Saturday, August 13, 2011

( Brooke Burke-Charvet ModernMom ) Patcnews: Aug 13, 2011 The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Network Reports By Mail Online News Topic Brooke Burke-Charvet ModernMom © All copyrights reserved By Patcnews


The Naked Mom
A Modern Mom's Fearless Revelations, Savvy Advice, and Soulful Reflections
by Brooke Burke  

We have all been familiar with Brooke Burke’s exceptional beauty for many years now, as she modeled, hosted, and was simply one of the most naturally beautiful women in the public eye. With the popularity of Twitter, as well as through her very popular blog on Modern Mom, we have gotten more than a glimpse into Brooke’s life, both personally and professionally. Sharing pictures, insights, and feelings that span ballroom gowns and jewels for her DWTS hostess wardrobe, carpool, parenting challenges, relationship peaks and valleys...we get a real view into what it is like to be Brooke….a working mom, just like – and yet so different than - so many of us.
I have always had immense respect for Brooke’s authenticity. She admits when she finds things challenging, shares her exhaustion as a mom of four, and with every tweet and blog, she brings to light how similar we all are. For as vast and different as our lives are – single, married, children, no children, employed, unemployed, in the spotlight or in the shadows – as women, as mothers – we share so much common ground and we are never alone.
I was fairly certain that The Naked Mom would read along the lines of Brooke’s blog, which I enjoy immensely. After reading the book excerpt that Brooke shared on her Modern Mom site I realized The Naked Mom would be so much more than the blogs expressed.  I still had NO idea.
As eager as I was to read Brooke’s book, I chose to wait and purchase my copy at her book signing at Barnes & Noble at The Grove, part of the famous Los Angeles landmark, Farmer’s Market.
I know this is a review of Brooke’s book, but first I have to just comment on Brooke herself. She is far more beautiful in person. Not just the beauty we all see on the cover of Shape Magazine, Skechers ads, and DWTS advertising, but the true beauty of graciousness with everyone, strength mixed with vulnerability, her authenticity – her true beauty. She fielded questions from fans, handling even personal questions on unexpected topics with a grace and light humor that allowed everyone to remain at ease. It was truly a pleasure to meet her; an opportunity I had barely dared to hope for prior to this event. 

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ModernMom is a trusted resource and online community for the "Woman Behind the Mom," with practical tips, advice, videos and information on parenting, pregnancy, family, career, health, wellness, beauty, cooking, crafts and more.

Headed up by Dancing with the Stars co-host Brooke Burke and Lisa Rosenblatt, ModernMom is full of original content from celebrated experts, authors, bloggers and real moms from all over the world. It's a one-stop destination for smart, savvy and soulful women who want to be informed, entertained and inspired.

The Naked Mom is so multi-faceted that I read it twice before even attempting to review it.
Brooke shares experiences from every aspect of her life. We learn what is most sacred to her, what she enjoys, what she yearns for, what she is proud of. She is open, honest, and frankly, very brave, to let so many millions of people see so deeply into her life, and into her heart.
In her chapter ‘The Mirror-Ball Trophy’, sharing her journey as a contestant and winner of Dancing with the Stars, Brooke reminds us that for as public as an experience may be, there is a LOT that goes on behind the scenes, and even more so even farther out of the public eye, within the heart and soul. The triumph over self-doubt, the determination to do her best – whatever that best may end up being, and the follow through on her commitment to the competition, especially for the sake of being a good example to her children – all shows us what TRULY makes Brooke Burke a winner. What appeared to viewers as a sequined path danced along with a handsome young partner had many painful potholes, and detours. Yet, Brooke showed herself, her children, and all of us what perseverance truly can accomplish.
The Naked Mom is overflowing with tips, suggestions, and wisdom Brooke has gleaned through both the personal and professional portions of her life. I found myself making notes to try a certain approach, mental space, or hands on daily grind juggling.
As I mentioned, I read The Naked Mom twice before writing this review. BOTH times, I laughed AND cried. At times at portions that struck a different chord in me the second time through, and at times at the same poignant sections that affected me so strongly the first time.
I was deeply touched by Brooke’s vulnerability. It is so difficult for ANYONE to admit when they have stumbled, are afraid, or feel imperfect. It is tremendously more difficult to do so, for someone whose career positions them as a perfect woman, perfect beauty, perfect mom, perfect hostess – in the spotlight in front of millions. Brooke exercised remarkable courage in showing the world – the real Brooke. Teaching us all the invaluable lesson that the ideal woman we see in the spotlight, and whom we aspire to be like, is VERY human, and exquisitely imperfect just as we are.
While my life and experiences are so VASTLY different than Brooke’s have been, I found myself relating to her as if we had truly been walking along the same path. The take away lesson is that we HAVE BEEN. There is SO much common ground amongst women – how we emote, how we survive, where we find joy and fulfillment. There is even more commonality amongst mothers. Those inarticulately subtle (as well as some blindingly glaring) changes in how we process everything in our lives, even those aspects that do not seem parenting related – once we are parents. Whether my child, my friend, or my man said or did the same thing that Brooke’s did, I still found myself  relating to her emotional reactions, how her experiences affected her.
I think my favorite lesson from Brooke’s book is her statement that essentially there is no ‘balancing it all’ but rather ‘managing the chaos’. In chaos there is opportunity, there is beauty, there is adventure, there is an openness to blessings and authenticity that is simply lost in a regimented life. All of us should truly aspire to simply – manage it to the best of our ability. To navigate the bumps in the road, the twists and turns, even when we cannot see what awaits us on the other side of the mountain that seems to loom in front of us.
I encourage you all to do two things. 1) Buy Brooke’s book. The Naked Mom will entertain you, and will make you more comfortable in your OWN skin. Come to love your naked self. If there is any one characteristic of Brooke’s that I would choose to emulate and achieve (and there are MANY) it would be to become so BOLDLY authentic.  2) Make a ‘bucket list’/simply must achieve list/vision board – whatever visual tool you choose be it in images or words – State your dreams, wishes, desires, and goals! Be courageous enough to put them down on paper. Make yourself and the Universe accountable to attaining those goals for yourself.
Brooke – thank you – for your beauty – inside and out….and for being SO truly relatable which helps us all see that we too, each have a unique beauty that shines from within.




Not keeping anything hidden! Brooke Burke-Charvet proudly displays neck scar after thyroid cancer surgery... AND envy-inducing washboard abs as she hits the gym

By Louise Saunders
She successfully underwent thyroid surgery in December after being diagnosed with cancer the previous month.
But Brooke Burke-Charvet is evidently not keeping anything hidden after beating the disease as she proudly showed off her throat scar on Sunday.
Leaving her gym in Malibu, California, after her workout, the 41-year-old television personality couldn't conceal her smile as she flaunted her surgery scar and her washboard abs in one go.
Brave: Brooke Burke-Charvet showed off her cancer surgery scar and her washboard abs as she hit the gym in Malibu, California, on Sunday

Brave: Brooke Burke-Charvet showed off her cancer surgery scar and her washboard abs as she hit the gym in Malibu, California, on Sunday

Scar: The 41-year-old television personality underwent thyroid surgery in December after being diagnosed with cancer the previous month

Scar: The 41-year-old television personality underwent thyroid surgery in December after being diagnosed with cancer the previous month
Showcasing her incredible figure in a skimpy black crop top, the actress was displaying the sort of stomach that would leave most women positively green with envy.
Ensuring her toned and tanned torso got maximum exposure, the brunette star teamed her barely-there top with a pair of bright purple jogging trousers as she made her way back to her car.
Brooke completed her workout look with her locks scraped back off her face, minimal make-up and oversized sunglasses to protect her eyes from the strong Californian rays.
The mother-of-four wore bright red Sketchers trainers on her feet and carried a bottle of water to ensured she stayed hydrated after her workout.
And despite looking as though she had barely broken a sweat as she emerged from the gym looking positively flawless, the star seemed pleased with the results of her exercise session.
Writing on her Twitter page, she said: 'Awesome work out today! Mind, body & soul & a whole lotta booty! loved the sweat.'

Envy inducing: The star's flat stomach would have no doubt left most women at her gym completely green with envy

Envy inducing: The star's flat stomach would have no doubt left most women at her gym completely green with envy

Incredible figure: Brooke flaunted her toned and tanned stomach in a tiny crop top and purple cropped jogging bottoms Incredible figure: Brooke flaunted her toned and tanned stomach in a tiny crop top and purple cropped jogging bottoms

Incredible figure: Brooke flaunted her toned and tanned stomach in a tiny crop top and purple cropped jogging bottoms
Brooke was later joined by two of her daughters, Sierra and Rain, as she covered up in a black vest top while running errands.
After being diagnosed with thyroid cancer November and successfully undergoing surgery the following month, the model has vowed to raise awareness of the disease.
But she admitted she initially brushed off her doctor's initial warnings about the mass in her throat.
No wonder she's smiling: The mother-of-four looked happy and relaxed as she left her gym with a bottle of water to keep her hydrated following her workout
No wonder she's smiling: The mother-of-four looked happy and relaxed as she left her gym with a bottle of water to keep her hydrated following her workout

Trooper: Despite having told her Twitter followers she was covered in sweat following her strenuous session at the gym, Brooke looked utterly flawless as she stepped outTrooper: Despite having told her Twitter followers she was covered in sweat following her strenuous session at the gym, Brooke looked utterly flawless as she stepped out
Trooper: Despite having told her Twitter followers she was covered in sweat following her strenuous session at the gym, Brooke looked utterly flawless as she stepped out
In an interview with Katie Couric, Brooke said: 'I sort of went, "Oh, okay. I'm gonna call you next week." And the doctor said, "No, no, no Brooke. You need to have a thyroidectomy done and you need to schedule this".
'My doctor felt a very questionable, tiny little lump. He said to get an ultrasound, and I got an ultrasound, and then they suggested a biopsy.
'I had my first biopsy and my results came back atypical... they couldn't confirm whether it was cancer or not.
Doting: Brooke later covered up in a black vest top as she stepped out with two of her daughters, Sierra and Rain, in tow
Doting: Brooke later covered up in a black vest top as she stepped out with two of her daughters, Sierra and Rain, in tow
'Three days later I got the call from the doctor, who said, "Yeah, you have 75 percent positive for cancer and you need to have a thyroidectomy".
'It's something that you never think that you're going to experience.'
Brooke has two daughters, Neriah and Sierra, from her first marriage to Garth Fisher and a daughter, Rain and son Shaya from her union with actor David Charvet.
Fun in the sun: The two little girls seemed to be having a whale of a time as they played a fun game together
Fun in the sun: The two little girls seemed to be having a whale of a time as they played a fun game together

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Brooke Burke: “I’ve Always Tried To Live My Life To The Fullest”

Dancing With The Stars co-host Brooke Burke-Charvet has sure been having a busy spring season! Aside from her kids’ “very chaotic” activity schedules, the mom-of-four is teaming up with Claritin for their My Claritin Clear Challenge.
Brooke opens up to Celebrity Baby Scoop about her experience with the My Claritin Clear Challenge, what’s shakin’ up on Dancing With The Stars, and what her four children- Shaya, 5, Rain, 6, Neriah, 13, and Sierra, 11- have been up to. She even gives an inside look at what she plans to do for Mother’s Day!
CBS: It’s that time of year — allergy season! And we hear you’re teaming up again with Claritin. Tell us all about the My Claritin Clear Challenge and all about the campaign.
BBC: “It sure is! I’m a longtime allergy sufferer, and spring pollen is one of my triggers. Between hosting “Dancing with the Stars” and my kids being more active and demanding, spring is a very busy time for me. I have no time to let my allergies get the best of me. That’s why I teamed up with Claritin again to take their Claritin Clear Challenge and share my story. It’s simple – as soon as my allergies start, I take one non-drowsy Claritin. I take it every day of my allergy season (as long as the pollen keeps flying!) for continuous relief.
For more information and details on my story, check out”
CBS: Tell us what’s shaking up on Dancing with the Stars. What are your predictions? What are your biggest surprises this season? How would you describe this season?
BBC: “I love this season, because there are a lot of evenly matched couples, which makes it unpredictable and very exciting. I’m also enjoying the new dance challenges we’ve added, and the new dance styles have been a lot of fun to watch. I have no idea who will take home the mirror ball trophy. I never really do; it boils down to the finales and the always unpredictable freestyle dance. I feel like it’s a clean slate on that night, and the coveted mirror ball could be anyone’s at this point.”
CBS: How are your kids doing? How old are they now? What is everyone into?
BBC: “Everyone is growing up way too fast! I’ve got a kindergartner and a teenager this year, and everything in between. Four kids and four different schools, so this year has been a very chaotic, hectic time. Shaya just learned how to ride a bike, so we’ve been taking a lot of family bike rides. That was a major milestone. Rain’s a dancing queen and dabbling in some voice lessons right now, and my teenager is buried in tech-ville with the rest of her class.”
CBS: How are you feeling these days after your recent scare with cancer? Are you feeling like you have a new lease on life?
BBC: “I’m grateful that I beat it, and I feel healthy and strong; life is great, business as usual. I’ve always tried to live my life to the fullest and having thyroid cancer didn’t change that, but I’m very grateful to be happy.”
CBS: What are your upcoming Mother’s Day plans? What do you enjoy doing on Mother’s Day? What does Mother’s Day mean to you?
BBC: “Mother’s Day will be shared with my mother, my mother-in-law, and much of David’s family, so it usually turns out to be a big backyard BBQ with a lot of kids. This year I hope I’ll be able to carve out a little one-on-one time with each of my children. It’s easier said than done, but I’d like some selfish mommy time this year. That is always difficult, considering I’m a daughter as well as a mother. Mother’s Day is usually a big family affair, but I’m really hoping for some private mommy time with all of my babies.”
CBS: What’s up next for you?
BBC: “I’m getting ready to go on a medical mission for Operation Smile, which I’m hoping will be a life changing experience. My family and I will help change the lives of children in need.”

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