Sunday, July 28, 2013

( The Anthony Weiner Mobile & his Campaign kickoff Tour For Mayor 2014 For New York City ) Patcnews: July 28, 2013 The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Network Reports The Anthony Weiner Mobile & his Campaign kickoff Tour For Mayor 2014 For New York City at The Sheraton Hotel New York City NY © All copyrights reserved By Patcnews

Weiner’s Campaign Manager Quits After Candidate’s Disclosures

New York mayoral candidate Anthony Weiner’s campaign manager quit after revelations about the Democrat’s online relationships with women.
Danny Kedem, 31, left the campaign this weekend, said Barbara Morgan, a Weiner spokeswoman. Kedem, reached by telephone, declined to discuss the circumstances of his break with Weiner saying, “my official word is no comment.”
New York City mayoral candidate Anthony Weiner pauses while speaking with reporters in Staten Island on a visit to homes damaged by Hurricane Sandy, in New York City, on July 26, 2013. Photographer: Spencer Platt/Getty Images
Weiner rose to lead the seven-candidate race in public opinion polls, then fell into a three-way tie for second in a July 25 NBC 4/Wall Street Journal/Marist survey, two days after a gossip website disclosed that he had lewd Internet exchanges with a woman. He had said the behavior was in his past.
Weiner later said he had similar exchanges with six to 10 women. He said three may have occurred after he resigned from Congress about two years ago over similar behavior.
Weiner, 48, said he would continue his campaign after calls for him to drop out from the city’s major daily newspapers.
Kedem, a former campaign adviser affiliated with the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, began working with Weiner in May.
In the past week, U.S. Representative Jerrold Nadler, a New York Democrat, and Democratic House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, said Weiner should leave the race.

‘Tremendous Pressure’

“I suspect there’s been a tremendous pressure on Kedem from labor campaigns and others who oppose Weiner, and I’m sure Kedem’s interested in remaining in this business, and he can’t take the pressure and he’s leaving,” said Joseph Mercurio, a New York-based political consultant who teaches political science at Fordham University in New York.
“Weiner has the money, and he’s a savvy pol, so I would think he can find someone else,” said Mercurio, who worked in former President Bill Clinton’s first campaign for Arkansas governor.
In the poll released July 25, Weiner had support from 16 percent of registered Democrats, after coming in first with 25 percent in a June 25 poll. City Council Speaker Christine Quinn topped the field in the new survey with 25 percent after receiving 20 percent last month.
Former City Comptroller William Thompson and Public Advocate Bill de Blasio each drew 14 percent.
The survey was taken the day after the gossip website on July 23 posted exchanges between a woman and a man it said was Weiner. The site showed explicit photos sent under the user name “Carlos Danger,” whom the website identified as the former congressman.
In an e-mail the same day, Weiner said, “While some things that have been posted today are true and some are not, there is no question that what I did was wrong.” The behavior, he said, “is behind me.”
To contact the reporter on this story: Henry Goldman in New York at
To contact the editor responsible for this story: Stephen Merelman at

Anthony Weiner on ropes: more questions and Clintons want him out (+video)

Anthony Weiner had a bad Sunday. His campaign manager quit this weekend, and on Sunday, a confidante of the Clintons said they want him to drop out of the New York mayor's race. There are also new questions about $43,100 of campaign money he spent in 2011.

By Staff writer / July 28, 2013
Democratic candidate for New York City mayor Anthony Weiner speaks to members of Brownsville Community Baptist Church in the Brooklyn borough of New York Sunday.

Eduardo Munoz/Reuters

[Updated 6:30 p.m. EDT] Whatever one may think about Anthony Weiner, he has no small amount of pluck.

Weiner's campaign limps forward
That was true when he was a member of Congress, where he sometimes spoke from the House floor in a verbal conflagration on the order of Sherman blazing through Atlanta. It was true when he entered the race for New York mayor two years after resigning from Congress in disgrace – the titters of disbelief still audible in the press gallery. And it remains true today, when he has not pointedly not listened to his former leader in the House, Rep. Nancy Pelosi, who captured the feeling of many Americans in telling Mr. Weiner to "get a clue" and drop out of the mayoral race.
But at this point, is sheer force of will enough to get him to Election Day on Nov. 5?

On one hand, Weiner's refusal to drop out of the race speaks to underlying political realities, some of which don't look all that bad.
True, what we learned Tuesday is undeniably awful. It turns out that a year after the married congressman was forced to resign from his post in Washington because he was trading raunchy and racy online posts with single women (and then lying about it), he was still doing it.
But in a way, that makes his run for mayor this year all the more important. While it's possible he could have a third act at some distant future, the new revelations – heaped on the previous revelations – mean he either wins this race or he's taking a long siesta from politics. That's something he clearly doesn't want to contemplate.

Moreover, he and his wife, Huma Abedin, seemed prepared for all this. Never mind that he called himself "Carlos Danger" and carried on explicitly sexual conversations with a 20-something named Sydney Leathers last year, to them it's old news, and regardless of this baggage, they think he is a politician that can help New York. They seem happy to let the voters decide one way or the other.
And while future polls could get worse, he's hardly out of the picture – still in second place with 19 percent of the vote compared with 25 percent for front-runner Christine Quinn. He's also go plenty of money for the time being. In fact, Weiner has $4.8 million, second only to Ms. Quinn's $6 million, according to a report by the New York Daily News published a week before the new scandal surfaced.
So it's possible that, for Weiner, things are playing out largely as he expected in a worst-case scenario. For someone who had the pluck to run for mayor of America's biggest apple two years after being paraded in public in the Internet age's answer to tar and feathers, a week of bad press might not seem a game-changer.

New Monica Lewinsky ‘Sex Tape’ Reportedly Leaks

A new Monica Lewinsky “sex tape” is reportedly set to drop, featuring a recording of Lewinsky planning an amorous encounter with President Bill Clinton in 1997.
New Monica Lewinsky Sex Tape Reportedly Leaks

Radar Online published written excerpts of the alleged three-minute recording, which is said to be in Thursday’s new issue of the National Enquirer, but is not online yet.

According to Radar, the former White House intern told Clinton she was “too cute and adorable” to be ignored. Clinton’s voice is not heard.

“I could take my clothes off and start…well…I know you wouldn’t enjoy that? I hope to see you later and I hope you will follow my script and do what I want,” Lewinsky reportedly said in the recording.

Lewinsky reportedly suggested Clinton use his secretary to help orchestrate a covert meetup.

“Now the first thing that has to happen is that you need to pre-plan with Betty that you will leave the office at, I don’t know, at 7, 7:30 so that everyone else who hates me that causes me lots of trouble goes home,” she said. “Then you quickly sneak back and then in the meantime I quickly sneak over and then we can have a nice little visit for, you know, 15 minutes or half an hour. Whatever you want.”

According to Radar, the tape was believed to have been destroyed, but a secret copy was made and is now surfacing.

In it, Lewinsky also reportedly suggested watching a movie with Clinton and having “I don’t know, boxed dinners or something like that.”

“And then that way we don’t have to deal with the problem of me…of there being a record of me going upstairs and we can spend some time together and see a good movie,” she said. “So I don’t know, those are two proposals and you can’t refuse me because I’m too cute and adorable and soon I won’t be here anymore to pop over. … I’m very persistent, but um… I really want to see you.”

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Saturday, July 27, 2013

( Megyn Kelly Last day on America Live ) Patcnews: July 27, 2013 The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Network Reports Megyn Kelly Last day on America Live & Megyn Kelly Blows Up Over Dem's Grilling Of Tea Party Leader: 'How Dare our Gov.' © All copyrights reserved By Patcnews

The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Network

      liberalism + Socialism = Terrorism 
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 © All copyrights reserved By Patcnews
     liberalism + Socialism = Terrorism


Content and Programming Copyright 2014 By Patcnews The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Network © LLC UCC 1-308.ALL RIGHTS RESERVED WITHOUT PREJUDICE All copyrights reserved By Patcnews The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Network Copyright 2014 CQ-Roll Call, Inc. All materials herein are protected by United States copyright law and may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, displayed, published or broadcast without the prior written permission of CQ-Roll Call. You may not alter or remove any trademark, copyright or other notice from copies of the content.  © All Copyrights reserved By Patcnews The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Network

( The Pure Evilness OF ISIS Torture Murder OF Christians ) Patcnews: July 27, 2013 The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Network Reports Documentary: The Pure Evilness OF ISIS Torture Murder OF Christians And Torture Murder of Channon Christian and Chris Newsom © All copyrights reserved By Patcnews

Channon Christian, Christopher Newsom murders

People involved in the Christian and Newsom murder trials

Channon Christian Christopher Newsom

Age: 21
University of Tennessee student
Parents: Gary and Deena Christian
Carjacked and kidnapped on Jan. 7, 2007
She and boyfriend Newsom were later raped and murdered.

Age: 23
Halls High School graduate
Parents: Hugh and Mary Newsom
Carjacked and kidnapped on Jan. 7, 2007
He and girlfriend Christian were later raped and murdered.

In the early morning hours of Jan. 7, 2007, Christopher Newsom and his girlfriend Channon Christian were carjacked and held captive in a house on Chipman Street in Knoxville. Both were raped, tortured and killed. Newsom's body was discovered in the vicinity that afternoon burning alongside railroad tracks. Christian's body was found stuffed in a trashcan inside the house a couple of days later. Five people were arrested in connection with the crime .
Eric Boyd was convicted in federal court of aiding the alleged ringleader, Lemaricus Davidson, after the carjacking and murders and is serving an 18-year prison sentence. The first defendant to be tried in Knox County Criminal Court, Letalvis Cobbins, was sentenced to life in prison without parole in August 2009. His brother, Davidsion, was tried next and was sentenced to death by lethal injection in October 2009. In December 2009, George Thomas was sentenced to life in prison without parole. In May 2010, Vanessa Coleman was acquitted of first-degree murder in the deaths but was convicted of facilitating the death of Christian. She is currently serving 53 years.

In December of 2011, Special Judge Jon Kerry Blackwood ordered new trials for each defendant following a TBI investigation revealing that former Criminal Court Judge Richard Baumgartner had been under the influence while presiding over the trials.

In November of 2012, Vanessa Coleman was retried and found guilty of facilitating the kidnapping, rapes and death of Christian. She was sentenced to 35 years in prison.

In January of 2013, Senior Judge Walter Kurtz denied new trials for alleged ringleader Lemaricus Davidson and his brother Letalvis Cobbins, but granted a new trial for George Thomas. Thomas was retried and found guilty on all counts in May 2013 and sentenced to life with the possibility of parole.

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     liberalism + Socialism = Terrorism


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Friday, July 26, 2013

( Megyn Kelly Cat Fight With Kirsten Powers ) Patcnews: July 26, 2013 The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Network Reports Megyn Kelly SLAMS THE Daily Beast, liberal commentator Kirsten Powers for defending Black Panthers A real Cat Fight on Fox News © All copyrights reserved By Patcnews

This Is Funny Megyn Kelly Cat Fight With Kirsten Powers



Kirsten Powers: No, I don’t stand with Wendy Davis

Over at the Daily Beast, liberal commentator Kirsten Powers explains that infanticide has nothing to do with “women’s rights,” and that pro-choice liberals should stop pretending that it does.
Kirsten Powers: No, I dont stand with Wendy Davis
Emphasis mine:
I don’t stand with Wendy. Nor do most women, as it turns out. According to a June National Journal poll, 50 percent of women support, and 43 percent oppose, a ban on abortion after 20 weeks, except in cases of rape and incest.
One can assume I am also not the only woman in America who is really tiring of the Wendys of the world claiming to represent “women’s rights” in their quest to mainstream a medical procedure—elective late-term abortion—that most of the civilized world finds barbaric and abhorrent. In many European countries, you can’t get an abortion past 12 weeks, except in narrow circumstances. Gallup reported in January that 80 percent of Americans think abortion should be illegal in the third trimester, and 64 percent think it should be illegal in the second trimester.

If the majority of Americans oppose elective late-term abortion, why do we have Davis complaining to CBS’s Bob Schieffer that the male politicians who are championing the late-term abortion ban are “bullying women”? Maybe it’s she who is bullying the rest of us into supporting a view that is mocked by scientific advancement; namely 3-D sonograms. Maybe we should be thankful for the men and wonder what is wrong with the women who think protecting the right to abort your baby for any reason up to the 26th week is a “human right.”
Human-rights movements have traditionally existed to help the voiceless and those without agency gain progressively more rights. Yet in the case of abortion, the voiceless have progressively lost rights at the hands of people who claim to be human-rights crusaders. Abortion-rights leaders have turned the world upside down. They want us to believe that a grown woman is voiceless, that she has less agency than the infant in her womb who relies on her for life. A woman has so little agency, we are told, that she is incapable of getting an abortion before the fifth month of her pregnancy. To suggest she should do so is a “war on women.” It’s an insult to women dressed up as “women’s rights.”

Click here to read Powers’ full column.

Kirsten Powers: I Don’t Stand With Wendy Davis

Stand with the pink-sneakered Texas legislator and her fight to allow mothers to abort babies past the 20th week of pregnancy? Never—and most women wouldn’t either, says Kirsten Powers.

Wendy Davis
Eric Gay/AP

It’s amazing what is considered heroism these days.

A Texas legislator and her pink sneakers have been lionized for an eleventh-hour filibuster against a bill that would have made it illegal for mothers to abort babies past 20 weeks of pregnancy, except in the case of severe fetal abnormalities or to protect the life or health of the mother.

People actually cheered this.

When Davis' filibuster was stopped, spectators voiced their anger.But the fight is not over. The bill will be reintroduced, and supporters of the ban are optimistic it will pass. For now, Wendy Davis has achieved the dubious victory of maintaining a very dark status quo. Texas women will still be able to abort a healthy baby up to the 26th week of pregnancy for any reason, as the current law allows. According to the Parents Connect website, if you are in the 25th week of your pregnancy, “Get ready for pat-a-cake! Baby’s hands are now fully developed and he spends most of his awake time groping around in the darkness of your uterus. Brain and nerve endings are developed enough now so that your baby can feel the sensation of touch.” Let’s be clear: Davis has been called a hero for trying to block a bill that would make aborting this baby illegal.

In addition to the limit on late-term abortions, the Texas legislature sought to pass regulations on abortion clinics similar to what was passed in Pennsylvania in 2011 after the Gosnell horror. The New York Times warned that the Texas bill “could lead to the closing of most of Texas’s 42 abortion clinics.” That sounds familiar. In 2011, the Pennsylvania ACLU claimed a post-Gosnell bill “would effectively close most and maybe all of the independent abortion clinics in Pennsylvania.” Last month, a Pennsylvania news site reported that “several” abortion clinics have closed, which isn’t quite the Armageddon the abortion-rights movement predicted.

So no, I don’t stand with Wendy. Nor do most women, as it turns out. According to a June National Journal poll, 50 percent of women support, and 43 percent oppose, a ban on abortion after 20 weeks, except in cases of rape and incest.

One can assume I am also not the only woman in America who is really tiring of the Wendys of the world claiming to represent “women’s rights” in their quest to mainstream a medical procedure—elective late-term abortion—that most of the civilized world finds barbaric and abhorrent. In many European countries, you can’t get an abortion past 12 weeks, except in narrow circumstances. Gallup reported in January that 80 percent of Americans think abortion should be illegal in the third trimester, and 64 percent think it should be illegal in the second trimester.

Maybe we should wonder what is wrong with the women who think protecting the right to abort your baby for any reason up to the 26th week is a ‘human right.’

If the majority of Americans oppose elective late-term abortion, why do we have Davis complaining to CBS’s Bob Schieffer that the male politicians who are championing the late-term abortion ban are “bullying women”? Maybe it’s she who is bullying the rest of us into supporting a view that is mocked by scientific advancement; namely 3-D sonograms. Maybe we should be thankful for the men and wonder what is wrong with the women who think protecting the right to abort your baby for any reason up to the 26th week is a “human right.”

Human-rights movements have traditionally existed to help the voiceless and those without agency gain progressively more rights. Yet in the case of abortion, the voiceless have progressively lost rights at the hands of people who claim to be human-rights crusaders. Abortion-rights leaders have turned the world upside down. They want us to believe that a grown woman is voiceless, that she has less agency than the infant in her womb who relies on her for life. A woman has so little agency, we are told, that she is incapable of getting an abortion before the fifth month of her pregnancy. To suggest she should do so is a “war on women.” It’s an insult to women dressed up as “women’s rights.”

On ABC’s This Week, Peggy Noonan responded to the chants of “I stand with Wendy” by noting, “What she is ... standing for is something we would recognize as infanticide, late-term abortion, the taking of a little child’s life.” Standing for that is not heroic, and it is not something to be cheered.