Monday, January 14, 2013

( Politi Chicks Sucks ) Patcnews Jan 14, 2014 The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Network Reports Politi Chicks Sucks they are a joke © All copyrights reserved By Patcnews

Politi Chicks Sucks they are a joke


January, Inauguration Month

January 13, 2013 at 5:00 am / by
Barack Obama Michelle ObamaJanuary has long been the best month of the year for Florida.  For one thing, January gives Floridians a short reprieve from the heat and humidity, adding extra beauty to our landscape of palm trees and turquoise water with cooler days.
And our American traditions on the last night of the year are palpable as we celebrate as one, reminding me of these beautiful lyrics:

Oh beautiful, for spacious skies,
for amber waves of grain,
for purple mountain majesties,
Above the fruited plain…
Whether it be gathered around a small kitchen table in Alaska, a public blast in Time Square, a block party in Miami, or ringing in the new Year at a family gathering in California with the ocean in your back yard–for Americans, January 1st brings new opportunities to have a life, well lived.  January symbolizes a new beginning on our human calendars, a chance to start over and begin again.  In January I personally feel a palpable change.
Every four years, January 21st brings a day of cultural pride as history writes itself another page, when our President takes the oath of his office.   This year as we prepare to watch President Obama being sworn in for his second term, I don’t feel like waving a flag, or even watching, as he holds up his right hand, again, and swears to uphold the worth of our Constitution, again.
The following are the words President Obama will repeat for the second time:
I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.
Normally, whether a conservative from my party wins the Presidential bid or a liberal democrat is the winner who takes all, I rally my patriotism with an open outlook and optimism.  In other words, I give the guy a chance.  But, historically when a President takes oath, it is because he is either new to the position; he is an incumbent reelected because he did a fantastic job, or he is taking oath because of the demise of the President or a temporary change of power because of illness or surgery.
For me, none of the aforementioned applies concerning President Obama’s Whitehouse.
Amongst the cherry blossom-lined streets and fan fair of marching bands and American pride coming to Washington DC this January 21, 2013 there are sobering and solemn facts that keep my political enthusiasm at bay.
First, it appears fraud had much to do with the vote tally at far too many precincts, in Pennsylvania and Ohio.   According to the Daily Caller, “In 59 voting districts in Philadelphia and nine districts in Cleveland, not a single person voted for Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney on Election Day.”
Storefronts are still closing all across my town and any town I have visited in the last year.  Clients at the small CPA firm I work for are still complaining about high taxes and an unusually elevated amount of tax audits.  To renew a driver’s license in Miami-Dade county it will cost you almost fifty dollars.  Feeding my family used to cost between $800-$1000 a month; now it costs at least $1,300 a month.  These are only a few of the accelerated costs of living, and there is no relief in sight.
I am not a survey analyst, but I am a political scientist with common sense, and President Obama has not done a good job.
Never let us forget these profound words spoken by our fortieth President, Ronald Reagan , may he rest in peace:
Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction We didn’t pass it to our children in the bloodstream It must be fought for protected and handed on for them to do the same or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children’s children what it was once like in the United States where men were free.
So regardless of who takes oath in the next couple weeks, not only does January 1 ring in the freedom of a new year, with choice and opportunity, but we, as lucky Americans, get to wake up to these possibilities every day.

Morning Bell: When the Government Fails Completely

What happens when a government program simply does not do what it is supposed to do?
Head Start, the federal preschool program, says it “promotes the school readiness of children ages birth to 5 from low-income families by enhancing their cognitive, social and emotional development.” But the government’s own evaluations have shown that it just does not do this.
The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) released its latest findings of a long study that followed Head Start kids all the way to third grade.
The findings: “by third grade, the $8 billion Head Start program had little to no impact on cognitive, social-emotional, health, or parenting practices of participants. On a few measures, access to Head Start had harmful effects on children.”
Heritage’s Lindsey Burke, the Will Skillman Fellow in Education, and research fellow David Muhlhausen note in their new assessment of the study that the government finished collecting the data in 2008—and then waited four years before releasing the study on the Friday before Christmas 2012. That tells you how much the people in charge wanted you to know about Head Start’s effectiveness.
The third-grade study results are similar to a first-grade study conducted by HHS in 2010, which found that any benefits of participating in the program completely disappeared by the first grade.
What is Head Start? It’s much more than learning your ABCs. From the program’s website:
Head Start programs provide comprehensive services to enrolled children and their families, which include health, nutrition, social services and other services determined to be necessary by family needs assessments, in addition to education and cognitive development services. Head Start services are designed to be responsive to each child and family’s ethnic, cultural and linguistic heritage.
The information states that “Programs may be based in: Centers or schools that children attend for part-day or full-day services; Family child care homes; or Children’s own homes, where a staff person visits once a week to provide services to the child and families.”
This broad description of services should have you seeing dollar signs. Since 1965—when Head Start was founded as a small summer program—taxpayers have spent more than $180 billion on it. Fraud has also been uncovered in the program, yet it continued. Most recently, lawmakers added millions in Head Start funding to the Hurricane Sandy relief package.
So it is stunning to find that all this money has been spent for little to no benefit to the children and families it was supposed to help.
The third-grade study found that access to Head Start had no statistically measurable effects on all measures of cognitive ability, including numerous measures of reading, language, and math ability.
As Burke and Muhlhausen sum it up:
HHS has released definitive evidence that the federal government’s 48-year experiment with Head Start has failed children and left taxpayers a tab of more than $180 billion. In the interest of children and taxpayers, it’s time for this nearly half-century experiment to come to an end.
Quick Hits:
  • Al-Qaeda-linked Islamists based in Mali are at war with France.
  • As the tough flu season continues, here are some quick facts about the flu.
  • There could be as many as 1 million victims of human trafficking on U.S. soil, says a leader dedicated to fighting trafficking.
  • Economics professor and syndicated columnist Walter Williams talks about President Obama, liberal policies, and black families in this new interview with the Daily Caller.
  • What did James Jay Carafano, Heritage’s vice president for foreign and defense policy studies, think of Zero Dark Thirty? Find out here.

Use It- or – Lose It!
Wednesday, December 26, 2012 13:44
Use it-or-Lose it
C.G. Jung the famous Swiss psychoanalyst was notably known for his healing messages to those of whom have lost their sense of purpose, and or, have forgotten why man’s life should be in servitude to others, thus realizing a universal concept much greater than ones self. Also, much has been forgotten in the modern age of electronic gadgets, and gismos; which is however, an ethical distraction, by any other name, where we find ourselves today caught within evils trap of faithlessness.
Jung indeed is most noted as a psychologist, whose approach to psychotherapy took more of a mystical slant then his counterpart Sigmund Freud, yet unlike Freud, Jung was a seer, or a clairvoyant, one could say. It is this unique ability to see, or should I say, sense future events, and that is a gift from the spirit, which, by the way, we all possess, with one proviso, I call it, “use it, or lose it”. It is written “Who has will be given more, and he will have abundance. Whoever does not have, even what he has will be taken from him”. Therein lies the legacy of mankind today, and I am not speaking just of secularists, my frustration is apparent, since secularists no no better. It is the so called religious, whom, should know better, and that frustrates me; hence the peroration of this book.
If there is but one thing, that as a writer, I would bequeath upon the reader, that one thing would be, the awesome spiritual power we possess, but, rarely use. Take Jung for instance since we were discussing his ability to see [or sense] the unmanifest precisely and sensed the spiritual bankruptcy, which has lead to humanities moral decay. And worse yet, what has arisen from the ashes of the spiritual firestorm, is soullessness, and, disorientation of the human condition primarily to technology. Odd as it seems the word technology is a Greek word meaning “Invent,” therefore, I lament the state we –human- beings have become, because, we are called to be spiritual beings with a human condition; furthermore, were we not created in the image [or likeness] of the creator, which is pure potentiality or pure spirit. So what happened?
In other words, humanity hast lost its Myths which guide our way, and, most reality show watching disorientated humans no longer feel themselves contained in the Judeo-Christian or for that matter, Taoist or Buddhist faiths. Humanity worldwide therefore is myth-less and mindless. Mythlessness means the human condition in most social orders, with the exception of spiritual countries such as India for instance, has forgotten its purpose for which we live.
For example, at the apex of the great Chinese civilization the Ming Dynasty produced wonders in art, buildings and most of all family culture steeped in myths, tradition and values. A Ming Dynasty vase for example, with its fervent colors, and amazing intricate designs told a story or, in other words, a Myth of the culture it represented, today the art of the Ming Dynasty is priceless.
Another illustration of course, is the Great Wall of China as The Office of the Historian web site reports. “The Great Wall of China, is a series of fortifications made of stone, brick, tamped earth, wood, and other materials, generally built along an east-to-west line across the historical northern borders of China in part to protect the Chinese Empire or its prototypical states against intrusions by various nomadic groups or military incursions by various warlike peoples or forces. Several walls were being built as early as the 7th century BC; these, later joined together and made bigger, stronger, and unified are now collectively referred to as the Great Wall. Especially famous is the wall built between 220–206 BC by the first Emperor of China, Qin Shi Huang. Little of that wall remains. Since then, the Great Wall has on and off been rebuilt, maintained, and enhanced; the majority of the existing wall was reconstructed during the Ming Dynasty.
Finally, in the autumn of 1911, the right set of conditions turned an uprising in Wuchang into a nationalist revolt. As its losses mounted, the Qing court responded positively to a set of demands intended to transform authoritarian imperial rule into a Constitutional monarchy. They named Yuan Shikai the new premier of China, but before he was able to retake the captured areas from the revolutionaries, the provinces started to declare their allegiance to the Revolutionary Alliance. Dr. Sun was in the United States on a fundraising tour at the time of the initial revolt; he hastened first to London and Paris to ensure that neither country would give financial or military support to the Qing government in its struggle. By the time he returned to China, the revolutionaries had taken Nanjing, a former capital under the Ming Dynasty, and representatives from the provinces began to arrive for the first national assembly. Together, they elected Dr. Sun the provisional president of the newly declared Republic of China.
Sun Yat-sen telegrammed Yuan Shikai to promise that, should Yuan agree to the formation of a republic, the position of president would be his. With the military position of the Qing weakening and provisions made for the maintenance of the royal family at court, the emperor and the royal family abdicated the throne in February of 1912.
The 1911 revolution was only the first steps in a process that would require the 1949 revolution to complete. Though the new government created the Republic of China and established the seat of government in Nanjing, it failed to unify the country under its control. The Qing withdrawal led to a power vacuum in certain regions, resulting in the rise of warlords. These warlords often controlled their territories without acknowledging the nationalist government. Additionally, the reforms set in place by the news government were not nearly as sweeping as the revolutionary rhetoric had intended; unifying the country took precedent over fundamental changes.

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