Sunday, January 29, 2017

( 65th Miss Universe Preliminary Competition ) Patcnews: January 29, 2017 The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Network Reports 65th Miss Universe Preliminary Competition © All Copyrights Reserved By Patcnews

The 65th Miss Universe Preliminary Competition


 Miss Universe International Japan Competition

The 65th Miss Universe Preliminary Competition

Miss Chinese International

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( President Donald Trump at GOP Retreat in Philadelphia And Britain's PM Theresa May ) Patcnews: January 29, 2017 The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Network Reports President Donald Trump at GOP Retreat in Philadelphia And Britain's PM Theresa May © All Copyrights Reserved By Patcnews


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Content and Programming Copyright 2017 By Patcnews The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Network © LLC UCC 1-308.ALL RIGHTS RESERVED WITHOUT PREJUDICE All copyrights reserved By Patcnews The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Network Copyright 2017 CQ-Roll Call, Inc. All materials herein are protected by United States copyright law and may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, displayed, published or broadcast without the prior written permission of CQ-Roll Call. You may not alter or remove any trademark, copyright or other notice from copies of the content.  © All Copyrights reserved By Patcnews The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Network

Friday, January 20, 2017

( The Mark Levin Show ) Patcnews: January 20, 2017 The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Network Reports President Donald J.Trump Inauguration 2017 © All Copyrights Reserved By Patcnews

What to Know About the Inaugural Balls

President Trump, Vice President Mike Pence and their wives will attend three events

As part of Friday’s inauguration festivities, President Trump, Vice President Mike Pence and their wives will spend their first evening in office attending a series of balls held in Washington, D.C. Here’s everything you need to know about them:
Three official inaugural balls are being held. Two of the balls, Liberty and Freedom: The Official Presidential Inaugural Balls, will be held at the Walter E. Washington Convention Center. The third, a Salute To Our Armed Services Ball, will take place at the National Building Museum. All three balls begin at 7 p.m. E.T.

inRead invented by TeadsThe first two balls are open to the public. Tickets to the Liberty and Freedom Balls are $50 per person. The Salute To Our Armed Services Ball is by invitation only, with tickets provided free of charge. 
The official inaugural balls will feature a number of entertainers. Sam Moore,

Inaugural balls are a fixture of Washington’s social calendar after presidential inaugurations. The first ball dates back to James Madison’s inauguration in 1809. Some presidents, like Woodrow Wilson and Warren G. Harding, did not attend inaugural balls because they considered them excessive.
For First Ladies, the inaugural balls are a time to formally introduce themselves to America. Their sartorial choices reflect their personal values and have in the past set a precedent for what their husbands’ administrations will come to represent. For both of former President Barack Obama’s inaugurations, First Lady Michelle Obama chose Jason Wu, an openly gay designer who was born in Taiwan, for the gown she wore. The two rumored names in the running for Melania Trump are Karl Lagerfeld and Ralph Lauren. Check out some of the most memorable inaugural gowns here.
The number of inaugural events that presidents attend — and their cachet outside of Washington — has grown over the years. The first inauguration to have two balls was for Andrew Jackson in 1833. By the time John F. Kennedy was sworn into office in 1963, the balls had attracted Hollywood elite, like Frank Sinatra and Gene Kelly. Obama attended three balls after his second inauguration like Trump will on Friday, but he attended more after his first inauguration in 2009.
Several other balls are scheduled for the evening. Although Trump and Pence are attending three balls, a number of events are scheduled in Washington on Friday night. Among others, Planned Parenthood will host its Pink Ball at the Carol Whitehill Moses Center, while the 1920s-themed The Great Gatsby Presidential Inaugural Ball will take place at the National Portrait Gallery.

( President Donald J. Trump Inauguration 2017 ) Patcnews: January 20, 2017 The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Network Reports President Donald J.Trump Inauguration 2017 © All Copyrights Reserved By Patcnews

What to Know About the Inaugural Balls

President Trump, Vice President Mike Pence and their wives will attend three events

As part of Friday’s inauguration festivities, President Trump, Vice President Mike Pence and their wives will spend their first evening in office attending a series of balls held in Washington, D.C. Here’s everything you need to know about them:
Three official inaugural balls are being held. Two of the balls, Liberty and Freedom: The Official Presidential Inaugural Balls, will be held at the Walter E. Washington Convention Center. The third, a Salute To Our Armed Services Ball, will take place at the National Building Museum. All three balls begin at 7 p.m. E.T.

inRead invented by TeadsThe first two balls are open to the public. Tickets to the Liberty and Freedom Balls are $50 per person. The Salute To Our Armed Services Ball is by invitation only, with tickets provided free of charge. 
The official inaugural balls will feature a number of entertainers. Sam Moore,

Inaugural balls are a fixture of Washington’s social calendar after presidential inaugurations. The first ball dates back to James Madison’s inauguration in 1809. Some presidents, like Woodrow Wilson and Warren G. Harding, did not attend inaugural balls because they considered them excessive.
For First Ladies, the inaugural balls are a time to formally introduce themselves to America. Their sartorial choices reflect their personal values and have in the past set a precedent for what their husbands’ administrations will come to represent. For both of former President Barack Obama’s inaugurations, First Lady Michelle Obama chose Jason Wu, an openly gay designer who was born in Taiwan, for the gown she wore. The two rumored names in the running for Melania Trump are Karl Lagerfeld and Ralph Lauren. Check out some of the most memorable inaugural gowns here.
The number of inaugural events that presidents attend — and their cachet outside of Washington — has grown over the years. The first inauguration to have two balls was for Andrew Jackson in 1833. By the time John F. Kennedy was sworn into office in 1963, the balls had attracted Hollywood elite, like Frank Sinatra and Gene Kelly. Obama attended three balls after his second inauguration like Trump will on Friday, but he attended more after his first inauguration in 2009.
Several other balls are scheduled for the evening. Although Trump and Pence are attending three balls, a number of events are scheduled in Washington on Friday night. Among others, Planned Parenthood will host its Pink Ball at the Carol Whitehill Moses Center, while the 1920s-themed The Great Gatsby Presidential Inaugural Ball will take place at the National Portrait Gallery.

The 43 people who Try To Run Against Trump in 2020

Full List OF All The Democratic Party Presidential Candidates 2020

Nancy Do Nothing Pelosi
Tom Pimp Mac-Daddy Daschle
Kamala Progressive Harris
Dianne Communist Feinstein
Tulsi Butt-Kiss Gabbard
Julian Dictator Castro
Chuck Crazy Boy Schumer
John Fascist Delaney
Richard Picking His Butt Ojeda
Elizabeth Pocahontas Warren
Michael E. Wash Out Arth
Marianne Wind Blows Williamson
Debbie Brainwash Wasserman-Schultz
Alicia Hooker Reece
Michael Bend-Over Boy Bennet
Joe Bite Me Biden
Michael Wrecking Balls Bloomberg
Cory Gestapo Booker
Sherrod Busting Balls Hard Brown
Steve Butt-Hole Crack Head Bullock
Pete Ball Sucking Fart-Knocker Buttigier
Bill Can't Find His Balls De Blasio
Oscar Can't March Fore Crap De La Hoya
Eric Lost His Balls Garcetti
John Funny Farm Hickenlooper
Eric Insane Holder
Jay Can't Fix Roads Inslee
Amy Barking Spider Klobuchar
Terry High Taxes McAuliffe
Jeff Jack-Off On His Balls Merkley
Beto Burrito Junk O'Rourke
Tim Bad Lobbyist Ryan
Crazy Bernie Dirt Bag Sanders
Eric Can't Cut Taxes Swalwell
Angelina Hollywired Jolie
Mitch Tax Ball-Buster Landrieu
William H. Can't Find Bathroom McRaven
Seth Ball Scratching Moulton
Joseph Itching Balls Sanberg
Pairs Bitchy Hilton
Britney Can't Sing Spears
Howard Screaming Dean
Howard Butt Plug Schultz
Adam Ball Sucking Butt Scratching Schiff
Stacey Lazy and Dumb-Ass Abrams
Michael Indy Crash Avenatti
Jerry Jerk Ball No Brains Brown
Bob Ran Bend Over Casey Jr.

Billary Rotten Clinton, former 
U.S. Secretary of State

Roy Butt Hugging Hippy Cooper
Andrew Full OF Crap Cuomo
Rahm Nut Job Emanuel
Al Rape Me Down The Lake Franken
John Jacking-OFF-Hard Edwards
Andrew Butt-Head Gillum
Al Wacko Gore, former Vice President
Luis Hand Job Jerking-Off-Hard Gutiérrez
Tim Take Out The Trash Kaine
John Ball Grabbing Fart-Knocker Kerry
Joe Kick Me Kennedy III
Chris Garbage-Trash-Out Murphy
Phil Butt Kiss Ball Grabbing Murphy
Gavin Betting OFF Hard Newsom

Mucha Michelle Ring My Golden Cowbell That Goes Mooooo Obama mmm mmm mmm Yuck

Martin Jacking OFF Hard O'Malley
Harry Ball Hard Pumping Reid
Deval Rubbing Butt Hard Patrick
Joe Tree Hugging Hippy Scarborough
Tom Ass Wipe Steyer
Jon In A Van Down By the River Tester
Nina Ship Wreck Turner
Maxine Cry Me A River Waters
Oprah Can't Do Crap Winfrey
Jane Hanoi Urinal Target Fonda
Barbra BS-Clueless Streisand

Mark Butt Wipe Suckerberg 
CEO OF Crap-Face-Book


Content and Programming Copyright 2017 By Patcnews The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Network © LLC UCC 1-308.ALL RIGHTS RESERVED WITHOUT PREJUDICE All copyrights reserved By Patcnews The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Network Copyright 2017 CQ-Roll Call, Inc. All materials herein are protected by United States copyright law and may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, displayed, published or broadcast without the prior written permission of CQ-Roll Call. You may not alter or remove any trademark, copyright or other notice from copies of the content.  © All Copyrights reserved By Patcnews The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Network

Thursday, January 19, 2017

( EVE OF INAUGURATION EVENTS ) Patcnews: January 19, 2017 The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Network Reports Doanld Trump Is The Man Who Predicted Trump Win - Makes Next Shocking Prediction Trump's First Executive Order? Ads by Google 0:02 / 9:07 DONALD TRUMP SPEAKS ON EVE OF INAUGURATION FULL: President Donald Trump and Mike Pence Participate in Wreath Laying Ceremony © All Copyrights Reserved By Patcnews



Content and Programming Copyright 2017 By Patcnews The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Network © LLC UCC 1-308.ALL RIGHTS RESERVED WITHOUT PREJUDICE All copyrights reserved By Patcnews The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Network Copyright 2017 CQ-Roll Call, Inc. All materials herein are protected by United States copyright law and may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, displayed, published or broadcast without the prior written permission of CQ-Roll Call. You may not alter or remove any trademark, copyright or other notice from copies of the content.  © All Copyrights reserved By Patcnews The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Network

( Donald Trump Addresses Supporters On Eve Of Inauguration As 45th President ) Patcnews January 19, 2017 The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Network Reports Donald Trump Addresses Supporters On Eve Of Inauguration As 45th President © All Copyrights Reserved By Patcnews


Content and Programming Copyright 2017 By Patcnews The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Network © LLC UCC 1-308.ALL RIGHTS RESERVED WITHOUT PREJUDICE All copyrights reserved By Patcnews The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Network Copyright 2017 CQ-Roll Call, Inc. All materials herein are protected by United States copyright law and may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, displayed, published or broadcast without the prior written permission of CQ-Roll Call. You may not alter or remove any trademark, copyright or other notice from copies of the content.  © All Copyrights reserved By Patcnews The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Network

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

( The Mark Levin Show ) Patcnews January 17, 2017 The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Network Reports The Mark Levin Show © All Copyrights Reserved By Patcnews

 The Mark Levin Show Video Clips 


Content and Programming Copyright 2017 By Patcnews The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Network © LLC UCC 1-308.ALL RIGHTS RESERVED WITHOUT PREJUDICE All copyrights reserved By Patcnews The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Network Copyright 2017 CQ-Roll Call, Inc. All materials herein are protected by United States copyright law and may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, displayed, published or broadcast without the prior written permission of CQ-Roll Call. You may not alter or remove any trademark, copyright or other notice from copies of the content.  © All Copyrights reserved By Patcnews The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Network

Monday, January 16, 2017

( Australian Open Women's Tennis ) Patcnews January 16, 2017 The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Network Reports The 2017 Australian Open Women's Tennis © All Copyrights Reserved By Patcnews


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                    Anna Kournikova

                    Amanda Anisimova



Content and Programming Copyright 2017 By Patcnews The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Network © LLC UCC 1-308.ALL RIGHTS RESERVED WITHOUT PREJUDICE All copyrights reserved By Patcnews The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Network Copyright 2017 CQ-Roll Call, Inc. All materials herein are protected by United States copyright law and may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, displayed, published or broadcast without the prior written permission of CQ-Roll Call. You may not alter or remove any trademark, copyright or other notice from copies of the content.  © All Copyrights Reserved By Patcnews The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Network

( Happy Martin Luther King Day ) Patcnews January 16, 2017 The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Network Reports Happy Martin Luther King Day All Lives Matter © All Copyrights Reserved By Patcnews

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     liberalism + Socialism = Terrorism



Content and Programming Copyright 2017 By Patcnews The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Network © LLC UCC 1-308.ALL RIGHTS RESERVED WITHOUT PREJUDICE All copyrights reserved By Patcnews The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Network Copyright 2017 CQ-Roll Call, Inc. All materials herein are protected by United States copyright law and may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, displayed, published or broadcast without the prior written permission of CQ-Roll Call. You may not alter or remove any trademark, copyright or other notice from copies of the content.  © All Copyrights reserved By Patcnews The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Network

Sunday, January 15, 2017

( Barrett-Jackson Scottsdale AZ 2017 ) Patcnews January 15, 2017 The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Network Reports Barrett-Jackson Scottsdale AZ 2017 © All Copyrights Reserved Patcnews


 barrett jackson

Friday was record-setting for the 2016 Barrett-Jackson and other Arizona car auctions, with $9.9 million paid for a Mercedes Benz at Sotheby's. Record $9.9 million car among Friday sales at 2016 Barrett-Jackson, RM Sotheby's Friday was record-setting for the 2016 Barrett-Jackson and other Arizona car auctions, with $9.9 million paid for a Mercedes Benz at Sotheby's.

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     liberalism + Socialism = Terrorism

Content and Programming Copyright 2017 By Patcnews The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Network © LLC UCC 1-308.ALL RIGHTS RESERVED WITHOUT PREJUDICE All copyrights reserved By Patcnews The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Network Copyright 2017 CQ-Roll Call, Inc. All materials herein are protected by United States copyright law and may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, displayed, published or broadcast without the prior written permission of CQ-Roll Call. You may not alter or remove any trademark, copyright or other notice from copies of the content.  © All Copyrights reserved By Patcnews The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Network