Thursday, April 30, 2015

( The Corrupt Liberal Bias Media is Destroying America ) Patcnews April 30, 2015 The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Network Reports Bill O'Reilly And Fox and Friends: Corrupt Liberal Bias Media is Destroying America © All copyrights reserved By Patcnews


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      liberalism + Socialism = Terrorism 
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     liberalism + Socialism = Terrorism

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Tuesday, April 28, 2015

( Lisa Boothe Republican Strategist ) Patcnews April 28, 2015 The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Network Reports Lisa Boothe National Republican Congressional Committee Conservative Strategist Commentator. © All copyrights reserved By Patcnews

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      liberalism + Socialism = Terrorism 
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     liberalism + Socialism = Terrorism

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( The Sports Illustrated Swimsuit 2016 News Report ) Patcnews April 28, 2015 The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Network Reports The Sports Illustrated Swimsuit 2016 News Report © All copyrights reserved By Patcnews

 The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Network 

      liberalism + Socialism = Terrorism 
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     liberalism + Socialism = Terrorism


Content and Programming Copyright 2016 By Patcnews The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Network © LLC UCC 1-308.ALL RIGHTS RESERVED WITHOUT PREJUDICE All copyrights reserved By Patcnews The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Network Copyright 2016 CQ-Roll Call, Inc. All materials herein are protected by United States copyright law and may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, displayed, published or broadcast without the prior written permission of CQ-Roll Call. You may not alter or remove any trademark, copyright or other notice from copies of the content.  © All Copyrights reserved By Patcnews The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Network

( Michelle Malkin ) Patcnews April 27, 2015 The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Network Reports Michelle Malkin attacks michelle obama and jeb bush on common core © All copyrights reserved By Patcnews

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      liberalism + Socialism = Terrorism 
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 © All copyrights reserved By Patcnews
     liberalism + Socialism = Terrorism

Content and Programming Copyright 2015 By Patcnews The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Network © LLC UCC 1-308.ALL RIGHTS RESERVED WITHOUT PREJUDICE All copyrights reserved By Patcnews The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Network Copyright 2015 CQ-Roll Call, Inc. All materials herein are protected by United States copyright law and may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, displayed, published or broadcast without the prior written permission of CQ-Roll Call. You may not alter or remove any trademark, copyright or other notice from copies of the content.  © All Copyrights reserved By Patcnews The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Network

Sunday, April 26, 2015

( The Baltimore Riots Black Lives Matter Supports Terrorism And Sanctuary Cities Is A City For Outlaws News Report ) Patcnews April 26, 2015 The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Network Reports Baltimore Riots was a domestic act of terrorism With Black Lives Matter Supports Terrorism And Sanctuary Cities Is A City For Outlaws News Report © All copyrights reserved By Patcnews


Embattled Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake announced Wednesday that she has asked the Justice Department to investigate whether the black-led minority-majority city police department is guilty of discrimination — against blacks.
“I’m asking the Department of Justice to investigate if our police department has engaged in a pattern or practice of stops, searches or arrests that violate the Fourth Amendment,” she said, according to The Hill.
“I am asking that they investigate what systemic challenges exist within our police department that can contribute to excessive force and discriminatory policing.”
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The Democrat mayor, who participated in a task force on policing formed by President Obama in the aftermath of events last fall in Ferguson, Mo., came under fire last week after saying the city gave rioters “space to destroy,” a comment she later tried to back away from.
While calling for an investigation, which she said was “essential,” it appears that Rawlings-Blake has already reached a verdict, based on another controversial remark she made last week.
Speaking at an Al Sharpton’s National Action Network event in Baltimore, the mayor called for justice for Freddie Gray — a remark that betrayed any sense of justice for the six officers charged in Gray’s death, who are presumed innocent until proven guilty.
“We will get justice for Freddie Gray,” Rawlings-Blake said. “If, with the nation watching, three black women at three different levels can’t get justice and healing for this community, you tell me where we’re going to get it in our country.”
(She was referring to herself, State’s Attorney Marilyn Mosby and Attorney General Loretta Lynch.)

Lynch was in Baltimore on Tuesday, visiting the police department before meeting with community and church leaders. 
The new attorney general thanked officers who were “on the front lines” during the unrest in the city, but said the Justice Department will look for ways to improve the Baltimore Police Department and did not rule out a full-scale civil rights investigation, according to The Baltimore Sun.
“We’re going to try to come up with solutions, real solutions for the city of Baltimore to improve this city,” she said. “That is our goal. That is our commitment. It is my commitment on behalf of the Department of Justice.”
Of course, it’s not helpful that Rawlings-Blake continues to throw police under the bus.
“Throughout my administration, we have taken a number of steps to change the culture and practices of the Baltimore Police Department,” she said Tuesday.
“Despite this progress, we all know that Baltimore continues to have a fractured relationship between the police and the community.”

    Ridiculous. Pandering to the thugs in Baltimore - her and Mosby risk looking even more biased, if that's possible. Perhaps she should investigate where all the money was spent that was given to Baltimore - to the tune of $1.8 BILLION dollars in stimulus funds. Yet, nothing got better - especially for the residents. "Embattled Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake announced Wednesday that she has asked the Justice Department to investigate whether the black-led minority-majority city police department is guilty of discrimination — against blacks.
    “I’m asking the Department of Justice to investigate if our police department has engaged in a pattern or practice of stops, searches or arrests that violate the Fourth Amendment,” she said, according to The Hill.
    “I am asking that they investigate what systemic challenges exist within our police department that can contribute to excessive force and discriminatory policing.”
  • Such a joke and a loser POC mayor!
    Embattled Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake announced Wednesday that she has asked the Justice Department to investigate whether the black-led minority-majority city police department is guilty of discrimination — against blacks.
  • Judy Wagner Biondi Doesn't it make you wonder what she's been promised and by whom? Sure makes me curious!

The Mayor of Baltimore is Asking for Hands Up Don't Shoot ~ What happen in Baltimore was a domestic act of terrorism
The Mayor of Baltimores phone number call it leave a message

When is Detroit City going to have a domestic act of terrorism
That is what I want to know

So Trayvon Bergdahl Hussein Obama says "We extend our sympathy to the family of Freddie Gray."
We do?
Dark skin color automatically means that we must empathize with people who raise up thugs who prey on our society, their actions providing excuses for more thugs to destroy property and commit violent acts on police? To burn cities down and stir up race riots?

I have no sympathy for Freddie Gray's family, or for the communities who are allowing looters, rioters and violent criminals to break the law and burn cities.

Speak for yourself, buddy.

I feel sorry for law-abiding, productive, tax-paying Americans who have to bear the consequences of the lawlessness and anarchy you encourage, you community-organizing Instigator!
If Freddie Grays, Trayvons and Michael Browns were not committing crimes and resisting arrest, they could not be used as rallying cries for ignorant, lazy, irresponsible, destructive people.

Our nation is dying. Does anyone understand that we've been far beyond national political solutions for years? The Constitutional authority we delegated to Obama, Boehner, McConnell, the Clintons, et al., automatically reverted to We The People when they committed their first acts of war against the United States using political pretexts. Our most urgent task is to strip them of power and try them before military tribunals of active duty or retired officers loyal to our nation.
Each one of us must do whatever WE can do as individuals to make this happen. For now, don't worry about specific times, or leaders, or groups, or the big picture -- those will evolve. Focus on doing YOUR part, whatever you in good faith feel it should be. Never base your (in)actions on those of others. If we wait to be led, we're dead. There is already massive leadership redundancy. We The People are the leaders, and we know all we need to know to do what we must do. Saddle up.

RE-posting. (Watch the video in comments...paid protester whistleblower)
Obama's political activist organizations behind the riots: (Note: the affiliation with Communist Party USA, ACORN, SEIU)
Lisa Fithian
“When people ask me, ‘What do you do?’ I say I create crisis, because crisis is that edge where change is possible.” — Lisa Fithian
Fithian refuses to limit her activism strictly to methods of nonviolent civil disobedience. “I am not a pacifist,” she says, explaining that “I was raised in this culture, which is a very violent culture and I understand that I have some violence in who I am.” In a similar vein, Fithian once told the Internationalist Socialist Review:
“I have no issue with property destruction. I think sometimes it's appropriate, sometimes it's not. Again, I look at it strategically. Does this help us or does it hurt us? Does it help us achieve our goal, or does it not? We're in a society where property is idolized, so a lot of people don't get it yet that it doesn't really matter. It's just glass or products.”
In an effort to fulfill her moral “obligation” to “undo all the oppression” that exists in American society, Fithian seeks to “create crisis, because crisis is that edge where change is possible.” "Every choice you make," she says, "is choosing to liberate something or oppress something."
>>>>>One of the top organizers of the protesters for the Ferguson riots is Lisa Fithian, someone who was intimately involved in the Occupy Wall Street movement. She has been deemed “Professor Occupy.” In 2005 and 2008, Lisa Fithian, Root Activist Network of Trainers, (2005), Alliance for Community Trainers Inc. (2008), was voted onto the Steering Committee for United for Peace and Justice. United for Peace and Justice is a partner organization of the George Soros linked Institute for Policy Studies. Several Marxist organizations are involved in the UFPJ leadership, but the most influential has been the Communist Party USA.<<<<
She trains rioters for Justice League NYC which operates under the banner of Gathering For Justice
Gathering For Justice (GFJ) is a social-justice organization that Harry Belafonte founded in 2005, in response to an incident where police had handcuffed and detained a five-year-old black girl in a Florida school because of her “unruly” behavior. To brainstorm about ways of drawing public attention to what he viewed as racist occurrences like this, Belafonte called upon allies like Connie Rice of the Advancement Project and Marian Wright Edelman of the Children's Defense Fund. Together they initiated a series of gatherings in cities and towns across the United States, where civil-rights activists, nonwhite gang members, and youth from “impacted communities” collaborated to create GFJ.
GFJ's mission is to “build a national movement to end child incarceration,” “correct and replace the societal and institutional pillars that enliven mass incarceration,” and implement “viable community solutions” rooted in “Kingian nonviolence.” The organization's major programs include “Gang Intervention”; “Leadership and Nonviolence Training” for activists and advocates; “Cultural Reconciliation” (whereby the grievances of purportedly oppressed groups are given a forum for expression and understanding); “Restorative Justice” (whereby convicted felons who have served out their prison terms regain their right to vote in federal elections); and “Grassroots Mobilization.” Moreover, GFJ strives to institute creative, cultural, and arts programs in juvenile detention centers; implement “gender-responsive services” such as mentoring and training geared for girls in such facilities; build “strategic coalitions” that address “urgent concerns” such as racial unrest and “police militarization”; and work on legislative and policy issues like the “Raise the Age” campaign to end the practice of trying and incarcerating 16-year-olds as adults.
In 2010, GFJ established its national office in New York City to oversee the creation of a Young Worker’s Program -- targeting those aged 35-and-under -- for the SEIU's Local 1199.
In 2014, GFJ gave rise to the formation of a splinter group called Justice League NYC, whose mission was to address allegations of widespread police brutality against black civilians in New York City.
GFJ's executive director is Carmen Perez, who graduated from UC Santa Cruz in 2001 before taking a job with Barrios Unidos, a Santa Cruz-based organization dedicated to providing “non-violence training” and “re-entry services” for the incarcerated. In 2005, Perez met Harry Belafonte and joined GFJ. She subsequently served as a bilingual officer for the Santa Cruz County Probation Department, where she tried to “reduce racial disparities” and advocated on behalf of “monolingual Spanish-speaking families.” Perez also established the youth leadership group R.E.A.L. (Reforming Education, Advocating for Leadership) and co-founded a Girls Task Force dedicated to “improving gender-specific services to better support all girls in our communities.” In 2008 Perez became GFJ's national organizer, and two years later she was named executive director. Moreover, she has been a board-of-directors member of the Brooklyn-based Scholar League, an advisory board member of the Baltimore City Youth Resiliency Institute, and a co-founder of Justice League NYC.
In addition to Ms. Perez and Harry Belafonte, other members of GFJ's board of advisors include:
Nane Alejandrez: This Barrios Unidos founder seeks to address the “root causes of crime” with programs that offer young people an array of “positive alternatives.” Alejandrez also works in collaboration with the Fair Trade Movement for coffee growers in Central America and Africa.
Mike de la Rocha: This social entrepreneur, artist, and inspirational speaker specializes in criminal justice, “social innovation,” and “health and wellness.”
Bart Lubow: A former social worker for the NYC Legal Aid Society, Lubow spent eight years (1984-92) as the director of Alternatives to Incarceration for New York State, and twenty-two years (1992-2014) as a senior associate at the Annie E. Casey Foundation, whose Juvenile Detention Alternatives Initiative he designed and managed.
AND LOOK......
Tamika Mallory: This former executive director of Al Sharpton's National Action Network is the founder of Mallory Consulting, LLC.
Michael Skolnik: A former film director and producer who views the United States as an irredeemably racist society, Skolnik is currently the president of and the political director for hip-hop pioneer Russell Simmons. He also serves on the directors' boards of the Trayvon Martin Foundation and the Drug Policy Alliance; is active on the Leadership Council of Gen44, a pro-Democrat, pro-Barack Obama group for young professionals; and was an official surrogate for the 2012 Obama re-election campaign. In addition, Skolnik founded Dot2Dot, an annual summit where 100 key millennial leaders gather to discuss the future of their generation.

(NPA is funded by the Ben and Jerry’s Foundation, the Ford Foundation, the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation, the Rockefeller Foundation, and the Tides Foundation. It has also received large sums of taxpayer dollars from the Department of Housing and Urban Development, the Environmental Protection Agency, and the Massachusetts Department of Education.)
Alinskyite community-organizing group
Co-founded by the authors of the Community Reinvestment Act
Focuses on "progressive social change" and "economic and racial justice"
NPA co-founders Trapp and Cincotta are widely credited with having authored the 1977 Community Reinvestment Act (CRA), landmark legislation that ranks high among the primary causes of the 2008 financial crisis. Blaming banks rather than the CRA for that crisis, NPA sometimes uses terms such as “credit segregation” to imply that bank lending practices are based on racism rather than on objective financial considerations. NPA proudly takes credit for having forced banks to invest “over $4.7 trillion … in low and moderate income communities.”

President Obama said the Task Force on 21st Century Policing is “directed at the 18,000 law enforcement jurisdictions that are out there.”
“I’m going to be asking Eric Holder and the Justice Department and his successor to go through all these recommendations so that we can start implementing them,” he said. “I know that one area that’s going to be of great interest is whether we can expand the COPS program that in the past has been very effective, continues to be effective, but is largely underfunded – to see if we can get more incentives for local communities to apply some of the best practices and lessons that are embodied in this report.”
And Rawlings-Blake was more than willing to apply these “best practices” in exchange for federal funding.
“Our police commanders are constantly seeking additional dollars, both to develop best practices and to then teach those practices to our officers and our developing leaders,” she also said. “If there is any place where the federal government and U.S. Department of Justice could produce a tangible impact on our officers and our efforts, it would be to provide more resources in this area.”
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 Mayor’s link to Justice Dept. explains why she gave rioters “space to destroy”

(Infowars) – Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake, who gave rioters “space to destroy” property and reportedly told police to stand down, was a key player in the Justice Dept.’s plan to expand federal control over local law enforcement.

Rawlings-Blake was one of three mayors who provided broad input into President Obama’s Task Force on 21st Century Policing, which advocates the federalization of police departments across the country by forcing them to adhere to stricter federal requirements when they receive funding.

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 “The federal government can be a strong partner in our efforts in build better relationships between the police and community,” she said in written testimony before the task force.

That would explain her inaction to stop the rioting when it began: by allowing it to spiral out of control, the mayor and her friends at the Justice Dept. could use the unrest to justify the expansion of federal power into local law enforcement, which would also allow her to receive more funding.


President Obama said the Task Force on 21st Century Policing is “directed at the 18,000 law enforcement jurisdictions that are out there.”

“I’m going to be asking Eric Holder and the Justice Department and his successor to go through all these recommendations so that we can start implementing them,” he said. “I know that one area that’s going to be of great interest is whether we can expand the COPS program that in the past has been very effective, continues to be effective, but is largely underfunded – to see if we can get more incentives for local communities to apply some of the best practices and lessons that are embodied in this report.”

And Rawlings-Blake was more than willing to apply these “best practices” in exchange for federal funding.

“Our police commanders are constantly seeking additional dollars, both to develop best practices and to then teach those practices to our officers and our developing leaders,” she also said. “If there is any place where the federal government and U.S. Department of Justice could produce a tangible impact on our officers and our efforts, it would be to provide more resources in this area.”

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“The federal government can be a strong partner in our efforts in build better relationships between the police and community,” she said in written testimony before the task force.
That would explain her inaction to stop the rioting when it began: by allowing it to spiral out of control, the mayor and her friends at the Justice Dept. could use the unrest to justify the expansion of federal power into local law enforcement, which would also allow her to receive more funding
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Bombshell: Baltimore Mayor Key Player in Obama’s Federal Takeover of Local Police

April 28, 2015 10:08 am
Mayor’s link to Justice Dept. explains why she gave rioters “space to destroy”
(Infowars) – Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake, who gave rioters “space to destroy” property and reportedly told police to stand down, was a key player in the Justice Dept.’s plan to expand federal control over local law enforcement.
Rawlings-Blake was one of three mayors who provided broad input into President Obama’s Task Force on 21st Century Policing, which advocates the federalization of police departments across the country by forcing them to adhere to stricter federal requirements when they receive funding.
Special Headline: Guess Who’s About To Go Bankrupt in America [Learn More]
“The federal government can be a strong partner in our efforts in build better relationships between the police and community,” she said in written testimony before the task force.
That would explain her inaction to stop the rioting when it began: by allowing it to spiral out of control, the mayor and her friends at the Justice Dept. could use the unrest to justify the expansion of federal power into local law enforcement, which would also allow her to receive more funding.
President Obama said the Task Force on 21st Century Policing is “directed at the 18,000 law enforcement jurisdictions that are out there.”
“I’m going to be asking Eric Holder and the Justice Department and his successor to go through all these recommendations so that we can start implementing them,” he said. “I know that one area that’s going to be of great interest is whether we can expand the COPS program that in the past has been very effective, continues to be effective, but is largely underfunded – to see if we can get more incentives for local communities to apply some of the best practices and lessons that are embodied in this report.”
And Rawlings-Blake was more than willing to apply these “best practices” in exchange for federal funding.
“Our police commanders are constantly seeking additional dollars, both to develop best practices and to then teach those practices to our officers and our developing leaders,” she also said. “If there is any place where the federal government and U.S. Department of Justice could produce a tangible impact on our officers and our efforts, it would be to provide more resources in this area.”
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Content and Programming Copyright 2015 By Patcnews The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Network © LLC UCC 1-308.ALL RIGHTS RESERVED WITHOUT PREJUDICE All copyrights reserved By Patcnews The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Network Copyright 2015 CQ-Roll Call, Inc. All materials herein are protected by United States copyright law and may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, displayed, published or broadcast without the prior written permission of CQ-Roll Call. You may not alter or remove any trademark, copyright or other notice from copies of the content.  © All Copyrights reserved By Patcnews The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Network

Mayor’s link to Justice Dept. explains why she gave rioters “space to destroy”
(Infowars) – Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake, who gave rioters “space to destroy” property and reportedly told police to stand down, was a key player in the Justice Dept.’s plan to expand federal control over local law enforcement.
Rawlings-Blake was one of three mayors who provided broad input into President Obama’s Task Force on 21st Century Policing, which advocates the federalization of police departments across the country by forcing them to adhere to stricter federal requirements when they receive funding.
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President Obama said the Task Force on 21st Century Policing is “directed at the 18,000 law enforcement jurisdictions that are out there.”
“I’m going to be asking Eric Holder and the Justice Department and his successor to go through all these recommendations so that we can start implementing them,” he said. “I know that one area that’s going to be of great interest is whether we can expand the COPS program that in the past has been very effective, continues to be effective, but is largely underfunded – to see if we can get more incentives for local communities to apply some of the best practices and lessons that are embodied in this report.”
And Rawlings-Blake was more than willing to apply these “best practices” in exchange for federal funding.
“Our police commanders are constantly seeking additional dollars, both to develop best practices and to then teach those practices to our officers and our developing leaders,” she also said. “If there is any place where the federal government and U.S. Department of Justice could produce a tangible impact on our officers and our efforts, it would be to provide more resources in this area.”
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