Wednesday, December 12, 2012

( John Myers Letter ) Patcnews The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Network Reports John Myers Letter © All copyrights reserved By Patcnews

Marketwire 11/7/12 - Harmonic Energy announces intention
to expand operations! A Lease Option Agreement has been
signed for a 10-acre site ideally suited for ASUV's purposes.

Ten billion trash tires worldwide present a
gold mine of opportunity for ASUV investors!

Catch this one early! The revolutionary material reclamation technology Harmonic uses unlocks enormous revenue
by extracting diesel fuel, carbon black, and high-grade
steel from a limitless supply of discarded tires.
Fellow Investor,
Each year, around 300 million waste tires are discarded in the U.S. alone. Except for burning them like coal as an industrial fuel, only a tiny fraction of used tires are recycled to other productive uses.
Over the last ten years, the Japanese perfected a technology that can eliminate scrap tire landfills... it also can generate billions of dollars in revenue reclaiming valuable raw material from used tires.
In February, Harmonic Energy completed negotiations for exclusive rights to use this technology in America and triggered explosive share price gains...
Early investors were so excited by this ASUV announcement that shares soared from 45¢ to $2.97 in just three days!
That's 660% growth virtually overnight!
Harmonic Energy has wasted no time putting this technology to work...
In June, ASUV signed a long-term $300 million feedstock contract to supply its four-state operations in Ohio, Illinois, Indiana, and Michigan with raw materials for processing.
The cash is about to flow in a big way. Harmonic Energy reports that it "currently has over 10 million tires locked up for processing." By their calculations...
10 million tires can "generate approximately
$100 million per year in revenue"!
And that's just getting started!
At $30 per ton of used tires, Harmonic Energy could recover three industrial commodities worth anywhere from $1,000 to over $1,800...
79.4 gallons of diesel fuel @ $3.50/gallon
Value: $277.90
972 lbs. of carbon black @ $1.53/pound
Value: $1,487.00
219 lbs. of high grade steel @ $0.37/pound
Value: $107.67
Plus carbon credits add even more to Harmonic's bottom line…
3.5 tons of carbon credits @ $40/ton Value: $140.00
Total combined value: $1,874.67
Those are incredible figures and Harmonic Energy is moving in on it as quickly as possible.
That's why I believe there is no time for "wait and see" with ASUV stock.
The market has already demonstrated that the value in ASUV can skyrocket literally overnight... you do not want to be on the sidelines when this stock blasts off again! To read the rest of this amazing story, please click "Continue Reading."
Yours for profitable investing,
John Myers
The Myers' Letter
Continue Reading

P.S. I urge you to climb aboard now and buy what you can without delay. America's used tire "reserves" have become a superfund of untapped reserves that could fuel ASUV growth 3,200% over the next two to three years!
IMPORTANT NOTICE AND DISCLAIMER: This paid advertisement by John Myers' The Myers' Letter (hereafter "newsletter") does not purport to provide an analysis of any company's financial position, operations, or prospects and this is not to be construed as an offer to sell or solicitation to buy or sell any security. Harmonic Energy (hereafter "ASUV" or the "Company"), the Company featured in this issue, appears as paid advertising. Wilkerson Marketing has paid six hundred thirty thousand dollars to enhance public awareness for ASUV. A total sum of ten thousand dollars has been paid to Mondo Marketing Inc from a shareholder(s) of ASUV who may or will sell shares of the feature company at or about the time of this mailing. The payment is to cover costs associated with creating, printing, and distributing this report and Mondo Marketing will retain any excess funds as profit.

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