Monday, January 14, 2013

( Ann Romney turns down Dancing with stars ) Patcnews Jan. 14, 2013 The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Network Reports Ann Romney turns down Dancing with stars © All Copyrights Reserved By Mark Eberle

Ann Romney turns down ‘Dancing with the Stars’

Ann Romney has chosen not to follow in the hoof-steps of her dancing horse Rafalca.
The former first lady of Massachsuetts turned down a chance to compete on “Dancing with the Stars,” TMZ reports.
“Ann Romney was approached, but she declined,” a Romney spokesman said. “She will not be appearing on ‘Dancing with the Stars.’”
Romney is a big fan of the competition and even attended the live broadcast of last season’s finale, but sources told the site that although she was seriously considering it, she ultimately decided against appearing on the show as a contestant.

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