Saturday, August 13, 2011

( Pamela Gorman ) Patcnews Aug 13, 2011 The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Network Pamela Gorman Driving The Left Nuts! © All copyrights reserved By Patcnews

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 liberalism + Socialism = Terrorism

A Profile in Excellence: From Pizza to Politics

Dennis Tran - worlds fastest pizza

maker at 55 seconds.
I was sick recently and found myself 

watching a show on the food network 

that was taking a look inside the 

Domino's “30 minutes or less” 
company  heritage.  Apparently, they 

have these annual competitions 

where fast  pizza  making employees 

from all over the  world compete for 

the title as “World’s  Fastest Pizza 

Maker.”  I found  myself strangely 

moved by Mr. Tran’s  victory, but not 

just because I love both efficiency and 

pizza.  It was the  very real victory he 

enjoyed.  People rushed to embrace 

him and it looked like he might have 

even shed a tear.In a world where you 

are either keeping up with the Jones’s 

or trying to justify your worldview, as 

a global melt  down seems to 

be taking hold, it is refreshing to see  

humans  just celebrating  excellence… In  

whatever it  is they do. In the teaching 

of my faith, we are  told to do  everything 

we do as if we are doing it in service of 

Christ.  There  are a lot of theological reasons 

for that, but those aren’t necessary for the 

point to be made.  We should all  strive to do 

everything with excellence.  And, when 

someone displays excellence, we  should be 

quick to  celebrate with him or her  (not 

downplay  their actions as less 

than another’s because it doesn’t seem   

“important” or because later  activities  

undid  their work) I find it exhilarating to 

watch my fellow humans celebrate 

accomplishment, even if I don’t totally “get” 

what they are accomplishing.  It is the shear 

impossibility of the moment and the raw 

human emotion that displays  which draws 

me in. It is addictive and I find myself 

seeking it out. We watch a lot go on 

in public policy everyday that we don’t stop 

and acknowledge as moments of excellence.  
I, on the other hand, sit in awe.  One of my 
greatest blessings is the ability to be right 
there, in that moment,  and milk it for every 
drop of victory there  is.  It is what gets me 
by.  And, right now, I  am  watching a show 
of excellence unfold in  the state of 
Wisconsin. Governor Scott 
Walker and the Republicans  in their State 
Senate and Assembly are bravely taking a 
stand.  It  moves me to watch as various 
members of the body stand in front of a 
roaring angry  mob with nothing but a  
microphone and a  little earpiece to connect  
them to the national news interviews while 
they absolutely NAIL  their interviews.  It 
moves me to see a brand  new Governor 
paraded through a series of  interviews and 
press  conferences and not be shaken from 
his  resolve that this must be done for the 
future of the state he loves.  He is  calm, he 
is articulate, and dare I say… he’s 
more presidential than our own President.  
Governor Walker nails  the interviews.  
Everytime.   And THAT is excellence. Next 
year, someone  else may beat Dennis 
Tran’s world pizza making record.  But, he 
deserves the credit for 
doing whatever it is you do with excellence 
and commitment.

Similarly, the forces that gain their strength 
from a well-funded Democratic party 
through union dues may 
someday undo what is being fought so 
valiantly for in Wisconsin.  But, history will 
forever reserve a spot for the 
memory of the excellence being exhibited 
there right now by Governor Walker, Senate 
Leader Scott Fitzgerald, 
Speaker Jeff Fitzgerald, and a whole host of 
other Republican legislators who have risen 
to challenge and are 
 truly working with excellence.

*Standing Ovation*

Update: Apparently, Tran's segment on 
Network (while moving) is out of date.  

Grewal is the 2010 World’s Fastest Pizza 

Maker at 39.1 seconds.  :)

Originally published at  

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I Pray For Cely Cabrera


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