Tuesday, January 8, 2013

( Ellen Page Supports U.S. Senator Ted Cruz ) Patcnews January 8, 2013 The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Network Reports Ellen Page Supports U.S. Senator Ted Cruz U.S. © All copyrights reserved By Patcnews

Ted Cruz News Conference on Brussels Terror Attacks! Ted Cruz on Orlando Islamic Terrorist Attack: ‘Enough is Enough’ 

                            FULL Ted Cruz SLAMS the hypocrisy of Democrats over President Elect Donald Trump’s big win!

Donald Trumpy Supports the Banks Bailouts It's The New York Manhattan Way
FOX News Radio Reports Sarah Palin is Endorse Donald Trumpy
that is Fine with me Ever Since Sarah Palin has been on A&E and SNL she lost a lot Conservative support No your not hearing about that on Fox News or on FOX 29 Q13 FOX Fox & Friends FOX KOMO News KIRO 7 News Yahoo News ABC News News 13 San Jose Mercury News Lis Wiehl, Fox News Legal Analyst and Author FOX News Radio San Jose Mercury News KIRO 7 News ABC News KOMO News Yahoo News Lis Wiehl, Fox News Legal Analyst and Author News 13 WYFF News 4 WOWT 6 News News 95-5 and AM 750 WSB FOX6 News Milwaukee WEAR ABC 3 News, Pensacola WTVC-TV NewsChannel 9 News WBBJ 7 Eyewitness News 40/29 News -- Fort Smith & Fayetteville, Arkansas KARK 4 News  
News Fox News Network

 Yes Fellow The Smell of Money that what lot of liberal republicans do..... Just fellow the Smell of Money more so on democrats side the democratic Party is now the socialist communist Party that is the Truth....; The mainstream media and social media are both the communist Nazi gestapo News

Since 2013 Ted Cruz is Stilling Leading the Charge To The White House In the Following States This Business Poll From The Wall Street Journal

Full List Of States That Ted Cruz is Winning 

Over His Opponents http://www.tedcruz.org


Since Senator Ted Cruz taking office in 2012, Senator Ted Cruz of Texas has been at the forefront of many major liberty based issues. Senator Cruz has stood up against big government and left-wing positions that would harm America and Constitutional protected freedom. Heritage Action’s Presidential Platform Review states that, “Senator Ted Cruz has been at the center of the highest-profile fight about big-government favoritism in the current Congress.” He has also stood up to his own party, which has benefited him greatly among conservative voters. Another top leading conservative organization; Conservative Review, says that, “Senator Ted Cruz has been an unprecedented dynamic for a freshman senator, Cruz has become the most vocal leader on many issues, rather than maintain the traditional low-key profile.” Both Heritage Action and Conservative Review; have rated Senator Ted Cruz as the highest scoring of all the Republican Presidential Candidates.

The benefit of having two different organizations use different measures to track members of congress and each of the candidates, is that it gives us; the reader, a better understanding of the person running for President. While both organizations have a lengthy review process for all of the candidates, Senator Ted Cruz is the only one to receive the highest rating from both organizations. Conservative Review gives the Senator a 97% Liberty Score and Heritage Action gives him a 100% rating. Senator Cruz has been consistent when it comes to fighting for conservative principles.

The Heritage Action Scorecard tracks a number of various issues, such as;Heitkamp Amendment, which was a green energy tax credit amendment. TheKeystone XL Pipeline which would allow a pipeline to be built that would not only bring fuel into this country, but jobs as well. Senator Cruz also stood against the United Nations Arms Trade Treaty(ATT). The Treaty would “restrict 2nd Amendment rights” of American citizens. It would also limit the ability of the United States to “send arms to Israel.” There are other numerous issues that Senator Ted Cruz has voted for or against. Each of them has been on the side to promote opportunity, growth and liberty.

The Conservative Review uses what they call a Liberty Score that “grades members of Congress using long-term voting records.” Their Liberty Score is calculated using the “top 50 votes over the past six-year window.” This builds a longer term track record for each of the members of congress, it holds them accountable for their votes during their terms in office. Some of the key issues that Conservative Review focuses on are; Budget, Spending & Debt, Civil Liberties, Foreign Policy & Defense and the Second Amendment, as well as many others.

Senator Ted Cruz has been a consistent force for good in the United States senate. He has been steadfast to the conservative cause. He has been unwavering when it comes to limited government. “He stands out from the field for his willingness to use all available leverage to fight for those principles, even when the battle is uphill,” according to Conservative Review. If you are looking for someone to defend American, stand up to big government policies from both Republicans and Democrats. Ted Cruz is that man. His willingness to defend what is right and stand with the rule of law from the time he took office has been “unprecedented.” In a time when our nation is facing so many problems, we need someone who has his beliefs rooted in something more than himself and his own will. A strong adherence to the rule of law and limited government is what American needs. Someone who values America enough to defend her borders and allies across the world. Senator Ted Cruz is that man.


For All the Liberal communist TV Press
you have a Clear choice Fight islamic isis terrorists Here or Go Over Seas and Put an End to isis islamic muslims Jihadists terrorists Once and For all...; So Vote and support Ted Cruz http://www.tedcruz.org ... If you want Restore Freedom and Liberty Back To America Thank you and May Jesus Bless America Again....

Right Now America Does Have islamic isis muslim brotherhood jihadi terrorist in The White House

Ted Cruz Just Set a New Social Media Record, but will the Media Pay Attention?

 Support Ted Cruz 2016 


Ted Cruz

When Barack Obama won the Democrat nomination and ultimately the presidency in 2008, part of what was credited for his victory was his prolific presence on social media. While many candidates did not embrace the power of social media, Obama did. As a result, many millennials turned out at the polls to vote for Obama, even though they had no idea exactly what he stood for. They bought into the rhetoric, the coolness factor, and the push to ‘make history.’
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Fast forward to the presidential race for the 2016 election and another candidate is fully embracing social media and demonstrating the power of his grassroots support in the process. That candidate is Texas Senator Ted Cruz.
Cruz already has a grassroots support group on Twitter who refer to themselves as “Cruz Control.” On Monday at midnight, the group blasted out 75,000 tweets on behalf of Cruz to the hashtag #CruzCrew. Those 75,000 tweets resulted in 1.1 billion Twitter impressions breaking social media records.

RELATED: SHOCK AND AWE: Ted Cruz’s Fundraising is ‘Eye-Popping’

Unlike Obama, the Twitter rally for Cruz focused on substantive issues. A spokesman for the group told the Washington Examiner that the focus was on Cruz’s “extensive knowledge of the Constitution, his support for the 2nd Amendment, religious liberty, and his steadfast opposition to Obamacare and Common Core. Other tweets focused on Cruz’s trustworthiness and his dedication to traditional American values and restoring the American Dream.”
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Rick Tyler, Cruz campaign spokesman, told the Washington Examiner, “Sen. Cruz and the entire Cruz for president campaign team couldn’t be more excited about the success of the Twitter event. You simply can’t create this kind of activity without a genuine and dedicated grassroots following who like the senator want to make D.C. listen.”

Read more at http://politistick.com/ted-cruz-just-set-a-new-social-media-record-but-will-the-media-pay-attention/

                       liberalism + Socialism = Terrorism 
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                         liberalism + Socialism = Terrorism

Cruz Warns of “More Lawlessness, More Abuse of Power” as Lynch is Nominated for AG

Ted Cruz (R-TX) asked his Senate colleagues today to uphold the rule of law and oppose the nomination of Loretta Lynch to the Office of Attorney General.Despite the Texas Senator’s urging, Lynch was nominated in a 56-43 vote, in which 10 Republicans joined the Democrats to cinch the deal.  Cruz abstained from voting.  Ms. Lynch will be the first African-American woman to hold the office, replacing AG Eric Holder.
Below are some of his remarks:

“Bringing in a new Attorney General should be turning a positive page in this country, but unfortunately the answers that Ms. Lynch gave at the confirmation hearing, in my opinion render her unsuitable for confirmation as Attorney General of the United States.”
“When asked further who has more right to a job, a United States citizen or a person who came to this country illegally, she responded, ‘I believe that the right and the obligation to work is one that’s shared by everyone in this country, regardless of how they came here.’ Well, Mr. President, a very large majority of the American citizens would beg to differ. Rule of law matters.”
“I wanted to see a new Attorney General who would be faithful to law, but her answers made that impossible. And I would note there is a difference. Eric Holder began disregarding the Constitution and laws after he was confirmed as Attorney General. Ms. Lynch has told the Senate that’s what she’s going to do. And that means each and every one of us bears responsibility… and I would note a particular onus falls on the new Republican majority. For several months, I’ve called on the Republican majority to block the confirmation of President Obama’s executive and judicial nominees other than vital national security positions unless and until the President rescinds his lawless amnesty…. The Republican majority, if it so chose, could defeat this nomination, but the Republican majority has chosen to go forward and allow Loretta Lynch to be confirmed. I would note there are more than a few voters back home that are asking what exactly is the difference between a Democratic and Republican majority when the exact same individual gets confirmed as Attorney General, promising the exact same lawlessness, what’s the difference?…
“In my view, the obligation of every Senator to defend the Constitution is front and center why we are here. We have a nominee who has told the United States Senate she is unwilling to impose any limits whatsoever on the authority of the President of the United States. In the next 20 months, we are sadly going to see more and more lawlessness, more recklessness, more abuse of power, more executive lawlessness. Now more than ever, we need an Attorney General with the integrity and faithfulness of law to stand up to the President.”
 Obama Will Not Finish His Second Term
See the full speech here.


Ted Cruz bill would ban 'FCC's latest adventure in net neutrality'

Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, wants Congress to ban "the FCC's latest adventure in 'net neutrality,' " saying the proposed changes to Internet regulations would damage the industry. (AP Photo/Charlie Neibergall)


The Washington Examiner reports Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, wants Congress to ban "the FCC's latest adventure in 'net neutrality,' " saying the proposed changes to Internet regulations would damage the industry.

"A five-member panel at the FCC should not be dictating how Internet services will be provided to millions of Americans," Cruz said in a Wednesday afternoon statement.

"I will be introducing legislation that would remove the claimed authority for the FCC to take such actions, specifically the Commission's nebulous Sec. 706 authority. More than $1 trillion has already been invested in broadband infrastructure, which has led to an explosion of new content, applications, and Internet accessibility. Congress, not an unelected commission, should take the lead on modernizing our telecommunications laws. The FCC should not endanger future investments by stifling growth in the online sector, which remains a much-needed bright spot in our struggling economy."

H/T: Drudge Report

Patcnews: The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Network 

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    Christian Science Monitor

Who is Tim Scott? Black senator-to-be should make tea party proud.

Rep. Tim Scott has been appointed to the seat held by retiring Sen. Jim DeMint. As a Republican African-American, Scott is a historic choice – and one likely to please the tea party.

By Staff writer / December 17, 2012

Rep. Tim Scott (c.) speaks to the media during a news conference as South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley (2nd r.) and Sen. Jim DeMint (r.) look on at the South Carolina State House on Monday in Columbia, S.C. Haley picked Scott to be the state's next senator Monday, making him the only black Republican in Congress and the South's first black Republican senator since Reconstruction.
Rainier Ehrhardt/AP

Why I’m dumping Carson and Trump and supporting Ted Cruz for President

Ted Cruz Earned My Vote
The Republican Establishment is grinning ear to ear right now. Two of the insurgent candidates are ganging up on the third in a petty effort to take him down from his leading position. It’s a sad state of affairs when just a couple of days ago things seemed so rosy for the cause of conservatism and the future of the United States of America.
It isn’t the message sent through the Ted Cruz app in Iowa on caucus night that hurt the insurgents. It was the responses. Donald Trump, who was once my favorite before I watched him lie about insulting a disabled reporter, has done his predictable tantrum calling everything unfair and attempting to cover up for his embarrassing loss in Iowa. Ben Carson, who has been my favorite ever since Trump fell from my good graces, decided that he wanted to play the victim rather than demonstrate his strength to rise above the fray.
There’s a true sadness that I’m feeling about this, now. Carson has been the moral man throughout the campaign, but his morality dropped when he decided to play the victim card. He knows very clearly that he didn’t lose 25,000 votes as a result of the message. He didn’t lose 2,500 votes. He probably didn’t lose 250 votes. In fact, it’s conspicuous that despite all of the coverage this is getting on every major new outlet, there hasn’t been a single voter who has come forth and said that they were coerced to change their vote from Carson to Cruz. I know that if I was going to vote for one candidate and a false report made me vote for a different one, I would be screaming at the top of my lungs. I’d have Bill O’Reilly, Mike Wallace, or somebody interviewing me so I could tell them what a dirty trick it was.
Nobody has. Somebody probably will at some point, but again the results in Iowa were not dramatically changed by the news. If it never happened, Cruz would still have beaten Trump by a large number and Carson would still be in single-digits.
There was some good that came out of this. Any other candidate would have turned his staffer into a scapegoat, a sacrifice to the political spinsters to draw attention away from him. Cruz has not done that. It’s shocking that he hasn’t knowing that his political future is at stake, but he has chosen to stand in front of his staffer and take hits from every angle possible. This absolutely shocked me. I still keep refreshing the news to see if he did what everybody else would do, but he hasn’t.
That’s exactly who Ted Cruz is. I’ve known it for a while and had him as my third choice, but this solidified his move to the top of my voting list. He has always stood for the conservative principles that guide him, which is why he deserve my vote. It’s easy to select a scapegoat, especially when it would be politically beneficial. It’s harder to stand alone against the tumult that comes with being a person of values.
While Trump is whining about everything and Carson is weeping over how his chances were destroyed by an evil opponent, Cruz is taking the heat and staying focused on the issues. He is emerging as the statesman that this country needs. He now has my vote.

Robbie Granoski
 To get involved in this campaign, email me at rgranoski@tedcruz.org or call me at 703-638-3093


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