Wednesday, October 10, 2012

( AT&T And Henry Kissinger ) Patcnews Oct.10, 2012 The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Network Welcomes Henry Kissinger And AT&T Government Lawsuit © All copyrights Reserved By Patcnews

 AT&T Targets DOJ Antitrust Chief in Time Warner Fight Company lays the groundwork to challenge the legitimacy of government’s antitrust suit By Brent Kendall and Drew FitzGerald Updated Feb. 14, 2018 1:02 p.m. ET  WASHINGTON—AT&T Inc. is considering an unusual bid to seek testimony from the Justice Department’s antitrust chief in the coming trial over its $85 billion purchase of Time Warner Inc., part of the companies’ effort to challenge the legitimacy of the government Lawsuit.....

 The US Government spends $10,460,188,800 (~$10 billion, 460 million) per day of which 40 Cents we borrow from the CHINESE !!
The US Government spends $10,460,188,800 ($10 billion, 460 million) per day 40 Cents of which we borrow from the CHINESE TO PAY OUR BILLS !!
This way.... this can be explained to the simple minded LIBTARDS TO appreciate the gravity of the situation:
* U.S. Tax revenue is: $2,170,000,000,000 ( These numbers are in TRILLIONS)
* The Bloated Fed budget is : $3,820,000,000,000
* New debt taken on by OBAMA this year is: $1,650,000,000,000
* THE TOTAL National debt on our budget is: $14,271,000,000,000 ( TRILLION! )
* This is what the Obama Administration has recently proposed as a budget cut: $38,500,000,000 That is in BILLIONS ( Remember this number!! )
Now to simplify the math for everyone....Let's now remove 8 zeros from these obscene numbers and just pretend it's a household budget in thousands of dollars

SO... The Annual family income is: $21,700
* Money being spent every month by the family is: $38,200
* You are short so you borrow the money putting it onto your CREDIT CARD.
So your new debt on your credit card: $16,500
* Since you've been borrowing like this for a while..Your total Outstanding credit card balance is now: $142,710.00
* After a family meeting you agree that you must tighten your belt and cut the out of control spending... So how much did you cut ?
Based on the way the government cut their budget...Your Total budget cut is:

Right now you are on your way to fiscal sanity !!! That's what Obama and the Congress are doing...
We are being SCREWED...GET IT ??


Content and Programming Copyright 2012 By Patcnews The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Network © LLC UCC 1-308.ALL RIGHTS RESERVED WITHOUT PREJUDICE All copyrights reserved By Patcnews The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Network Copyright 2012 CQ-Roll Call, Inc. All materials herein are protected by United States copyright law and may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, displayed, published or broadcast without the prior written permission of CQ-Roll Call. You may not alter or remove any trademark, copyright or other notice from copies of the content.  © All Copyrights Reserved By Patcnews The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Network

( Diane Sori ) Patcnews Oct 10, 2012 The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Network Reports Diane Sori Topic economy obamacare

The House and Senate races are important

Hi guys, it's me Diane Sori, a thorn in Obama's side. As many of you know I have been in many battles with Facebook and I finally reached a breaking point. Having much information to get out, and after being banned from Facebook for the sixth time...the last time for 60 days...simply because I TELL THE TRUTH ABOUT THE CORRUPT AND TRAITOROUS OBAMA REGIME AND HIS SANCTIONED ISLAMIZATION OF AMERICA...I felt it was time to do something.
Because I could NOT sit idly by for 60 days and watch the media feed everyone a bunch of lies and half truths, and with Facebook removing, blocking, banning, and banishing those of us who disagreed with and spoke out against Obama and his minions, I knew it was time to start blogging. I NEVER wanted to be a blogger per se, but I was forced to go this route by Facebook, with its stacked against we conservatives policies and conditions, in addition to the fact that if you have a grievance against Facebook there is NO human contact allowed between you and them.

So many lies have been spread about me personally over Facebook, like I am NOT who I say I am, I am a troll or a hacker, I am a spreader of lies, and NONE of it is true! I am simply me, Diane Sori, an American fact one of millions just like you...who refuses to let our beloved America be changed into something unrecognizable by a man and his cohorts who NOT only want to radically alter and destroy our great nation, but who also want to take away our children's future. And this I could NOT sit back and watch and do NOTHING like so many of the apathetic know who you're the ones who whine and complain but who refuse to get out there in the trenches and become part of the solution instead of feeding into the problem. We patriots ARE the grassroots movement and each of us has something unique to offer to this movement, and offer it we must.

So I write, I post, I comment, I speak at meetings, and I co-host with Craig Andresen RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS on CPR Worldwide Media. I also campaign and volunteer for candidates I believe in, and I attend other words I help spread the word...the truth...any and every way I can. And even though I am once again out of Facebook jail, I will continue to blog as I will NOT allow Facebook to ever silence me again.  I hope all my true Facebook friends, subscribers, and members of my Patriots United Against Obama Propaganda group and my Stand United with Our Marine Heroes Against 'Urinegate' page, as well as my personal TL page, will check in from time to time to see what I have to say. While my postings might be somewhat controversial to some or my opinions might NOT always agree with yours, rest assured that what I say will always come from my heart, and will always put America and 'We the People' first and foremost.  

The end is near.  Some kind of decision will be made on the fiscal cliff mess but it will more than likely be nothing substantial.  Knowing Congress, it will be a shot of morphine to ease our pain as we continue to be on death watch.

Speaking of death watch; no one other than financial gurus and geeks are talking about the impending rise in the estate tax.  Is no one paying attention to this blatant theft of savings and assets that have already been taxed once?

If nothing is done, on January 1, 2013 the estate tax will cripple more than what they are calling the “evil” rich.  It will reach down and squeeze the life out of working families who have managed to save money and assets for their heirs.  

If nothing is resolved the combined estate and gift tax exemption drops to $1 million and the estate tax rises to 55%.  That may not sound like a big deal to some people, but in reality it affects more than you know.  Family farms will be hit hard.  Many people who have homes in the more expensive cities and states will be hit by this tax.  Let’s say that you have a home and some stocks, bonds or cash that you have sacrificed to save and put away for your children; if you die at the stroke of midnight your hard earned (already taxed) money will be confiscated by the government at the rate of 55% over a $1 million dollar exemption.

Democrat Senator from Montana, Max Baucus has sided with the Republicans on this issue because of the impact this rate would have on family owned farms.  He has seen how many families have had to sell family owned properties that have been passed down from generation to generation.  One in ten families are predicted to pay this increase in 2013 if nothing is done and these estates involve asset-rich, cash poor farms.

There could be a compromise where we go back to the tax rates of 2009.  That would be a 45% rate with a $3.5 million exemption.  Vick Patten, former President of the American Family Institute says “America’s family businesses and family farms and family ranches produce 63 percent of all the jobs in America.  When they are forced into a situation where, at the end of each generation, the government confiscates half of or---in terms of what they propose on Jan. 1, more than half of all their capital---this has very, very, very detrimental effects on the survival of the business.”  Even with a compromise it would still affect too many families and would be a drop in the bucket toward solving this financial crisis. 

So the bottom line is, don’t die.  It is too expensive. The greedy government wants everything that you have worked for and saved during your lifetime.  They feel “entitled” to your assets and if you die they have the right to confiscate them. Why should you have the right to leave your hard earned money to your children or whomever you wish?  Obama will continue to push his “class warfare” agenda until there is no other class than the poor.  They will grab and steal from those who have contributed their blood, sweat and tears to build businesses and create prosperity.  With the confiscation of estates and assets after you die where will the incentive be to even create prosperity in the first place?  Is it just an exercise to see how much money you can make for the government?

In my opinion the estate tax should be abolished. If you work and pay taxes over your lifetime, you have the right as an American to distribute your assets after your death to whomever you choose without the sticky fingers of government stealing from you and your family.

The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Network

      liberalism + Socialism = Terrorism 
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     liberalism + Socialism = Terrorism


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