Saturday, December 1, 2012

( ) Patcnews: December 1, 2012 The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Reports © All copyrights reserved By Patcnews

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The World has gone nuts what people do for money now days  leave to the liberal press to run this kind of News  Story !!!!!

Saving face: Ind. man removing Romney-Ryan tattoo

Saving face: Ind. man removing Romney-Ryan tattoo
Eric Hartsburg (AP Photo/Teresa Crawford)

MICHIGAN CITY, Ind. (AP) — A northern Indiana man who had the Mitt Romney-Paul Ryan campaign logo tattooed onto his face "to make politics fun" says it's time for it to come off.

Eric Hartsburg of Michigan City, Ind., says he plans to have the red-and-blue "R'' removed from its prominent place next to his right eye.

He says a Republican supporter paid him $15,000 to get the tattoo and keep it until at least the election was over.

Weeks after President Barack Obama defeated the former Massachusetts governor in the Nov. 6 election, Hartsburg says "now to me it represents not a losing campaign, but a sore losing campaign."

Hartsburg says he reached out to the Romney campaign about the tattoo, but feels snubbed that no campaign staffer ever contacted him.


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