Tuesday, January 8, 2013

( The Alex Jones Show ) Patcnews The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Network Reports The Alex Jones Show © All copyrights reserved By Patcnews

Alex Jones Versus Piers Morgan: Author of "Deport Piers Morgan" Petition Faces Off With Deportee (Youtube)

January 8th, 2013

Refocus Notes: While the below post seeks to lambast Alex Jones, when you actually listen to Alex Jones, he doesn't sound ridiculous at all, quite frankly.
He comes armed with the facts and passion.
The Atlantic Wire

Alex Jones, the conservative radio talk show host who created the "Deport Piers Morgan" petition, isn't known for being a particularly level-headed guy, but he straight up lost it on Monday night. Appearing on Piers Morgan's CNN show to talk about the petition and, consequentially, gun control, Jones quickly went from enthusiastic to out-of-control in the first two minutes of the interview, and he wouldn't even stop talking or pointing his finger as Morgan was closing out the segment almost 15 minutes later.
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The interview is worth watching in full, especially the ending when Morgan makes Jones explain his conspiracy theory about how the Bush administration planned 9/11. But just in case you want the bullet point version, we've collected a few choice quotes from each side. As you'll see, Piers Morgan didn't get many words in edgeways.
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A sampling of Alex Jones's comments:
RELATED: Piers Morgan's Troubles Mount
  • "I'm here to tell you -- 1776 will commence again if you try to take our firearms!"
  • "The number one cause of death in America is suicide, because the they give people suicide mass murder pills!" (He's talking about Prozac.)
  • "America was born on guns and whiskey. It's true we're a violent society."
  • "You're a foreigner. You're a red coat. You're telling us what to do."
A sampling of Piers Morgan's comments:
RELATED: Piers Morgan Makes an Excellent, Evasive Witness
  • "You finished?"
  • "Stick to the subject."
  • "Alex. Alex. Alex. Alex. Alex."
  • "Whatever."
Around the time the interview wrapped up, by the way, the White House finally responded to questions about the petition to deport Piers Morgan. "The White House responds to all petitions that cross the threshold and we will respond to this one," said White House spokesman Jay Carney. "In the meantime, it is worth remembering that the freedom of expression is a bedrock principle in our society."
RELATED: Conservatives Can't Wait to Deport Piers Morgan

More from Atlantic Wire

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