Thursday, December 20, 2012

( The Best OF #PhonyFakeNews Bloopers Report ) Patcnews: Dec 20, 2012 The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Network The Best OF #PhonyFakeNews Bloopers Report KTVA Reporter Charlo Greene And Naked News © All Copyrights Reserved By Patcnews

Patcnews Reports
Alright it's about time to get this liberal off the air.

Maria Arcega-Dunn Q13 FOX News
liberal press statement, sad,"To say, this is my last week at Q13 FOX News here in Seattle. Seattleites! I am anchoring Q13 FOX News at 4, and 5pm tonight... My last newscast is tomorrow... Friday evening!"

Republicans failed to muster enough support for their own plan to avoid the "fiscal cliff" by extending tax rates for all but those making $1 million a year or more.

Eila Adam


  • Birthday: May 17
  • Anchor Since: 2009
  • Height: 5'3"/160cm
  • Weight: 120lbs/54kg
  • Eyes: Blue
  • Specialty: Flex Appeal
Bio: Eila Adams grew up in a small town in British Columbia, Canada but she thrives on the energy and excitement of the big city. Eila absolutely loves living and working under the bright lights. Outside of the studio, she enjoys hanging out with friends and family, going shopping, or curling up with a good book and her Chihuahua/Yorkie pup, Harry Winston. She may look like the ultimate girl next door, with that megawatt smile, but she does have a wild side, which tends to come out when tequila is involved. She also loves the great outdoors, and is a beach bum during the summer months. She keeps active to stay fit and healthy, and is one of those rare people who truly does enjoy working out. This is obvious when you see her Flex Appeal segments, which she develops and writes. Eila Adams: a Naked News original!


Lily Kwan


  • Birthday:
  • Anchor Since: 2001
  • Height:
  • Weight:
  • Eyes: Brown
  • Specialty:
Bio: Lily Kwan, age 29, became a Naked News newscaster in June 2001. Currently stationed in London, England, her fearless interview skills and effervescent personality, combined with her exotic beauty, have led her to places and people few others could access.
Lily is a first-generation Canadian, born and raised in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. She was studying to become a dental hygienist when she realized that she craved a more dynamic work environment. She explored other avenues, including restaurant management in hopes of satisfying her love of cooking and fine cuisine, but Lily's spirit was still restless. She saw a Naked News auditions ad in a local newsweekly, and with a little inspired teasing from friends, she applied for a newscaster position.
When she auditioned, Lily discovered that there was a very innovative force driving the program, and was delighted when the company offered her the position.
Lily is saucy, intelligent, enchanting, and always eager to explore the unknown. Her parents came from China seeking a change of pace and a new life, inspiring in her an appreciation for those philosophies and ideals which espouse freedom of expression. She speaks Toisan, a Chinese dialect, and has studied Italian.
Lily's interests are eclectic. She has a love of traveling, trains in the meditative discipline of Tai Chi, and appreciates music from opera to alternative. As well, Lily finds that there is nothing better to keep the mind fresh than a good book - Albert Camus and his existentialist teachings being a favorite.
Lily truly is her own woman, and is proud to simply be herself, whether naked or clothed. She sees Naked News as an incredible opportunity to spread her wings, explore her creativity, and indulge her curiosity about life.

WASHINGTON — House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, was handed a stunning defeat late Thursday by members of his own party who refused to support his "Plan B" to avoid a year-end "fiscal cliff" that threatens to send the economy in to a recession. GOP leaders worked intensely throughout the day to build support for Boehner's two-pronged legislative effort to cut spending and extend current tax rates for all but those earning $1 million, but they could not convince enough Republicans to vote for the proposal in the face of expected unanimous opposition from Democrats, who support President Obama's plan.
In a brief statement, Boehner said "it did not have sufficient support for our members to pass" and he put the onus to avert the "fiscal cliff" on Obama and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev. It was apparent that Republicans were in a bind when a hastily organized GOP meeting was called late Thursday evening. Boehner opened with the Serenity Prayer and then informed members he did not have the votes to pass his proposal and sent his members home for the Christmas holiday.
The House and Senate are not expected to return until Dec. 27, just four days before the "fiscal cliff" hits.

Facebook releases Poke app for self-destructing messages

Heather Kelly, CNN
The new Facebook Poke iOS app lets you send expiring images, videos and messages to Facebook friends.
The new Facebook Poke iOS app lets you send expiring images, videos and messages to Facebook friends.

  • Facebook has released a new, free app for iOS called Facebook Poke
  • It lets users discreetly send messages, photos and videos that are deleted in a few seconds
  • The Poke app is inspired by the Snapchat app, which is often used to send sexual images
(CNN) -- Back when Facebook only had millions of users instead of a billion, before Timeline and the bungled IPO and outrage over privacy issues, people "poked" each other on the social network. The poke, which is still around but rarely used, is a minimalistic form of communication -- the digital equivalent of a head nod or wink.
Now the social network has expanded the poke into a standalone iOS app, which was released on Friday. The simple free app, called Facebook Poke, allows you to send fleeting messages, pokes, photos and 10-second videos to Facebook friends. The messages expire after a set period of time, from 1 to 10 seconds, and cannot be retrieved by either party again. This makes the app perfect for sending salacious images without leaving a trail.
"With the Poke app, you can poke or send a message, photo, or video to Facebook friends to share what you're up to in a lightweight way," says Facebook in a blog post announcing the new app.
When you open the app, you can choose from a set of icons at the bottom of the screen to send a poke, type a 120-character message, open the camera to snap a picture (you cannot choose an existing photo from your camera roll, but you can add fun doodles or text on top of the picture you do take), or shoot a 10-second video. Decide how long you want the other person to see your message or photo (1, 3, 5 or 10 seconds), add a location if you like, then choose one or more of your Facebook friends from the list and hit send.
To view a message, tap and hold until the little countdown clock in the corner runs down, and the message is gone forever. You can see a list of who send you messages, but not view them again.
The app Poke shamelessly imitates is Snapchat, a photo and video-sharing service that has surged in popularity over the past year year. It's no mystery why Facebook is jumping on the temporary message bandwagon. Snapchat says it has millions of users who send around 50 million messages a day. It is also popular with the highly valuable younger age group, though it doesn't currently have ads or any other way of making money off of its service. The Facebook Poke app is also ad-free for the time being.
The allure of self-destructing messages is that they are unlikely to be seen by anyone other than the recipient, or to resurface during a campaign for public office. Snapchat has earned a reputation as a tool for sending risqué photos, though its also handy for funny or silly images for friends.
Because of the private nature of these messages, the apps have built-in safeguards. The only way to keep a copy of a photo on these apps is to take a screenshot with your phone. Both Poke and Snapchat warn the sender when the recipient has grabbed a screenshot of their message.
Facebook seems keenly aware of how the Poke app will be used by most people.
"If you ever see something you're uncomfortable with, you can click the gear menu and report it," says the company in the post. In the app's help center there are instructions for what to do when someone takes a screenshot against your will. That section helpfully links to a post on what to do when an adult is making you uncomfortable, and another on what to do when someone requests nude photos.
The app is Facebook's fifth iOS app, joining the main Facebook app, Facebook Messenger and Facebook Camera.


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