Tuesday, April 29, 2014

( The Tornado Report ) Patcnews April 29, 2014 The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Network Reports Twister hits Mississippi as tornado survivors sift through rubble in Ark...© All copyrights reserved By Patcnews

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Tornado Preparedness

Hey Prepper Nation,
There are few people who haven’t been in the path of a major storm at one point or another.  If you fail to plan ways to protect yourself and your family, you may find yourself having to treat significant traumatic injuries in the immediate aftermath.  Later, flooding may contaminate your water supplies and expose you to serious infectious disease.  Preparing to weather the storm safely will avoid major medical problems for you, in your role as survival medic, later on.

What a Tornado Does

A tornado is a violently rotating column of air that is in contact with both the surface of the earth and the thunderstorm (sometimes called a “supercell”) that spawned it. From a distance, tornadoes usually appear in the form of a visible dark funnel with all sorts of flying debris in and around it.  Because of rainfall, they may be difficult to see when close up. A tornado (also called a “twister”) may have winds of up to 300 miles per hour, and can travel for a number of kilometers or miles before petering out.  They may be accompanied by hail and will emit a roaring sound that will remind you of a passing train (I can tell you this is true by personal experience).  There are almost a thousand tornadoes in the United States every year, more than are reported in any other country.  Most of these occur in Tornado Alley, an area that includes Texas, Oklahoma, Missouri, Kansas, Arkansas, and neighboring states.  Spring and early summer are the peak seasons.
Injuries from tornadoes usually come as a result of trauma from all the flying debris that is carried along with it.  Strong winds can carry large objects and fling them around in a manner that is hard to believe; Indeed, there is a report that, in 1931, an 83 ton train was lifted and thrown 80 feet from the tracks.

Tornado Damage and Scale

Tornadoes are categorized by something called the Fujita Scale, from level 0-5, based on the amount of damage caused:

  • F0 Light: broken tree branches, mild structural damage, some uprooted
  • F1 Moderate: broken windows, small tree trunks broken, overturned mobile homes, destruction of carports or toolsheds, roof tiles missing
  • F2 Considerable: mobile homes destroyed, major structural damage to frame homes due to flying debris, some large trees snapped in half or uprooted
  • F3 Severe: Roofs torn from homes, small frame homes destroyed, most trees snapped and uprooted
  • F4 Devastating: strong structure building damaged or destroyed or lifted from foundations, cars lifted and blown away, even large debris airborne
  • F5 Incredible: larger building lifted from foundations, trees snapped, uprooted and debarked, multi-ton debris becomes airborne missiles
Although some places may have sirens or other methods of warning you of an approaching twister, it is important to have a plan for your family to weather the storm.  Having a plan before a tornado approaches is the most likely way you will survive the event. Children should be taught where to find the medical kits and, if possible, how to turn off gas and electricity.  Giving your loved ones experience in the use of a fire extinguisher and the treatment of injuries would be highly useful as well.  Just use the search engine at www.doomandbloom.net for more information on treating wounds and fractures.
If you see a twister funnel, take shelter immediately. If your domicile is a mobile home, leave! They are especially vulnerable to damage from the winds.  If you live in a mobile home and there is time, get to the nearest building that has a tornado shelter; underground shelters are best.  If you live in Tornado Alley, consider putting together your own underground shelter.  Here’s a link on how:  http://www.tornadoproject.com/safety/ism2.pdf
Unlike bunkers and other structures built for long-term protection, a tornado shelter has to provide safety for a short period of time.  As such, it doesn’t have to be very large; 8-10 square feet per person would be acceptable.  Despite this, be sure to consider ventilation and the comfort or special needs of those using the shelter.
If you don’t have a shelter, find a place where family members can gather if a tornado is headed your way. Basements, bathrooms, closets or inside rooms without windows are the best options. Windows can easily shatter from impact due to flying debris. For added protection, get under a heavy object such as a sturdy table.  Covering up your body with a sleeping bag or mattress will provide an additional shield.  Discuss this plan of action with each and every member of your family or group in such a way that they will know this process by heart.
If you’re in a car and can drive to a shelter, do so. Although you may be hesitant to leave your vehicle, remember that they can be easily tossed around by the winds; you may be safer if there is a culvert or other area lower than the roadway. In town, leaving the car to enter a sturdy building is appropriate.If there is no other shelter, your car will protect you from some of the flying debris.  Keep your seat beat on, put you head down below the level of the windows, and cover yourself with something.
If you are caught outside when the tornado hits (on a hike, for instance), stay away from wooded areas.  Torn branches and other debris become missiles, so an open field or ditch may be safer. Lying down flat in a low spot in the ground will give you some protection.  Make sure to cover your head if at all possible, even if it’s just with your hands.
Armed with a plan of action, you will know what to do when you see that funnel cloud or hear that tornado siren.  Evaluate your home for weak and strong points, educate your loved ones on the right strategy, and you’ll have a head start on weathering that storm.
Dr. Bones

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Here’s the Amazon link:   http://www.amazon.com/The-Survival-Medicine-Handbook-Guide/dp/0988872536/ref=cm_cr_pr_product_top


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Monday, April 28, 2014

(Jessica's Law) Patcnews April 28, 2014 The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Network Reports Jessica's Law © All copyrights reserved By Patcnews


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Lake Forest resident Merry Axelrod shows her support last year for a law banning registered sex offenders from city parks in the community.


The number of homeless sex offenders has
skyrocketed since Jessica’s Law went into effect, and after the recent
arrest of two serial killer suspects some experts say the law to protect women and children is backfiring.

Unable to live near schools and parks, some registered offenders end
up living on the streets, making it difficult for them to find jobs and
forcing them into areas where they end up congregating.

Before the residency restrictions brought by Jessica’s Law eight
years ago, 88 paroled sex offenders were registered as transient in
California. Within five years, that number spiraled to 1,986.

That means that one-third of sex parolees are transient, making them difficult to track even with GPS monitoring bracelets.

“It’s outrageously high. It’s one of our biggest gaps in public
safety,” said Tom Tobin, vice chairman of the California Sex Offender
Management Board. “There’s not a shred of research that supports
residence restrictions.

“We do things that are not so wise, because we want to do something.”

Charged with raping and murdering four women, Steven Gordon and Franc
Cano lived in a beat-up white Toyota 4Runner parked in an industrial
area of Anaheim – one of the few places open for them to live.

Jessica’s Law requires paroled sex offenders to live at least 2,000
feet – more than one-third of a mile away from schools and parks.

In many Orange County cities, particularly in high density areas
where there are more schools such as Santa Ana and Huntington Beach, the
areas where paroled offenders can live are especially limited.


State officials who oversee California’s sex offender population have
urged lawmakers to reconsider the restrictions, citing a steep rise in

Meanwhile, law-and-order advocates have pushed for even more
“predator free zones,” such as the effort by Orange County District
Attorney Tony Rackauckas to ban all registered sex offenders from parks –
a campaign that was recently shot down by the courts.

Rosanne Froeberg, assistant district attorney for the office’s sexual
assault unit, said the homeless population shouldn’t be a problem if
they follow the conditions of their release, such as regularly checking
in with police. She supported maintaining residency restrictions.

“My concern is public safety and the safety of children and other
victims. That’s a bigger concern than whether a sex offender released
from prison has the same pillow to lay his head on every night,”
Froeberg said.

Local police officials say monitoring homeless sex offenders is more
difficult and requires additional resources. While offenders with
housing must register with police annually, transients must register
every 30 days.

Ed Harrison, a spokesman for the Orange County Probation Department,
said housing is one criteria used to evaluate how much supervision a
person requires. Those without stable shelter are generally considered a
greater risk.

“We’re worried about homelessness for any of our offenders,” Harrison
said. “It’s a significant impediment for having a pro-social

The population also presents unique challenges. Sex offenders on
probation or parole typically wear GPS tracking devices, which must be
charged twice daily. Some homeless offenders charge at shelters,
armories or police stations.

Sgt. Peter Hahn, with the Los Angeles County sheriff’s special victim’s unit, said residency restrictions have indeed backfired.

“Basically, it’s hard to keep track (of the homeless), so they could be out doing things they’re not supposed to,” Hahn said.

In the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s jurisdiction, there are 3,500 registered sex offenders, and 163 of them are transient.


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( The Toyota Report ) Patcnews: April 28, 2014 The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Network Reports Toyota said to be moving headquarters to Texas © All copyrights reserved By Patcnews

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Toyota said to be moving much of Torrance headquarters to Texas

The automaker employees more than 5,300 people at its Southern California facilities. An announcement is expected today after management meets with staff.



Toyota Motor Corp. is moving substantial parts of its U.S. headquarters in Torrance to suburban Dallas as the world’s largest automaker seeks savings from its U.S. sales unit, said people familiar with the matter.
Employees will be informed of the plan Monday, said the sources, who asked not to be identified as disclosing private conversations. Steve Curtis, a Toyota spokesman, didn’t immediately return a call on the matter.
The surprise move is a blow to the Golden State, the biggest U.S. auto market and proponent of the strictest clean-air rules. Toyota’s Prius hybrid has been California’s top-selling model for the past two years and helped secure a leading 22 percent market share. It also represents a victory for Texas Gov. Rick Perry, who’s made repeated visits to California to lure businesses to his state with promises of lower taxes and easier regulations.
Toyota has more than 5,300 employees in California, most at its Torrance campus in sales, finance, marketing, engineering and product planning. The company also operates a manufacturing plant in Long Beach. Details on which functions will move and when might be announced as soon as Monday after the employee meeting. When Nissan Motor Co. moved its North American headquarters to lower-cost Tennessee in 2006, only 42 percent of employees initially chose to relocate.
Toyota may base its new regional sales headquarters near Plano, Texas, said three of the people who asked not to be named as the plan isn’t yet public. The majority of Toyota’s Torrance operations may move to Texas over a two-year period, the sources said.
Lucy Nashed and Felix Browne, spokesmen for Perry, didn’t respond to e-mails.
Perry, in his final year as governor, began airing radio commercials in California during his March swing through the state that highlighted its high taxes.
“A year ago, I was here, in California, encouraging companies to look to Texas for expansion and relocation,” he said in the ad, paid for by a group called Americans for Economic Freedom, a 501(c) non-profit launched by Perry in September. “Over the past year and a half, more than 50 California companies have announced plans to expand or relocate in Texas, creating more than 14,000 jobs.”
While Texas is home to Toyota’s pickup truck plant in San Antonio and a General Motors Co. factory in Arlington, the state traditionally has not been a center of auto industry activity.
Toyota’s decision to downsize in California where it established operations in 1957 comes as the company expects to report a record $18.9 billion of net income when it releases fiscal year results next month. Along with rising sales in North America and other international markets, Toyota’s earnings this year are benefiting from a decline in the value of the yen, which surged in 2011.
Since the Toyota City, Japan-based company made that forecast, it agreed to a $1.2 billion fine to settle a Justice Department investigation into how it delayed recalling popular models after complaints of unintended acceleration.
U.S. sales for Toyota last year totaled 2.24 million cars and light trucks, off a record 2.62 million in 2007. Combined sales for the automaker’s three brands fell 1.6 percent to 520,997 in the year’s first three months.
Toyota Motor Sales USA and Toyota Financial Services, based in Torrance, have more than 9,400 U.S. employees. Torrance is home to Toyota’s Lexus and Scion lines, as well as its namesake brand.
Additional Toyota units in Torrance include parts and logistics operations to support dealers. The company’s Toyota University training center is nearby.
Southern California rivals Michigan as a U.S. automotive center. While it lacks large-scale vehicle manufacturing, the region has U.S. sales and marketing headquarters for Honda Motor Co., Hyundai Motor Co., Kia Motors Corp., Mazda Motor Corp. and Mitsubishi Motors Corp., along with Toyota. It is also the nation’s top automotive design center with 14 major studios, the largest concentration in the U.S.
Toyota Financial Services, the biggest auto finance company in the U.S., and Honda’s American Honda Finance Co. also in Torrance, makes the region a hub of lending and loans for dealers and car buyers.


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Wednesday, April 23, 2014

( Lois Lerner needs to go Jail IRS at Hearings ) Patcnews April 23, 2014 The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Network Reports Rep. Trey Gowdy's EPIC Takedown of IRS at Hearing Catherine Engelbrecht's & Becky Gerritson Testimony at House of Representatives Hearing © All copyrights reserved By Patcnews


IRS releases list of groups targeted in scandal – 3 years later

Three years after the IRS admitted officials singled out conservative groups for extra scrutiny, the tax-collecting agency has released a near-complete list of the organizations targeted. 
And it numbers in the hundreds — for the first time showing the extent to which the agency slow-walked applications for tax-exempt status.
The new list shows a total of 426 organizations, far higher than what the Treasury Department’s inspector general believed there to be in May 2013, when he identified 298 groups. 
The names span the gamut, covering well-known groups like Tea Party Patriots but also lower-profile local outfits like the Louisiana Campaign for Liberty, Patriots of Charleston, the Asheville Tea Party, Inc. and many more.  
The Washington Times first reported on the list, which the IRS filed last month after being prodded by federal judges. The document was produced as part of a class-action lawsuit being led by Tea Party groups. 
According to the Times, 60 of the groups' names contained the word “tea,” 33 contained the word “patriot,” eight used the word “Constitution” and 26 others had the word “liberty” in the title.
A lawyer representing NorCal Tea Party Patriots as part of the lawsuit said the list may have increased in number so dramatically since 2013 as the IRS targeted more liberal groups after the investigation began so as to try and soften the perception of bias. 
“Based on these changes, which to date remain unexplained, a very real possibility — if not probability — exists that the IRS modified its targeting in light of the investigations, packing its own internal lists of targeted groups to support its preferred narrative, including by adding ideologically diverse groups,” Edward D. Greim told The Times.
Regardless of the backstory, a federal judge earlier this year scolded the IRS for allegedly holding up requests for information. 
“The lawsuit has progressed as slowly as the underlying applications themselves: at every turn the IRS has resisted the plaintiffs’ requests for information regarding the IRS’s treatment of the plaintiff class, eventually to the open frustration of the district court,” Circuit Court Judge Raymond Kethledge said in a March ruling.
“Among the most serious allegations a federal court can address are that an Executive agency has targeted citizens for mistreatment based on their political views. No citizen—Republican or Democrat, socialist or libertarian—should be targeted or even have to fear being targeted on those grounds,” Kethledge said.
House Republicans ramped up pressure on the IRS in May, introducing a measure to censure IRS Commissioner John Koskinen -- and remove him from office without a pension. 
Tea Party Patriots on Monday renewed their call for Koskinen's impeachment. 

IRS Scandal: It's Dangerous To Be On Wrong Side Of Obama

The IRS was intended to be a revenue-collecting arm of the government, not a political weapon.  AP
The IRS was intended to be a revenue-collecting arm of the government, not a political weapon. AP View Enlarged Image
Corruption: A new batch of IRS documents shows an agency that's more political than practical. Besides harassing groups applying for nonprofit status, it went after donors of existing groups.
Documents produced by the IRS confirm that being on the wrong side of this administration is a dangerous place to be.
Judicial Watch, which used the Freedom of Information Act to pry the documents from the government's grasp, said Wednesday they "confirm that the IRS used donor lists to tax-exempt organizations to target those donors for audits."
Among these groups was the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. That organization "may find itself under high scrutiny," an IRS official whose name was redacted told IRS attorney Lorraine Gardner in an email.
"One can only hope," that unnamed official added.
Another group whose donors were objects of extra IRS attention was Crossroads GPS, a group founded by Karl Rove, a member of President George W. Bush's staff.
It appears that the IRS' pretext for the audits was the gift tax that was once levied on donations to nonprofits. It has not been enforced since 1982, Judicial Watch pointed out, because the Supreme Court ruled it violated the First Amendment.
Naturally, the records show that former IRS official Lois Lerner supported the gift tax audits.
The documents clearly indicate that the IRS' focus was political. Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton says that "snarky comments" found in the documents "about the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and the obsession with conservative Crossroads GPS show that the IRS was targeting critics of the Obama administration."
Fitton says that "President Obama may want to continue to lie about his IRS scandal" — he denied the issue existed as recently as this week — but Fitton has sifted through the documents and believes they "tell the truth."
Fitton adds: "His IRS hated conservatives and was willing to illegally tax and audit citizens to shut down opposition to Barack Obama's policies and re-election."
It would be comforting to think that because the IRS has been exposed, groups that oppose the administration are now safe from harassment.
But that's not the case. The Government Accountability Office has issued a report saying political targeting of nonprofits is still "possible in the audit process."
The watchdog notes: "Unfortunately, the IRS has not taken sufficient steps to prevent targeting Americans based on their personal beliefs."
Political beliefs aren't alone under the glare. The GAO says targeting can be based on an organization's religious or educational position as well as "other views."
The IRS was intended to be a revenue-collecting arm of the government, not a weapon politicians can use to crush their opponents. But that's what it's become and it's far beyond reform. It needs to be at the front of a long line of federal agencies that are abolished.


the obama regime  Justice Department Was Involved In IRS Targeting, Lerner Emails Reveal

Sadly, the 18 month investigation into the IRS targeting of conservative groups isn’t over, and it may be worse than anyone thought. A federal judge has broken loose more emails that the DOJ had surely hoped would never surface. The picture it reveals isn’t pretty. The documents prove that Lois Lerner met with DOJ’s Election Crimes Division a month before the 2010 elections.
It has to be embarrassing to the DOJ, which may not be the most impartial one to be investigating the IRS. In fact, the DOJ withheld over 800 pages of Lerner documents citing “taxpayer privacy” and “deliberative privilege.” Yet these internal DOJ documents show Ms. Lerner was talking to DOJ officials about prosecuting tax-exempt entities (yes, criminally!) two years before the IRS conceded there was inappropriate targeting.
Ms. Lerner met with top officials from the DOJ’s Election Crimes Branch in October of 2010. Although Judicial Watch filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit against the DOJ (Judicial Watch v. Department of Justice, No. 14-cv-01239), the DOJ coughed up dirt only on court order. Even then, the DOJ handed over only two pages of heavily redacted emails.
(AP Photo/Lauren Victoria Burke, File)
(AP Photo/Lauren Victoria Burke, File)
What’s more, the DOJ withheld 832 pages in their entirety. They revealed that Mr. Obama’s DOJ called an October 8, 2010 meeting with the IRS “concerning 501(c)(4) issues.” On September 30, 2010, the DOJ’s Election Crimes prosecutor emailed Ms. Lerner:

“Hi Lois-It’s been a long time, and you might not remember me, I’ve taken on [REDACTED] duties. I’m looking forward to meeting you, Can we chat in advance? I’m a [REDACTED]“
Ms. Lerner responded on October 2, 2010:

“Sure-that’s a good Idea [sic]. I have a meeting out of the office Monday morning, but will try you when I get back sometime early afternoon. You can try me at 202 283-8848.”
Documents from a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit against the IRS show that Ms. Lerner asked the DOJ whether tax-exempt entities could be criminally prosecuted. This May 8, 2013 email by Ms. Lerner went to Nikole C. Flax, Chief of Staff to Acting IRS Commissioner Steven T. Miller, who would later be fired by President Obama:

“I got a call today from Richard Pilger Director Elections Crimes Branch at DOJ … He wanted to know who at IRS the DOJ folk s [sic] could talk to about Sen. Whitehouse idea at the hearing that DOJ could piece together false statement cases about applicants who “lied” on their 1024s–saying they weren’t planning on doing political activity, and then turning around and making large visible political expenditures. DOJ is feeling like it needs to respond, but want to talk to the right folks at IRS to see whether there are impediments from our side and what, if any damage this might do to IRS programs. I told him that sounded like we might need several folks from IRS…”
DOJ’s Mr. Pilger admitted that DOJ officials met Ms. Lerner in October 2010. Moreover, according to congressional investigators, a Lerner email from October 5, 2010 shows the IRS sent the FBI and DOJ a “1.1 million page database of information from 501(c)(4) tax exempt organizations” that contained confidential taxpayer information.
In her May 2013 answer to a planted question about the alleged targeting of Tea Party and conservative groups, Ms. Lerner suggested that the alleged targeting occurred due to an “uptick” in 501 (c)(4) applications to the IRS. In reality, there was a decrease, and as for targeting (what targeting?), well, you know the rest.
Remember those rogue IRS employees in Cincinnati? They were confused. And while all Americans should be concerned, Judicial Watch sounds fit to be tied.

Perhaps the latter is an overstatement. Yet it is getting harder and harder to simply accept President Obama’s ‘no smidgen of corruption’ remark made to Fox News in February, no matter how sincere and forthright his delivery.
You can reach me at Wood@WoodLLP.com. This discussion is not intended as legal advice, and cannot be relied upon for any purpose without the services of a qualified professional.



IRS Admits to Court it Hasn’t Searched for Missing Lerner Emails
NOVEMBER 05, 2014 | , ,

Judicial Watch announced today that the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) admitted to the court that it failed to search any of the IRS standard computer systems for the “missing” emails of Lois Lerner and other IRS officials. The admission appears in an IRS legal brief opposing the Judicial Watch request that a federal court judge allow discovery into how “lost and/or destroyed” IRS records may be retrieved.

IRS Admits to Court it Hasn’t Searched for Missing Lerner Emails

Judicial Watch announced today that the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) admitted to the court that it failed to search any of the IRS standard computer systems for the “missing” emails of Lois Lerner and other IRS officials. The admission appears in an IRS legal brief opposing the Judicial Watch request that a federal court judge allow discovery into how “lost 

Judicial Watch Sues Internal Revenue Service for Records about IRS Monitoring of Churches

Judicial Watch announced today that on November 6, 2014, it filed a Freedom of Information (FOIA) lawsuit against the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) seeking “any and all records” relating to the agency’s “monitoring of churches and other tax exempt religious organizations” for alleged political activity.

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Imagine That: Lerner Ignored Union Political Expenditures

by: Suzanne Reisig Olden
Shulman, Lerner and Wolin take their seats to testify before a House Oversight and Government Reform Committee hearing on targeting of political groups seeking tax-exempt status from by the IRS, on Capitol Hill in Washington
The official at the center of the Internal Revenue Service tea party scandal once dismissed complaints that labor unions were not reporting millions of dollars in political activities on their tax forms, according to an email obtained by The Daily Caller News Foundation.
In 2007, Lerner responded directly to a complaint that some major labor unions reported completely different amounts of political expenditures when filing with the IRS and the Department of Labor.
At the time of the email, Lerner was the Director of Exempt Organizations at the IRS.
Lerner wrote, “We looked at the information you provided regarding organizations that report substantial amounts of political activity and lobbying expenditures on the DOL Form LM-2, but report little to no political expenditures on the Form 990 filed with the IRS.”
“We believe this difference in reporting does not necessarily indicate that the organization has incorrectly reported to either the DOL or the IRS,” Lerner concluded.
Don Todd, the deputy assistant secretary of the Office of Labor-Management Standards (OLMS) at the time the email was sent, confirmed seeing Lerner’s email and remembering similar complaints at the time. OLMS oversees labor union financial disclosures within the Department of Labor.
“The laws never been enforced,” Todd told TheDCNF. “The IRS was telling us it would cost more to enforce the law then they would collect.”
In 2006, the year leading up to Lerner’s email, the national headquarters for the AFL-CIO reported no direct or indirect political expenditures with the IRS on their 990 form, leaving the line 81a blank. That same year, the AFL-CIO reported $29,585,661 in political activities with the Department of Labor.
Also in 2006 the Teamsters Union reported no political expenditures with the IRS while at the same time reporting $7,081,965 with the Labor Department.
Again in 2006, Unite-Here reported no political activity with the IRS and $1,451,002 with the Labor Department.
In 2005, the National Education Association also reported no political expenditures with the IRS while at the same time reporting $24,985,250 with the Labor Department.
Labor union political spending overwhelmingly benefits Democrats. Todd told TheDNCF Lerner may have been playing favorites. Lerner has been accused of singling out tea party groups applying for tax-exempt status.
Lerner acknowledged in the 2007 email, “The definition of political campaign activity required to be reported on Form LM2 coincides with the definition of political campaign activity expenditures required to be reported on Form 990.”
But she did offer some possible reasons for the discrepancies. “The Form LM-2 does not separate this reporting from the reporting of lobbying expenditures,” she wrote. “Furthermore, even if section 501(c)(5) labor organizations were required to report their lobbying expenditures, the amount required to be reported on Form LM-2 includes activity, such as attempting to influence regulations, that is not required to be reported as lobbying, as the IRS limitations apply to legislative lobbying.”
Lerner conceded, “Having said that, we did see some instances that raised concerns and we referred that information to our Dallas office to determine whether examination is warranted.” It does not appear any further investigation was conducted.
The Bush administration mandated more detailed disclosure requirements for labor unions, but they were relaxed by the Obama administration’s Labor Department.
An IRS spokesman told TheDCNF the agency had no “immediate comment” on the matter.

Ex-IRS official Lois Lerner called conservatives 'crazies'

FILE - In this March 5, 2014, file photo, former Internal Revenue Service (IRS) official Lois Lerner speaks on Capitol Hill in Washington. The Justice Department is investigating the circumstances behind the disappearance of emails from Lerner, part of a broader criminal inquiry into whether the agency had targeted conservative groups seeking tax-exempt status, according to congressional testimony released Wednesday. (AP Photo/Lauren Victoria Burke, File)

By Stephen Ohlemacher

WASHINGTON (AP) - A former IRS official at the heart of the agency's tea party controversy called conservative Republicans "crazies" and more in emails released Wednesday.
Lois Lerner headed the IRS division that handles applications for tax-exempt status. In a series of emails with a colleague in November 2012, Lerner made two disparaging remarks about members of the GOP, including one remark that was profane.
Rep. Dave Camp, who chairs the House Ways and Means Committee, released the emails Wednesday as part of his committee's investigation. The Michigan Republican says the emails show Lerner's "disgust with conservatives."
In one email, Lerner called members of the GOP crazies. In the other, she called them "assholes." The committee redacted the wording to "_holes" in the material it released publicly but a committee spokeswoman confirmed to the AP that the email said "assholes."
Congress and the Justice Department are investigating whether the IRS improperly scrutinized applications for tax-exempt status from conservative groups.
Camp sent copies of the emails to the Justice Department, saying they provide further proof that Lerner willfully targeted conservatives.
Lerner has since retired from the agency. Her lawyer did not immediately respond to a request for comment.
Lerner has emerged as a central figure in several congressional investigations into the IRS' handling of applications for tax-exempt status by tea party and other conservative groups. Twice Lerner refused to answer questions at congressional hearings, invoking her constitutional right against self-incrimination.
In June, the IRS told Congress that an untold number of Lerner's emails were lost when her computer hard drive crashed in 2011.
In the newly released emails, Lerner was apparently traveling in Great Britain when she uses her Blackberry to send a series of emails to a colleague at the IRS. Camp said Lerner was using her government email account.
Lerner tells her colleague that she overheard some women say America was bankrupt and "going down the tubes."
"Well, you should hear the whacko wing of the GOP," replied her colleague, whose name is blacked out. "The US is through; too many foreigners sucking the teat; time to hunker down, buy ammo and food, and prepare for the end. The right wing radio shows are scary to listen to."
Lerner replies: "Great. Maybe we are through if there are that many assholes."
Her colleague replies: "And I'm talking about the hosts of the shows. The callers are rabid."
Lerner: "So we don't need to worry about alien teRrorists. It's our own crazies that will take us down."

Katie Pavlich
Last week the IRS announced they have "lost" emails belonging to former head of tax exempt organizations Lois Lerner dated between January 2009 and April 2011. Conveniently, the agency still has emails Lerner sent to other IRS employees but cannot locate emails she sent to the White House, Democratic members of Congress, the Treasury Department, FEC, Department of Justice and other outside groups.
As if that claim wasn't bogus enough, the IRS announced yesterday that it cannot find emails belonging to six high ranking IRS officials, including former Acting Commissioner Chief of Staff Nikole Flax.
Last night attorney Cleta Mitchell, who is representing groups like True the Vote in a lawsuit against the IRS, went on The Kelly File to address IRS claims of "lost emails." Mitchell said she doesn't believe the emails are "lost" and pointed out the double standard between how IRS officials behave and what they expect from private taxpayers and groups when it comes to keeping documentation.
"I think this is a scandal in and of itself. It is absolutely not credible," Mitchell said. "I absolutely do not believe it."

 IRS Commissioner John Koskinen will testify next week in front of the House Oversight Committee about the "lost" emails.

IRS Has Lost More E-mails . . .


It’s not just Lois Lerner’s e-mails. The Internal Revenue Service says it can’t produce e-mails from six more employees involved in the targeting of conservative groups, according to two Republicans investigating the scandal.
The IRS told Ways and Means chairman Dave Camp and subcommittee chairman Charles Boustany that computer crashes resulted in additional lost e-mails, including from Nikole Flax, the chief of staff to former IRS commissioner Steven Miller, who was fired in the wake of the targeting scandal.
The revelation about Lerner’s e-mails rekindled the scandal and today’s news has further inflamed Republicans. Camp and Boustany are now demanding a special prosecutor to investigate “every angle” of the targeting. They expressed particular outrage that the agency has known since February that it would not be able to produce the e-mails requested by the committee yet did not apprise the committee of that fact, and they charged in a statement that the IRS is attempting to “cover up the fact that it convenient lost key documents in the investigation.”
If Lerner is the central figure in the scandal — Oversight Committee chairman Darrell Issa said Monday evening he believes she was the senior-most official involved — Flax may be an important auxiliary figure. E-mails produced in response to a Freedom of Information Act request from the group Judicial Watch show Flax giving the green light to Lerner’s request to meet with Department of Justice officials to explore the possibility of criminally prosecuting nonprofit groups — at the suggestion of Democratic senator Sheldon Whitehouse — for engaging in political activity after declaring on their application for nonprofit status that they had no plans to do so.
E-mails uncovered by the committee last week showed that, in preparation for her meeting with the Department of Justice, Lerner and one of her advisers transmitted 1.1 million pages of data on nonprofit groups, including confidential taxpayer information, to the Federal Bureau of Investigation, potentially in violation of federal law.


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