Wednesday, February 26, 2014

( ( A Tribute To Debbie Reynolds & Carrie Fisher And Liam Neeson honors Maureen O'Hara With Robert Osborne ) Patcnews Feb 26, 2014 The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Network Reports A Tribute To Debbie Reynolds & Carrie Fisher Liam Neeson honors Maureen O'Hara And Robert Osborne Actor Steven Seagal Calls For Obama Impeachment & Bank of America/Alaska Airlines Card & Budweiser MLB Opening Day © All copyrights reserved By Patcnews


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Monday, February 24, 2014

Patcnews Feb 24, 2014 The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Network Reports 2013 Milk Mustache "got milk?" Super Bowl Ad with Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson © All copyrights reserved By Patcnews

'Got Milk?' campaign gets the boot

The industry is moving on from the iconic slogan after 20 years, switching to the tagline 'Milk Life' instead.

By InvestorPlace 3 hours ago

By William White

"Got Milk?" is out.

Milk's iconic slogan is becoming a thing of the past as the Milk Processor Education Program is moving on to something new.

The milk industry is switching to a new campaign that will feature the tagline "Milk Life."

Life will highlight the benefits of drinking milk and will focus on how
much protein is in the dairy beverage. The Milk Processor Education
Program plans to spend $50 million to promote the campaign, which will
include TV, print and digital ads that will feature milk powering people
through physical activities like break dancing, reports Ad Age.

"Got Milk?" campaign first started in 1993 and was licensed by
the California Milk Processor board. In 1995, the national milk industry
also adopted "Got Milk?", Ad Age notes.

A large part of the "Got Milk?" campaign was showing celebrities with milk mustaches. Those that have donned the white 'stache over the years include Whoopi Goldberg, Larry King and Kermit the Frog.

"Got Milk?" has become the most recognizable tagline in the history of beverages and is considered more a part of culture than an advertising campaign.


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Friday, February 21, 2014

( The obama regime care healthcare News Report ) Patcnews Feb 21, 2014 The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Network Reports The obama regime care healthcare News Report © All copyrights reserved By Patcnews

    The obamabama Regime is Dr. Death 

Photo: 28,000 Pages of Obamacare Regulations

Late last week, obama regime care regulators added more than 800 pages to an ever-growing document that will govern your healthcare.  The bureaucrats' work product now prints out to 28,000 pages -- nearly eight times the length of the infamous original bill:

That tower is already taller than Kobe Bryant (see update), and much of the law hasn't even gone into effect yet.  According to the Government Accountability Office, Obamacare is projected to add $6.2 trillion to the nation's long-term deficits, despite presidential assurances that it wouldn't add a "single dime" to our red ink:

"This legislation is fully paid for, and will not add one single dime to our deficit."
We're also seeing more evidence that the healthcare law is killing jobs, as predicted by the Congressional Budget Office 
and obambma regime care opponents alike:

The Federal Reserve on Wednesday released an edition of its so-called "beige book," that said the 2010 healthcare law is being cited as a reason for layoffs and a slowdown in hiring. "Employers in several Districts cited the unknown effects of the Affordable Care Act as reasons for planned layoffs and reluctance to hire more staff," said the March 6 beige book, which examines economic conditions across various Federal Reserve districts across the country.

A former obama regime adviser is now admitting that the law was never intended to be "a jobs program."  Funny, that's not what Democrats told us while they were jamming it down our throats.  I'll leave you with Nancy Pelosi explaining how Obamacare is really all about creating millions of jobs and, er, reducing the deficit:

*Editor's Note:* This piece is cross-posted from's Green Room.  I thought this visual, coupled with several recent revelations about Obamacare's costs and consequences, merited additional exposure.

UPDATE - Sen. McConnell's office says this stack is 7'3, nine inches taller than Bryant.  See their latest tweet, with a comparison to the orginial bill, here.

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Thursday, February 20, 2014

( Elbert Guilory Why I Am A Republican ) Patcnews Feb 20, 2014 The Patriot Conservative Tea Party Network Reports Elbert Guilory Why I Am A Republican © All copyrights reserved By Patcnews

Photo OF Allen West And Elbert Guilory

 Condoleezza Rice With Mia Love

Condoleezza Rice With Mia Love

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 Allen West And Herman Cain

Allen West And Herman Cain


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( Mother And Daughter Fitness Workout Denise Austin With Her Daughter Katie Austin Yoga Workout ) Patcnews Feb 20, 2014 The Patriot Conservative Tea Party Network Reports Mother And Daughter Fitness Workout Denise Austin With Her Daughter Katie Austin Yoga Workout © All copyrights reserved By Patcnews

Denise Austin With Her Daughter Katie Austin Workout Faith And Family Healthy Body 

Mother And Daughter Fitness Workout Denise Austin With Her Daughter Katie Austin Faith And Family Healthy Body  

Mother And Daughter Fitness Workout Denise Austin With Her Daughter Katie Austin Yoga Workout On Dr. OZ Show 2017

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  12 Ways to Get the Metabolism of a 25-Year-Old

Instead of envying 20-somethings for their ability to seemingly keep weight off with zero effort, follow these tips to help speed up your metabolism.

Drink more H2O

iStock/Bogdan Kosanovic

Ensuring you get the proper amount of water every day is probably one of the oldest health tricks in the book, but it’s not just because it keeps our skin hydrated or helps prevent overeating by helping us feel fuller. A small study in the journal Frontiers in Nutrition found that drinking water can actually lead to weight loss, possibly because it can increase metabolism. “It takes calories to process water, because everything we do takes calories,” says nutritionist Lauren Pincus, “The more water, the more calories you need to expend.” She suggests aiming for around two liters a day, but the exact amount depending on your activity level and age.

Start strength training

iStock/Jacob Ammentorp Lund

While nutritionists agree that there is no magic food to revving up your metabolism, getting enough exercise, especially the right kind of exercise, is key. Experts suggest strength training two or three times to build lean muscle mass. “A pound of muscle burns up to nine times more calories than a pound of fat,” says nutritionist Lisa Stollman. “Lifting weights is a great way to build muscle mass.” However, the point is not just to build lean muscle mass, but to maintain it. “As we age, we start to lose muscle,” says Pincus. “Strength training not only builds muscle groups to burn more calories, but also helps preserve them and prevent loss.” Check out these other nutritionist-approved ways to speed up your metabolism.

Up your protein intake


Eating a sufficient quantity of protein at each meal is almost unanimously agreed upon as a critical component of maintaining a rapid metabolism. A recent study by the American Society of Nutrition attested to a higher protein diet making you feel more satiated after eating and maintaining lean muscle mass. But that doesn’t mean you should go to town on a juicy steak every night. “You can only absorb about 30 grams of protein at a time to utilize it for muscle group and repair,” says Pincus, who recommends that you spread protein consumption throughout the day, about 4 ounces with each serving. Not sure how to incorporate healthy lean protein into your mealtime routines? Stollman suggests 2 tablespoons of nuts or nut butter, 8 ounces of low-fat yogurt, either dairy or soy, 2 ounces of tune, 4 tablespoons of hummus, 4 ounces of tofu, or 1 egg, with each meal or snack.

Be mindful when eating

iStock/Nicolas McComber

While most of us might wolf our meals down at our desks or in front of the TV, savoring your food may is better for achieving a healthier weight. Recent research shows that the faster people ate, the more they ate because the hormone that signals that you’re full, cholecystokinin (CCK), takes about 20 minutes to kick in. If you inhale your food, you might consume more than you mean to without realizing you’re full. Nutritionist Keri Gans also suggests maintaining a regular dining schedule as an important component to mindful eating habits.

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Don’t underestimate the importance of sleep


Don’t cave into that extra episode of Stranger Things: Getting a quality night’s is a critical component of a healthy metabolism. “Too little sleep appears to wreak havoc with leptin and ghrelin, two hormones that regulate appetite,” says nutritionist Elisa Zied. “When you don’t sleep well, you feel hungrier and you tend to eat more and choose more nutrient-poor foods.”

Limit screen time before bed


It’s no secret that experts recommend putting away blue-light devices, such as smartphones, tablets, and laptops, at least an hour before bed to improve sleep quality. However, a recent pilot study from Northwestern University shows that exposure to blue-light at night can impact glucose metabolism. Although the exact correlation is still being studied, John La Puma, MD, suggests ceasing exposure to blue light two hours prior to hitting the sack. “It resets melatonin levels so that getting to sleep becomes harder, and too little sleep means weight gain for most people,” says Dr. La Puma.

Enjoy a cup of coffee and tea

iStock/Martin Dimitrov

“Caffeine can increase your metabolism up to 8 percent,” says Stollman. “Brewed tea kicks it up another notch by boosting your metabolism by 10 percent.” Green tea goes above and beyond thanks to its catechins, and the effects add up. Pincus recommends three to four cups a day to potentially burn up to 50 to 100 calories. However, it’s important to refrain from using this an excuse to indulge in flavored lattes or sugary green tea drinks from the store. “Don’t make it into dessert—that defeats the whole purpose,” says Gans. Check out these other foods that are scientifically prove to burn fat.

Don’t overly restrict calories

iStock/Du?an Zidar

Severely limiting caloric intake can tricking your body into thinking it’s starving. In her book Thin for Life: 10 Keys to Success from People Who Have Lost Weight and Kept it Off, Anne Fletcher writes that “if you cut back on calories, your body protects itself from this state of semi-starvation by slowing down the rate at which it burns food.” While skipping a meal or two might see positive short-term effects, it can be harmful in the long run. Here are more metabolism myths that can ruin your weight loss.

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Don’t forego breakfast


Running out the door instead of chowing down on some eggs could slow down your metabolism throughout the day. “If you skip protein at breakfast, you lose the opportunity in your day to feed your muscles,” says Pincus. “You can’t double up at dinner since your body can’t utilize more than four ounces at a time.”

Spice it up


Capsaicin, present in spicy foods like chili and red pepper flakes, might boost metabolism by up to 8 percent. As always, don’t use this as an excuse to eat unhealthier foods like greasy takeout. “Sprinkle on red pepper flakes on eggs in the morning,” advises Gans. “You could even make fish, chicken, or lean beef a little spicier for dinner.” Look out for these common foods that are messing with your metabolism.

Keep moving, even if you’re at your desk


It’s not just about being a gym rat. A study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that non-exercise related activity, such as tapping your foot or fidgeting at your desk, can help keep off fat. To integrate more movement into your everyday routine, Pincus suggests opting for a standing or transitional desk, or just making sure you don’t spend the entire workday sedentary. “Set a timer to walk around your office every half an hour, do a few squats, something to keep the body moving,” she says.

Change up your commute

iStock/Xavier Arnau

A recent study by the Royal Society for Public Health found that while a long commute to work obviously decreases physical activity and might eat into time spent at the gym, it can also lead to decreased sleep time and a 29 percent increase in food consumption—and usually unhealthier food at that, since there is less time to prepare meals. Though some people might not have the means (or the climate) to avoid driving or public transportation, subbing in walking or biking for part of the trip could have you feeling more energetic and lean. Make sure you avoid these simple habits that slow down your metabolism.


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