Wednesday, January 16, 2013

( George Soros OCCUPY is a Terrorist group ) Patcnews: January 16, 2013 The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Network Reports George Soros OCCUPY is a Terrorist group Where is the liberal press ? © All Copyrights Reserved By Patcnews Follow us on Twitter like us on Facebook


January 16, 2013

Über-Stealth Jihad in America

By Janet Levy

In June 2012, the "National Security 5" -- five members of Congress led by Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.) -- called attention to U.S. government infiltration by Muslim Brotherhood (MB) operatives.  Based on disturbing information from court evidence and documents,   correspondence, media reports, congressional briefings, and public statements, they found that individuals with questionable loyalty to the United States held high-level security clearances and worked in key national security positions.  Tragically for the security of the United States and the safety of its citizens, these five earnest members of Congress, armed with ample evidence, were roundly criticized by both Republicans and Democrats, and their request for investigations were ignored.
The five -- Bachmann, Trent Franks (R-Arizona), Louie Gohmert (R-Texas), Tom Rooney (R-Florida), and Lynn Westmoreland (R-Georgia) -- had sent letters to the inspectors general of the Departments of State, Defense, Justice, and Homeland Security, and to the Office of the Director of National Intelligence.  They identified specific individuals, organizational affiliations, and activities of concern conducted by Muslim Brotherhood operatives employed in various capacities in the U.S. government.  They cited links to the much-publicized Muslim Brotherhood mission statement that has called its work in America "a kind of grand Jihad to eliminate and destroy the Western civilization from within."  

All was ignored, despite the release five years earlier by the U.S. government itself of a list of several Muslim Brotherhood front organizations and their members across the United States, 300 in all, named as "unindicted co-conspirators" uncovered during the terrorism financing trial of the Holy Land Foundation, the largest such trial in U.S. history.  The inside influence operation in America is extensive and goes far beyond the federal government to include Islamists posing as patriots and becoming part of the Tea Party movement, Islamists infiltrating the 9/11 Truther Movement, and Islamists becoming part of the fight for "civil liberties" through organizations like the ACLU, to name just a few.

Muslim Brotherhood in America

Established in 1928, four years after Kemal Ataturk dismantled the Ottoman Caliphate, the Muslim Brotherhood today has grown into the world's oldest and largest Islamist movement.  Its goal: to establish a global Islamic caliphate or government under sharia, or Islamic doctrine.  It seeks to dismantle all non-Islamic governments on earth and supports terrorism against the West and Israel. 

The Muslim Brotherhood has spawned al-Qaeda, Hamas, Palestinian Islamic Jihad, and various worldwide terrorist groups.  In the 1950s, it established a beachhead in the United States and today has over 5,000 front organizations from coast to coast, according to a former FBI agent and designated "Subject Matter Expert" on the Muslim Brotherhood and Islamic doctrine.

"The Project," written in 1982 and discovered during a raid of the home of one of the organization's international leaders by Swiss authorities following 9/11, is a multi-phased, long-term master plan for the cultural invasion of the West.  The discovery of two documents in 2001 and 2004 provided, respectively, evidence of an actual MB plot for the cultural invasion and Islamic domination of the West and a general strategy for the takeover of America. 

The Holy Land Foundation trial in 2007 provided for release of the incriminating and significant document "An Explanatory Memorandum for the General Strategic Goal for the Brotherhood in North America."  Written by a senior Hamas leader in the United States in 1987, it was discovered during a 2004 FBI raid of a Virginia house.  It outlines a plan of stealth jihad and gradual takeover and imposition of sharia.  It also cites explicit strategies, including but not limited to subversion of American organizations, shutting down of free speech, control of the language to exclude accurate descriptions of jihadist activities, ensuring that non-Muslims don't study Islamic doctrine, forcing sharia compliance, and claiming victimization.

Tea Party Movement

In December 2010, Will Coley, director of Muslims for Liberty -- a group that decries American exceptionalism, accuses the United States of war crimes, and espouses ostensibly anti-Israel ideology -- joined the Knoxville Tea Party.  Coley had been involved with the Muslim Brotherhood-affiliated Muslim Student Association at the University of Central Florida in Valencia, where he converted to Islam.  His stated goal in joining the Tea Party was to educate people about Islam and sharia doctrine and counter "misinformation" and "Islamophobia."  But his disingenuous statements and faulty interpretations of Islamic doctrine appeared to suggest otherwise.  

In Tennessee, Coley expressed concern about proposed legislation to prohibit sharia in the state.  According to a Tennessee Tea Party activist, Coley stated that he was working with a local Islamic school to eliminate sharia prohibitions from the Tennessee statute.  He characterized the legislation as a freedom-of-religion issue and claimed that it was indicative of the hatred conservatives feel toward Muslims.

He gave local talks promoting the idea that sharia doctrine is compatible with the U.S. Constitution and went so far as to falsely proclaim that Islamic legal theory influenced American law.  Coley obfuscated the truth about sharia, a comprehensive Islamic doctrine that controls every aspect of life and must be imposed on Muslims and non-Muslims alike.  Sharia mandates gender apartheid, religious apartheid, cruel punishments, the denial of free speech and due process, and many other such incompatibilities with American constitutional law. 


The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) characterizes its mission as working to "defend and preserve the individual rights and liberties guaranteed to every person in the country by the Constitution and the laws of the United States."  In reality, the ACLU has defended known terrorists, including al-Qaeda operatives, hampered law enforcement efforts and intelligence gathering on terrorists, and fought detainment policies for enemy combatants.  It was indeed curious that as an alleged champion of free speech, the civil rights organization failed to rail against White House efforts to remove the film Innocence of Muslims from YouTube following the attack against U.S. personnel in Benghazi this past September.

Of greater significance, Investors Business Daily revealed in a September 26, 2012 online editorial that the ACLU national executive staff now comprises eight Muslims; one even heads its National Security Project.  The editorial quotes Steven Emerson, Islamic terrorism expert and director of the Investigative Project on Terrorism, who says, "The ACLU was founded on the basis that there shouldn't be any blasphemy laws.  Yet in the last 10 years, they've appointed members of the Muslim Brotherhood who believe in blasphemy laws." 

According to the article, one staffer, attorney Jameel Jaffer, helped raise $130,000 for CAIR, an unindicted co-conspirator in the Hamas terrorist funding trial, and successfully sued to restore the visa of Tariq Ramadan, grandson of the Muslim Brotherhood's founder, Hassan al Banna.  Jaffer is also dedicated to releasing the frozen assets of terrorist front groups and ending the U.S. drone program that tracks and kills jihadists.  Essentially, an organization that ostensibly exists to protect the civil liberties of Americans, the ACLU is now controlled by Islamists and pushing CAIR's talking points on the "unfair" targeting of Muslims.

9-11 Truthers

In late 2012, MD Rabbi Alam, unsuccessful Democrat nominee for Missouri secretary of state, founded the American Muslim Political Action Committee (AMPAC).  Its expressed goals were to get Muslims elected to public office and encourage greater Muslim involvement in the American political system.  Alam has publicly supported imprisoned Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) leader Sami Al-Arian, claiming Al-Arian was "falsely accused and victimized by the war on terror" even though Al-Arian confessed to terror-related charges.  

Some of Alam's close associates are supporters of Viva Palestina, an organization with close ties to Hamas and PIJ.  Alam has publicly speculated about Jewish involvement in the 9/11 terrorist attacks, even suggesting that no Jews died on 9/11 and that the war on terror is a hoax that has nothing to do with Islam or Muslims.  As part of the group's efforts, Alam and others at AMPAC are dedicated to disproving the official government story on 9/11 and demonstrating that Muslims are, in fact, the true victims of 9/11, deserving special protections. 

A November 28, 2012 AMPAC meeting was posted at Ustream TV, in which members are encouraged to join the 9/11 Truther Movement to question the integrity of the 9/11 narrative.  In the video, AMPAC members agree on the importance of their goal to erase Muslim responsibility for 9/11.  Alam can be heard saying, "We have an opportunity to be part of this movement; we should all join.  Don't bring up AMPAC.  We join but give them ownership.  They don't know why people are joining.  Make friends and stay focused.  There is a way to stretch the truth." 

Also heard on the video speaking to the group via telephone is Muslim convert and radio talk show host Kevin James Barrett, listed by the Anti-Defamation League as one of the leading promoters of anti-Semitic 9/11 conspiracy theories.  Barrett, who spouts the usual Jewish blood libels, has asserted that the United States and Israel have pushed a genocidal war on Islam and targeted Muslims worldwide.  In the video, he claims to have contact with 9/11 Truthers and Nation of Islam (NOI) members.  Barrett recommends that the group focus on involving African-Americans and notes that NOI is "one of the best organized groups out there."  He refers to Louis Farrakhan and his close relationship with Imam Siraj Wahhaj, a radical Islamist member of CAIR, an unindicted co-conspirator in the 1993 World Trade Center bombing who advocates the replacement of the U.S. government with an Islamic caliphate under sharia. 

The Muslim Brotherhood has long been engaged in subversive influence operations at the highest levels of our government, according to The Muslim Brotherhood in America, the comprehensive course developed by Frank Gaffney, president of the Center for Security Policy.  This reality, sounded in the alarm by the National Security 5, is supported by the organization's own fairly recently discovered planning documents written decades ago.  Clearly, the documented strategies and tactics of the Muslim Brotherhood are firmly in place, and their tentacles now reach far beyond the federal government into myriad unlikely facets of American society.  No organization, special interest group, or governing body can expect to be immune to the threat posed by this seemingly omnipresent, subversive organization.

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Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Bernanke: The Power of State-Run Capitalism Has Lifted the BRICs Out of Poverty

By Staff Report
Remarkable economic transformation in India, China: Federal Reserve chairman ... Emerging markets like India and China are witnessing a remarkable transformation, despite a slowdown in economic growth, lifting millions of people out of poverty, Bernanke said. Emerging markets like India and China are witnessing a remarkable transformation, despite a slowdown in economic growth, lifting millions of people out of poverty, Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke has said. – Times of India
Dominant Social Theme: Thank goodness for fiat money and the way it raises whole populations out of impoverishment.
Free-Market Analysis: The meme to end all memes! We've been waiting for this article for ... well, forever!
So ... thanks, Ben Bernanke. We notice you traveled all the way to India to give your speech. Afraid it wouldn't be so well received at home? That's not surprising, considering the twin drivers you credit for the amazing success of the "BRICs."
State capitalism and central banking.
Yes, the dominant social theme you're promoting aggrandizes the transformative effect of capitalism. The subdominant social theme yet again deifies your fellow bankers, holders of the great golden key that unlocks the greatness of impoverished nations.
These are the same nations that the leading elites never gave a damn about until now. But now ... now we are apparently moving in a rush toward global governance. Thus, all the world's entities must surely be brought into sync. The West must be pulled down and the rest must be lifted up.
That's the conspiratorial view of things. Sounds crazy, doesn't it? As crazy as giving a handful of good, gray men the power to print trillions of dollars with the push of a button.
As crazy as organizing these men under an absolutely secret globalist institution called the Bank for International Settlements. As crazy as placing a veil of secrecy over the entire operation so no one can figure out exactly what is going on monetarily or how it is being coordinated.
But it IS being coordinated, and on an international scale. The BIS does exist. And central bankers conspire ... er, "consult" ... all the time, every day ... every hour. Every minute. That's what they do. What they are PAID to do.
It's not a conspiracy, though. These bankers are merely coordinating policy. They are figuring out who gets what goodies and when.
In the past decade it's been the BRICs. We've pointed out in numerous articles that China's latest "great leap forward" has been fueled by central bank money printing – and this is true for all the BRICs.
Is it a coincidence that at the same time as the developing world is rising the developed world is reeling? Accept that a small group of impossibly powerful people control central banking and wish to create global governance and these surprising economic trends begin to resolve themselves.
The mechanism itself is not difficult to discern ... not if one is willing to take the proverbial step back to look at the "big picture." And the big picture is fairly clear. Driven by central banking, the BRICs in particular have achieved miracles. Here's more from the article:
"In the emerging markets, you have a variety of different stories, but I think the fundamentals there, in the emerging markets, are pretty good, and even if there's some moderation of growth in some countries, we are seeing overall a rather remarkable transformation of places like China and India, which has been the biggest anti-poverty programme in history," [Bernanke] said yesterday.
"The growth in those countries has lifted many millions of people out of poverty. So, I think growth will proceed in those areas as well, with each country, each region − Latin America, Asia − dealing with different sets of issues," he said in his remarks on 'Monetary Policy, Recovery from the Global Financial Crisis and Long-Term Challenges Facing the US Economy' at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor.
Globally, he said, the different parts of the world that are facing slowdowns, each has to address its own set of issues. "In Europe, some progress has been made in addressing their sovereign debt and banking issues that they have. The European Central Bank has taken some important steps to try to stabilise the financial markets there have been helpful," he said.
See what Bernanke modestly calls it: "A rather remarkable transformation of places like China and India." Bernanke won't offer the utterance so we will: Only central bankers with their fingers on the proverbial currency button could print enough fake money to create the "miracle" of progress in these vast, impoverished countries. The Bernank is just too modest!
Notice what else he says. "India ... has the biggest anti-poverty programme in history."
So this is the double-pronged attack that has lifted India out of the mire. On the one hand, central bankers print gobs of rupees. On the other, Indian bureaucrats somehow devised and implemented a brilliant anti-poverty program. The combination has created a historic change in India. Soon everyone will be rich.
Won't they? And yet ... the BRIC economies are impossibly distorted by all this money printing. Sooner or later they will go the way of the Asian Tigers (remember that bust in the 1990s?). Or how about Japan, a country that experienced a similar run-up 30 years ago and has yet to recover from it?
It is impossible to print one's way to prosperity ... isn't it? Great nations likely take centuries to achieve middle classes and deep, abiding wealth. The economy must be in sync with the culture and both must age slowly, like a fine wine. It can't be done in a decade or two ... or three. Economies that rise like rockets will likely come down just as hard.
Brazil, Russia, India, China ... these names toll out like bells ringing in honor of the dearly departed. And that's because their economies are probably marked for death and have been ever since the clever men at Goldman Sachs came up with their funny acronym. (Just coincidence, of course!)
Those men with great foresight ...the ones that coined the nomenclature just as the BRIC miracle was taking off. It sounds almost ... organized. Like some kind of promotion.
Of course, we know it can't be. What kind of Money Power could lift up nearly three billion people while bankrupting another one billion in the West? These are huge numbers. One would have to control the world (and all the money in it) to organize such impossible strategies.
Conclusion: Only "conspiracy loons" could believe such a thing was possible. No. Give credit where credit is due. The transformative power of capitalism aided by empathetic central banking is responsible for these great leaps forward. And having gone forward, they will never fall back ... Bernanke has it right. As usual!
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Kade Holdiay, the County Clerk (elected position) of Craighead County, AR (last real flip able democratic stronghold) will be flipping party affiliation from Green to Republican.

Kirkpatrick Gets First GOP Challenger #AZ01

Kirkpatrick Gets First GOP Challenger #AZ01
Kirkpatrick has a GOP challenger. (Tom Williams/CQ Roll Call File Photo)
Republican state Rep. Adam Kwasman announced today an exploratory committee to challenge Rep. Ann Kirkpatrick, D-Ariz., a top target for the House GOP in 2014, according to a press release from his new campaign.
Kwasman is the first Republican enter the 1st District race this cycle, but it is likely other GOP candidates will chase the seat as well. He was also the subject of a recent Roll Call story on potential Republican challengers for Kirkpatrick.
Kirkpatrick was first elected to Congress in 2008. She lost re-election in 2010, but last year she won her comeback bid by 4 points.
The Rothenberg Political Report/Roll Call rates this race as Tossup/Tilt Democrat.

Corzine off the crook

No criminal charges

  • Last Updated: 12:06 AM, July 8, 2013
  • Posted: 11:09 PM, July 7, 2013

It’s official.
Jon Corzine will not be cuffed over MF Global’s improper handling of customers’ funds leading up to the commodity brokerage firm’s spectacular collapse in late 2011, The Post has learned.
Federal investigators have found no evidence that the disgraced Wall Street titan broke the law.
“After 18 months of investigation, the criminal probe into Jon Corzine is now being dropped,” a person with knowledge of the probe told The Post.
“There is no evidence of criminal wrongdoing,” this person said.
The Justice Department’s decision to drop the case is sure to come as a relief to Corzine, who has been widely blamed for MFG’s bankruptcy — as well as the misuse of some $1.6 billion in customers’ funds.

Last week, Corzine was hit with civil charges by the Commodities Futures Trading Commission in connection with the illegal tapping of the funds, which were improperly co-mingled with the MFG’s house money in the firm’s final days.
The regulator also charged Edith O’Brien, MFG’s former assistant treasurer, for carrying out the illegal transfers in a desperate bid to keep the troubled company afloat.
Both Corzine and O’Brien have denied the allegations.
Criminal investigators, including federal prosecutors and the FBI, have been probing the breach since shortly after it was uncovered with its Halloween 2011 bankruptcy.
At the time it was the eighth largest bankruptcy in US history — and the largest since Lehman Brothers went under in September 2008.
Investigators last interviewed Corzine, who has denied authorizing the transfers, in September 2012, sources said.
The criminal probe then appeared to run out of steam until a few months ago when O’Brien was granted immunity and agreed to cooperate.
Unfortunately for mad-as-hell MFG customers, many of whom are still owed money, the talks with O’Brien failed to convince the feds of any Corzine guilt.
Representatives for Manhattan US Attorney Preet Bharara’s office and the FBI declined to comment, as did a spokesman for Corzine.
The CFTC lawsuit relied on recorded telephone conversations to support their allegation that Corzine was fully aware of the transfers.
In one call, an employee told Corzine that some of the funds O’Brien transferred had not been returned, the lawsuit said. Corzine asked if O’Brien had received back “enough to be in compliance.” The employee replied, “No.”

Front seat to history: Cokie Roberts’ historic chat with Michelle Obama and Laura Bush


Politics Confidential
It’s something we’ve never seen before, let alone in Africa: first ladies Michelle Obama and Laura Bush sharing the stage for a conversation in Tanzania. And ABC News’ Cokie Roberts had the best seat in the house—the only other seat on stage, in fact—moderating a discussion between the two women.
Roberts, who has written a book on American first ladies, caught up with Politics Confidential shortly after the first-of-its-kind meeting and remarked on the bond that the two first ladies share.
“They genuinely like each other--that's clear--that they genuinely like each other,” Roberts said of the relationship between the two first ladies.
The historic meeting came together by chance, Roberts said, after Laura Bush discovered that President Obama’s tour of Africa overlapped with a trip that she and her husband, former President George W. Bush, had planned to take to Africa for their own humanitarian work on the continent.
“Mrs. Bush invited Mrs. Obama when she realized she was going to be in the country to come,” Roberts said. “Mrs. Obama could have pretty much trumped this event, but she said she wanted to have a conversation with Mrs. Bush.”
In comparing the two women, Roberts pointed out that Laura Bush took a more activist role as first lady, especially during President Bush’s second term, than Michelle Obama has so far.
“One of the things I can't get over is that people think of her as some sort of a prim librarian--and she hates that of course--but she's the only first lady to come to the White House press room, come grab the microphone, and use it to call for the overthrow of the Burmese government,” she said, also noting that Laura Bush traveled to 75 countries as first lady.
It’s likely that the Michelle Obama will become more outspoken now that her husband isn’t up for reelection, Roberts said.
“It's very possible that we will see a different Michelle Obama in the second term,” Roberts said. “I think we will really see a different one after the president leaves office..she will be out there making her opinions more widely known, when they can't be damaging to him.”
For more of the interview with Cokie Roberts, and to hear about how the Bush’s initiatives in Africa have improved the lives of millions, check out this episode of Politics Confidential.
ABC's Mary Bruce, Eric Wray, Alexandra Dukakis, James Mitchell, and Bjorn Rudner contributed to this episode.


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