Thursday, December 6, 2012

( the obama regime stopped in Electoral College Vote ) Patcnews: The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Network Obama stopped in Electoral College Vote © All copyrights reserved By Patcnews

WND Exclusive Obama stopped in Electoral College Vote

Exclusive: Judson Phillips offers constitutional means to put Romney in office Jan. 21

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Editor’s note, Nov. 20, 2012: Since this column was posted it has been discovered that the premise presented about the Electoral College and the Constitution is in error. According to the 12th Amendment, a two-thirds quorum is required in the House of Representatives, not the Electoral College.
We have one last, final chance to save America. We have one last, final chance to stop Barack Obama. One final chance.
What is this final chance? Will the Republicans step up to the plate and do what is necessary?
Barack Obama has not yet been re-elected president.
Yes, the election is over – but remember, a presidential election in America is not by popular vote. We vote for the candidate, but what we are really doing is voting for the electors who will meet on the Monday after the second Wednesday in December.
That is when the actual re-election of the president occurs.
Is there a way to stop this?
Yes, there is.
And the best part – this is totally constitutional.
The 12th Amendment of the Constitution as well as Article II of the Constitution govern the Electoral College.
According to the 12th Amendment, for the Electoral College to be able to select the president, it must have a quorum of two-thirds of the states voting. If enough states refuse to participate, the Electoral College will not have a quorum. If the Electoral College does not have a quorum or otherwise cannot vote or decide, then the responsibility for selecting the president and vice president devolves to the Congress.
The House of Representatives selects the president and the Senate selects the vice president.
Since the Republicans hold a majority in the House, presumably they would vote for Mitt Romney, and the Democrats in the Senate would vote for Joe Biden for vice president.
Can this work?
Sure it can.
Democrats have actually set this precedent of refusing to participate to deny Republicans a quorum. They did this in Wisconsin and in Texas. Why can’t we do this with the Electoral College?
Mitt Romney was a terrible candidate, and he will not be a great president. But he will be infinitely better than Barack Obama.
So how do we do this?
Mitt Romney carried 24 states. We need to have conservative activists from all over the nation contact the electors, the Republican Party and the secretary of state in all of these states and tell them not to participate in the Electoral College when it meets on Dec. 17.
If we can get 17 of those states (just over one-third) to refuse to participate, the Electoral College will have no quorum. Then, as the Constitution directs, the election goes to the House of Representatives.
That is how we can still pull this election out and make Mitt Romney president in January.
We need this concept shared with every tea party, liberty and patriotic group throughout the country. We have time to act, but we must pressure Republicans to do the right thing.
It does not matter who gets credit for this. The credit is not important. Using our last chance to defeat Barack Obama is important.
Far too often the Republican Party seems more interested in losing gracefully than winning and governing.
This is our last chance. We the people must contact the electors, party officials and secretaries of state from every red state and insist that they refuse to participate in the Electoral College.
We can still save America and use the Constitution to do it. But this truly is our last chance.
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  • benjamincfreeman
    Article states that Hawaii has no birth certificate ................all of our Obama problem's have
    come from is possible that Hawaii is being controlled by enemies to the
    U.S. is possible that many States are "acting" against the U.S.
  • benjamincfreeman
    Did everyone see the WND article about how Hawaii swears no birth certificate exists?
  • The State of Hawaii did not swear there was no birth certificate.  An elections clerk, who was in no position to know whether or not there was a birth certificate, swore to a W N D-produced affadavit.
    The State of Hawaii has verified that the information on the BC posted on the WH website is correct.
  • There is a way, he has committed felonious acts for which he has not been prosecuted for but has admitted to:
        Use of a controlled substance without a prescription.  Pot
        Use of additional controlled substances i.e.   Cocaine.
    Not to mention distributing automatic weapons to questionable people, organizations etc
    without proper permits.
    Things that if you and I committed we would be in federal prisons...
    Not to mention voter fraud, accepting donations from foreigners,  all of the above are
    public record and no one has the guts to press the issues...
  • smrstrauss
     Dream on. If there were significant voter fraud the officials in the swing states, who are mainly Republican, would have said something, as would Romney and Ryan. Having smoked pot while a kid etc has passed the statute of limitations years ago, and  the program in which automatic weapons were sold was started by George W. Bush.
  • And I think GWB used cocaine before he found religion.  Did that make HIM ineligible to be POTUS?
  • benjamincfreeman
    Dear smrstrauss,
        A link to a bunch of lies does not prove your position.
            Admit that Obama is not eligible to be a candidate on the ballot for President,  or
    show something that proves that he can not have it both ways.
  • smrstrauss
    Sadly you are an excellent example of why Ann Coulter, Glenn Beck and the National Review all say that birthers are crazy. That is because you ignore the facts. Conservative leaders such as Edwin Meese and Senator Hatch and Graham and former Senator Fred Thompson all say that the meaning of Natural Born comes from the common law and refers to the place of birth and that every child born in the USA is a Natural Born citizen except for the children of foreign diplomats. And the fact that this is agreed to overwhelmingly is confirmed by the fact that seven state courts and one federal court have all ruled  that Obama is a Natural Born Citizen based on the ruling in the Wong Kim Ark case.
    There are MANY links. Here are a few of them:
  • No links, just public knowledge and facts my friend.   Felons...
  • benjamincfreeman
     Dear Joshua,
        My comment was not directed to your was directed to
    smrstrauss.    Apology accepted........and I agree with you.
  • benjamincfreeman
     Dear American's,
         America has a responsibility to protect the Freedom of Religion.   Religion is the belief in the
    One True God.   Our God is a jealous God. 
         America defends every Citizen with the right to believe in God or to not believe in God.
    America has a responsibility to protect the Freedom of Religion,  by making sure that
    satanic cult's do not parade themselves as religion.  One example is the muslim cult.
         Religion that is against religion is not is a cult.  The muslim koran
    is distinctly against Jews and Christians.   America must put an end to the mosques that
    are a direct threat to the Freedom of Religion.  The evil cult god allah is satan. 
          Little evil cult god allah says, "Believe in me or perish."  
    The One True God says,  "I give you freewill.  Believe in me, or not.......the choice is
    still is better than the other.........but you may choose.
    Even atheist's must pick God over...
    show more
  • benjamincfreeman
    Dear American's,
         I am a Citizen.  I am Free.   I am a man.  I am a Free  man.   I am free to think............. act...............or to not act.  If I am appointed to be an Elector,  and I accept this
    nomination,  I am still free to act..................or to not act.
         I am responsible to act.................or not a
    Constitutional way to procure the Freedom and Liberty for All,  so help me God.
  • Please, Benjamin - start taking your meds again.
  • benjamincfreeman
     I agree that you are too.
         I see flaw's in your constitutional position.
  • smrstrauss
    Your opinion does not count for much.
    Here are sources to turn to for further research: ution a-compendium.html -clause-updated.html unkers-guide-to-obama-conspiracy-theories/#nbc
  • benjamincfreeman
        I have timely-filed an Objection to Obama's candidacy paper's for the
    2012 Primary.   I did not have one for the 2008 Primary, because I figured
    the leadership of my Nation took care of this,  and did it within the
    confines of the U.S. Constitution.
         Once I understood the threat to the Nation,  I, a Citizen,  and a natural
    born Citizen,  took the proper action to contest this breach of the sanctity of
    our Founder's ideal's.  
         In the lowest court.....the one nearest The People,  I,  petitioned my
    representatives to release this  nominee back into society,  like a fish that
    does not measure the legal distance,  so that he may participate in this
    great experiment,  in his best legal way.
         When fishing for a President or a Vice-President,  a Citizen may only
    take a fish from a specific species.  If a Citizen catches an illegal species,
    it is their duty to return it to the water. 
    Some have debated that...
    show more
  • smrstrauss
     65 million voters to go.
  • benjamincfreeman
     One voter at a time............join up smrstrauss.


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2012 Election Sitemap

Bob Costas Continues to Bury Himself Over Anti-Gun Comments
Governments Handing Out Corporate Tax Subsidies for Video Games
Public University Teaches Students How to Use Sex Toys
Surprise: McConnell Offers Vote on Obama/Geithner Fiscal Cliff Plan, Reid Objects
Company Fires Employee For Fending Off Armed Robber with Gun
Illegal Immigration Drops After Decade-Long Rise
House Committee Purge May Continue as Boehner Tightens Grip
U.S. Republicans Say, "No Way" to Ceding Debt Limit Power
Court to Obama: Not So Sure About Your Recess Appointments
Obama's Debt Concepts: Then and Now
Warren: Yeah, “We Ended Up With a Little Bit of Debt”
Ethics Challenged Maxine Waters Now Top Democrat on Banking Committee
Obama Meets with MSNBC Hosts to Discuss Tax Rates
Obama in 2011: Can Achieve $1.2 Trillion in New Revenues Without Raising Tax Rates
Detroit Asks For Another Bailout
Transparency: Obama Boots Press From Meeting With Business Leaders
Sports Writer: The NRA is the New KKK
Um: 49% of Republicans Think the 2012 Election Was Stolen?
Survey: Greece Seen as Most Corrupt in EU
Capitalism and Socialism Wed as Words of The Year
Chuck Todd: If Lincoln Were Dealing with These Republicans, We'd Still Have Slavery   (601)  
Bush Calls for Debating Immigration Reform "With a Benevolent Spirit"
Senate Passes $631 Billion Defense Bill
Join Conservatives on FB!

    Nasdaq2982.91+9.21 (+0.31%)
     S&P 500 1409.25 -0.03 (-0.00%)
     NYSE 8251.85 -12.95 (-0.16%)
     10Y Yield 1.60 +0.00 (+0.19%)
Anatomy of a Flop: GOP "Cliff" Counter-Offer Fizzles
Obama Struggles With English, Facts On Twitter
Confirmed: Obamacare is an Unpopular, Shoddy Trainwreck
Conservatives Kicked Off Budget Committee to "Get a Deal"
Fashion Editor to Ambassador?
Key Fast and Furious Official Leaves Justice Department
How Democrats Can Get What They Want: Agree With Republicans
Hillary for NYC Mayor?
NJ Mayor Booker Set For Food Stamp Challenge

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