Wednesday, February 29, 2012

( BILL GATES And DeeDee's Living Will ) Patcnews The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Network Reports DeeDee's Living Will Birth of a New Earth: BILL GATES FOUNDATION BUYS 500,000 SHARE OF MONSAN © All copyrights reserved By Mark Eberle

Birth of a New Earth: BILL GATES FOUNDATION BUYS 500,000 SHARE OF MONSAN...: Are we really surprised? Bill Gates is the same man that publicly stated the benefits of using vaccines to reduce the world's population!  
Read the letter Bill Gates sent to Microsoft employees for the company's 40th anniversary By T.C. Sottek on April 3, 2015 02:28 pm Email @chillmage 83 Share on Facebook (48k) Tweet (2,638) Share (1,001) Pin On April 4th, 1975, Bill Gates and Paul Allen started a little company named Microsoft. You probably know the story from there: Gates went on to become the wealthiest man in the world, and then gradually pulled back from his company to focus on broad philanthropic efforts through the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. (In case you missed it, Gates guest-edited The Verge this February to discuss many of those charitable programs.) But Gates is far from finished at Microsoft; last year after Satya Nadella took over as CEO, Gates said he would be taking a bigger role at the company — using up to a third of his time to advise Microsoft employees on new products. Gates sent the following letter to Microsoft employees today to celebrate the company's 40th anniversary. The letter was posted on Twitter by Amit Choudhary, and sources confirmed its authenticity to The Verge. Tomorrow is a special day: Microsoft's 40th anniversary. Early on, Paul Allen and I set the goal of a computer on every desk and in every home. It was a bold idea and a lot of people thought we were out of our minds to imagine it was possible. It is amazing to think about how far computing has come since then, and we can all be proud of the role Microsoft played in that revolution. Today though, I am thinking much more about Microsoft's future than its past. I believe computing will evolve faster in the next 10 years than it ever has before. We already live in a multi-platform world, and computing will become even more pervasive. We are nearing the point where computers and robots will be able to see, move, and interact naturally, unlocking many new applications and empowering people even more. Under Satya's leadership, Microsoft is better positioned than ever to lead these advances. We have the resources to drive and solve tough problems. We are engaged in every facet of modern computing and have the deepest commitment to research in the industry. In my role as technical advisor to Satya, I get to join product reviews and am impressed by the vision and talent I see. The result is evident in products like Cortana, Skype Translator, and HoloLens -- and those are just a few of the many innovations that are on the way. In the coming years, Microsoft has the opportunity to reach even more people and organizations around the world. Technology is still out of reach for many people, because it is complex or expensive, or they simply do not have access. So I hope you will think about what you can do to make the power of technology accessible to everyone, to connect people to each other, and make personal computing available everywhere even as the very notion of what a PC delivers makes its way into all devices. We have accomplished a lot together during our first 40 years and empowered countless businesses and people to realize their full potential. But what matters most now is what we do next. Thank you for helping make Microsoft a fantastic company now and for decades to come.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

( Ava Aston And Childrens Hospital Los Angeles ) Patcnews: Feb 19, 2012 The Patriot Conservative News Tea Party Network Reports Recording Artist Ava Aston's Muckery: My Life is an SNL Skit And Childrens Hospital Los Angeles © All Copyrights Reserved By Patcnews

Recording Artist Ava Aston's Muckery: My Life is an SNL Skit: Live From New York - It's Saturday Night! - Featuring Ava Aston! No matter what day it is, no matter where I go
Christie George Singer link to share

  Childrens Hospital Los Angeles 

    The patients, families, staff
and Board of Trustees of Childrens Hospital Los Angeles
are grateful to the many people who help us build for the future and provide clinical care, research
and medical education through their financial support.
We recognize esteemed individuals, organizations, corporations and foundations for their
generosity during the
calendar year. This Honor Roll lists donors who contributed at least
in cash gifts, pledges or pledge payments. To view the Red Wagon Society Honor Roll of
Donors, which lists gifts of
, please visit the electronic version of the Honor Roll at

Foregoing individual recognition, we also extend thanks to those who made generous contributions directly to one of our Associate and Affiliate, or allied groups. Children’s Miracle Network
gifts to
National will be recognized in the next issue of
In spite of our best efforts, errors and omissions may occur. Please inform us of any
inaccuracies by contacting Marie Logan, director of Donor Relations, at
(323) 671-1733 
$10,000,000 and above
Anonymous Friend
$4,000,000 to $9,999,999
Anonymous Friends (2)
The Associates
California Community
The Walt Disney Company
The Philip and Audrey Gillin Reed
Charitable Trust
Saban Family Foundation
Dr. Cheryl Saban and
Mr. Haim Saban
$1,000,000 to $3,999,999
Commander Richard Allen
Marion and John E. Anderson
Anonymous Friend
Bank of America Foundation
H.N. and Frances C. Berger
The Bogart Pediatric Cancer
Research Program of the T. J.
Martell Foundation
Dr. and Mrs. George N. Boone
Children’s Miracle Network
Costco Wholesale
Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Dalany
Lynda and Blaine Fetter
Beth and Bob Lowe
Ms. Jane Vruwink Palmer
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Purwin
Shirlee A. Roberts in honor of
Lewis and Gladys Roberts
Philip and Monica Rosenthal
Mr. Jim Roth
Mr. and Mrs. Lance Smigel
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Smigel
Mrs. Suzan K. Smigel
Flora L. Thornton Foundation
Mrs. Flora L. Thornton
Ms. Loretta E. Timbrook
UniHealth Foundation
United Way of Greater Los Angeles
Wasserman Foundation
Weingart Foundation
Wells Fargo
$500,000 to $999,999
Anonymous Friends (2)
California Institute of
Regenerative Medicine Stem Cell
Training Grant Fund
The William M. and Helen L. Close
Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore P. Cohen
Mr. Grover Collins
Mrs. Laura Fox and
Mr. Bennet M. Van de Bunt
Jack C. and Doris C. Helms
Hurlbut-Johnson Charitable
Las Madrinas
The Thomas and Dorothy Leavey
The Sharon D. Lund Foundation
The Harold McAlister Charitable
Mrs. J. Thomas McCarthy
Pasadena Guild
Peninsula Committee
William R. Pratt
Carmie and Michael Saldana
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore R. Samuels
Katherine B. Schoby
The H. Russell Smith Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. H. Russell Smith
Ms. Robin A. Ferracone and
Mr. Stewart R. Smith
John Stauffer Charitable Trust
Mr. A. Ray Van Horn
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Wachtell Wal
Mart Stores and Sam’s Clubs
$100,000 to $499,999
Chris Albrecht
Alex’s Lemonade Stand
Mr. and Mrs. James Pendleton
Anonymous Friends (3)
Antelope Valley Guild
Debbie and Mark Attanasio
Ms. Marion E. Beck
Bel Air Guild
Mrs. William Bergin
Lynn and Les Bider
Stanley and Joyce Black and Family
The William Bloomfield Family
The Ethel Wilson Bowles and
Robert Bowles Memorial Fund
Ms. Ann Delores Brennan
Ina L. Buell
Fritz B. Burns Foundation
Cable Family Foundation
The California Endowment
California Telemedicine &
eHealth Center
The California Wellness
The Capital Group
Companies, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Joseph
Centennial Guild
Ted Chanock and Family in loving
tribute to Beth Miriam Chanock
The Chase Foundation
Mrs. Catherine Chatton Cheney
Dr. Peggy Tsiang Cherng and
Mr. Andrew J. C. Cherng
Children’s Neuroblastoma Cancer
L.J. Christopher
Clear Channel Worldwide
Ms. Kimberly Anne Conant and
Mr. Craig Caroll Blum
Confetti Consortium Foundation
Confidence Foundation
Corday Foundation
Kenneth and Sherry Corday
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Cordova
Mary and Gary Damsker
The de Toledo Family
The Corwin D. Denney
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Edmund
Dougherty Family Foundation
Entertainment Industry
Max Factor Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Terrence E. Fancher
R. Douglas Fanning
Farmers Insurance Group of
Mr. Louis Federici
Femino Foundation
Dr. and Mrs. James Joseph Femino
Ms. Giselle Fernandez-Farrand
and Mr. John Farrand
Lewis V. Gamekeeper
Joseph B. Gould Foundation
Grace Dedieu
Mrs. Kelsey Browne Hall
Mary Hart and Burt Sugarman
Steven and Christine Hazy
Audrey Hepburn Children’s Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Chris D. Hoefflin
Michael Hoefflin Foundation
H. Leslie and Elaine S. Hoffman
Mr. Munson C. Hovey
Randy and Erika Jackson
Johnson & Johnson
Mrs. Ruth D. Johnson
Verne C. Jones
104.3 K-BIG FM
Drs. Faye and Jonathan Kellerman
Kohl’s Department Stores
L.A. Care Health Plan
La Providencia Guild
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Loggia
Mr. and Mrs. Ignacio E. Lozano, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. José I. Lozano
MAGIC International
Marriott International
Patricia A. McClure
Mr. and Mrs. Doug McKellar
Mr. and Mrs. Harry T.
McMahon III
Alex Meneses and John Simpson
Mr. and Mrs. Lary Mielke
Dr. Nancy Moss and
Mr. George Moss
Tom and Anne Muller
The Neuroblastoma Children’s
Cancer Society
Nickel v. Bank of America
Settlement Fund
Norris Cancer Center Foundation
The Kenneth T. and Eileen L.
Norris Foundation
Ms. Mary Joan Palevsky
Panda Restaurant Group..
Mr. Joseph Nguyen and Family
Bill and Susan Noce
Northern Trust Bank of California
Northrop Grumman Corporation
Oarsmen Foundation
Mary Adams O’Connell and
Kevin O’Connell
Mr. and Mrs. Michael O’Connell
One Small Voice Foundation
The Paige Foundation
Paramount Pictures Corporation
Pasadena Showcase House
for the Arts
Pediatric Cancer Research
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Perez
Ms. Rhea Perlman and
Mr. Danny DeVito
Mr. Oscar T. Peters
Ms. Janet Crown Peterson
John D. and Victoria R. Pettker
Pfaffinger Foundation
Ms. Anna K. Pfeiffer
The Philadelphia Foundation
The Physician Faculty of the
Division of Otolaryngology
Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Powell
Power Color Computer, Inc.
Margaret and Ron Preissman
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Preston
Questcor Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
Sandi Rapki
RE/MAX Premier Properties
RE/MAX Tiffany Real Estate
Red Bull North America, Inc.
The Resnick Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Stewart A. Resnick
The Ressler Family Foudation
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Ressler
Ms. Gertrude Reuter
Jane and Frank Rhodes
Warren and Carolyn Richards
Dr. and Mrs. Warren Richards
Charles D. Richardson
Jo Ann and Dennis Richman
Mr. and Mrs. Walter A. Richter
The Riordan Foundation
The Honorable and Mrs. Richard
J. Riordan
Mr. Guadalupe S. Rivera
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. G. Ronus
Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Rooney
Taryn Rose, MD
Mr. and Mrs. Walter B. Rose
The Meta and George Rosenberg
Mr. and Mrs. Mitch Rosenberg
Mr. and Mrs. Edward P. Roski, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Rotenberg
Mr. and Mrs. Allan M. Rudnick
Rusnak Automotive Group
Salton Settlement Fund
San Antonio Guild
Mr. and Mrs. W. Scott Sanford
Santa Anita Park
Santa Monica Bay Auxiliary
Paul and Judy Schaeffer
Mr. and Mrs. Michael L.
Robert E. Schneider Foundation
Rudi and Berta Schulte Angels
Charitable Trust
Rudi Schulte Research Institute
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Sciarra
Mr. Alvin G. Segel
Mr. Gil Segel
Mr. and Mrs. John E. Seidel
Mrs. Terry Seidler
Louise Fettig Seimer
Dr. and Mrs. Istvan Seri
Shamrock Holdings of
California, Inc.
David and Fela Shapell Family
Jonathan D. Shapiro
Stuart and Barbara Siegel
Signal Products, Inc.
B. K. Simon Family Charitable
Herbert Simon Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Wilton Simpson
In Honor of Jacob Singer
Sizzler USA Restaurants, Inc.
Mr. Brad G. Slocum
SLSH Enterprises, Inc.
The Smidt Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Eric L. Smidt
Dr. and Mrs. Chadwick F. Smith
Joe and Donnie Smith
Lon V. Smith Foundation
Ralph L. Smith Foundation
SoftBank, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan D. Sokoloff
Mr. and Mrs. William C. Sonneborn
South Bay Association of Realtors
Southern California Marine
Southern Wine and Spirits of
America, Inc.
G.N. Spencer
Mr. Steven Spielberg and
Mrs. Kate Capshaw
Mr. Kristoff St. John
Mr. Brian James Stack
John M. Stahl Stand Together in the Fight Eugene and Marilyn Stein Family Foundation
Eugene and Marilyn Stein
Mr. and Mrs. George Steinkamp
Mr. and Mrs. Marc I. Stern
Lisa Fontaine Storm
  Summa Group Children’s Foundation
Ms. Johanna Swager
Leslie Swain and Bert Deixler
Philip A. Swan and
Patricia A. MacLaren
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Tang
Mrs. Nancy P. Taylor
Laney and Tom Techentin
Tehorst Capital Corporation
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Tell
TG Holdings, Ltd.
These Three Words
This Little Light
Dr. Vernon and Mrs. Charlene
Toluca Guild
Tommy World, Inc.
Touch, LLC
Toyota Motor Sales, USA, Inc.
Dr. and Mrs. Joshua Trabulus
Juanita Travers
Turner Broadcasting System, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. K. Robert Turner
Mr. and Mrs. Jan M. Twardowski
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Twardowski
Tyler’s Team - San Marino High
School Associated Student Body
Union Bank of California
United Talent Agency, Inc.
United Way of Kern County, Inc.
United Way of the Desert
United Way of Tri-State
Univision Television Group
J.B. and Emily Van Nuys Charities
Vanguard Charitable Endowment
Mr. Alberto Varajas
Verizon Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Harry B. Vickman
Viewpoint Educational
Mrs. Kenneth Volk, Jr.
Geoff and Danielle Von der Ahe
Tom and Celeste Von der Ahe
Noel and William Wade
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Wagenbach
Mr. and Mrs. Shaw B. Wagener
The Wagner Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. John B. Wagner
Mr. Leon M. Wagner
Wallis Foundation
H.E. Washburn
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Wasserman
Mr. and Mrs. David D. Watts
Ms. Melissa Weiler
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Weinberg
Ms. Billie Milam Weisman
Frederick R. Weisman
Philanthropic Foundation
Cathy Siegel Weiss and Ken Weiss
Mrs. Edna Weiss
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin A. Weiss
Ms. Mindy D. Weiss
Children’s Circle of Care
Members receive an invitation to the North American Leadership
Conference & Gala Dinner held each spring in rotating cities across
the United States and Canada. Childrens Hospital Los Angeles gratefully acknowledges the following sponsors of the 2006 conference
held in Chicago.
Founding Sponsors
Costco Wholesale
The Oki Foundation
Gold Sponsors
Aquent Marketing Staffing
Cardinal Health Foundation
JPMorgan Chase
Wextrust Capital
Silver Sponsors
Anderson Mikos
Baxter International, Inc.
Bentz Whaley Flessner
Chicago Community Trust
Doerge & Smith Private Advisory, LLC
Goldman Sachs
The H.N. and Frances C. Berger Foundation
Kellogg Company
Kintera, Inc.
Ronald McDonald House Charities
The Walsh Group
William Ryan Homes
For more information about Children’s Circle of Care, please contact
Stephanie Eversfield, director of Annual Giving, at (323) 671-1710, or
Wellpoint Associate Giving
Whittier Guild
Roberta G. Williams, MD
Ms. Naomi Wilson
Mr. and Mrs. Tim Wilson
The Wunderkinder Foundation
Carl E. Wynn Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Alejandro
Young’s Market Company, LLC
Ziffren, Brittenham, Branca,
Fischer, Gilbert-Lurie & Stiffe
Mr. and Mrs. William R.
Zolla Family Foundation
Susan and Edward Zolla
Ms. Ruth Harvey Zommick
Children’s Circle of Care
Members of the Children’s Circle
of Care are valued donors of the
Childrens Hospital Los Angeles community. 
Membership begins with a gift each year of cash, stock, or irrevocable planned gifts valued at
$10,000 or more, either personally
or through a privately held company
or family foundation.
The David V. and Linda Adams
Mr. and Mrs. Beny R. Alagem
Mr. Chris Albrecht
The Alderson Family Foundation
Alex’s Lemonade Stand
Mr. and Mrs. James Pendleton
Amerman Family Foundation
Ms. Brooke Anderson
Marion and John E. Anderson
Mrs. Roy A. Anderson
Anonymous Friends (28)
Mr. Temo A. Arjani
Mr. and Mrs. Warren Jefferson
Debbie and Mark Attanasio
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Attanasio
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald M. Auen
Mr. and Mrs. Tony Azzi
Mrs. Emanuel Bachmann
Mr. and Mrs. Barry Baker
June and Merle Banta
Ms. Eloise C. Goodhew Barnett
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Barrat
Mrs. Cecile C. Bartman
Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. Baxter
Mr. Anthony Behrens
Phyllis and Sanford Beim
Milo W. Bekins Foundation
Drs. Rebecka and Arie Belldegrun
Mr. and Mrs. Phil Bellomy
Mr. Aaron Belokamen in honor of
Lilian and David Belokamen
Mr. Paul R. Beltz
H. N. and Frances C. Berger
Mrs. William Bergin
Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Beyer
Mr. and Mrs. David W. Bianchi
Mr. and Mrs. Glen E. Bickerstaff
Lynn and Les Bider
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald A. Bilecki
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur H. Bilger
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Black
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Bloom
Bloomfield Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Logan A. Boggs
Debbe and Spike Booth
The Louis L. Borick Foundation
The Ethel Wilson Bowles and
Robert Bowles Memorial Fund
Lynn and Douglas Brengel
Ms. Amy Brenneman and
Mr. Brad Silberling
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Brigham
Mr. Elliott B. Broidy
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Bronchick
Ms. Patricia A. Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Bruckheimer
Audrey Steele Burnand
Mr. and Mrs. James Burrows
Mrs. Carole Buss
Mr. Nicolas Cage
Mrs. Markley C. Cameron
Ms. Barbara V. Cane
John W. Carson Foundation
The Caruso Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Joseph
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Chais
Mr. Yu Pen Chang
Ted Chanock and Family
in loving tribute to
Beth Miriam Chanock
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Chaplan
Mr. and Mrs. Jean-Marc Chapus
Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Chasalow
Mrs. Catherine Chatton Cheney
Dr. Peggy Tsiang Cherng and
Mr. Andrew J. C. Cherng
The Chernin Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. James Clark
Mr. John G. Clary
Larry and Carol Clemmensen
Mr. and Mrs. William M. Close
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore P. Cohen
Ms. Ann Colgin and
Mr. Joe Wender
The Carol and James Collins
Hugh and Audy Lou Colvin
Ms. Kimberly Anne Conant and
Mr. Craig Caroll Blum
Ms. Shelley L. Conger
Mr. and Mrs. John Joseph
Connolly III
Mr. and Mrs. John E.
Cookman, Jr.
Kenneth and Sherry Corday
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Cordova
Mr. Geoff Cowan and
Ms. Aileen Adams
Mrs. Gloria M. Crane
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Crawford
Lucy and Don Crumrine
Mr. and Mrs. Billy Crystal
Ms. Jennifer Cue
The Dan and Martha Cuñado
Family Foundation
Mr. William Curtis
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Cypres
Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Dalany
Nancy M. Daly Foundation
Mary and Gary Damsker
Mr. and Mrs. Kirk A. Day
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Day
The de Toledo Family
Dan and Danette DeClark
Bart and Cheryl Dickins
Ms. Paula Doherty
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Edmund
Dougherty Family Foundation
Hilary Duff
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Dunbar
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Dungan
Mr. and Mrs. Wally Durham
Margaret D. and Jerrold L.
The Edelstein Family Charitable
Edgerton Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Edward R. Elko
Mr. Ernest O. Ellison
Mr. Jack Epstein
Max Factor Family Foundation
Allan and Sandy Fainbarg Family
Mr. and Mrs. Terrence E. Fancher
R. Douglas Fanning
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Farman
The Fazio Family
Dr. and Mrs. James Joseph Femino
Ms. Giselle Fernandez-Farrand
and Mr. John Farrand
Ms. Jacqueline R. Ferreira
Mr. and Mrs. Sean Ferrer
Lynda and Blaine Fetter
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel N. Fischer
Ms. Sophia Scano Fitzmaurice
Dr. and Mrs. Henri R. Ford
Mr. Peter Fortier
Laura Fox and Ben Van de Bunt
Mr. and Mrs. Josh Friedman
Ms. Michelle Fullerton
Ms. Ann Furnas
Mrs. David Gackenbach
Mr. and Mrs. James M. Galbraith
Gardner Grout Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy James Geckle
Herbert M. and Beverly J. Gelfand
Mr. and Mrs. David Gersh
Ms. Jody Gerson and
Mr. Seth Swirsky
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Gilbar
The Girouard Family
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Goodan
Mr. Andrew Gordon
Alec and Hedi Gores
Jane and Ron Gother
Joseph B. Gould Foundation
Michael and Julee Gould
Grace Dedieu
Dr. Geoffrey and
Mrs. Laura Graham
Mary Lou and Terence Green
Mr. Earl Greenburg and
Mr. David Peet
Zac and Sarajane Guevara
Mrs. Kelsey Browne Hall
Dr. and Mrs. Robert Howes Hambleton
Mr. and Mrs. William T. Hammond
William H. Hannon Foundation
Dr. Jen and Mr. Greg Harris
Mary Hart and Burt Sugarman
Mr. and Mrs. Homer M. Harvey
Dr. Lillian P. Harvey
Steven and Christine Hazy
Mrs. Milania Austin Henley
Mr. John C. Herklotz in honor of
Dale Melbourne Herklotz
Mr. and Mrs. Enrique
Hernandez, Jr.
Thomas A. Heymann and
DeAnne K. Heymann
Mrs. David B. Hill in honor of
Rosemary Rae Hill Hansen
Mrs. Anita Hirsh
The George Hoag Family
The Larry and Helen Hoag
Mr. Andrew Hock
Ms. Cynthia Hock
Ms. Linda Joyce Hodge
Mr. and Mrs. Chris D. Hoefflin
Ambassador and Mrs. Glen A.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Hollander
Carolyn Volk Horne
Donald and Marjorie Howley
Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Hubbard
Mr. and Mrs. James S. Hunt
Mr. and Mrs. James Hunter
Mr. and Mrs. James Huyck
The Audrey and Sydney Irmas
Charitable Foundation
Randy and Erika Jackson
Mr. and Mrs. Todd S. James
John M. Jameson
Carl W. Johnson Foundation
Peggy Lynn Joslyn
Mr. Joe Kaczorowski
Mr. and Mrs. Hiroshi Kageyama
Jack and Gioia Kalvin
Mr. Bruce E. Karatz
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce A. Karsh
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Katzenberg
Katy and Michael Kaufman
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Kayne
Steven and Kathryn Keefer
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Francis
Drs. Faye and Jonathan Kellerman
Mr. Kirk Kerkorian
Mr. and Mrs. Chong Sik Kim
Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. King
The Karl Kirchgessner Foundation
Carol and Arnold J. Kleiner
Mr. Douglas W. Knight
Mr. and Mrs. Kent Kresa
Mr. Bob Lakin
Mr. Michael Lambert
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E.
Larkin, Jr.
Ms. Karin L. Larson
Mr. and Mrs. Michael C. Learned
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Po-Jen Lee
Ms. Melanie Lee
Ms. Sandra Lee
Mrs. Hedwig Lester
Ms. Monica Lester
Mr. Paul Lester
LIATIS Foundation
Mr. Ernest Lieblich
Dr. Charles B. and
Joyce O’Gar Lilly
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Loggia
Mr. and Mrs. James K. Looney
Beth and Bob Lowe
Mr. and Mrs. Ignacio E.
Lozano, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. José I. Lozano
The Sharon D. Lund Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Lynch
Ms. Patricia MacLaren and
Mr. Philip Swan
Carol and Douglas Mancino
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred E. Mann
Mr. and Mrs. William Mann
The Marcled Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Markovich
Ms. Maxine L. Marmor
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Marquez
Phillip D. and Lois S. Matthews
The Harold McAlister Charitable
Mrs. J. Thomas McCarthy
Mr. George McCord
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Oliver
In Honor of Milbank McFie
Mr. and Mrs. Doug McKellar
Mr. and Mrs. Harry T.
McMahon III
Mr. and Mrs. Judd Meltzer
Alex Meneses and John Simpson
Mr. and Mrs. Lary Jo Mielke
Scott and Valerie Milano
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Miletich
Milken Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. William A. Mingst
Julie and Ken Moelis
Mr. and Mrs. Gene Montesano
Ms. Marina Moskovenko
Mr. Jeffrey Moskowitz
Dr. Nancy Moss and
Mr. George Moss
Mildred E. & Harvey S. Mudd
Tom and Anne Muller
Mr. and Mrs. Charles T. Munger
Mr. Rupert Murdoch
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Gibson
Myers, Jr.
The Nanula Family
The Nguyen Family Trust
Bill and Susan Noce
The Kenneth T. and Eileen L.
Norris Foundation
The Notkin Family
Oarsmen Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin O’Connell
Mr. and Mrs. Michael O’Connell
Mr. and Mrs. Bradley J. Oltmanns
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Richter
One Small Voice Foundation
Ms. Mary Joan Palevsky
Ms. Jane Vruwink Palmer
Ms. Judi Partridge/
My Brother Joey Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Perez
Mr. and Mrs. Barry Perlman
Ms. Rhea Perlman and
Mr. Danny DeVito
Mr. Oscar T. Peters
Ms. Janet Crown Peterson
John D. and Victoria R. Pettker
The Honorable and Mrs. Peter
Jane and Kris Popovich
Mr. and Mrs. Rick Powell
Margaret and Ron Preissman
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Purwin
Jim and Eleanor Randall
Ms. Sandi Rapki
Robert C. Ray
Mr. Bennie C. Reagan
Mr. and Mrs. Stewart A. Resnick
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Ressler
Ressler-Gertz Family Foundation
Jane and Frank Rhodes
Robin and Susan Richards
Dr. and Mrs. Warren Richards
Jo Ann and Dennis Richman
Mr. and Mrs. Walter A. Richter
The Riordan Foundation
Mr. Guadalupe S. Rivera
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth B. Roath
Ms. Shirlee A. Roberts
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen England
Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Rooney
Taryn Rose, MD
Mr. and Mrs. Walter B. Rose
Mr. and Mrs. Mitch Rosenberg
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Rosenblatt
Monica and Phil Rosenthal
Mr. and Mrs. Edward P. Roski, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Rotenberg
Mr. Jim Roth
Mr. and Mrs. James Fredric
Mr. and Mrs. Allan M. Rudnick
Saban Family Foundation
Dr. Cheryl Saban and
Mr. Haim Saban
In Honor of Claiborn A. Saint
Carmie and Michael Saldana
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore R. Samuels
Mr. and Mrs. W. Scott Sanford
Mrs. June Sapiro
Mr. and Mrs. Lionel Sauvage
Paul and Judy Schaeffer
The Scharffenberger Family
Charles Schatz, MD and
Bambi Holzer Schatz
Mr. and Mrs. Michael L.
Robert E. Schneider Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Sciarra
The Seaver Institute
Mr. Gil Segel
Mr. and Mrs. John E. Seidel
Mrs. Terry Seidler
Mr. and Mrs. John Henry Seiter
Dr. and Mrs. Istvan Seri
David and Fela Shapell Family
Jody and Patti Shapiro
Stuart and Barbara Siegel
Cecile and Bernie Silver
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Simms
Victoria and Ronald Simms
B. K. Simon Family Charitable
Robert A. and Laurie M. Singer
Mr. Brad G. Slocum
Mr. and Mrs. Eric L. Smidt
Mr. and Mrs. Lance Smigel
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Smigel
Mrs. Suzan K. Smigel
Dr. and Mrs. Chadwick F. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. H. Russell Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Smith
Lon V. Smith Foundation
Ralph L. Smith Foundation
Ms. Robin A. Ferracone and
Mr. Stewart R. Smith
Ms. Valerie Sobel
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan D. Sokoloff
Mr. and Mrs. William C.
John and Kathy Sottile
Mr. Philip J. Spear
Mr. Steven Spielberg and
Mrs. Kate Capshaw
Mr. and Mrs. Joachim Splichal
Dr. and Mrs. Norman E.
Sprague III
Mr. Brian James Stack
Eugene and Marilyn Stein
Mr. and Mrs. George Steinkamp
Debbi and Brian Stern
Mr. and Mrs. Marc I. Stern
Sue and Ralph Stern
Mr. and Mrs. Walter V. Storm
Mr. Mark R. Strouse II
Leslie Swain and Bert Deixler
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Tang
Mrs. Nancy P. Taylor
Laney and Tom Techentin
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Tell
Flora L. Thornton Foundation
Dr. Vernon T. and
Mrs. Charlene Tolo
Ms. Lannie Tonnu and
Mr. Calvin Nguyen
Dr. and Mrs. Joshua Trabulus
Mr. and Mrs. K. Robert Turner
Mr. and Mrs. Jan M. Twardowski
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Twardowski
Mr. A. Ray Van Horn
Mr. and Mrs. Harry B. Vickman
Mrs. Kenneth Volk, Jr.
Geoff and Danielle Von der Ahe
Tom and Celeste Von der Ahe
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Wachtell
Noel and William Wade
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Wagenbach
Mr. and Mrs. Shaw B. Wagener
The Wagner Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. John B. Wagner
Wallis Foundation
Wasserman Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Wasserman
Mr. and Mrs. David D. Watts
Dorothy Currie Waugh
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Webb, Jr.
Ms. Melissa Weiler
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Weinberg
Frederick R. Weisman
Philanthropic Foundation
Cathy Siegel Weiss and Ken Weiss
Mrs. Edna Weiss
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin A. Weiss
Mindy D. Weiss
Michael R. Whalen
Billy and Audrey L. Wilder
Roberta G. Williams, MD
Ina Coleman, Alan J. Wilson and
Mrs. John C. Wilson, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Tim G. Wilson
Mrs. Mignon W. Winans
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Winston
Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Wirtz
Drs. Jane and Morton Woolley
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Worthe
Mrs. Susie Wright
Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Wyss
Mr. and Mrs. Alejandro
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Allan Yost
Dick and Judy Zeigler
Mrs. Ruth Ziegler
Mr. and Mrs. William R.
Susan and Edward Zolla
Ms. Ruth Harvey Zommick
For more information about
Children’s Circle of Care, please contact Stephanie Eversfield, director of
Annual Giving, at (323) 671-1710,
Arts Entertainment, Inc.
900 Manhattan, LLC
ABN AMRO Services Company
ACC Capital Holdings
Mr. and Mrs. William Ackerman
Adesa Cinc-Dayton
Adesa Phoenix
Dr. and Mrs. Robert Adler
Advanced Text & Data, Inc.
Mrs. Jean A. Aldrich
Alhambra Rotary Charities
Americans Contractors Indemnity
Amgen Foundation
Amie Karen Cancer Fund
Andraos Capital Management
Angelo, Gordon & Company
Mr. John M. Angelo
Anonymous Friends (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Judd Apatow
Arena Auto Auction
Lance Armstrong Foundation
Mr. Shane Astani
Auction Broadcasting
Company, LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Tony Azzi
The Emanuel Bachmann
Mr. and Mrs. Charles George
Bakaly, Jr.
Bank of America United Way
Barnes Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Barth
Baxter Healthcare Corporation
Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. Baxter
Mark and Linda Beisswanger
Mrs. Frank R. Belben
Mr. and Mrs. Phillip A. Belling
Mr. and Mrs. Tyler P. Bensinger
Bergen Foundation
Mr. Harold Berger
Mrs. Gwendolyn G. Betzold
BillMatrix Corporation
Stephen and Mary Birch
Ms. Lillian V. Bishop
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Bloch
Mr. and Mrs. Jon Bosse
Ms. Christine Bozigian
Mr. John G. Braun
Mr. and Mrs. Gabriel Brener
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Briskin
Ms. Grace Brothers
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bruni
William H. Bucher, MD
The Burke Group
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Bussjaeger
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Cane
Cardinal Health
Carroll, Kelly, Trotter, Franzen &
Mr. Mark Cendrowski and
Ms. Cynthia Glazar
Mr. and Mrs. David H. Chase
The William E. Chelew
Children Affected by AIDS
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Choate
Citigate Sard Verbinnen, Inc.
Arnold and Kay Clejan Charitable
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Clejan
Mr. Daniel Collins
Ms. Beth Colt and
Mr. Peter Simonds
Community Foundation of the
Jewish Federation of
Orange County
Conejo Courier & Cartage
Mr. and Mrs. Donn B. Conner
Mrs. Lillian R. Coolidge
Covington Capital Management
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Crawford
Mr. and Mrs. Jack G. Davidson
Mr. William J. Del Biaggio III
Mr. John R. Delfino
Ms. Florence R. Devine
Celine Dion Foundation
Disney Cast Community Fund
Carrie Estelle Doheny Foundation
Mrs. William H. Doheny
Ms. Judi Dolan
Dr. Pepper/Seven Up, Inc.
DSW Shoes
Mrs. Alfred Clayton Duckett, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph B. Earl
Mr. Daniel Edwards
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Efraim
Eight Man Football Coaches
El Adobe Corporation
El Cholo
The EMCO Group
Mr. Robert B. Emerson
EMI Music Publishing
Employees Community Fund of
Boeing California
Entact & Associates, LLC
FDI Computer Consulting
Mr. and Mrs. Jordan Feldstein
Fisch Family Foundation
Mr. Joseph Fisler
Ford Motor Company
Ms. Barbara J. Foreman
Foster’s Wine Estates Americas
Mr. Bobbi Frank
Fraternal Order of Eagles – Grand Aerie
From Maddi’s Closet
Front Line Management
Companies, Inc.
Ms. Carol Fuchs and
Mr. Martin Shafer
The Gale Family Foundation, Inc.
Endowment Funds
An endowed fund is a permanent fund established by a
donor or our board of trustees, where the principal funds
are held intact to ensure earning distributions in perpetuity. Annual interest earnings from an endowed fund
provide a predictable, stable stream of support for the hospital program specified by the donor. The minimum gift
to establish an endowment is $25,000. The following list
acknowledges donors who established permanent endowment funds to support exceptional patient care, scientific
research, and medical education.
Advanced Research Chair Endowment
Established by
Margaret Fleming Call
Allmand Endowment for Research
Anna Bing Arnold Autologous Bone Marrow
Transplant Endowment
Established by Peter Bing and the Bing Fund
Anna Bing Arnold Endowment for Nursing Research
Established by Henry C. Kent
Associates Endowment for Allergy
Associates Endowment for Cancer Biology Research
Associates Endowment for Cardiac Surgery
Associates Endowment for Cardiology at
The Heart Institute
Associates Endowment for Gastroenterology
Associates Endowment for Gene Therapy Research
Associates Endowment for General Pediatrics
Associates Endowment for Genetics
Associates Endowment for Hematology/Oncology
Associates Endowment for Infectious Disease Research
Associates Endowment for Molecular Biology Research
Associates Endowment for Molecular Genetics
Associates Endowment for Motion Analysis Research
Associates Endowment for Neurology
Associates Endowment for Neuroscience and
Imaging Research
Associates Endowment for Neurosurgery
Associates Endowment for Ophthalmology
Associates Endowment for Otolaryngology
Associates Endowment for Pediatric Cardiology
Associates Endowment for Pediatric Spine Disorders
Associates Endowment for Pediatric Surgery
Associates Endowment for Plastic Surgery
Associates Endowment for Radiology
Associates Endowment for Research Immunology and
Bone Marrow Transplant
Associates Endowment for Residents’ Education Fund
Associates Endowment for Rheumatology
Associates Endowment for Urology
Associates Fellowship in Respiratory Disorders
Associates Respiratory Disorders Program Fund
Avery Memorial Fund
In memory of Sarah Gorton Avery, Moses N. Avery and
L. Gordon Avery
Pauline de Coppet Bara Memorial Fund
Established by Lori de Coppet Bara
Barnes Family Endowment in Neurology
Established by Mrs. Barbara C. Barnes, Mr. and Mrs.
Robert John Barnes and Carat USA, Inc.
Belokamen Family Endowment in
Developmental Therapeutics
Established in honor of Lillian and David Belokamen
Judy Bennis Patient Enrichment Fund
Bing Endowment in Adolescent Medicine
Established by Anna Bing Arnold
Bing Endowment in Child Psychiatry
Established by Anna Bing Arnold
Neil Bogart Chair in Leukemia Research
Established by the Bogart Pediatric Cancer Research
Program of the T. J. Martell Foundation
Brady Bunch Room Fund
Established by Mr. and Mrs. Sherwood Schwartz
Brain Tumor Immunology Endowment
Established by Concern II
Carol Young Brooke Foundation Endowment Fund for
Children’s Needs
Brophy-Wilson Surgical Follow-up Clinic
Endowment Fund
Established by Hazel E. Wilson
Ida V. Buxton Memorial Endowment Fund
Dr. Richard Call Chair in Research Administration
Established by Kathryn C. Thompkins
Dr. Richard Call Endowment for
Research Administration
Established by Dr. Richard Call and H. Russell Smith
Christopher Leonard Campbell Endowment Fund for
AIDS Research
Established by Mr. and Mrs. William F. Campbell
Martha and Larry Campos Endowment Fund
Capital Maintenance Endowment Fund
Established by Dolly Green and Peggy Slater
Christopher Carrey Cancer Research Endowment
Established by Mr. and Mrs. Neil Carrey
Childrens Endowment Fund
Established by an anonymous donor
Childrens Hospital Institute for Medical Education
Established by an anonymous donor
Childrens Hospital Los Angeles Comfort and
Pain Management Service Endowment
Established by the physicians of the Childrens Hospital
Department of Anesthesiology and Critical Care
Minnie S. Claffey Memorial Endowment Fund
Established by Henry Amos Claffey
Jewell Budd Cohan Endowment Fund
Hugh and Audy Lou Colvin Chair in Cancer Research
Established by the Colvin Foundation
Community, Health Outcomes and Intervention
Research (C.H.O.I.R) Program Endowed Chair
Established with gifts from Dr. Cheryl Saban and
Mr. Haim Saban and the Saban Family Foundation
Comprehensive Cystic Fibrosis Center Endowment
Established by Chun-I Wang, MD and
Frances L. Chiang
Shannon Crandall, Jr. Memorial Fund
Established by Helen Fullerton Crandall
Carson Russell Crouch Endowment
Established by family and friends of Carson Russell
Kate Crutcher Associate and Affiliate Endowment
Mary and Gary Damsker Special Needs Fund
Bart and Cheryl Dickins Family Endowment
Dr. George N. Donnell Endowment in the
Department of Pediatrics
Established by Dr. and Mrs. Leonard Dauer and
associates of Dr. Donnell
Palmer Gross Ducommun Endowment Fund
Established by Charles E. Ducommun and the
Ducommun and Gross Foundation
Gabriel C. Duque, Jr. Memorial Endowment
Established by friends and family of Gabriel C.
Duque, Jr.
Mary Duque Emeritus Endowment
Established by friends and family of Mary Duque
Mary Duque Endowment Fund
Frances Dyke Endowment for Plastic Surgery
Joan Elko Fund for Cancer and Blood Disease Research
Established by Mr. and Mrs. Edward R. Elko
Ellison Family Research Career Development
Fellowship Endowment
Established by Carol and Leon Ellison
Emergency Services Nursing Education Endowment
Established by Deborah P. Henderson, RN
Endowment for the Developmental Biology Program
Established by the Santa Anita Foundation
Jack Epstein Endowment for Cancer Research,
Education and Patient Care
Marjorie Cranfield Evans Endowment
Sophia Fitzmaurice Endowment for
Thalassemia Research
Mildred Vivian Foutz Endowment Fund
Established by Dr. Reynold L. Foutz
Mary Frann Endowment Fund for Adolescent Medicine
Established by John E. Cookman, Jr. and friends
Rosalie Friedman Children’s Book Endowment Fund
for Cystic Fibrosis
Established by Shol Friedman
General Research Endowment Fund
Established by Nancy O’Fallon in memory of
Harris T. O’Fallon
Burton E. Green Endowment for
Pediatric Neuropathology
Established by his children, Dorothy Green,
Liliore Green Rains and Burton Green Bettingen
The Green House Endowment for Surgical Research
The Green House Research Endowment Fund
William Randolph Hearst Endowment Fund for the
RN Residency in Pediatrics
Established by The
William Randolph Hearst
Jack C. and Doris C. Helms Chair in Neural Tumors
Audrey Hepburn CARES Team Endowment
Established by the Audrey Hepburn Childrens Fund
Edwin W. Hively Memorial Fund
Marian O. Hooker Endowment
Donald and Marjorie Howley Cancer Center
Endowment Fund
Hurlbut-Johnson Charitable Trusts Endowment
The Jonnie Fund for Leukemia Research
Established in honor of Jonnie Lanners by his family
and friends
Mark R. Jouett Fund
Established by Gladys K. Jouette
Jack and Gioia Kalvin Patient Care Endowment
Myron Karon Fellowship Endowment Fund
Established by Mr. and Mrs. Maxwell Salter
Myron Karon Memorial Lectureship in
Pediatric Hematology Endowment Fund
Francine R. Kaufman Endocrinology Endowment
Established by friends of the Center for Endocrinology,
Diabetes and Metabolism
W. M. Keck Foundation Dental Division Endowment
W. M. Keck Foundation Pediatric Surgery Endowment
Sally and Stephen Keller and Fairchild Martindale
Foundation Urology Endowment
Kellerman Health Promotion and Outcomes Program
in the Childrens Center for Cancer and
Blood Diseases Endowment
Established by Drs. Faye and Jonathan Kellerman
Adam Hunter Knizek Memorial Endowment Fund
Established by Summa Group Children’s Foundation,
and the family and friends of Adam Hunter Knizek
Las Madrinas Endowment for Cardiovascular Research
Las Madrinas Endowment for Experimental
Therapeutics for Ophthalmology
Las Madrinas Endowment for Gene, Immune and
Stem Cell Therapy Research
Las Madrinas Endowment for Hematopoietic
Stem Cell Research
Las Madrinas Endowment for Molecular Genetics
Las Madrinas Endowment for Molecular Oncology
Las Madrinas Endowment for Molecular Pathology
Las Madrinas Research Endowment Fund
Betty Learned Memorial Fund
Established by friends and family of Betty Learned
Kent Lee Memorial Fund for Leukemia Research
Established by Dortha S. Lee
Lisa Rowe Legg Endowment
Established in honor of John and Onoria A. Rocca and
Christina Rocca Rowe
Leire Family Endowment Fund
Established by Tom and Merydith Leire

for the time
period of
January 1, 2006
December 31, 2006
Colleen Lenihan and John Dylan Lenihan
“Care to Cure” Juvenile Diabetes Fund
Established by Variety – The Children’s Charity of
Southern California, Tent 25
Octavia W. and Winifred O. Little Memorial
Orthopaedic Endowment Fund
Established by Dora Conkling and Winifred Little
Lexie Looker Educational Endowment
Established by The Looker Foundation
Los Angeles Clippers Foundation Endowment
Lozano Family Endowment in Pediatric Epilepsy
Alfred and Maybell Machris Research Fund
J.W. Marriott Otolaryngology Communicative
Disorders Fund
Harold and Fern McAlister Endowment
Harold and Fern McAlister Research Endowment
L.M. McOmie Endowment Fund
Medical Library Endowment Fund
Established with gifts in memory of staff physicians,
Dr. Dietrich, Dr. Berkley, Dr. Lyttle and Dr. Clement
Fannie B. Miller Memorial Fund
Established by William M. Zang
Irene C. and M. Kinzie Miller Surgical Equipment
Nick and Lillian Moss Fund
Della M. Mudd Resident Endowment Fund
Musculoskeletal Oncology Endowment
Established with gifts from RE/MAX Beach Cities
Realty and grateful families
Robert and Leslie Nafie Endowment Fund
Carl and Elizabeth Naumann Endowment for
Kidney Dialysis and Transplant
Neonatology Endowment Fund
Established by Violette E. Lipshin
Harry B. Neustein Memorial Endowment
Established by Dr. Joseph Neustein
Hoa Kim Nguyen and Xuan Si Nguyen Endowment
Established by the Zolla Family Foundation, the blaZrs
Chinese New Year Dinner Society, and Joseph Nguyen
and Family
The Kenneth T. and Eileen L. Norris Foundation
Endowment for Otolaryngology Research
Notkin Family and Zachary Barnet Rosen Chair in
Pediatric Diabetes
Established by Mr. and Mrs. Shelby Notkin
Ophthalmology Endowment Fund
Established by Sherwood and Mildred Schwartz
George and Juliette Page Endowment for
Gene Therapy Program
Jane Vruwink Palmer Cancer Research Endowment
Ernest H. and Dora H. Parker Endowment Fund
Pasadena Guild Endowment for Adolescent Medicine
Pasadena Guild Endowment for Bone and
Soft Tissue Tumor Research
Pasadena Guild Endowment for Developmental Biology
Pasadena Guild Endowment for Pediatric Eye Cancer
Pasadena Guild Endowment for Pediatric Surgery
Pediatric Spine Disorders Endowment
Established by Dorothy Rosen and friends of
Childrens Hospital Los Angeles
Jane Browne Petersen Endowment in honor of
Margaret Gray Browne
Sidney and Nancy Petersen Fund
Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Endowment
Established by Mary Joan Palevsky
Arnold C.G. Platzker, MD Fellows’ Research
and Education Endowment for the Division of
Established by former graduates who trained under Dr.
Stanley and Jessica Prescott Memorial Visiting
Professorship in Pediatric Pulmonology Endowment
Morris and Mary Press “Humanism” Award Fund
Established by the Press Foundation
Jerry Price Seizure Clinic Endowment Fund
Established by F.S. Markham
Radiology Endowment Fund
Established by Anna M. Sanborn in memory of the
Sanborn family
Bennie C. Reagan Endowment in the Childrens Center
for Cancer and Blood Diseases
Rehabilitation Center Endowment Fund
Contributions by the Associate and Affiliate Groups
John F. Reinisch, MD Pediatric Plastic Surgery
Established by contributions to the Division of
Plastic Surgery
Chase Richards Child Life Endowment
Established by Robin and Susan Richards
Warren and Carolyn Richards Allergy Grand Rounds
Beatrice Richardson Endowment for Patient Beds
Lewis and Gladys Roberts Endowment Fund
Established by Shirlee A. Roberts
Kelli Kason Rooney Endowment for the Childrens
Center for Cancer and Blood Diseases
Established by Jennifer Cue
Linda Rosen Pediatric Pulmonary Research Fund
Established by Mrs. Dorothy Rosen
Meta and George Rosenberg Vision Center
Established by the Meta and George Rosenberg
Stephanie Knox Ross Cancer Research Endowment
Established by Mr. and Mrs. George Green
Philip Rothman Chair in Medical Teaching
Established by an anonymous donor
The Saban Research Institute of Childrens Hospital
Los Angeles Endowment Fund
Established by a gift from Dr. Cheryl Saban and
Mr. Haim Saban and the Saban Family Foundation
The Saban Research Institute of Childrens Hospital
Los Angeles Program Endowed Chair in
Established by a gift from Dr. Cheryl Saban and
Mr. Haim Saban and the Saban Family Foundation
Claiborn A. Saint Endowment
Established by an anonymous donor
Santa Anita Research Endowment
Larry Schmolle Memorial Endowment
Established by Mr. and Mrs. John B. Schmolle
Stuart E. Siegel Chair in Pediatric Oncology
Established by an anonymous donor
Melanie Silverman Bone and Soft Tissue Tumor
Established by friends and family of Melanie Silverman
Herbert Simon Stem Cell Research Endowment
Ruth and Jerome Simon Memorial Fund
Jacob Singer Endowment
Established by the family and friends of Jacob Singer
Jack H. Skirball Fellowship
Established by The Skirball Foundation
Smigel Chair for Stem Cell Research
Established by the family of Suzan K. Smigel
Cameron Stewart Smith Chair in Brain Tumor Biology
Established by the H. Russell Smith Foundation
Cameron Stewart Smith Chair in Radiation-Oncology
Established by Mr. and Mrs. H. Russell Smith
The H. Russell Smith Foundation Endowed Chair in
Cardiothoracic Research
Established by the H. Russell Smith Foundation
H. Russell Smith Research Award Endowment
Established by the H. Russell Smith Foundation
Dr. and Mrs. William Snyder, Jr. and Dr. and
Mrs. Lawrence Chaffin Endowed Visiting
Professorship for the Division of Pediatric Surgery
Established by Dr. Morton Woolley and Dr. Lawrence
Chaffin in memory of Dr. William Snyder
Spiritual Care Guild Endowment
Harry Tipton Steck and Florence Bartlett Steck
Memorial Fund
Julie Elizabeth Steffey Memorial Fund
Established by Dr. J.M. Steffey
Stone Family Endowment
Established by Robert and Nancy Stone
Dr. Victor E. Stork Awards Fund
Established by Mr. and Mrs. Frazer
Peter and Susan Strauss Cancer Research Endowment
Nancy and Mark Strouse Fund for Cancer and Blood
Diseases Research
Evelyn Clark and Elbridge Hadley Stuart Plastic and
Reconstructive Surgery Endowment Fund
Survivors Day Endowment
Established by Strategic Financial Group and
Northwestern Mutual Foundation
Wanda and Charles Swett Research Endowment
Tianna Teegarden Memorial Endowment
Established by friends and family of Tianna Teegarden
Flora Thornton Kids N Fitness
Program Endowment
Takeji Kay and Anita Torimaru Cancer Center
Endowment Fund
Mark Towner Orthopaedic Endowment Fund
Established by Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Towner
Vision Center Endowment
Established by gifts to The Vision Center
Geoffrey Von Der Ahe, Jr. Endowment
Established with gifts from Geoff and Danielle
Von Der Ahe, friends and family
James F. Ward and Agnes N. Ward Memorial Fund
Established by Marion Merrill Bateman
Robert Ward Memorial Endowment Fund
Ruth Evans Watkins Memorial Endowment for Cancer
Ariel Kaare Rosholt Weathers-Lowin Endowment Fund
Established by Leeam Weathers-Lowin
Karen Maile Webster Cancer Research Endowment
Roger E. Wheeler Endowment
Established by Janet G. Williamson
The Laura P. and Leland K. Whittier Virtual Pediatric
Intensive Care Unit Endowment Fund
Established by the L. K. Whittier Foundation
Kenneth O. Williams, MD Chair in Bone and
Soft Tissue Tumor Research
Established by Mr. and Mrs. William Close and Family
Anne O’Melveny Wilson Chair in
Pediatric Intensive Care
Anne Wilson Endowment for Nursing Excellence
Established by the Associate Groups
John C. Wilson, Jr. Chair in Orthopaedic Surgery
Established by an anonymous donor
John C. Wilson, Sr. Visiting Professor Endowment
Established by Dr. John C. Wilson, Jr.
Mignon W. Winans Chair in Neuroblastoma
Ryan Winston Family Chair in Transplant Cardiology
Established by Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Winston
Frances Nunnally Winzer Residency Fund
Mrs. George A. Winzer Fund
Brooke Young Chaplaincy Chair
Funds established in calendar year 2006 are listed in bold.
If you have any questions about setting up an endowment
fund with a gift of $25,000 or more, please contact David
D. Watts, associate vice president of Major and Planned
Gifts, at (323) 671-1752, or



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