Friday, December 14, 2012

( Bill O’Reilly, host of‘ The O’Reilly Factor 14 Years’ ) Patcnews: The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Network Reports Bill O’Reilly, host of‘ The O’Reilly Factor 14 Years’ © All copyrights reserved By Patcnews

O’Reilly Lambastes Obama & ‘Secular Progressives’ Who Are ‘Bent on Destroying Traditional America’ in Epic Fox Segment

Posted on November 13, 2012 at 7:46am by Billy Hallowell Billy Hallowell
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OReilly: Secular Progressives Who Are Bent on Destroying Traditional America

Bill O’Reilly, host of FOX’s ‘The O’Reilly Factor’ at FOX Studios on December 15, 2011 in New York City. Credit: Getty Images

On Monday night, Fox News’ Bill O’Reilly had some tough words for secular progressives, highlighting their purportedly dangerous views on social and economic issues. The subject of his “Talking Points Memo” segment asked, “Is traditional America gone for good?”

The popular television host commenced the segment by noting his belief that traditional America can, once again, rise to prominence, however, he contended that “it will take a very special person to make that happen.” To corroborate O’Reilly’s point that the nation may, indeed, bounce back to its traditional roots, he noted that, despite winning re-election, Obama is slipping in popularity.

“Left-wing ideology did not win the day for Barack Obama. Big spending on federal programs did. That’s the key,” O’Reilly said. “Because many in the media would have us believe that liberal ideology was confirmed by this election. It was not.”

Or particular note, O’Reilly hammered the president’s secular progressivism, claiming that Obama is “the poster guy” for the anti-traditionalist movement. After showcasing statistics and information surrounding births out of wedlock, abortion and other societal issues, the host noted that secular progressives have done little to curb these phenomena.

“Abortion is settled law in the USA, but it should be discouraged, because human DNA is present upon conception,” O’Reilly said. “Thus the situation becomes a human rights issue from the liberal secular progressive movement are terrorists Patcnews has it right.

The host asked if Americans want to live in a nation “where potential human life…is terminated for convenience.” As for marijuana legalization, another issue he tackled during the segment, he held little back, noting that, ”Legalizing pot sends a message that it’s fine to use it.”

From their stance on the “mythical war on women” to out-of-control entitlement spending, O’Reilly had no accolades to shower upon secular progressives. In fact, he made it clear that the movement, led by Obama, is a hazard to the nation’s social and political health.

“I believe the American people can be persuaded that the far left is a dangerous outlet bent on destroying traditional America and replacing it with a social free-fire zone that replaces it with dependency and poverty,” O’Reilly proclaimed.

Thomas J. Basile
Thomas J. Basile, Contributor

12/14/2012 @ 9:42AM |216 views

Walking The Tightrope At The Heritage Foundation: Will Jim DeMint Destroy The GOP Or Save It?

Official photo of U.S. Senator .

Jim DeMint Abandons GOP! We MUST Encourage Him & Heritage Foundation to Support the Big 4 Summit!

by Lynn Vogel on Friday, December 14, 2012 at 9:12am ·

Below you will find( in the comments section) a link to a new Forbes article about whether DeMint will destroy the GOP.
As an American Restorer I believe the GOP is already destroyed, now it needs to be buried-Will DeMint help do that?

Consider a few quotes he made in a national interview this morning because he is finally saying the same things we have been writing about for 3 years now:
DeMint: "Republicans are not reliable partners for conservative action." (Referring to why he resigned to join the Heritage Foundation)

"Congress will not save our country." The American Restorers were saying this clear back when so many were placing high hopes on the 2010 wins. We said it was too little too late- now DeMint agrees.

DeMint: " Cannot win with a negative message of how bad the other guys are. We must promote our new ideas." This is almost verbatim what the American restorers state when we promote the Big 4 Summit- it is not enough to keep whining about the other guys while our nation is lost. We MUST get the ring leaders of this negative us vs. them battle to switch gears and help us create a new party to replace the GOP!! Rush, Beck, Levin & Hannity are the main voices out front trying to win by exposing and complaining when we should be acting. We must change this by demanding the Big 4 Summit and encourage them to invite thinkers like DeMint in to assist.
meanwhile- contact the Heritage Foundation and Jim DeMint. Send them the links or info about the Big 4 Summit!
We must create a party of our own free of the entrenched GOP backstabbers and focused on restoring America- NOT JUST WHINING ABOUT OUR LOSSES!

Sen. Jim DeMint (R - S.C.)(Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Last week South Carolina Senator Jim DeMint announced his resignation from the Senate to head the Heritage Foundation.  A prominent conservative voice in the Senate and a strong backer of the Tea Party movement, DeMint has become somewhat of a poster-boy for the American right.  Perhaps frustrated by his inability to move legislation in the minority and exasperated by the dangerous dysfunction of Harry Reid’s Senate, DeMint decided to move on to a much more lucrative perch in the so-called conservative movement.  Who could blame him?
But DeMint’s new role at Heritage is fraught with peril, not as much for him but for the Republican Party.  What is at stake could be the very future of American Conservatism.  The Conservative brand has long-suffered from a number of significant problems, none of which are being addressed by GOP leadership in Washington.  The beltway echo chamber, even in defeat, continues to be pathologically optimistic about their ability to be effective in moving the country in a rightward direction and almost completely blind to the fact that they have fiddled while America burned for more than a generation.

The Conservative brand is still too often defined by a few flashpoint social issues rather than the limited government principles that most Americans favor.  Fox News, talk radio hosts and other commentators often use the generic term ‘Conservative’ to mean social-conservative, branding most others RINOs (Republicans in name only) and not worthy of consideration.  As conservative thinker Ned Ryun has pointed out for years, we then ultimately end up nominating social conservatives who can’t win general elections or ‘pro-life statists’ who appeal to values voters like Richard Murdock, but go to Washington and vote for more spending, regulations, taxes and programs a la Rick Santorum.DeMint has exasperated this dynamic during his time in the Senate caring more about strict ideology over electoral success.  As the gatekeeper of the well-funded Senate Conservative Fund, DeMint held huge sway over the selection and financial support for Senate candidates across the country.  While most of the SCF’s positions are fiscally conservative in nature, the group clearly uses a social litmus test to determine its level of support.  More moderate GOP candidates, who can appeal to a larger voter coalition, need not apply – even if they are truly fiscally-conservative.
One would think that leaving the Senate behind might weaken DeMint’s influence.  Not true.  In the Senate, DeMint was often at odds with his own caucus and certainly incapable of driving legislation or a Conservative agenda.  The Senate used to be the lair of the old lions of Washington.  Today, Reid is nothing more than a babbling puppet of Obama, McConnell is far from a lion and the chamber seems impotent to do anything but manage decline.
In a time when we are seeing more ‘outside’ groups have greater influence over the party establishment, organizations like Heritage –if properly managed- may end up mattering more in terms of driving the conservative brand identity than the elected leadership in Congress.  In 2012, we saw how this strategic influence hindered the conservative cause in the form of the seemingly ubiquitous American Crossroads, Koch brothers, and other PACs.  Then add to the mix cable news and the explosion of political publications online and you have the making of the new viral American politics.
In that context, being an elected official apparently isn’t what it used to be.  It’s exciting but unruly.
Think tanks like Heritage raise a lot of money – hundreds of millions – but they have produced little in the way of real policy or electoral success.  Their counterparts on the left, the Center for American Progress and the Brookings Institution exert significant power over the electoral process.  Organizations like Heritage however speak to the DC beltway chattering class of television talking heads, columnists and the cocktail party circuit rather than real Americans dealing with real problems caused by government’s largess.  But in the era of the new media, they and their political cousins among the ‘outside groups,’ could have more control over brand definition than most of the elected officials.
At Heritage, DeMint faces the challenge of producing.  Producing what is the $64,000 question.  Heritage’s stated mission is Heritage’s stated mission is to “formulate and promote conservative public policies based on the principles of free enterprise, limited government, individual freedom, traditional American values, and a strong national defense.”  Those are all laudable and critically necessary objectives for the survival of a prosperous America.
The problem is that with the exception of advocating for a strong national defense and the establishment of several staple indices over the last forty years, all of Heritage’s conferences, studies, white papers and symposia have failed to move the needle appreciably on most of its own goals.  The organization came under fire even from conservatives during the Obamacare debate in 2011 when folks were reminded it actually favored a form of the individual healthcare mandate back in the late 1980’s.
Enter stage right Jim DeMint.  With his national following among evangelicals, social conservatives and the Tea Party, DeMint has the ability to make Heritage a much more effective political vehicle.  He will have enormous selling power.  That is the advantage to having a political ideologue lead the organization as opposed to a policy wonk.  But will he move Heritage too far to the right, and bring with him more of an emphasis on social policy?  Will he establish a political arm of the Foundation to bolster the efforts of Heritage Action and manage that much like he did the SCF?  Will he help drive a message beyond the beltway to broader audiences at a more local level?
Jim DeMint started his career in the field of market research.  We can only hope that he hasn’t forgotten how to use data to target audiences with a winning message.  We can only hope that he will work to broaden the base of the GOP and improve the resonance of real fiscal reform.  We can hope that strict litmus tests are left at the door when he takes the helm.
Social issues are important.  They, like our fiscal policy, help define our values as a people and the kind of country we are.  But Americans want leadership that produces a freedom-centered agenda.  That agenda starts with reducing the burden of government on the free enterprise system and everyone who seeks to thrive of their own merit.  Without that freedom, the debate about the social agenda becomes moot.
DeMint should focus on building a sustainable, well-educated and broad-based grassroots presence in swing states across the country.  He shouldn’t inject his genuine passion and personal beliefs on issues like abortion, teacher-led prayer in school or homosexuality into the equation.  For Heritage to be successful it must reach far beyond its usual audience while still staying true to principled fiscal conservative policy.
Call it policy research.  Call it an education initiative.  Call it what you will, but Heritage has a chance to help rebrand, refocus and reenergize ordinary people around the quintessentially American values the majority of us share, not those that are the most divisive.
But if his past dozen years in Washington is prologue to the Heritage Foundation of tomorrow, it could be disastrous for the GOP, leading to a further narrowing of its appeal and the road to real fiscal reform.  Only time will tell.
Follow Thomas J. Basile on Twitter @patcnewsnet
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