Saturday, August 13, 2011

( Soros the Occupy is a terrorist Group on facebook control by isis And Katie Kim Governmet Photos ID Scam And The Top 50 Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders Of All Time ) Patcnews Aug 13, 2011 The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Network Report George Soros the Occupy is a terrorist Group on facebook control by isis And Katie Kim Governmet Photos ID Scam And The Top 50 Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders Of All Time © All Copyrights Reserved By Patcnews

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     liberalism + Socialism = Terrorism

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Claire Fay August 9, 2014 at 7:29pm Reply
Passing this numbers to call.

Forces states to take bailout dollars, by passing Governors who refuse the  money, and for bidding them from making necessary budget cuts. Gives teachers unions roughly $50 - $100 million through trickle-down.  Will increase the deficit by $12.6 billion, according to the Congressional Budget Office.  Will
result in a permanent tax increase of $9.7 billion for U.S.  multinational companies - increasing the cost of doing business and risking jobs during the recession. (Interestingly, the revenue from  these same tax increases have already been spent...twice, in two other
pieces of legislation!)

The fact is the federal government cannot
afford to bailout states who refuse to cut back spending. In case Nancy Pelosi forgot, the American people still fund the federal government. If states can’t afford it, neither can the federal government. Bailing out states and extending failed stimulus programs only perpetuates states’reliance on the federal government.

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Peters, Gary
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Welch, Peter
Phone: (202) 225-4115

Kathleen Willey: ‘Hillary is the war on women’

Feb 3, 1993 By Joe Kovacs
‘Just pack your bags. You’ve had your 15 minutes’
Kathleen Willey, the former volunteer aide to Bill Clinton who says she was sexually harassed by the president in the 1990s, is now sounding the alarm about the potential danger of Hillary Clinton becoming president.
“Hillary Clinton is the war on women, and that’s what needs to be exposed here,” Willey said Sunday night on Aaron Klein’s WABC Radio show.
“The point is what this woman is capable of doing to other women while she’s running a campaign basically on women’s issues. It just doesn’t make any sense. She singlehandedly orchestrated every one of the investigations of all these women [who accused her husband of sexual crimes]. They’re the people reminding us of how sordid this all is.”

 Willey continued to rail against both Bill and Hillary Clinton, saying, “They take up all the oxygen in the room, and everybody is depressed. We’re gonna go back to all the sordid details [if Hillary runs for president]. They need to just go away because they’re forcing themselves on us is the way I feel. Just pack your bags. You’ve had your 15 minutes. … Stop forcing us to have to look at this stuff again. We’re sick of it!” Willey stressed it was not herself who was the one responsible for dredging up old dirt. “They’re the ones that are reminding us of all that behavior. Not me! They’re the ones.” Get the book exposing the Clintons’ incredible, political payback machine that none but WND dared to print! And Willey also lashed into feminist organizations who never seem interested in the harassment against her by the Clintons. “All of these women’s groups, they’re all pro-Hillary, they need to … talk to someone like me and listen here, what Hillary Clinton has done to me and many, many, many other women. They are so hypocritical, it’s unbelievable. And this is the woman that wants to be president.

As WND reported, Willey and her husband, Ed, were Democratic activists who founded Virginians for Clinton and helped send Bill and Hillary to the White House in 1992.
While serving as a volunteer in the White House and facing financial hard times, Willey says she met with Bill Clinton in the Oval Office to request a paying position. But instead of getting help, she says, she was subjected to “nothing short of serious sexual harassment.” Distraught, Willey fled Clinton’s presence, only to discover that her husband Ed had committed suicide that same tragic afternoon.
Later, she was drawn “unwillingly” into the Paula Jones lawsuit, the Ken Starr investigation and impeachment proceedings.
Willey also claims the Clinton tag team was behind a string of events that can only be described as a mob-style intimidation campaign to keep her silent that even included breaking into her home to steal her memoirs of the events.
Nonetheless, Willey wrote about her experiences with Bill Clinton’s sex addiction and Hillary Clinton’s revenge in the book “Target: Caught in the Crosshairs of Bill & Hillary Clinton.”
Willey wrote “Target” when Hillary Clinton was running for president the first time in 2007, and her comments today are all the more relevant now that Clinton is considering a 2016 presidential bid and a number of figures are examining the former first lady’s reactions to her husband’s indiscretions in the Oval Office.
Just last month, for example, Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., made headlines by bringing up Bill Clinton’s notorious affair with another White House volunteer, Monica Lewinsky, on “Meet the Press.”
Paul told host David Gregory, “The media seems to have given President Clinton a pass on this. He took advantage of a girl who was 20 years old and an intern in his office. There is no excuse for that, and that is predatory behavior.”
“And then they have the gall to stand up and say Republicans are having a war on women?” Paul asked rhetorically. “So yes, I think it’s a factor. It’s not Hillary’s fault, but it is a factor in judging Bill Clinton and history.”
Then earlier this month, the Washington Free Beacon broke the explosive news of a confidential memo issued in 1992 by Stan Greenberg and Celinda Lake, top pollsters for Bill Clinton’s presidential campaign, detailing their “research on Hillary Clinton.”
The memo is one of many previously unpublished documents from the archives of one of Hillary Clinton’s best friends and advisers, documents that portray Hillary as a strong, ambitious and “ruthless” Democratic operative.
“The full contents of the archive, which before 2010 was closed to the public, have not previously been reported on and shed new light on Clinton’s three decades in public life,” the Free Beacon reports. “The records paint a complex portrait of Hillary Clinton, revealing her to be a loyal friend, devoted mother, and a cutthroat strategist who relished revenge against her adversaries and complained in private that nobody in the White House was ‘tough and mean enough.’”
The Free Beacon’s report also includes mention of Willey as well as Hillary’s reactions to the Lewinsky scandal and reports of Bill’s affairs and rumored affairs with Gennifer Flowers, Elizabeth Ward and Lencola Sullivan.
Additional research by Drew Zahn and Joshua Klein.

Top Former NFL Cheerleaders Names
    Maria Artim
    Aubrey Aquino
    Erica Arana
    Samantha Baker
    Robyn Baldwin
    Amie Barsky
    Allison Bell
    Lindsay Brin
    Melissa Burnos
    Adrienne Carver
    Darlene Cavalier
    Leslea Clark
    Megan Clementi
    Sarah Coggin
    Melissa J. Collesano (Book Babe)
    Sara Davine
    Danielle Demski
    Tammy Fey
    Jordan Fish
    Shannon Ford
    Andrea Friedman
    Raquel Garcia
    Lauren Gardner
    Leah Gonzalez
    Melissa Hall
    Renee Herlocker
    Shabnam Jaleh
    Micaela Johnson
    Stacey Keibler
    Mishra Keller
    Bonnie-Jill Laflin
    Amber Lancaster
    Lynn Lewis
    Brenda Lowe
    Michelle Maniscalco
    Sandra McCoy
    Alison McCurdy
    LauRen Merola
    Angela Mitchell
    Rolleen Myers
    Stephanie Scholz Neurohr
    Brooke Newton
    Kimberly Odom
    Amy Holland Pennell
    The Purrfect Angelz
    Melanie Snare
    Starr Spangler
    Lisa Stevens
    Spirit Unlimited
    Amber Strauser
    Streetside Studios
    Heather Tocquigny
    Adar Wellington
    Yaa Whitmore
    Tiffany Yee
    Alyse Zwick
    Heather Zara

The 50 Hottest Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders Of All Time


We admit it: Our motives in watching women's sports are dubious at best. It's not that we aren't impressed by their skills or can't respect their athletic prowess; we're just so focused on how damn good they look in their uniforms that it's hard to concentrate on what they're actually doing on the field. Which is why we have the deepest appreciation for cheerleaders. The girls on the gridiron not only work up a serious sweat, but look painfully sexy while doing so. And, best of all? Cheerleading precedes a sport we actually enjoy in its own right: football!
We're not the only ones aware of this phenomena. CMT (Country Music Television) has been fueling our obsession since 2006 with their reality  series Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders: Making The Team. The show follows dozens of gorgeous women as they audition for the NFL franchise's beloved squad; eager to join the sexy ranks of cheerleaders past, the contestants will stop at nothing to secure their spot. With Making The Team launching into its sixth season tonight at 10pm EST, we thought we'd take a long stare back at the most alluring Dallas pom-pom girls to ever hit the field, the ladies who've had men panting on the sidelines and squinting from their couches ever since they made their debut in white-and-blue back in 1972. Give us an "H", and an "O", and a "T" as we count down the  50 Hottest Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders Of All Time.

Tina Gabaldon

50. Tina Gabaldon

Years on the squad: 2000-2001

Amy Reese

49. Amy Reese

Years on the squad: 2008-2009

Brittany Evans

48. Brittany Evans

Years on the squad: 2008-2011

Gina Licare

47. Gina Licare

Years on the squad: 1998

Jordan Chanley

46. Jordan Chanley

Years on the squad: 2008-2010

Starr Spangler

45. Starr Spangler

Years on the squad: 2005-2008

Tavia (Chatham) Morris

44. Tavia (Chatham) Morris

Years on the squad: 2004-2006

Olivia Stevanovski

43. Olivia Stevanovski

Years on the squad: 2010

Tina Gayle Hernandez

42. Tina Gayle Hernandez

Years on the squad: 1978

Sunni Cranfill

41. Sunni Cranfill

Years on the squad: 2009-2011

Mia Greenhouse

40. Mia Greenhouse

Years on the squad: 2008-2011

Kelsi Reich

39. Kelsi Reich

Years on the squad: 2009-2011

Kimberly Ball

38. Kimberly Ball

Years on the squad: 1993-1994

Jill Decker

37. Jill Decker

Years on the squad: 1999

Suzette Russell

36. Suzette Russell

Years on the squad: 1977-1979

Tobie (Percival) Kay

35. Tobie (Percival) Kay

Years on the squad: 2006-2010

Brandi Kilby

34. Brandi Kilby

Years on the squad: 2009

Natalie Woods

33. Natalie Woods

Years on the squad: 2007

Delores McAda

32. Delores McAda

Years on the squad: 1972 (the original squad)

Lynlee Allen

31. Lynlee Allen

Years on the squad: 2002-2006

Crystal Risher

30. Crystal Risher

Years on the squad: 2002-2005

Evan Anderson

29. Evan Anderson

Years on the squad: 2009-2010

Candice Carr

28. Candice Carr

Years on the squad: 2007

Dara McFarlane

27. Dara McFarlane

Years on the squad: 2007-2008

Carrie O'Brien Sibley

26. Carrie O'Brien Sibley

Years on the squad: 1972 (the original squad)

Megan Sims

25. Megan Sims

Years on the squad: 1998-2001

Shannon (Swanson) Gulbis

24. Shannon (Swanson) Gulbis

Years on the squad: 1994-1996

Melissa Rycroft

23. Melissa Rycroft

Years on the squad: 2006-2007

Kim Bateman

22. Kim Bateman

Years on the squad: 1982-1984

Alyssa Sarasani

21. Alyssa Sarasani

Years on the squad: 2010

Deryn Derbingy

20. Deryn Derbingy

Years on the squad: 2006-2008

Kristin Holt

19. Kristin Holt

Years on the squad: 2000

Gigi Pittman

18. Gigi Pittman

Years on the squad: 1993-1994

Stephanie Quinonez

17. Stephanie Quinonez

Years on the squad: 2000-2001

Shannon Baker

16. Shannon Baker

Years on the squad: 1976-1979

Chrystal Roberson

15. Chrystal Roberson

Years on the squad: 2001

Dorie Braddy

14. Dorie Braddy

Years on the squad: 1990-1994

Adrianna Butler

13. Adrianna Butler

Years on the squad: 2002-2004

Natasha McCarley

12. Natasha McCarley

Years on the squad: 1985

Erica Jenkins

11. Erica Jenkins

Years on the squad: 2007-2008

Gina Alcala

10. Gina Alcala

Years on the squad: 1997

Tia Williams

9. Tia Williams

Years on the squad: 2007-2010

Tammy Vallejos

8. Tammy Vallejos

Years on the squad: 1997

Sarah Shahi

7. Sarah Shahi

Years on the squad: 1999

Sandi Boruk

6. Sandi Boruk

Years on the squad: 2000-2001

Abigail Klein

5. Abigail Klein

Years on the squad: 2007-2009

Leah Lyons

4. Leah Lyons

Years on the squad: 2002

Bonnie-Jill Laflin

3. Bonnie-Jill Laflin

Years on the squad: 1996

Ashley Hutchinson

2. Ashley Hutchinson

Years on the squad: 2000-2001

Ashton Torres

1. Ashton Torres 



Dallas Cowboys cheerleader reveals why she’s suing the team

By Catherine Kast

June 17, 2018 | 10:14am
Modal Trigger
Erica Wilkins, former Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader Misty Keasler
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During the 2014-2015 NFL season, ­Erica Wilkins had a banner rookie year as a Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader [DCC]. Then 22, the Friendswood, Texas, native was one of just 16 women to make the team’s “show group,” an elite squad made up of the best technical dancers on the team. She appeared solo on the cover of the group’s swimsuit calendar, was deemed a star on a reality show about the team, and performed onstage with Blake Shelton and Usher.

Her total annual earnings? About $4,700 after taxes.

“Yes, it is prestigious,” Wilkins, now 26, told The Post of cheering for the Cowboys. “But at the end of the day, prestige doesn’t pay my rent. I can’t walk down to my leasing office and hand them my uniform for the month.”

Now, Wilkins, whose career ended in August 2017, is suing the Cowboys organization for lost wages. In the suit, she claims that cheerleaders were paid less than the team’s mascot — a costumed cowboy called Rowdy, and played by a man who reportedly makes $65,000 a year plus commission. Cheerleaders, meanwhile, are paid $8 per hour for practices — just above minimum wage — and flat rates for games and appearances, such as calendar signings.

Wilkins also claims she worked hours — many of them in AT&T Stadium, team owner Jerry Jones’ $1.2 billion football temple — for which she wasn’t compensated, and that she wasn’t paid overtime for hours worked in excess of 40 per week.

She’s not the only ex-cheerleader on a crusade for change. Earlier this month, five former Houston Texans cheerleaders sued that team for failing to compensate them fully and for creating a hostile work environment. Former cheerleaders on the Washington Redskins, Miami Dolphins and New Orleans Saints have also filed similar complaints.

But this is the first time the behemoth that is the Dallas Cowboys, beloved as “America’s Team,” has entered the conversation. The organization’s cheerleaders make up what is easily the most legendary and high-profile squad in the NFL, and certainly the only one to have had two TV movies made about them (in 1979 and 1980) and to have had their uniform — that iconic blue-and-white vest and shorts look — added into the Smithsonian’s collection.

Wilkins, who doesn’t call herself a feminist, said she is “pursuing justice” for other women who will be part of that legacy one day.

Modal Trigger
Erica Wilkins featured in the Dallas Cowboys annual calendarMisty Keasler

“I could’ve settled with the Cowboys for just my back wages and unpaid wages that they owed me — they offered that,” she said. “But I am not willing to settle . . . My goal is to help other cheerleaders, and women as a whole.”

The daughter of an electrical-engineer father and a dance-instructor mother, Wilkins wanted to be a DCC since “seventh or eighth grade. My mom ran a dance studio, and she had a couple of students that went on to become Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders.”

At a dance competition when she was 16, Wilkins was approached by a DCC scout.

“She was surprised to learn I was only 16 and not 18,” she recalled. “She followed me and asked me to audition at 18, but I wanted to go to college first.”

Wilkins went on to attend Louisiana State University, where she was an LSU Tiger Girl, graduating in 2014 with a degree in mass communications.

The scout “kept in touch throughout the years,” she said. “She would reach out, saying, ‘Hey, don’t forget about us, we want you.’ ”

So, after graduation, Wilkins headed to Dallas to try out — and wowed the judges, as seen on the CMT-channel show “Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders: Making the Team.” While video of her performance played, Kelli Finglass, the squad’s longtime director, said, “There are rookie candidates that are stronger than the veterans . . . I thought Erica was a ‘wow’ solo.”

Of the 500 women who auditioned, Wilkins was one of just 43 chosen for the two-month training camp. (In the end, some 36 ladies — ­including performers from the previous year — make the squad.)

“There are women who quit their day jobs just for training camp because it is so strenuous and so draining,” she said.

She not only made the cut, she was named to the elite 16-person “show group.”

“Show group is coveted because that’s the group that gets to go on the USO tours, and also any performances that are outside of the game-day setting,” Wilkins explained. Despite the prestige, cheerleaders were not always paid for the time spent prepping for those appearances.

Wilkins made her rent by working part-time as a technician at a cryotherapy spa — which, combined with her new DCC schedule, left her little time to see friends or date.

“[Being on the squad] is expected to take priority over your job and your personal life,” said Wilkins, who is currently single.

“Practice officially starts at 7 p.m. Monday through Friday. But you better be there by 6 or 6:30 at the latest, in the locker room practicing before practice. Sometimes we might have a Monday off if the game fell on the Sunday,” she said.
Modal Trigger
Erica Wilkins on the cover of the Dallas Cowboys Star Magazine, 2016 swimsuit issueMisty Keasler

Rehearsals would last between three and six hours. And there is no showing up in a ponytail and sweatpants; cheerleaders are required to come “camera-ready,” with styled hair and full makeup.

For practices, Wilkins said she was paid $8 an hour. For appearances, she was allegedly paid a flat fee of $100 her first year, $200 her second and $300 her third (pay increases are capped at $500). She says show-group appearances were capped at $250, no matter a member’s tenure.

The Cowboys organization had no comment for this story.

On game days, Wilkins earned a flat rate of about $200. “We had to show up hair- and makeup-ready . . . five to six hours before game time,” she said. There were performances outside the stadium before the game, as well as some at halftime and, of course, throughout the game. Afterward, they would often meet with squad coaches. “You’re looking at a 12-hour day,” she said.

While filming the CMT show, the cheerleaders were paid by the Cowboys organization for practice hours as usual, “but the clock stops as soon as we stop dancing,” said Wilkins. She added that the ladies had to wait around and film one-on-one interviews while judges deliberated — unpaid. “I’ve been there as late as 3 a.m.,” she said. (The network had no comment.)

Per CMT, the show — which has aired for 12 seasons — averaged 3.3 million weekly viewers last season.

Cheerleading is not just a September-to-February job. During the NFL off-season, when there were fewer practices and appearances, “I got a paycheck [for an appearance] one time, not kidding, that was $12 and some odd cents. And I said, ‘Great, this will maybe buy me some Chipotle.’ ”

Complaining isn’t an option.

“If you’re the one person asking questions, you might not get put on appearances,” Wilkins said. “You might get pushed back in the formations” — meaning, losing a plum position at the front of a performance.

“People just live in a constant state of fear. But everyone’s too afraid to say anything because, unlike the players, we don’t sign a contract that guarantees us anything.”

Also unlike the players, they are expected to look a certain way. And that iconic Dallas cheerleader image — lustrous manes and tanned, toned abs — doesn’t come cheap.

“We don’t have a stipend for anything,” Wilkins said. “[Management] gives you a rookie makeover, and once you make the team you’re required to maintain that look. So if they give me highlights and extensions, which they did, I’m then expected to pay for the upkeep of that.”

Wilkins noted that the squad does have a local hair-salon sponsor, but the women are required to tip for whatever the service would’ve cost: “For me, it was probably close to $150 a month.” She also paid $10 to $15 out of pocket for spray tans once or twice a month, year-round.

The ladies also have to wash their own uniforms, unlike the players.

Wilkins said she and her teammates were “under a microscope. You are required to maintain your audition weight . . . unless they tell you otherwise. If they say you have to lose five pounds, you need to do that.”

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Erica Wilkins photographed with her fellow 2016-2017 Dallas Cowboys CheerleadersMisty Keasler

But during her tenure, cheerleaders didn’t have access to a gym or fitness memberships, and were not allowed to use the NFL team’s facilities.

Cheerleaders who appeared in the squad’s swimsuit and sideline calendars weren’t even given a free copy, Wilkins said.

“We had to buy them for ourselves and our friends and family,” she said. “[The Cowboys organization is] selling our image, our likeness — images of our bodies that we work very hard to keep in shape — and they’re the only ones making the profit.”

Learning that Rowdy, the Cowboys’ mascot, makes thousands more than the cheerleaders added fuel to Wilkins’ fire.

“I was on an appearance one time, and talking to the Rowdy. He basically said, ‘I book my own appearances a lot of times, so . . . I can make up to six figures.’” After doing a bit of research, Wilkins discovered that the man who plays Rowdy makes an annual salary of $65,000. “I was definitely stunned, shocked,” she said.

Last year, Wilkins suffered a neck and shoulder injury. Soon after, her time with the Cowboys ended. While she loved her time on the team, she sees her injury as a blessing that has allowed her to become a crusader. “I believe that that was God giving me this freedom that I needed to speak out,” she said.

“We’re hardworking women, we’re well- educated,” she said of herself and her former squadmates. “There are women who are teachers, there are women who are medical assistants working in surgeries all day long … These are smart women.”

She recalled how one, when retiring from the squad, told the organization: “It’s embarrassing that I have a college degree and I work two jobs, this being one of them, and I still have to ask my parents for help.”

Wilkins added that the message she wants to send is that cheerleaders “bring so much value to this organization and we deserve to be valued as individuals, and paid.

“The issue isn’t whether they can pay us — of course they can . . . it’s that they should,” she said. “I’m proud to have been a DCC. I’m not trying to make them look bad. I’m presenting them with an opportunity to be the good guys here . . . for them to be trendsetters and to set the precedent for other NFL teams across the board.”
Filed under cheerleaders , cheerleading , dallas cowboys , lawsuits , salaries , sexual harassment , uniforms



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