Sunday, August 14, 2011

( Tea Party Rally With Michele Bachmann ) Patcnews Aug 14, 2011 The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Network Reports Tea Party Rally With Michele Bachmann for 2011 © All copyrights reserved By Patcnews


 Bachmann: Obama 'Has Been The Best Friend Of Terrorists'
Submitted by Brian Tashman on Thursday, 4/9/2015 10:45 am

Former congressman Michele Bachmann is still insisting that President Obama is promoting Islamic terrorism, bizarrely asserting that the president is supporting both the Shiite regime in Iran and Sunni extremists. In an interview yesterday with News Talk Florida that was first flagged by Raw Story, Bachmann went so far as to say that Obama is the “best friend” of terrorists.

After suggesting — falsely — that Obama intends to remove Iran from the list of state sponsors of terrorism, Bachmann said that the president is putting “Iran in the position where they would have the firepower to be able take out not only Israel, but they would have the firepower to use intercontinental ballistic missiles against the United States with nuclear-tipped warheads.”

“This virtually guarantees, in my opinion, a World War III,” she continued, “and that alone would qualify Barack Obama for being the worst president that the United States has ever had to endure.”

“He has now guaranteed that Iran will have a nuclear weapon,” she added.

“The Obama doctrine has been to offer aid and comfort to our enemies while he has cut off our allies,” Bachmann said. “Everything that he has done has been to lift up the agenda of Islamic jihad. He has furthered Islamic jihad across the world, and we’ve never seen anything like this before.”

Bachmann claimed that Obama “has been the best friend of terrorists” and “has aided and abetted the rise of — the goals of terrorists across the world.”
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Bachmann: Obama 'Has Been The Best Friend Of Terrorists'

Former congressman Michele Bachmann is still insisting that President Obama is promoting Islamic terrorism, bizarrely asserting that the president is supporting both the Shiite regime in Iran and Sunni extremists. In an interview yesterday with News Talk Florida that was first flagged by Raw Story, Bachmann went so far as to say that Obama is the “best friend” of terrorists.
After suggesting — falsely — that Obama intends to remove Iran from the list of state sponsors of terrorism, Bachmann said that the president is putting “Iran in the position where they would have the firepower to be able take out not only Israel, but they would have the firepower to use intercontinental ballistic missiles against the United States with nuclear-tipped warheads.”
“This virtually guarantees, in my opinion, a World War III,” she continued, “and that alone would qualify Barack Obama for being the worst president that the United States has ever had to endure.”
“He has now guaranteed that Iran will have a nuclear weapon,” she added.
“The Obama doctrine has been to offer aid and comfort to our enemies while he has cut off our allies,” Bachmann said. “Everything that he has done has been to lift up the agenda of Islamic jihad. He has furthered Islamic jihad across the world, and we’ve never seen anything like this before.”
Bachmann claimed that Obama “has been the best friend of terrorists” and “has aided and abetted the rise of — the goals of terrorists across the world.”
- See more at:

Bachmann: Obama 'Has Been The Best Friend Of Terrorists'

Former congressman Michele Bachmann is still insisting that President Obama is promoting Islamic terrorism, bizarrely asserting that the president is supporting both the Shiite regime in Iran and Sunni extremists. In an interview yesterday with News Talk Florida that was first flagged by Raw Story, Bachmann went so far as to say that Obama is the “best friend” of terrorists.
After suggesting — falsely — that Obama intends to remove Iran from the list of state sponsors of terrorism, Bachmann said that the president is putting “Iran in the position where they would have the firepower to be able take out not only Israel, but they would have the firepower to use intercontinental ballistic missiles against the United States with nuclear-tipped warheads.”
“This virtually guarantees, in my opinion, a World War III,” she continued, “and that alone would qualify Barack Obama for being the worst president that the United States has ever had to endure.”
“He has now guaranteed that Iran will have a nuclear weapon,” she added.
“The Obama doctrine has been to offer aid and comfort to our enemies while he has cut off our allies,” Bachmann said. “Everything that he has done has been to lift up the agenda of Islamic jihad. He has furthered Islamic jihad across the world, and we’ve never seen anything like this before.”
Bachmann claimed that Obama “has been the best friend of terrorists” and “has aided and abetted the rise of — the goals of terrorists across the world.”
- See more at:

Bachmann: Obama 'Has Been The Best Friend Of Terrorists'

Former congressman Michele Bachmann is still insisting that President Obama is promoting Islamic terrorism, bizarrely asserting that the president is supporting both the Shiite regime in Iran and Sunni extremists. In an interview yesterday with News Talk Florida that was first flagged by Raw Story, Bachmann went so far as to say that Obama is the “best friend” of terrorists.
After suggesting — falsely — that Obama intends to remove Iran from the list of state sponsors of terrorism, Bachmann said that the president is putting “Iran in the position where they would have the firepower to be able take out not only Israel, but they would have the firepower to use intercontinental ballistic missiles against the United States with nuclear-tipped warheads.”
“This virtually guarantees, in my opinion, a World War III,” she continued, “and that alone would qualify Barack Obama for being the worst president that the United States has ever had to endure.”
“He has now guaranteed that Iran will have a nuclear weapon,” she added.
“The Obama doctrine has been to offer aid and comfort to our enemies while he has cut off our allies,” Bachmann said. “Everything that he has done has been to lift up the agenda of Islamic jihad. He has furthered Islamic jihad across the world, and we’ve never seen anything like this before.”
Bachmann claimed that Obama “has been the best friend of terrorists” and “has aided and abetted the rise of — the goals of terrorists across the world.”
- See more at:

Bachmann: Obama 'Has Been The Best Friend Of Terrorists'

Former congressman Michele Bachmann is still insisting that President Obama is promoting Islamic terrorism, bizarrely asserting that the president is supporting both the Shiite regime in Iran and Sunni extremists. In an interview yesterday with News Talk Florida that was first flagged by Raw Story, Bachmann went so far as to say that Obama is the “best friend” of terrorists.
After suggesting — falsely — that Obama intends to remove Iran from the list of state sponsors of terrorism, Bachmann said that the president is putting “Iran in the position where they would have the firepower to be able take out not only Israel, but they would have the firepower to use intercontinental ballistic missiles against the United States with nuclear-tipped warheads.”
“This virtually guarantees, in my opinion, a World War III,” she continued, “and that alone would qualify Barack Obama for being the worst president that the United States has ever had to endure.”
“He has now guaranteed that Iran will have a nuclear weapon,” she added.
“The Obama doctrine has been to offer aid and comfort to our enemies while he has cut off our allies,” Bachmann said. “Everything that he has done has been to lift up the agenda of Islamic jihad. He has furthered Islamic jihad across the world, and we’ve never seen anything like this before.”
Bachmann claimed that Obama “has been the best friend of terrorists” and “has aided and abetted the rise of — the goals of terrorists across the world.”
- See more at:

Michele Bachmann in GOP Debate

I Michele Bachmann for 2012 she is a Lady of Liberty Michele Bachmann Interview The Day After Iowa She is a Lady of Liberty 


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