Monday, August 15, 2011

( Fraud of Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac VA IRS isis 2011 ) Patcnews Aug 15, 2011 The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Network Reports By Fox News The Fraud of Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, & the U.S. Congress © All copyrights reserved By Patcnews

        The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Network

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 liberalism + Socialism = Terrorism

 the press worships the obama regime 
The AV system scandal hospital Phoenix VA Health Care System officials have attempted to contact all patients who were awaiting medical appointments when the hospital became the epicenter of the VA scandal earlier this year. Hospital administrators disclosed the milestone to representatives of Arizona's congressional delegation during a briefing on Friday at the hospital. On May 28, the VA Office of Inspector General issued a stinging report that identified about 1,400 veterans who were awaiting primary-care appointments and who were logged on the hospital's official electronic wait lists. It also identified another 1,700 veterans who were expecting appointments and were not on the official lists.

The IRS attacking the tea party
isis terrorists cells

 The Fraud of Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, & the U.S. Congress



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