Saturday, August 13, 2011

( Election results By Bret Baier and Megyn Kelly Fox News and Miley Cyrus ) Patcnews Aug 13, 2011 The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Network Sean Hannity Ann Coulter and Miley Cyrus Video © All copyrights reserved By Patcnews

                         2012 Election Was A Wrecking Ball That was for sure
This is a bad rule model for kids here is a Turkey that you need go to stuff Miley Cyrus endorses Billary clinton for 2016 

Ann Coulter; Sean Hannity: Obama's economic policies.

Paris Hilton Britney Spears Lindsay Lohan Has All Endorse Billary Clinton for 2016 



The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Network

                        liberalism + Socialism = Terrorism 
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 liberalism + Socialism = Terrorism


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