Friday, December 7, 2012

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How Obama can be stopped in Electoral College

Exclusive: Judson Phillips offers constitutional means to put Romney in office Jan. 21

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Editor’s note, Nov. 20, 2012: Since this column was posted it has been discovered that the premise presented about the Electoral College and the Constitution is in error. According to the 12th Amendment, a two-thirds quorum is required in the House of Representatives, not the Electoral College.
We have one last, final chance to save America. We have one last, final chance to stop Barack Obama. One final chance.
What is this final chance? Will the Republicans step up to the plate and do what is necessary?
Barack Obama has not yet been re-elected president.
Yes, the election is over – but remember, a presidential election in America is not by popular vote. We vote for the candidate, but what we are really doing is voting for the electors who will meet on the Monday after the second Wednesday in December.
That is when the actual re-election of the president occurs.
Is there a way to stop this?
Yes, there is.
And the best part – this is totally constitutional.
The 12th Amendment of the Constitution as well as Article II of the Constitution govern the Electoral College.
According to the 12th Amendment, for the Electoral College to be able to select the president, it must have a quorum of two-thirds of the states voting. If enough states refuse to participate, the Electoral College will not have a quorum. If the Electoral College does not have a quorum or otherwise cannot vote or decide, then the responsibility for selecting the president and vice president devolves to the Congress.
The House of Representatives selects the president and the Senate selects the vice president.
Since the Republicans hold a majority in the House, presumably they would vote for Mitt Romney, and the Democrats in the Senate would vote for Joe Biden for vice president.
Can this work?
Sure it can.
Democrats have actually set this precedent of refusing to participate to deny Republicans a quorum. They did this in Wisconsin and in Texas. Why can’t we do this with the Electoral College?
Mitt Romney was a terrible candidate, and he will not be a great president. But he will be infinitely better than Barack Obama.
So how do we do this?
Mitt Romney carried 24 states. We need to have conservative activists from all over the nation contact the electors, the Republican Party and the secretary of state in all of these states and tell them not to participate in the Electoral College when it meets on Dec. 17.
If we can get 17 of those states (just over one-third) to refuse to participate, the Electoral College will have no quorum. Then, as the Constitution directs, the election goes to the House of Representatives.
That is how we can still pull this election out and make Mitt Romney president in January.
We need this concept shared with every tea party, liberty and patriotic group throughout the country. We have time to act, but we must pressure Republicans to do the right thing.
It does not matter who gets credit for this. The credit is not important. Using our last chance to defeat Barack Obama is important.
Far too often the Republican Party seems more interested in losing gracefully than winning and governing.
This is our last chance. We the people must contact the electors, party officials and secretaries of state from every red state and insist that they refuse to participate in the Electoral College.
We can still save America and use the Constitution to do it. But this truly is our last chance.


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"Poor" Households Getting $168 in Welfare Per Day from Taxpayers

Katie Pavlich

Posted at 3:19 PM ET, 12/7/2012
It's official. Taxpayers are no longer simply helping the poor, they're subsidizing the lives of welfare recipients at a better rate than their own. The Senate Budget Committee has released a report showing households living below the poverty line and receiving welfare payments are raking in the equivalent of $168 per day in benefits which come in the form of food stamps, housing, childcare, healthcare and more. The median household income in 2011 was $50,054, totaling $137.13 per day. The worst part? Welfare payments are equivalent to making $30 per hour for 40 hours a week. The median wage for non-welfare recipients is $25 per hour but because they pay taxes, unlike welfare recipients, the wage is bumped down to $21 per hour. From the report:
For fiscal year 2011, CRS identified roughly 80 overlapping federal means-tested welfare programs that together represented the single largest budget item in 2011—more than the nation spends on Social Security, Medicare, or national defense. The total amount spent on these federal programs, when taken together with approximately $280 billion in state contributions, amounted to roughly $1 trillion. Nearly 95 percent of these costs come from four categories of spending: medical assistance, cash assistance, food assistance, and social / housing assistance. Under the President’s FY13 budget proposal, means-tested spending would increase an additional 30 percent over the next four years.
By all means Mr. President, let's raise taxes on people already paying the majority of the taxes because clearly they aren't "paying their fair share" to subsize the lives of others already.
UPDATE: The report does not say that every household receiving welfare benefits totals $168 but specifically refers to those receiving benefits and living below the poverty line. Also, it should be pointed out the $168 includes all costs incurred by the federal government to deliver benefits, including administrative costs.

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Monthly Budget Review

December 7, 2012
read complete document  (pdf, 28 kb)
The federal budget deficit was $292 billion for the first two months of fiscal year 2013, $57 billion more than the shortfall recorded in October and November of last year, CBO estimates. Without shifts in the timing of certain payments in each year, however, the deficit for the two-month period would have been about $8 billion lower this year than in fiscal year 2012.

Total Receipts Were Up by 10 Percent in the First Two Months of Fiscal Year 2013

Receipts for the first two months of in fiscal year 2013 totaled $346 billion, $30 billion more than those in the same period last year. Compared with receipts in October and November last year:
  • Net receipts from individual income and payroll (social insurance) taxes rose by $23 billion, or 8 percent. Increases in amounts withheld from workers’ paychecks ($21 billion, or 8 percent) accounted for most of the year-over-year gain, partly because wages and salaries were higher and partly because October 2012 had two more days on which tax payments were received than October 2011 did. Nonwithheld receipts, mainly from filings of 2011 tax returns by people who had received filing extensions, increased by $2 billion.
  • Receipts from corporate income taxes, which are quite small at this point in the year, have been slightly less.
  • Other revenues rose by $7 billion (or 22 percent). Receipts from the Federal Reserve accounted for about $4 billion of that increase, primarily because of higher yields on the securities it holds. In addition, excise tax receipts rose by $2 billion in the first two months of the fiscal year, compared with the same period a year ago.

Spending Was About 4 Percent Higher When Adjusted for Timing Shifts

If shifts in the timing of certain payments were excluded, spending in the first two months of fiscal year 2013 would have been about $22 billion (or 4 percent) more than outlays in the same period last year. (The year-over-year changes discussed below reflect adjustments for those calendar-related shifts.)
For some major programs and activities, spending increased:
  • Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid—Expenditures for each of the three largest entitlement programs were higher, with outlays for Social Security benefits increasing the most—by $8 billion (or 7 percent). Spending for Medicare rose by $6 billion (or 8 percent) and outlays for Medicaid rose by $4 billion (or 9 percent).
  • Other Activities—Expenditures in this broad category increased by $7 billion (or 4 percent). Spending increased for the Departments of Agriculture and Justice and for several other programs.
  • Net interest—Outlays for net interest on the public debt were $2 billion (or 5 percent) higher, reflecting both the growing debt held by the public and higher payments for inflation-indexed securities.
In contrast, outlays decreased for some major categories of spending:
  • Unemployment benefits—Spending declined by $4 billion (or 22 percent), mostly because fewer people have been receiving benefits in recent months.
  • Defense—Outlays were $2 billion (or 2 percent) less than in the same period last year.
KatiePavlich - ObamaCare Increases Medical Costs...For Your Pets

ObamaCare Increases Medical Costs...For Your Pets

Katie Pavlich

Posted at 1:55 PM ET, 12/7/2012
Do you love fuzzy little puppies? Me too, but taking your cuddly creatures to the vet will now cost more thanks to the medical device tax in ObamaCare. Lachlan Markay over at Heritage has more:
According to a rule published Friday by the Internal Revenue Service, some medical devices used in veterinary practices will be hit by Obamacare’s 2.3 percent device tax. Many of their manufacturers are expected to hike prices, meaning higher veterinary costs for the nation’s pet owners.

The tax will not hit devices that are used exclusively for veterinary purposes. But a host of such devices are manufactured for use in both human health care and veterinary practices. Those devices’ manufacturers will have to pay the tax.

KatiePavlich - White House to Welcome Rapper Who Wants U.S. Troops Tortured to the White House

White House to Welcome Rapper Who Wants U.S. Troops Tortured to the White House

Katie Pavlich

Posted at 12:51 PM ET, 12/7/2012
If you don't listen to your local pop station or spend endless hours watching music videos on YouTube, then you probably have no idea what the "Gangnam Style" song is. Usually this wouldn't matter, but is important to know the artist behind the song known as "PSY" because he's headed to the White House later this month to perform. PSY's most recent song has become an international sensation with 900 million Youtube views (the most in history), complete with a "Gangnam style" dance that has been mimicked by millions, including Republican Alan Simpson. The problem? PSY once performed a song in South Korea saying U.S. troops and their families should be slowly tortured and killed.
It has recently been unearthed in the states, however, that eight years ago, long before achieving this massive stardom, the mega-star rapped about “slowly and painfully” killing American military members and their families.

Some context: since becoming a democracy in the late 80s, South Korea has developed a rich, sometimes over-the-top, tradition of protest. Swarms of Koreans hit the streets to protest everything from free trade agreements to North Korea to Muslim extremism to American troops stationed on their peninsula.

During a 2002 protest concert against the presence of 37,000 American troops in Korea, PSY took the stage in gold face-paint and, with the crowd egging him on, lifted a miniature “American tank” and smashed it on the ground to massive applause.

And then in 2004, a Korean missionary was captured in Iraq by Islamists who demanded that South Korea not send troops to aid America in the war in Iraq. Seoul refused to negotiate and the missionary was beheaded. The result: massive protests throughout Korea against both Muslim extremism and the U.S. military for indirectly bringing this fate upon a Korean missionary.

As part of the protests, PSY and several other popular Korean musicians put on a live performance of a Korean rock band’s song “Dear American.” When PSY’s turn came, he rapped:
Kill those f*cking Yankees who have been torturing Iraqi captives
Kill those f*cking Yankees who ordered them to torture
Kill their daughters, mothers, daughters-in-law and fathers
Kill them all slowly and painfully
PSY protesting the presence of U.S. troops in South Korea? Does he not understand without their presence he would be starving in a North Korean work camp and would have never become the international star he is today?
This isn't the first time President Obama has openly invited crude and violent rappers into the White House. Back in May 2011, Obama invited cop-killer defender Common to perform at a poetry reading.
"Common," a rapper being called a "socially conscious artist" by the Left has not yet been dis-invited from the White House for a poetry slam despite having lyrics calling for the assassination of former President George W. Bush and praising convicted Black Panther cop killer Assata Shakur, (JoAnne Chesmard) who has been living in Cuba since breaking out of prison while serving a life sentence.  Common also has a not so convenient connection to Rev. Jeremiah Wright. But of course, the White House isn't planning to revoke the invite and is defending Common and the First Lady's decision to invite him as her guest.
KatiePavlich - Obama Remembers Pearl Harbor By Promoting Picture of Himself

Obama Remembers Pearl Harbor By Promoting Picture of Himself

Katie Pavlich

Posted at 12:50 PM ET, 12/7/2012
Just this week President Obama celebrated Rosa Parks by publishing a photo of himself on a bus and now the White House can't even commemorate Pearl Harbor without bringing Obama's face into the picture. From the White House Twitter feed:
Because it's all about him.
KatiePavlich - Unemployment Rate Drops to 7.7 Percent

Unemployment Rate Drops to 7.7 Percent

Katie Pavlich

Posted at 8:39 AM ET, 12/7/2012
New numbers from the Bureau of Labor Statistics show the unemployment rate has dropped from 7.9 percent to 7.7 percent.
Total nonfarm payroll employment rose by 146,000 in November, and the unemployment rate edged down to 7.7 percent, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported today. Employment increased in retail trade, professional and business services, and healthcare.
Economists had predicted the unemployment rate would go up as a result of Hurricane Sandy. BLS said the storm didn't have a large impact on the new statistics.
Hurricane Sandy made landfall on the Northeast coast on October 29th, causing severe damage in some states. Nevertheless, our survey response rates in the affected states were within normal ranges. Our analysis suggests that Hurricane Sandy did not substantively impact the national employment and unemployment estimates for November. BLS will release the regional and state estimates on December 21st.
Although the unemployment rate has gone down, the number of unemployed people has remained the same signaling more people have simply given up looking for work. The number of long term unemployed people also remains the same and many people looking for full-time work are still working part time jobs.
The unemployment rate edged down to 7.7 percent in November. The number of unemployed persons, at 12.0 million, changed little.

The number of long-term unemployed (those jobless for 27 weeks or more) was little changed at 4.8 million in November. These individuals accounted for 40.1 percent of the unemployed.
The number of persons employed part time for economic reasons (sometimes referred to as involuntary part-time workers), at 8.2 million in November, was little changed over the month. These individuals were working part time because their hours had been cut back or because they were unable to find a full-time job.
Just yesterday Gallup reported their seasonally adjusted numbers for November which puts the unemployment rate at 8.3 percent and underemployment at 17.2 percent.

The unemployment rate has gone down, but Americans aren't heading back to work.
KatiePavlich - Senator Michelle Obama?

Senator Michelle Obama?

Katie Pavlich

Posted at 8:06 AM ET, 12/7/2012
According to new Public Policy Polling data, Michelle Obama has a shot at becoming a U.S. Senator.
If Michelle Obama decided she wanted to follow the Hillary Clinton route once her husband leaves office in 2016 and go to the Senate, she'd have the upper hand on Mark Kirk. She leads him 51/40 in a hypothetical head to head. Kirk's approval numbers are ok with 34% of voters approving of him to 19% who disapprove. But those numbers are no match for the first lady, who's seen positively by 60% of voters to 33% with a negative one.
Mrs. Obama is also more popular than President Obama in Illinois.
President Obama's home state approval rating is 57% with 41% of voters disapproving- those are solid numbers but he can't match Michelle's popularity.
KatiePavlich - Matthews: Minorities Didn't Vote For Romney Because of Ethnic Dog Whistles

Matthews: Minorities Didn't Vote For Romney Because of Ethnic Dog Whistles

Katie Pavlich

Posted at 7:53 AM ET, 12/7/2012
Chis Matthews' obsession with race hasn't come to an end even though the country just re-elected President Obama to a second term. On his show last night Matthews claimed minorities didn't vote for Mitt Romney because they didn't like the "ethnic dog whistles" used throughout the campaign against Obama. Matthews played a clip of Newt Gingrich correctly stating President Obama is the most effective food stamp president in history. Today, there are a record number of people on food stamps, 47 million, and that number has ballooned since Obama took office in 2009. Not to mention, Gingrich has pointed out repeatedly that there are more white people on food stamps than black, so Matthews is the only person sounding that "minority dog whistle."
KatiePavlich - Trillion Dollar Tax Hike Hidden in Fiscal Cliff

Trillion Dollar Tax Hike Hidden in Fiscal Cliff

Katie Pavlich

Posted at 2:00 PM ET, 12/6/2012
According to Americans for Tax Reform, there is a $1 trillion tax hike hidden in the fiscal cliff that has been kept under the radar. The Congressional Budget Office estimates new or higher ObamaCare taxes will total a net $1 trillion over the next ten years starting in 2013. The taxes are permanent due to being written into the legislation and come in the form of a medical device tax, surtax on investment income, an increase in the Medicare payroll tax rate, the medical itemized deduction "haircut" tax, employer and individual mandate non-compliance tax and more. The numbers below are part of a report that was sent to Speaker John Boehner back in July 2012 about the cost of repealing ObamaCare. If President Obama's latest fiscal cliff proposal is passed, this $1 trillion tax hike will be added to Obama's newly proposed $1.6 trillion tax hike over the next ten years.

KatiePavlich - Who Will Replace Jim DeMint?

Who Will Replace Jim DeMint?

Katie Pavlich

Posted at 11:34 AM ET, 12/6/2012
Now that Senator Jim DeMint is officially departing from his public position on Capitol Hill in January, the question is who will replace him? South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley is now responsible for appointing DeMint's replacement. The name already popping up in conservative circles is Congressman Tim Scott. Scott is a one term House Representative from South Carolina, every bit as conservative as DeMint and is a devotee to the great Thomas Sowell.
Since being sworn-in for his freshman term on January 5, 2011, Congressman Tim Scott has been a tireless advocate for smaller government, lower taxes, and restoring fiscal responsibility in Washington.

Tim took immediate action – the first bill he authored would defund and deauthorize the President’s health care reform package. He was also named to the influential House Rules Committee, asked to serve as a Deputy Whip and sits as one of two freshmen on the Elected Leadership Committee.

Tim also confronted our nation’s outdated and cumbersome tax code by sponsoring the Rising Tides Act. This legislation would lower burdensome corporate tax rates that discourage job growth and allow for the permanent repatriation of overseas profits.  The latter would encourage American companies to bring home more than $1 trillion dollars that can be used for investment and job creation.

Scott has consistently voted for significant cuts in federal spending, and opposed measures he believes do not go far enough. Tim was an original cosponsor of the Cut, Cap, and Balance Act, which would do just as it says – cut spending, cap our spending moving forward based on how much we bring in, and add a Balanced Budget Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. He also cosponsored two stand-alone bills that would create a Balanced Budget Amendment, and voted against raising our nation’s debt limit.

Tim has also taken a strong stance in support of right-to-work states, and has been an outspoken critic of the National Labor Relations Board’s (NLRB) decision to sue Boeing over expanding in right-to-work South Carolina. He authored the Protecting Jobs From Government Interference Act, which was subsequently passed by the House of Representatives, to remove the NLRB’s ability to kill jobs. Scott has also sponsored the Employee Rights Act, which ensures all American workers have a voice in the workplace, not just union leaders and Big Labor advocates.

Finally, he is a strong social conservative, cosponsoring multiple bills protecting American family values and reaffirming 2nd Amendment rights.

Prior to being elected to Congress, Tim served on Charleston County Council for 13 years, including four terms as Chair and in the South Carolina House of Representatives for two years where he was elected Chairman of the Freshman Caucus and House Whip.  He was the owner of Tim Scott Allstate and partner of Pathway Real Estate Group.
Scott's criticism of the NLRB already has him on good terms with Haley and they have worked together on a number of issues in the past. If appointed, Scott will continue the fight for conservative principles and will be the only African-American Senator on the Hill.
UPDATE: DeMint wants Scott.
Sen. Jim DeMint (R-S.C.) has made it known in South Carolina that he wants Rep. Tim Scott (R-S.C.) to replace him in the Senate, two state Republican sources tell The Hill.

The sources, requesting anonymity to speak candidly, say Scott is DeMint's preference for the seat, though the final decision will be Gov. Nikki Haley's (R). She will appoint someone to serve out the rest of DeMint's term after he officially resigns from the Senate to take over the conservative Heritage Foundation in January. An election for the seat will then be held in 2014 for the remaining two years of the term.
KatiePavlich - Jim DeMint Leaving the Senate to Become Heritage Foundation President

Jim DeMint Leaving the Senate to Become Heritage Foundation President

Katie Pavlich

Posted at 10:44 AM ET, 12/6/2012
South Carolina Senator Jim DeMint, known as one of the most conservative senators on the Hill, will leave office in January to take a position as the President of the Heritage Foundation next fall. Current Heritage President Ed Feulner, who helped build the conservative think tank, will step down in April and serve as Chancellor of the Foundation and Chairman at the Heritage Asian Studies Center.
Feulner has been associated with Heritage from its inception.  Indeed, it was he and conservative activist Paul Weyrich, who first came up with the idea of creating an independent institute able to inform Washington’s policy debates with well-researched policy recommendations reflecting conservative principles. He was a founding trustee when Heritage opened its doors in 1973.

Four years later, Feulner was named president, taking charge of a staff of 25 who toiled cheek by jowl in a ramshackle two-story townhouse.  Under his leadership, Heritage has become an internationally-recognized research institution with a staff of 250, state-of-the-art offices on both sides of the Capitol and an annual budget of more than $80 million.
“This is a crucial moment for America and for the conservative movement—and we are seizing it,” said Heritage Chairman of the Board Thomas A. Saunders in a press release. “Ed Feulner has made Heritage not just a permanent institution on Capitol Hill, but the flagship organization of the entire conservative movement.
Nearly 18 years ago, Feulner was instrumental in embracing the new age of the Internet as a way conservatives could move their message and small government principles forward. With this vision, Feulner helped found and develop which stands today as one of the most influential conservative websites on the Internet.
Moving into the next chapter of Heritage history, DeMint serves as a natural fit for his new position.
“Jim DeMint has shown that principled conservatism remains a winning political philosophy,” Saunders said.  “His passion for rigorous research, his dedication to the principles of our nation’s founding, and his ability to translate policy ideas into action make him an ideal choice to lead Heritage to even greater success.”
DeMint's private sector experience will also add to his influence.
“Heritage has always been a rarity in the think tank world: a scholarly institution run like a business.  Jim’s background meshes perfectly with that special blend of culture,” Saunders said.

“I couldn’t be more pleased with the Board’s selection,” said Feulner.  “Jim DeMint understands that conservative principles and values advance the interests of all Americans—regardless of age, gender, wealth or race.  He is firmly committed Heritage’s immutable mission:  to build an America where freedom, opportunity, prosperity and civil society flourish.”
UPDATE: Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, who DeMint called this morning to announce his resignation, has released a statement.
“I thank Senator DeMint for his uncompromising service to South Carolina and our country in the United States Senate. Jim helped provide a powerful voice for conservative ideals in a town where those principles are too often hidden beneath business as usual.  There is no question in my mind that he raised the profile of important issues like spending and debt and helped galvanize the American people against a big government agenda. I am confident that he will continue to advocate for conservative principles in the next chapter of his service to the American people.”

KatiePavlich - Public University Teaches Students How to Use Sex Toys

Public University Teaches Students How to Use Sex Toys

Katie Pavlich

Posted at 8:22 AM ET, 12/6/2012
We've already heard about the incest parties and weirdness going on over at Harvard but now your tax dollars and student fees are paying for public university students to get educated about how to properly use sex toys on campus. Oliver Darcy over at Campus Reform has more:
 The University of California – Merced (UCM) sponsored the event, entitled “Is There a Buzz in Your Bed,” which had the stated goal of teaching students about “various sex toys” and different ways “to play as a couple or alone.”

Health promotion coordinator Kristin Hlubik told Campus Reform in a statement on Wednesday that the event was “discussion based” and guided by questions from the roughly thirty attendees.

She also said the event employed technology which enabled students to text in questions throughout the event.

UCM’s Health Education Representatives for Opportunities to Empower Students (HEROES) was responsible for hosting the event. The group has an annual budget of $66,000, which is derived from mandatory student fees.

 According to Hlubik, the presenters were students who attended a half-day training in San Francisco from an unidentified individual who holds a Ph.D. in human sexuality.
Think about this next time students are protesting higher tuition costs when they should really be protesting the use of student fees for ridiculous things like this which help lead to... higher tuition prices.

KatiePavlich - Bob Costas Continues to Bury Himself Over Anti-Gun Comments

Bob Costas Continues to Bury Himself Over Anti-Gun Comments

Katie Pavlich

Posted at 7:37 AM ET, 12/6/2012
When you're in a hole, stop digging. Last night NBC sportscaster Bob Costas made an appearance on the O'Reilly Fact in an effort to clear up any "misunderstanding" about what he said during his anti-gun monologue on Sunday night football in reaction to NFL player Jovan Belcher killing the mother of his child. Yesterday, Costas issued a non-apology for his comments that was full of excuses and one that blamed viewers for misinterpreting what he really meant and said.
"I don't back up on anything I said."
First of all, since Costas has come under heavy criticism for his comments, he's repeatedly tried to shift the focus to, "I was quoting a column," stressing the words weren't really his. The problem? When Costas made the remarks on Sunday he said, "You want some actual perspective on this, well, a bit of it comes from the Kansas City based writer Jason Whitlock with whom I do not always agree but who today said it so well, we might as well just quote or paraphrase from the end of his article."
Next, Costas tried to claim his comments had nothing to do with gun control. Does he think we're stupid? When Costas says we have too many guns, what does he expect law abiding gun owners to assume? That Costas wants less guns of course. Costas also tried to claim Americans can simply go out and buy "automatic weapons," which is false. Special permits and rigorous background checks are required to purchase automatic weopons and typical gun dealerships cannot and do not sell them.
Not surprisingly, Costas attempted to use the movie theater shooting in Aurora, Colorado earlier this year to score even more political points. Costas tried to argue that Colorado is a carry state and therefore if someone in the theater wanted to have their gun, they could have. The problem? The theater is a gun free zone (just like Virginia Tech and Columbine), an important fact both Costas and O'Reilly failed to mention. On top of that, Costas and O'Reilly forgot to mention the Colorado shooter had a history of mental health issues that authorities failed to address before the tragedy occurred. Finally, it is asinine for Costas to suggest people defending themselves from a mad man are simply playing, "Dirty Harry."
Lastly, I addressed Costas convoluted perspective about America's gun culture yesterday.
The fact is, America actually has two gun cultures and it is important to distinguish them from one another.

The first gun culture is deeply seated in American history and her founding. Founding Fathers like George Washington understood that an armed citizenry would prevent government tyranny, which is why we have the Second Amendment.

Historically in America we’ve had a deep respect for firearms. The vast majority of people have used them to celebrate American history, for collection, personal protection, hunting and sport. We see American gun culture celebrated each year when dads take their kids elk hunting for the first time. We see it when women head to the range to safely practice shooting their new pink pistols. We see it when a mother shoots an intruder while she is home alone in order to protect her children. We see it practiced when thousands of people sign up for concealed carry permit and hunters’ safety classes each year. Not to mention, the multi-billion-dollar firearms industry employs millions of people and provides the government with billions in tax revenue every year.

The other gun culture in America can be found in the inner city of Chicago, Washington D.C., New York City, Los Angeles and others. Ironically, violent gun culture is found within gangs in cities with the strictest gun laws. It is the same culture promoted in Hollywood films made by liberals, glorified by rappers whose music is worshiped in violent gang plagued neighborhoods and disrespectfully joked about at NBA parties.
In conclusion, Costas really should educate himself about how real American gun culture, guns and gun laws before digging himself into a deeper hole.
KatiePavlich - Obama's Debt Concepts: Then and Now

Obama's Debt Concepts: Then and Now

Katie Pavlich

Posted at 4:20 PM ET, 12/5/2012
President Obama is still out campaigning for his tax hike on the rich which if passed will do zero to pay down the deficit or decrease U.S. debt. In fact, if Obama gets the rich to pay just a little more of their "fair share," we'll be able run the federal government for a whopping 7 days if we're lucky. But what happened to the Obama who used to actually talk about debt and portray it as a bad thing? Oh how we long for the good old days. When Bush left office, the National Debt stood at $10 trillion. After Obama's first term, it sits at more than $16 trillion and for each of the past four years, the United States has posted trillion dollar deficits.
Now, Obama has proposed the following (notice the lack of spending cuts or talk of paying down debt or the deficit):
House Republicans said on Thursday that Treasury Secretary Timothy F. Geithner presented the House speaker, John A. Boehner, a detailed proposal to avert the year-end fiscal crisis with $1.6 trillion in tax increases over 10 years, an immediate new round of stimulus spending, home mortgage refinancing and a permanent end to Congressional control over statutory borrowing limits. The proposal, loaded with Democratic priorities and short on detailed spending cuts, was likely to meet strong Republican resistance. In exchange for locking in the $1.6 trillion in added revenues, President Obama embraced $400 billion in savings from Medicare and other entitlements, to be worked out next year, with no guarantees. He did propose some upfront cuts in programs like farm price supports, but did not specify an amount or any details.

And senior Republican aides familiar with the offer said those initial spending cuts might well be outnumbered by upfront spending increases, including at least $50 billion in infrastructure spending, mortgage relief, an extension of unemployment insurance and a deferral of automatic cuts to physician reimbursements under Medicare … The upfront tax increases in the proposal go beyond what Senate Democrats were able to pass earlier this year. Tax rates would go up for higher-income earners, as in the Senate bill, but Mr. Obama wants their dividends to be taxed as ordinary income, something the Senate did not approve. He also wants the estate tax to be levied at 45 percent on inheritances over $3.5 million, a step several Democratic senators balked at. The Senate bill made no changes to the estate tax, which currently taxes inheritances over $5 million at 35 percent.
Moving forward is looking pretty grim.
KatiePavlich - Ethics Challenged Maxine Waters Now Top Democrat on Banking Committee

Ethics Challenged Maxine Waters Now Top Democrat on Banking Committee

Katie Pavlich

Posted at 2:16 PM ET, 12/5/2012
Democratic Rep. Maxine Waters has been placed into the position of Ranking Member on the House Financial Services Committee. This is the same committeee that deals with banking matters and more specifically, banking regulation. The problem? Waters was only cleared (which doesn't mean innocent in Washington) of ethics charges in September over allegations she abused bank bailout funds to benefit a bank run by her husband in California. A refresher:
Last summer [2010], the House Ethics Committee charged the entrenched California congresswoman with three violations related to her wheeling and dealing on behalf of minority-owned OneUnited Bank in Los Angeles. The panel accused Waters of bringing discredit to the House for using her influence to seek and secure taxpayer-subsidized special favors for the failing financial institution.
The minority-owned bank Waters lobbied for — OneUnited — is now under scrutiny from the Treasury Department for skipping TARP aid repayments. Mm, mm, mm. Heckuva job, Congresswoman Bank on OneUnited.
So what are Waters' goals now that she has at least a powerful voice on the committee?
The outspoken liberal vowed Tuesday to protect the Dodd-Frank financial reform law from GOP attempts to dismantle it, while pursuing reform of housing finance with the new chairman, Rep. Jeb Hensarling (R-Texas).

While Waters and Hensarling rarely see eye to eye on policy, she said in a statement she hoped to "reconcile our visions" at the top of the banking panel. But she gave little indication she was willing to consider changes to the Dodd-Frank financial reform law, which Hensarling has harshly critiqued.

"I look forward to working with my colleagues to protect, defend and implement the important provisions of Dodd-Frank, which will continue to strengthen our financial system," she said. "I understand that regulatory certainty is an important aspect of growing our economy, and remain committed to ensuring clear and transparent regulation which creates the space for innovation, safety and soundness."

A longtime housing advocate, Waters also made clear that housing reform would be at the top of her agenda in the 113th Congress.

"Housing finance reform, in particular, will be crucial to ensuring the long-term success and stability of our economy. I believe we need a financial system that facilitates economic opportunity and wealth creation for all, and I stand ready to work with my colleagues towards that goal," she said.
What could possibly go wrong?
KatiePavlich - Detroit Asks For Another Bailout

Detroit Asks For Another Bailout

Katie Pavlich

Posted at 1:41 PM ET, 12/5/2012
Apparently, bailing out Detroit's auto industry just wasn't good enough during President Obama's first term. Detroit City Council woman JoAnn Watson is demanding President Obama "bring home the bacon," because "her people" elected him. Watson gave us a perfect example of why going down the slippery slope of bailouts in first place was a bad idea.
"Our people in an overwhelming way supported the re-election of this president and there ought to be a quid pro quo and you ought to exercise leadership on that," said Watson. "Of course, not just that, but why not?"

"After the election of Jimmy Carter, the honorable Coleman Alexander Young, he went to Washington, D.C. He came home with some bacon," said Watson. "That's what you do."

Fox 2 News Headlines

Reality check: the government is out of money.
KatiePavlich - Transparency: Obama Boots Press From Meeting With Business Leaders

Transparency: Obama Boots Press From Meeting With Business Leaders

Katie Pavlich

Posted at 11:52 AM ET, 12/5/2012
President Obama is hosting a meeting today with top business leaders and CEOs from all over the country in Washington D.C. but the "most transparent" president in history doesn't want the press watching and kicked reporters out earlier today.
I guess I can't blame him. It is a bit ridiculous watching President Obama, someone who has never created a private sector job in his life, lecturing America's top job creators about how they need to pay more of their "fair share."
KatiePavlich - Sports Writer: The NRA is the New KKK

Sports Writer: The NRA is the New KKK

Katie Pavlich

Posted at 7:37 AM ET, 12/5/2012
Fox Sports columnist Jason Whitlock, the same writer Bob Costas based his ridiculous anti-gun halftime report on over the weekend, told CNN's Roland Martin yesterday that the NRA is the new KKK.
Sports gets so much attention, and people tune out the real world, that I try to take advantage of the opportunity to talk about the real world when sports lends itself to that and try to open people’s eyes. You know, I did not go as far as I’d like to go because my thoughts on the NRA and America’s gun culture – I believe the NRA is the new KKK. And that the arming of so many black youths, uh, and loading up our community with drugs, and then just having an open shooting gallery, is the work of people who obviously don’t have our best interests [at heart].

I think it’s obvious if you’ve traveled abroad, and traveled to countries where they have legitimate gun laws, that we don’t have to have what we have in America, where people somehow think a gun enhances their liberty, and that people somehow think a gun makes them safer. It just doesn’t. A gun turns some kids listening to music into a murder scene. And uh, you know, if you don’t have a gun, you drive home. You know, kids listening to some loud music, you don’t like it, you go home and complain to your wife. But when you have a gun, you open fire, potentially, and take the life of a child.

A few thoughts here. First, I would be happy to debate Whitlock about "America's gun culture" any day, in fact, read my column on the issue today. Second, "the arming of so many black youths?" Is Whitlock really so ignorant to think the National Rifle Association arms anyone? People arm themselves because they have a constitutional right to do so. Do they have a constitutional right to shoot the mother of their children nine times for staying out at a concert too late as NFL player Jovan Belcher did over the weekend? No.
Throughout this entire Belcher case, people like Whitlock have tried to shift as much attention away from the actual incident and the man who committed the atrocity in the first place. Belcher was an NFL player who had a history of domestic violence, he killed the mother of his child in cold blood over the weekend and yet, Whitlock refuses to hold him responsible for his actions and would rather blame the NRA and America's gun culture.
Third, "guns" don't turn kids listening to music into killers and men irritated with loud music don't just head home with their gun to shoot their wives. The kids Whitlock refers to above make their own decisions and if those decisions include using guns improperly, only they are responsible for their actions.
Fourth, Whitlock says we should go to other countries to understand gun laws. No need to go to another country, I would invite him to head straight to Chicago, Washington D.C. and New York City and see how the strictest gun laws in the country are working out. Hint: not so well. This year alone we've seen more than 440 murders in Chicago. On the flip side, the cities and states with the least intrusive gun laws have seen gun crime steadily decrease in the past ten years.
Fifth, it is absolutely asinine Whitlock would compare the NRA to the KKK at all. Reality check: the NRA actually help protect black people from the KKK and can be credited as being the country's first Civil Rights organization. Ann Coulter explained this back in April.
Gun control laws were originally promulgated by Democrats to keep guns out of the hands of blacks. This allowed the Democratic policy of slavery to proceed with fewer bumps and, after the Civil War, allowed the Democratic Ku Klux Klan to menace and murder black Americans with little resistance.

(Contrary to what illiterates believe, the KKK was an outgrowth of the Democratic Party, with overlapping membership rolls. The Klan was to the Democrats what the American Civil Liberties Union is today: Not every Democrat is an ACLU'er, but every ACLU'er is a Democrat. Same with the Klan.)

In 1640, the very first gun control law ever enacted on these shores was passed in Virginia. It provided that blacks -- even freemen -- could not own guns.

For more than a hundred years, Republicans have aggressively supported arming blacks, so they could defend themselves against Democrats.

The original draft of the Anti-Klan Act of 1871 -- passed at the urging of Republican president Ulysses S. Grant -- made it a federal felony to "deprive any citizen of the United States of any arms or weapons he may have in his house or possession for the defense of his person, family, or property." This section was deleted from the final bill only because it was deemed both beyond Congress' authority and superfluous, inasmuch as the rights of citizenship included the right to bear arms.

Under authority of the Anti-Klan Act, President Grant deployed the U.S. military to destroy the Klan, and pretty nearly completed the job.

But the Klan had a few resurgences in the early and mid-20th century. Curiously, wherever the Klan became a political force, gun control laws would suddenly appear on the books.

This will give you an idea of how gun control laws worked. Following the firebombing of his house in 1956, Dr. Martin Luther King, who was, among other things, a Christian minister, applied for a gun permit, but the Alabama authorities found him unsuitable. A decade later, he won a Nobel Peace Prize.

How's that "may issue" gun permit policy working for you?

The NRA opposed these discretionary gun permit laws and proceeded to grant NRA charters to blacks who sought to defend themselves from Klan violence -- including the great civil rights hero Robert F. Williams.
So there you have it. Whitlock, like so many liberals who opine on the NRA, is ignorant about the NRA's history and the important role it has played throughout history to protect black people. Second Amendment rights are essential to a free and tyranny free society, something Whitlock doesn't understand.
KatiePavlich - Conservatives Kicked Off Budget Committee to

Conservatives Kicked Off Budget Committee to "Get a Deal"

Katie Pavlich

Posted at 10:59 AM ET, 12/4/2012
It's official. Two of the most conservative Republicans in the House have been kicked off of the House Budget Committee by Speaker John Boehner.
Representatives Tim Huelskamp of Kansas and Justin Amash of Michigan - both favorites of the anti-tax Tea Party movement - are among those Republicans voting most often against House Speaker John Boehner.

Huelskamp and Amash, who both will begin second terms in the House next month, voted against last year's deal to raise the federal debt limit and staunchly oppose any tax increases. Boehner has now included new revenue in his latest offer to avert the "fiscal cliff" of year-end tax hikes and automatic spending cuts. Given their voting records, winning support from Huelskamp and Amash for such a compromise seemed an uphill battle.
The move has apparently been made in the name of compromise. I wonder if Harry Reid will kick the most liberal Senators off of the Senate Budget Committee as well....doubt it.
KatiePavlich - Key Fast and Furious Official Leaves Justice Department

Key Fast and Furious Official Leaves Justice Department

Katie Pavlich

Posted at 8:05 AM ET, 12/4/2012
Attorney General Eric Holder's Chief of Staff Gary Grindler has announced his departure from the Department of Justice. Grindler was named as one of the top DOJ officials responsible for the fatal Fast and Furious operation by the DOJ inspector general.
“We determined that Grindler learned on December 17, 2010, of the link between weapons found at the Terry murder scene and Operation Fast and Furious but did not inform the Attorney General about this information. We believe that he should have informed the Attorney General as well as made an appropriate inquiry of ATF or the U.S. Attorney’s Office about the connection. Grindler told us that he was relying on the FBI to investigate the homicide and that would include investigation of the weapons in question. We found that Grindler’s reliance on the FBI was misplaced given that it did not have the responsibility to determine whether errors in ATF’s investigation led to the weapons ending up at the murder scene or why ATF failed to take law enforcement action against Avila for nearly one year and did so only after Agent Terry’s murder. We also believe that Grindler should have ensured that the Department of Homeland Security was informed about the linkage.” (p. 454)
Grindler was also shown in a joint report issued by Chairman of the House Overisight Committee Darrell Issa and Senator Chuck Grassley to be at a minimum incompetent.
“Given the circumstances surrounding Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry’s death, one would expect Justice Department officials to have some recollection of the event. Instead, Department officials seem to have experienced collective memory loss … Gary Grindler [indicated that he could ‘not recall’ or did ‘not know’] 29 times during his interview with investigators.” (p.103)

 “Acting Deputy Attorney General Gary Grindler took a management approach of delegating tasks and responsibilities to his subordinates and then remaining uninvolved until problems were brought to his attention. This management style insulated him from problems occurring beneath him. Instead of accepting responsibility for his leadership shortcomings, Grindler instead passed the buck to his underlings.” (p.73)
As Christian Adams has said, Grindler also serves as Holder's one degree of separation from the scandal.
After today’s Inspector General Report on Fast and Furious, Democrats are spinning themselves silly that “neither the Attorney General nor senior DOJ officials authorized or approved of gun-walking in Fast and Furious.”  But nothing could be further from the truth. In fact, the most senior DOJ official possible, other than the Attorney General himself, fully complicit in Fast and Furious and the murder of Brian Terry is none other than Attorney General Eric Holder’s Chief of Staff Gary Grindler.

I have repeatedly appeared on Fox News and said Grindler is the person most likely responsible for allowing this mess to continue, and the ensuing cover up.  The report today confirms he is at the center of the mess, and only one degree removed from Eric Holder.

On December 23, 2009, After David Ogden resigned because of unspecified conflict with Holder, Gary Grindler was named Acting Deputy Attorney General.  In January 2010, less than a month later, Fast and Furious was approved via a briefing paper as a prosecutor-led Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Task Force (OCDETF) Strike Force case, meaning that ATF would join with the FBI, the DEA, the IRS and ICE, led by the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the District of Arizona.

With such an array of DoJ agencies involved, it is highly unlikely that Acting Deputy Attorney General Grindler was not intimately involved with approving, reviewing and monitoring the details of the case.  And, in fact, on March 12, 2010, Grindler visited Arizona and was briefed on Fast and Furious; his handwriting appears all over power point presentation photos of the guns.  At the briefing, Grindler is provided information on the program down to minutiae, including such details as the number of times a particular straw purchaser went in to a “cooperating” gun store and purchased guns.
During that March 12 meeting in Phoenix, Grindler took notes about Operation Fast and Furious and made sure to write down that the guns involved in the case didn't have a long gun reporting measure requirement, something DOJ pushed through by regulation last summer.

On top of taking these notes, Grindler sent countless emails back and forth to ATF agents about Operation Fast and Furious and was well informed about exactly what was going on throughout the course of the program.
Chairman Issa isn't surprised with Grindler's departure and has released a statement saying he expects many more DOJ officials will also be leaving soon.
“Gary Grindler was appropriately faulted by his Department’s own Inspector General for keeping information about a connection between the murder of a Border Patrol Agent and a mishandled department operation away from the Attorney General and the Department of Homeland Security.  His departure from the Justice Department is warranted and long overdue,” Issa said. “Other figures in Operation Fast and Furious are currently being evaluated for their conduct in the reckless effort that needlessly placed lives in danger.  I expect more departures and discipline to come.”

KatiePavlich - Hillary for NYC Mayor?

Hillary for NYC Mayor?

Katie Pavlich

Posted at 7:41 AM ET, 12/4/2012
New York City Mayor Mike Bloomberg, better known as the biggest nanny in the country, has chosen the person he wants to take his place in 2013: Hillary Clinton.
 In a phone call confirmed by three people, Mr. Bloomberg encouraged Mrs. Clinton to consider entering the 2013 mayor’s race, trading international diplomacy for municipal management on the grandest scale. She would, he suggested, be a perfect fit.

Much about the call, which occurred some months ago, remains shrouded in mystery. But Mr. Bloomberg’s overture to the former first lady highlights the level of his anxiety about the current crop of candidates, his eagerness to recruit a replacement who can rival his stature and his determination to become a kingmaker in the political arena he will soon exit.
Clinton has said she's done with public life after she steps down as Secretary of State but many believe she will run for president in 2016. Despite being a former New York Senator, I highly doubt she's going to bite on this one and has already said she isn't interested. Bloomberg will have to find somebody else to uphold his big gulp ban and to promote more gun control.

The first Friday of every month, the Department of Labor publishes the unemployment rate for the previous month. Today they stated that the unemployment rate fell to 7.7%; a .2 drop from October. This is the U-1 rate. It doesn't account for those who have dropped out of the labor force out of frustration for not being able to find work.

Another number published by the Department of Labor is the Labor Force Participation Rate. The closer the labor force participation is to 100%, the more accurate the published U-1 unemployment rate is. Parenthetically, it has never been 100%.

I'll provide a little scenario to illustrate my point. Suppose you lived on an island with a labor force exactly 100,000 people. Now, let's assume that 5% of those people, for one reason or another, have sto
pped looking for work. Your labor force participation rate is 95% or 95,000 people. Now, let's assume you are only counting those 95,000 people in your published unemployment statistics and you had an unemployment rate of 10%; you would have 9,500 people out of work.

Now, lets take that same scenario with a slight variation. This time we have 25% of the labor force who, for one reason or another, have stopped looking for work. Your labor force participation rate would be 75% or 75,000 people. In this case, an unemployment rate of 10% would mean that 7,500 people would be out of work. You see, the lower the labor force participation rate, the fewer people you need to reach any given level of unemployment.

The labor force participation rate for November 2012 was 63.6%. That is the lowest it has been in the last thirty years. In January 2009, when Barack Obama took office, the labor force participation rate stood at 65.7%. At the end of that year it was 64.6%. At the end of 2010 it was 64.3%. At the end of 2011 it was 64.0%. In other words, the labor force participation rate has been falling every year since Barack Obama took office.

Now, the Department of Labor does look at those who have dropped out of the labor force. This is the U-6 employment rate. The U-6 unemployment rate was 14.4% for November 2012; that is .2% lower than the day he took office. To be fair, the U-6 rate has been coming down over the last five months, from 15.0% in July to 14.4% in November.

Cover Photo

New Michigan 'right-to-work' law clobbers Obama-backed unions

Michigan Republican Governor Rick Snyder was blind-sided recently, when he received a report that 90 companies in the state had pulled up stakes and fled--with their thousands of good-paying jobs--to the neighboring state of Indiana, after their new Republican Governor, Mitch Daniels, and his Republican-controlled legislature, enacted 'right-to-work' [union-neutralizing] laws, according to a FOXNews article yesterday.
Right-to-work laws prohibit unions from forcing workers to pay union dues.
Indiana's success is a result of the model built by Wisconsin's newly elected Republican Governor, Scott Walker, who, with his Republican-controlled legislature, was the first to challenge 'union influence' in his blue state, whose benefit and retirement program legacy costs were drowning the state in a billion dollars of red ink.
Armed with this new legislation, which allowed the elimination of the state's budget deficit without sacrificing a single job, or raising any taxes, Wisconsin began a 'full-court press' marketing program aimed at the neighboring union-stronghold blue state of Illinois, touting that they were 'open for business,' to companies wanting to take advantage of the substantial savings now available.
On Thursday, with scant warning, Republicans laid the groundwork during the 'lame duck' legislative session. Although infuriated Democrats used parliamentary maneuvers to slow action, which was ultimately futile as Republicans hold commanding majorities, 64-46 in the House and 26-12 in the Senate.
And, unlike the famous 'fleeing' Democrats in Texas, Indiana and Wisconsin before them, who merely delayed legislation to their distaste by denying their opponents a 'quorum,' under Michigan rules a simple majority of members may conduct the people's business.
According to the article, in an interview with The Associated Press, Governor Snyder stated that he had kept the issue at arm's length while pursuing other programs to bolster the state economy, but pivoted when circumstances dictated the matter be pursued.
Most importantly, Snyder noted the 90 companies that moved from his struggling state to Indiana, saying:
That's thousands of jobs, and we want to have that kind of success in Michigan.
Then, once a plurality of Michigan voters defeated a ballot initiative, which would prohibited such measures via the state constitution, he took the cue and put this plan in motion just a month later.
Governor Rick Snyder wrapped up the AP interview with profound directness:
It is a divisive issue. But, it was already being divisive over the past few weeks, so let's get this resolved. Let's reach a conclusion that's in the best interests of all.
This is all about taking care of the hard-working workers in Michigan, being pro-worker and giving them freedom to make choices.
The goal isn't to divide Michigan; it is to bring Michigan together.
It is certainly a welcome change to see a well-conceived and executed plan come together for a change--perhaps our Republican brethren in Washington, D.C. can take their cue from the quickly changing landscape in the 'Rust Belt.'
Copyright 2012 by Jeffrey Klein
"Stay informed to stay ahead!"
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