © LLC UCC 1-308.ALL RIGHTS RESERVED WITHOUT PREJUDICE All copyrights reserved By Patcnews The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Network Copyright 2014 CQ-Roll Call, Inc. All materials herein are protected by United States copyright law and may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, displayed, published or broadcast without the prior written permission of CQ-Roll Call. You may not alter or remove any trademark, copyright or other notice from copies of the content. © All Copyrights reserved By Patcnews The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Network

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